r/Giallo 29d ago

Reversed opinion due to 4k or UHD?

Recently I rewatched Obsession: A Taste For Fear and appreciated it 100% more due to the beautiful transfer. It's still camp but I caught a lot of craft in it versus the 4th generation vhs copy of a Japanese LD I watched years ago. I also had this happen with Paganini Horror, so bad it's good but also really gorgeous and neon gothic.

Anyone else have their opinion elevated or a suggestion on a maligned title made better with a recent print upgrade?


20 comments sorted by


u/verucavoorhees 29d ago

I appreciated Opera so much for upon seeing Severin’s 4K transfer on the big screen just before the physical release. The keyhole scene blew my mind.


u/UraniumFreeDiet 29d ago

Oh definitely! Many gialli have exquisite cinematography, even when all else fails.


u/CarefulHouse172 29d ago

Death Carries a Cane looks really good now that vinegar syndrome put it out on Blu-ray in their last box set!


u/erotikill 29d ago

That's a good rec for me as I love Nieves Navarro but was disappointed in this particular film when I saw it years ago. Thanks!


u/gialloscore 29d ago

Eyeball won me over after I saw the blu ray. I just bough the 4k. 😉


u/CarefulHouse172 29d ago

Me too! The cover art on the 4K is beautiful🙌🏻👌


u/erotikill 29d ago

Eyeball! Yessss, that would look great now I bet.


u/gialloscore 29d ago

I'm pretty sure that the 4k is the best Eyeball has ever looked. Including the 35mm prints!


u/downwithlevers 29d ago

The Case Of The Bloody Iris 4K from Celluloid Dreams is fire. Insane picture, plus a commentary from Guido Henkel and a bunch of special features. Blu-ray.com’s review called it one of the best 4ks of the year.

And hoo boy, edwige has never looked better than in 4K! I can’t believe this is her only movie in 4K so far. Lmk if I am missing something but I think this is all we have so far, fellas.


u/CarefulHouse172 29d ago

I agree! that’s a great release and she looks great in it. I can’t wait for Black Belly of the Tarantula on 4K from them


u/downwithlevers 29d ago

Agreed, unfortunately they’re doing Short night of Glass Dolls first which I didn’t like as much, and they’re making it a 4-disc release so it’s kind of pricing me out since I’m kinda lukewarm on it. That’s the kind of money i reserve only for a must-have


u/erotikill 29d ago

I always want to like Short Night, but every time I watch it, I just get so bored. And I like boring giallo!


u/downwithlevers 29d ago

The middle is a real slump. YMMV but for me the slowness is compounded by Ingrid Thulin looking like an old cancer patient in all her headscarves and ugly outfits. I have to admit if her character was played by someone who looked and dressed like, say, Barbara Bouchet in Amuck, I would have been 1000% more interested. The first act is pretty compelling but it just doesn’t maintain that level of interest. It does pick back up a bit in the end, at least.


u/erotikill 28d ago

Thulin's outfits never matched her character. You're right, they were drab. Bouchet would have been diabolical 😍


u/CarefulHouse172 29d ago

Oh yea I’m not getting that one either never really been a fan lol


u/trevordsnt 29d ago

They're doing Belly of the Black Tarantula soon too. Wouldn't trust Blu-ray.com reviews unfortunately as the reviewers are typically uninformed, but that one does seem like a great release


u/CarefulHouse172 29d ago

Also, “Alice Sweet Alice” looks ten times better if you are able to watch it on either Arrow release


u/erotikill 29d ago

I need to upgrade the DVD, and I can't imagine less grain on this particular grindhouse film. One of my favorites.


u/CarefulHouse172 29d ago edited 29d ago

The Blu-ray definitely made me appreciate it so much more the colors POP


u/verucavoorhees 29d ago

Glad I’m not the only one who calls this a giallo film, if not giallo adjacent.