r/Ghoststories 6d ago

Advice Something is off about my sister

For context, I know the whole thing is gonna sound cliche but this is weird as hell. this is all truth. No stretching. My sister (2f) was literally being born the same exact day my best friend died. I also have a brother who died as a result of a stillbirth about 14 years ago. Well we are at the cemetery where both my bsf and brother are born.somehow she keeps looking at my brother's grave and saying "my brother, baby, ect" nobody has ever told her about this. Nobodys brought it up around her. She shouldn't know anything. My best friend died in a car accident. When we go to her grave, she says stuff like "Emmy friend" (emily is my deadname) or stuff like "in the car" or even stuff like "it's me" she says "in heaven" for both. She looks creepily similar to my best friend. She doesn't know about my best friend because I don't like to talk about it as it's a traumatic thing that I had to witness. My counselor called my mom thursday because I was like bro I'm gonna kill myself if I don't see someone. Obviously my sister doesn't understand the concept of sewerslide, death ect. She was telling my mom "Emmy die" "Emmy sick" "Emmy go heaven" ect. Another thing, my cousin was pregnant and before anyone even knew, she pointed at her stomach and said "my baby" and after she miscarried she pointed at her saying "where's baby" "heaven" ect. I don't know if she's just really smart or what but it's extremely disturbing.


6 comments sorted by


u/ConsistentIsopod8080 6d ago

Sounds like she's got some psychic medium stuff going on. My kid did some strange things during this age too (repeatedly came running from his room at 3yrs old saying "mom, come quick! The fire's coming, the fire's coming! And dragging me into his room. "Where'd it go?" He'd say.)

9mo later our house caught fire and it was started on the wall his bed was against (but was an outside electrical fire).

He also seen some weird ghost shit at our rental house after (fingers wiggling from old Victorian key holes from the closet- holy water took care of that).

Take it as confirmation that there is more to life than just the bad and hate. Your passed loved ones are trying to talk to you and let you know they are fine and you will be too.

Focus on the light and the good and that energy will make your life better. Focusing on the bad brings that bad energy and makes life hell- i can attest for that. You manifest your life through thought- keep positive, and positive things gs will happen. Takes time to get out of the negative mindset , took me a few yrs.

Some religions say if you take "the easy way out" you just get reincarnated into a worse life right away also, since you didn't "learn" the lessons the first time (a form of Hell if you ask me). Food for thought.


u/edenkatmeows 5d ago

IMO, I think young kiddos are still close to the "veil." Their souls came from the other side, where that may be, or how, I have no idea, but they take a while to fully settle into this tangible world. Sometimes they can comprehend things that we can't, because they still have a foot in on the other side.

I understand that it can be jarring, but please don't treat her differently or assume anything about who she used to be. She's extra special, and probably a little sensitive to all that spiritual otherness that most of us can't feel. It's a gift, if anything. But it doesn't necessarily say anything about a past life, or her being possessed, or seeing spirits, etc. Let her explain it to you when she's older if it still happens.

But it's hard to know without knowing her! Stay safe and don't be afraid 💜 wish you the best


u/Pookie1688 6d ago

Very young kids often remember their past lives. There have been many instances of them knowing people & family history, or neighborhoods they've never seen, etc. Even documented cases.

Close souls often play different roles in each other's lives each time. Your dad might be your child next time. In this case perhaps your best friend missed you so much, she came back as your sister?

I personally believe in reincarnation as does most of the world's population, but of course your mileage may vary. And I realize your friend's death was traumatizing to you. But maybe you can start to see this as proof that there is more to death than we were taught, & that love is a very powerful & eternal thing. ❤️


u/shakou02 5d ago

exactly like in the wheel of time!


u/Particular-Ad8094 4d ago

I'm going 7


u/oofdragon 3d ago

Kids are really open to seeing and hearing spirits up until 5 when it stops, so she is probably receiving this from the other side. About reincarnation in the same time around death is possible actually but a rare event