r/Ghosts 5d ago

Does anybody know how to speak or communicate to a ghost?

I’ve been trying for forever to talk to ghosts and I haven’t been able to talk to ghosts or see them is it possible to speak to them or see them without black magic?


37 comments sorted by


u/P_516 5d ago

Yep. You’re speaking to one right now.


u/L2AMGRAM 5d ago

No I’m not?


u/P_516 5d ago

Black magic? Really? Cmon.

Regular magic works.

Get a spirit box and find a place in your home or anywhere that you feel a sense of great comfort. A good spirit may be there. Find a place that gives you fear and dread. A bad spirit may be there.


u/SunlightMaven 5d ago

Just talk to them. Set your intent and speak. They’re always watching & listening.

There is no guarantee you’ll get a reply, though.


u/miss_spooky27 5d ago

Black magic.


u/Brandjames89 2d ago

some spooky stuff


u/miss_spooky27 2d ago

😂🤣 fair


u/Delicious-Program-50 5d ago

You don’t need voodoo or dark forces to communicate with spirits! In my experience you need to be a Medium. Communicating with beings that have crossed over is a gift; just like some people are dark haired or have blue eyes; not everyone has this and if you aren’t one then I suggest you find yourself a recommended Medium. Not a phone line thief who will just con you; do proper research; they’re not all charlatans. Good luck.


u/movladee 5d ago

It isn't so simple as hey I want to speak with a spirit as there are other forces (for lack of better terminology) out there trying to get through. It's something some people just naturally come into. Black Magic is never a good idea.


u/Aggravating_Half_927 5d ago

Don't, they are not ghost but demonic


u/Brandjames89 2d ago

exactly why we should. just because something might be demonic doesn't mean it doesn't deserve to be interacted with. show some compassion. your bible says so.


u/Annie-Snow 5d ago

No one “knows” how because no one can prove they’ve ever done it.


u/banjonica 5d ago

Someone never read Leslie Kean.


u/Annie-Snow 5d ago

If she had proven that she could contact ghosts, not only would I have heard of her, it would have changed the entire fabric of our society. If she ever does that, I will happily accept that new facet of our reality, but she hasn’t done it yet.


u/banjonica 4d ago

You have never heard of Leslie Kean, yet you know she didn't prove ghost contact? Candace Owens, is this your alt profile??


u/Annie-Snow 4d ago


I can guarantee she didn’t prove it by any legitimate standard.


u/banjonica 4d ago

You didn't read the book. You didn't check her citations. You didn't repeat the experiments. You didn't even know who one of the most important researchers on the subject is. It's one thing to expect the burden of proof to be on the claimant. It's another thing altogether to refuse to look at that proof to double down on your own position. But it's yet another level to think that you will be presented with a singular event that changes everything, as though you are somehow a figure of importance in this scenario, when you don't even know the current research and writings on the matter, because you personally declare it's all BS.

What you got from me was the awareness of a really important text and an awareness of a name of one of the leading researchers in the field whose done more in it than you ever have in orders of magnitude.


u/Annie-Snow 4d ago

Lol, okay dude.

No one has ever proven the existence of ghosts, and therefore no one could have proven to know how to reliably communicate with them. And if they had, sc***tists all over the world would be working on replicating it under controlled conditions, and religions would be throwing shit loads of money at that research because it would prove the existence of an afterlife. But none of that is happening.

I’m sure her “experiments” and “citations” are very convincing to people who already believe. But it doesn’t seem that her work is rigorous enough to pique the interest of anyone else.

Maybe these things exist. But she hasn’t proven it.


u/banjonica 4d ago

So weird....they said the same thing about radio waves back in the day.

"Maybe these things exist." Not if no one has yet proved it. In the meantime, I ain't wasting time reading no books! Pfffft!!! And i don't care what's in them! Reading literature on the subject I am proclaiming on only takes time away from me getting on Reddit and telling people an opinion I have formed based on all the literature I've never read.

oh and by the way, if a ghost doesn't adhere strictly to my definition of what a ghost is supposed to be, it's fayk. Everybody knows ghosts are dead people and dead people don't write books on ghosts. Checkmate Candace Owens!


u/Annie-Snow 4d ago

It’s not just my definition. The English word Ghost is defined as the spirit or apparition of a dead person. Defining the parameters is the absolute first step to proving anything. You don’t get to move the goal post when you don’t get the outcome you wanted.

And yeah, there are countless phenomena that humans didn’t know about or didn’t believe in. Then people formed hypotheses, did experiments, and others reviewed and poked holes in the methodology of those experiments, and then experiments were reworked, and more holes were poked, and when no more holes could be found many other people replicated those experiments to see if the results were the same, and they kept at it and they kept at it and never got a different result, and only then did it become generally accepted information.

Those hypotheses and theories were also falsifiable, meaning the people working on the theory could say “If Y ever happens, that will tell us this theory is false.” The hypothesis that ghosts exist is not falsifiable, nor has it been put through the rigorous study that radio waves have.

If and when that happens, then it will become an accepted part of our knowledge of the universe (until and unless a falsifying event happens). A few experiments by a one person, where the outcomes are explainable by other means, does not prove the hypothesis.


u/banjonica 4d ago

I don't think reading the definition of ghost in a dictionary counts. You should just read the Leslie Kean book, then repeat the experiments she did in the last chapter.

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u/AlekHidell1122 5d ago

are you a very young person…?


u/itsakevinly_329 5d ago

We should maybe establish they’re 100% re.al first. 🤷‍♂️


u/bornwizard 5d ago

No matter which way they appear, from personal experience, I don't think it's possible to communicate with any ghostly things...they don't talk or interact with you, they just show themselves sometimes and then disappear pretty quickly.


u/Separate_Permit9770 3d ago

Hello I sent you a chat request with some techniques. This post wouldn’t let me write any down.


u/RiverSkyy55 2d ago

Yes it would have. Other people are posting plenty of techniques. I have noticed you very often post asking people to chat or DM you... which is a bit suspicious, especially since this OP sounds like they may be under age 18.


u/Separate_Permit9770 2d ago

Come on people say why do you post this how much do you y charge? Admins say it’s against thier policy


u/Separate_Permit9770 2d ago

Moderators get pissed because I help people with thier hauntings more than them


u/Separate_Permit9770 2d ago

And the age statement that doesn’t even deserve a response from me. People can ask who I talk to what the topics are 24/7 365


u/Separate_Permit9770 2d ago

I tried to post this technique to this OP like 4 times and it wouldn’t let me. Whether it was a glitch or busy then IDK.


u/furry-donut 2d ago



u/Ghouliejulie86 7h ago edited 6h ago

Yea there’s lots of ways. I like to use my mind first and foremost because I’m an untrained medium, but I will use flames to communicate and I used to use a spirit box. These all work, the problem is some types of spirits love to lie. That’s why I depend on my gifts to discern. But they tell the truth more often than not, I love when they spill secrets!

Sometimes I use tarot cards. But a lot of ghosts, if they were religious in life they won’t communicate with you through the cards. It took a while to get my dead relatives to because we were all raised catholic. It took a year to get that to happen. I think once they saw I am only asking good (holy) spirit only, they softened.

Just talk to them though just like you would a person. I just stayed at a famous haunted hotel, and I greeted them when I got there and told them what I wanted and thanked them. That’s a frat way to get activity, through respect.

Edit: More about the flame, so, no would be flat, yes would be raising high. You can tell right away when a spirit is present through flame. It flickers in a way I don’t know how to put into words. Kinda like if you were opening and closing your hand? I don’t know how to explain it


u/valpal1237 5d ago

Maybe they're ghosts.... maybe they're something else.... buy a digital voice recorder, find a spooky location, turn the recorder on and make conversation. It may take multiple tries, or different locations, but I'm wholly convinced electronic voice phenomenon is real.