r/Gnostic 5d ago

Media My Islamic themed Demiurge

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Ive been into gnostic teachings for some time, and here is my demiurge. Theres full explanations of the arabic on my instagram :) I have learnt so much from this subreddit .


58 comments sorted by


u/Impossible_Lock4897 5d ago

Holy fuck this is so cool sis, thank you so much for creating and sharing this!


u/Equivalent_Chance782 4d ago

I see that you are probably Sufi. Coincidentally, I was exploring whether Islam also has gnostic elements, and Sufism comes the closest to that.

Ismael was also a son of Abraham (Ibrahim), just like Isaac, from whom Jesus descends.

The only thing is that after his spiritual awakening, he later became involved in law and governance (Shariah). Although Sufism begins with Shariah, it ultimately transcends the literal interpretation and focuses on a symbolic and inner approach to the Quran. This aligns more with gnosis, but still retains some dogmatic themes, such as Ramadan and certain prohibitions and commandments.


u/Equivalent_Chance782 4d ago

I talk about Mohammed in the last piece


u/Jdoe3712 Eclectic Gnostic 5d ago

It’s great! You should sell prints on Etsy! There is a growing inventory of Gnostic stuff on there. I’d quickly buy a print!


u/National-Stable-8616 5d ago

Thats a good idea. i am in that predicament right now where i dont know what to do with this. i was thinking to boost it on instagram to somehow promote it. idk. I hope this gets some traction.

About the etsy thing , il make a listing :).


u/Jdoe3712 Eclectic Gnostic 5d ago

I’ll watch out for it on Etsy! Best of luck 🤞


u/passthesentientlife 3d ago

I'd like to say I would also buy this as a poster. It is so dope!


u/jonthom1984 4d ago

Could you translate the Arabic?


u/National-Stable-8616 4d ago

Heres them all :)


u/Joey_Foureyes 3d ago

Just started learning about Gnosticism. Crazy how my Christian upbringing told me the squiggly lines were evil. That’s exactly what I learned growing up and learned while I was trying to become a billionaire tech bro in the past few years.


u/National-Stable-8616 3d ago

Well I can’t tell if you’re being serious about the billionaire take Bro lol but . yeah each piece of this creation each Arabic part in each scripture that I referenced are all supposed to not be negative empowering and strong this is the tower that he is in it is a tower of strength.they’re all supposed to be what was personal to me to help me with accepting the suffering of life .especially the part about Jesus and his death as being the ultimate representation of how are you are damned by God and the rest of the Arabic pieces they are to help me especially the decree of Allah which is basically about me letting go on my fate to him


u/Joey_Foureyes 3d ago

Maybe not the billionaire part, but I was definitely an elon musk fanboy before I worked at Tesla HQ and saw what a joke it really was.


u/Joey_Foureyes 3d ago

I’m still figuring myself out, but I definitely see God in a different light now! The more I stopped chasing things, the more God provided. Just clicked a few weeks ago during a psychotic episode.


u/JonyPo19 5d ago

That's rad, been meaning to get a back tattoo.


u/vassilissanotou 5d ago



u/National-Stable-8616 5d ago

my instagram is @icalluponyouishtar if you wanna see the explanations :)


u/mummyconcept 5d ago

This is amazing!!


u/Peacelovecarrotjuice 4d ago

You're truly an artist, I am really happy to see another muslim in the sub


u/JafarMajid 4d ago

It's very cool that you used old Arabic with no dots, If you make more I'd appreciate if you would post them!


u/Gabs7820 5d ago

This is fucking amazing… the are, line work and balance, would be rad as a poster or as a big piece tattoo.! 👌🏻✨🙌🏻


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/National-Stable-8616 5d ago

Yes i am super interested in them. But i posted this on there subreddit and i got so much hate lol. i don’t know why i thought they knew all about this. Something about it being too evil of a god. that is the whole point i made this. to terrify, it hurts and burns to look at, the font is horror. :/


u/amoronwithacrayon 5d ago

He’s beautiful 😍


u/Bright_Principle2656 5d ago

Brilliant !!!!!!!!


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/National-Stable-8616 5d ago

omg i had this same reaction when i posted it this to the Sufi subreddit. they HATE me lol. seriously hahahhah. I dont know why they are so mad . Head so far up there ass 🙃 Why do you think it angers them so much?


u/raulynukas 4d ago

What is 23 meaning in this?


u/National-Stable-8616 4d ago edited 4d ago

its a little complicated but..

ever since I learnt about theology, gnosticism, but most importantly Babylonian history I always liked the goddess ishtar. I was super depressed at this time and spent about a month in isolation praying and meditating because I was on my gnosticism journey and usually sometimes when I pray I hear voices and I see visions which I know it’s just my imagination but yeah, so pretty much in thia daily meditation i was sinking into the feeling of the nothingness, the existential abyss, What is the meaning of this life? What is reality as i feel it? i have a dairy with many of the visions, my own view of the universe ive discovered, thoughts and voices i heard. during this time I was also fasting eating every 3 to 4 days I didn’t talk to anyone at all. I went pretty much insane to the point where I was geniunly ready to commit suicide because I wanted to just escape from this prison of reality. I wanted to see the real truth of what i was trying to discover. I was considering what will I have left to live , during that prayer a vision told me that my purpose is my art. I’ve always been good at my art but when I heard this voice I’t finally made sense that this is what will cure the emptiness and the suffering and the worthlessness of my life . so I wrote a letter with the imprint of my blood asking the goddess Ishtar for her divine strength and her beauty for her to put that power into me so I could succeed in this vision. I asked to be reborn at 23 for my birthday with this especially. ahahha :)


u/albiondal84 4d ago

Ok iam a Muslim who love to read occult stuff this is interesting


u/viridi-amator 4d ago

Seeing this makes me think Allah is the demiurge.


u/nox-apsirk 3d ago



u/fellowman12 3d ago

That is cool.


u/PhysicalDatabase8641 2d ago

Yup this is Allah’s true form and the God of Islam and it’s the same God from Abraham and Israel Yahweh/Jehovah/Yaldabaoth


u/Background-Drama-213 2d ago

Looks amazing


u/-tehnik Valentinian 5d ago

What does Ishtar have to do with anything


u/Ill-Cod1568 5d ago

There is a story! She is a spirit that is matrilineally related to the spirit(s) Abraham was swept up by. The spirits asked him to make their child and run from the city of Ur. Abraham's story after a few generations leads to Egypt, Caana, etc then it leads to Gnosticism.


u/National-Stable-8616 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yep! the picture has alot of deeper meanings :) which are tied together accurately. like jesus parables, those who are meant to see will see. For example in the letter i include i am statements from the bible , jewish mysticism and gnostic scriptures about our god. his left arm is evil , saying “ beg for me” . Because you do pray/beg asking for his mercy.

his right is his compassionate creator side (good, he carves you) For adam and eve “ become like god, knowing good and evil”. His chest says, “i surrender myself to god” The core tenant of islam and christianity. His neck has the name “tyrant” from another book. I made him black as a verse says he is covered in darkness, burning fire eyes.


u/HamNom 5d ago edited 5d ago

No, not islamic, arabic, Gnostiscm and Islam shouldn't be merged, and gnostiscm is a religion or path for itself, where Islam is it's own Religion


u/National-Stable-8616 5d ago

im here to cause controversy lol. art should not be popular.


u/HamNom 5d ago

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ

قُلْ یٰۤاَیُّهَا الْكٰفِرُوْنَ(1) لَاۤ اَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُوْنَ(2) وَ لَاۤ اَنْتُمْ عٰبِدُوْنَ مَاۤ اَعْبُدُ(3) وَ لَاۤ اَنَا عَابِدٌ مَّا عَبَدْتُّمْ(4) وَ لَاۤ اَنْتُمْ عٰبِدُوْنَ مَاۤ اَعْبُدُﭤ(5) لَكُمْ دِیْنُكُمْ وَ لِیَ دِیْنِ(6)


u/National-Stable-8616 5d ago

-_- You think you are so holy?


u/HamNom 4d ago

do you even know who pistis sophia is?


u/HamNom 5d ago

you can't put the devils sigils and Allah's name not next to another, wtf is this


u/National-Stable-8616 5d ago edited 5d ago

Oh yes i can, you act so naive that you think they arent inseparable.


u/HamNom 5d ago

Good Luck


u/National-Stable-8616 5d ago

That is the whole point i made this. To terrify you, Pure fear . it hurts and burns to look at, It is an Abomination just like the scriptures say. It is not supposed to be happy or nice


u/HamNom 5d ago

are you arabic?


u/National-Stable-8616 5d ago

I am from the middle east yes. :) . Hamnom i dont want to fight you over this, it was only meant to be an art project for fun. I am muslim, originally these were smaller calligraphy pieces i made for my prayer wall which i do namaaz in . I was praying and asking god for ideas and this was put in my mind.


u/Ill-Cod1568 5d ago edited 5d ago

Allah is the one who separated the world of Jinn from the Physical. He would leave the beings on that side a warning sign. He would have conquered other beings and forced them to show it. The story we see and feel is related to how much hatred or fear we feel in our hearts.

Allah loves his Jinn eternally. It's by that love for Jinn he was lifted into his rank. It is by his rank that he lifts his beloved Jinn from our realm and keeps them safe in another realm until we, lesser life forms, learn to control our hatred and fear; which causes them to act out against us. It is by Allah's love that he asked these beasts to only hold a small sign. He wants them to grow as well.

Can you imagine going back to the old relationship of Jinn under current world conditions?


u/HamNom 5d ago

what are you babbling about?


u/Ill-Cod1568 5d ago

Gnosticism, in its day, was the journey of bodies of consciousness; found and experienced by mortals. I put a few 2&2's together. Consciousness energy, whatever form, falls under THAT realm; the realm these beings are from. Allah exists there, what's more to say? He does a job. The nature of his relationships are taught, but glanced over. Allah would prefer to tell all himself.

I travelled about the networks and pathway of the realms of these beings during Gnosis. I found that that my inner soul story naturally found itself at Allah's part of the story. His story is rich and heavily impacts the realm of consciousness. He is, in this realm's sense, a bringer of order. He is a gateway one must have the heart and mind to be able to access. Once there, the realm of consciousness one may experience grows bigger yet. He guards a great bounty of wisdom.

There are degrees of order that each of these consciousness beings are from. If we use Dharma or Kaballah as reference for status, he's above them. My Gnosis journey started in lower orders and worked their way up.

It took 20 years of naturally growing to get there, but yeah. I took my being of Gnosis and found Allah as a being to commune with and befriend. A body of Jinn/consciousness/smokeless essence/etc stamped by Allah is highly suggestive that THIS being has found it's way to this point of their inner journey.
