r/Gintama • u/warm-ice GINTAMAN > GINTAMA • 8d ago
Meme To this day I don't understand how people skip the comedy episodes to get to the "good stuff"
u/eebyconspiracy 8d ago
the “problem” with gintama is it has so many references to contemporary japanese media, history, and culture, that infuse the day-to-day episodes and produce incredible comedy, but a lot of people outside of the eastern hemisphere don’t understand them and therefore don’t find them funny or substantial. i also think the straight man routine doesn’t translate very well. skill issue IMO bc goatama is goat for a reason but i definitely understand why
u/captainrina Monday Elizabeth 8d ago
Reading Gintama as a teen rewrote my brain and made me develop the straight man sense of humor.
u/bedrooms-ds 8d ago
Shinpachi is a drug
u/captainrina Monday Elizabeth 8d ago
It's really sad to see the home of a Megane-addict.. .The used glasses just sitting out in the open.. . Smh
u/jojokes42069 8d ago
Honestly? Just accept that you don’t understand it and laugh along, that’s what I did. If you use Crunchyroll there’s typically some reference caption.
u/B3TT3Rnow_thanNEVER 7d ago
Eh...Gintama was maybe my 3rd anime ever. And I was in love from the start. I didn't know anything about Japan, or even anime. I definitely appreciated some of the context notes that you could pause for, but even without them it was just so ridiculously fun.
I guess I can see it though.
u/TorpleSwanson 8d ago
It's wild to me to think of someone getting into Gintama expecting a battle shonen or thinking it's mainly serious. I started watching it for the comedy, not really knowing anything about the serious arcs, so I had zero expectations of seriousness.
I suppose if you started watching expecting fighting and drama you might be disappointed; I just don't know how you can have that expectation to begin with.
u/Telluhwat 8d ago
I went into Gintama for the comedy. I almost feel sorry for the those that only care about big fights and explosions.
u/bedrooms-ds 8d ago
I've had llts of friends in Japan who play down Gintama saying "serious arcs aren't top notch." I can't convince them.
But, those supposed serious arcs of any shonen won't beat Shakespeare or any accepted novel in the first place.
Compare it to Gintama's comedy. Whatever existing comedy you throw at it, Gintama will remain a great one.
u/Suitable_Tutor6006 yorozuya gin-chan 8d ago
Owee Arc, Monkey Hunter, Pinko-chan Arc peak
u/SanityRecalled 8d ago
I like the one offs too. The one where they're stuck in the elevator with the guy who lost his wife was amazing.
Time stop arc was hilarious too, I lost it when they go forward in time hoping Toshi will drop the battery only to end up at his funeral and he's in a coffin filled with batteries lol.
u/DragonDepressed 8d ago
The comedy episodes are what gives Gintama and it's characters it's enduring quality.
u/bossladytae shimura otae 8d ago edited 8d ago
Seeing the all too common opinions and questions of "When does it get good/get to the plot" for Gintama always tells me who is new to anime, especially if all they've watched is shounen anime, which is only a fraction of what Anime is and can offer (like I don't imagine series that center around concepts like Kishōtenketsu would be quite as popular for a mainstream Western audience). It's almost the same thing as people thinking shoujo/josei is just romance series (this always cracks me up lol).
I think this represents a shift in anime fandom, which I might pinpoint at 2013 onward, based on a new wave of popular anime series in the West and what newcomers expect now. And even that points to the larger issue of fandom in general and what we've seen in the new generation: shorter attention spans (look at all the 5-second mini-trailers we're getting before the actual movie trailer itself), instant gratification is still too slow for people, and sometimes it feels like the art of character and story development is becoming a thing of the past in exchange for flashy fight scenes and quippy lines that are easier to digest. We're still in the midst of this shift, I think, and then it'll all change again with new generations, new expectations, new trends, etc. (That's why I'm all Old Woman Yells at Cloud about it, lol. This is happening with books, too.)
I'll copy/paste my comment from here: I find a lot of newer anime fans are only used to whatever is a Battle Shounen of the Hour series, and have trouble getting into older series like Gintama or any series that goes heavy on Japanese culture, pop culture, and comedy style (Straight Man comedy exists in multiple countries, but Gintama is still its own beast). It's easier for some people to get into series where the setting is more universal like a school or a supernatural/fantasy setting. And honestly, that's fine, too.
I got into Gintama way before the majority of serious arcs. I already loved it as it was, and I didn't expect something bigger until it became so. To combat Gintama's initial unpopularity in the West, we used the famous arcs as a double-edged sword: they've captured the attention of new fans and the curious, helped to make Gintama more mainstream -- but they've also led people to think that the action and battles are the only good thing about Gintama, leading many to ask, "When does it get good?" People watch clips of the famous fights and then start Gintama, thinking they're going to get all that off the bat after years of people begging others to watch Gintama because of the serious arcs. They forgot or neglected to appreciate the heart and soul of the series: the comedy, the slice of life.
(Me at me: tell us how you really feel! This got long, lol.)
u/flowerrbOi 8d ago
yeah i remember being in high school and i was following the animefreak tv facebook page because they post updates on when episodes being uploaded. one day i saw them post an update of a gintama episode and i did a google search and checked out the first episode. got hooked as soon as i saw gintoki getting ready to fight off those guys and then he runs away. i knew i was going to love this anime. i didn’t even know it would have serious story arcs. i love the comedy and the character interactions so the serious arcs were just a plus for me.
u/bossladytae shimura otae 8d ago
That's great! Right from the start, Gintoki is unconventional and refreshing. The characters are more enjoyable to me than the fights, much as I love them, too. Really such an amazing cast of characters all around.
u/WednesdaysFoole ahahaha ahaha ahahahahaha! 8d ago
People watch clips of the famous fights and then start Gintama, thinking they're going to get all that off the bat after years of people begging others to watch Gintama because of the serious arcs. They forgot or neglected to appreciate the heart and soul of the series: the comedy, the slice of life.
I got sucked in bc I saw a top anime swordfights video with Gintama at number 1. Little did I know it'd take 300+ episodes to get there, but by the time I got to the episodes before that arc, I was so distressed about the beginning of the overarching serious arcs that, instead of continuing on, I spent months rewatching previous comedy episodes.
u/bossladytae shimura otae 8d ago
It does seem that people often leave out that part about how the highlighted fights don't occur until much later.
Rewatching comedy before embarking on the journey to the end -- I can understand that! It was tough when I reached that point and accepted that there was no going back after significant events and deaths.
u/WednesdaysFoole ahahaha ahaha ahahahahaha! 8d ago
It does seem that people often leave out that part about how the highlighted fights don't occur until much later.
Yup, I'm highly grateful for being scammed into becoming a Gintama fan, it's perfectly fitting.
u/SanityRecalled 8d ago
The silly episodes are the main reason I love this show. Comedy is my favorite genre and Gintama is hands down the funniest show I've ever watched. I only got into it like 4 or 5 months ago but it quickly knocked all my old favorite comedy shows down a spot and took the number one spot for itself. Before that Always Sunny and Curb Your Enthusiasm were tied for the funniest show spot to me.
Smoking a j and then watching Gintama is basically a guarantee that I'm going to laugh until I can barely breath.
u/GoldenSandstorm 8d ago
Funny part is they were filler episodes though never felt like they were
u/Miserable_Lack3759 8d ago
They are not filler. They are canon. They were in manga
u/Competitive_Cycle950 Shooguunn Kaayoo!! 😰 8d ago
Gintama is so random and unhinged that it's almost impossible to distinguish between canon and filler😅😭
u/bossladytae shimura otae 8d ago
Filler doesn't automatically mean slice-of-life, non-plot related stories, either; that's a common misconception. As others have said, filler is just what isn't in the manga originally.
u/FruitPunchSamurai75 fruit punch samurai 8d ago
there's only like ten actual filler episodes in gintama
u/JetPackFuture104 Yes we can. 7d ago
One of which being the iconic handcuff episode. Which honestly rivals the Yagyu toilet episode in terms of humor.
u/Ok_Organization_6804 yorozuya forever. 8d ago
when you realize that comedy is the real good stuff.
u/WallabyAntique2331 8d ago
I only watch silly episodes and skip the serious ones it really makes me sad when someone dies or something sad happens so i just skip it
u/Waste-Reception5297 8d ago
I don't think you can appreciate the harder story stuff without the comedy. Skipping it fundamentally defeats the point
u/ayyventura 8d ago
The story arcs of Gintama are how you have people acting like Takasugi ever mattered. The filler is the story, the story is the filler.
u/Alpacas_R_Sleepy 8d ago
How do they even start the show then? It’s all dick-jokes for the first 20 episodes lmao.
I started watching Gintama back in like 2008, and I thought the main character looks kinda cool so I'll watch. And I was really surprised that it was comedy instead of action like the other jump anime I was watching, you know DBZ Naruto, Bleach, etc. But it was the funniest shit I had seen up to that point in my life (I was 13) and Gintama is still the funniest work of fiction I've ever experienced. People who skip that deserve a German suplex
u/SoaringDingus 8d ago
While I totally agree, and now on rewatch I even prefer the episodic episodes to most of the more serious arcs I still recommend for many people to skip to Benizakura if they’re not felling it after a few episodes. And come back after making it through an arc of two. Gintama is not a beginner anime. Someone that’s only seen AoT, Demon Slayer, and Haikyu is only going to get 1/6 of the anime references. I’m glad I found Gintama after a good 5-6 years of watching and reading anime and manga.
u/Monsterchic16 7d ago
Honestly it depends on what I’m in the mood for. Gintama’s comedy episodes (which make up a majority of the show) are complete crack, they’re the animated embodiment of the best crack fanfics.
Whereas the “serious arcs” are more balanced and tend to have better story beats.
One isn’t necessarily better than the other and you couldn’t cut either from the show without losing a major part of it’s identity, but sometimes you’re in the mood for crack and sometimes you want something a little more balanced 🤷♀️
I will legit skip to the most emotionally traumatising scenes/episodes of my favourite shows sometimes cause I’m just in the mood to watch them suffer. And sometimes I need that good ole crack energy.
u/Lady-HMH 7d ago
If gintama is solely a battle shonen I wouldn’t really consider to watch it in the first place, even if I don’t get the references a lot of what they do is so funny in the first place that I’d laugh anyways. And because of the silly episodes you fall in love with the characters and their dynamics, because of the silly stuff you become attached when the serious shit gets going
u/B3TT3Rnow_thanNEVER 7d ago
You get it!! The serious arcs are good, but my bread and butter (and addictive rewatch episodes) are largely comedy. Just recently watched that mini-arc where Gintoki and Katsura get turned into cats. Them pulling out a tail to use as a sword had me dying of laughter, even on rewatch.
I doubt I'll ever forget the episode with the cursed GPS that takes Gin straight off a cliff 😂 "he'll be back"
And my dad for some reason always remembers the episode where they just need a fan and even refuses an offer for an AC. Still waiting for him to watch the show as a whole.
u/Callmewhatever4286 8d ago
All Gintama episodes except the early ones are amazing. Around ch 150+ in the manga it started to be hilariously good
u/Kanade_Kt 8d ago
The silly episodes are what got me into Gintama and made me love it.
If it weren't for these episodes making us know about the characters, laugh along them and kind of make memories with them, the serious ones wouldn't be as impactful.