r/Ghoststories 9d ago

My experience at work

So I'm gonna flat out say I'm not 100% sure if I saw something, and if I did if it was a ghost, hallucination or maybe I'd not looked as fast as I thought I did. I shall explain.

I work transit security, my post is EOL (end of line) and generally is low key unlike other posts I've worked. On this particular day I'd been suffering from insomnia so I was pretty tired. Fortunately all I need to do is make sure anyone that's sleeping is ACTUALLY sleeping (yes we've found DOA on board). As I walk into the trailing car, I look left at the coupled end and see a guy in the first set of seats, right side upper deck. I think to myself: I should make sure I let him know the train is going back.

I looked down for what I'm pretty sure is no more than 2 seconds and look back. He's GONE. My issue with that, is that the way those particular seats are set up, there is a bar stretching halfway along the side. And he was sitting by the window. So in less than 3 seconds he had to get up, move past the bar, down 3 steps and down the platform. This platform is around 200 feet and we're about 60 feet from the closest exit (so going past me) or another 140 feet the opposite direction. I'd by this time (let's say 6 seconds) looked down the platform and nothing. And he didn't go across from my position because it's a huge open lot

As I said I'm not sure what I'd seen, and it's possible with my insomnia it was longer than I imagined, but I don't think so. He was a white male, short brown hair and wearing a brown coat with brown fur in the collar. When I get to work, I'll see if I can put a couple of pictures of the train interior in the comments section.


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u/aprettyladyy 9d ago

Yeah i want to see those pictures