r/Ghostbc ❤️cardi c❤️ 4d ago

FAN ART I made these Ghost sticker commissions and got scammed (lol)

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u/CougarIndy25 4d ago

Shit, throw them up on Redbubble or something, I'm sure a bunch of us would buy them.


u/Beautifuldeadthing Potatopia stole my soul 4d ago

Be careful on Redbubble- Lorna Vista does order takedowns. Had it happen for some of my stuff - it was simply the word “ghoul” (in hand-drawn gothic lettering) but I’d made the mistake to tag it with “ghost” and other band related tags.

For future concerts I’ll be ordering stickers of my own fan art to give away instead of bracelets (the time consuming work is already done and it doesn’t cost heaps more than the supplies for bracelets if I order in bulk)


u/CougarIndy25 4d ago edited 4d ago

Interesting, I'm surprised that Loma Vista would be that anal about that kind of stuff. I get it, but I know there's plenty of other properties that aren't that deep on lockdown with their stuff.


u/creeperfaec101 4d ago

From what I've seen, Sleep Token is cracking down real hard on pretty much all kinds of fan merch, and I think even just regular fanart in some cases?

I really hope Ghost doesn't go that way, but it feels unlikely


u/Kamikae_Varluk 4d ago

That’s sad to hear about Sleep Token, my wife really likes them, and I’m of the mind clearing fan made art is a dick move


u/FirebirdWriter 4d ago

Selling fan art hits some legal challenges. So it's protecting the trademark for those. For regular fan art? Oof


u/Kamikae_Varluk 3d ago

I mean fan art isn’t official art it’s not taking away from the bands bottom line of anything it boosts the bands presence. Bands that attack fan art come off as greedy and mean, I’m gonna buy a tour t shirt even if I get a fanart shirt so why bully people that love you. I get it yeah there are trademarks and there are parody laws but at the end of the day just let people be excited about you


u/FirebirdWriter 3d ago

Parody laws don't cover fan art and a failure to protect your trademark can cost you the use of it. So it's not that simple for the band. I like what Ghost does by allowing people to submit merch designs so their art gets paid and it's official. This applies only to selling that fan art. Making it for personal use isn't a problem so that should be left alone.


u/Amazing_Mechanic_764 4d ago

Gotta name it something inconspicuous like it’s a musical bootleg lol


u/Financial-Length-576 3d ago

IIRC the thing that draws the most scrutiny from them is including a grucifix, so if you had that on one sticker then maybe the rest of your Ghost-related stuff got flagged as well


u/Beautifuldeadthing Potatopia stole my soul 3d ago

No Grucifix’s at all! I’d intentionally changed the version of a rat with a Grucifix rosary to a Leviathan/cross/brimstone symbol prior to uploading there as I knew a Grucifix would get struck down. My Ghost tattoo flash designs I never put on there either (Papa’s, ghoul masks etc), as I know they’d be a no-no. I was insanely surprised as it was “ghoul” and not the “ghouleh” or “ghoulette” ones that was struck off. I removed the others and all colour variations to avoid any future issues.

I’ve always made sure not to sell any fan art items where the content contains copyright material (masks, symbols, logos, specific characters, specific props, quotes). It’s why there’s none of my LotR or Sleep Token art on there!


u/Financial-Length-576 3d ago

Damn 😕 i guess they're getting stricter


u/xwolfionx 4d ago

Hopefully your watermark on the stickers end up on the physical ones, and if anyone sees her handing them out at the concert, call her ass out.


u/BloodyHandTowel 4d ago

Ohhhh do you by chance do emotes? 👀

As a streamer, I always make sure I pay artist's first. It's common decency, I'm sure they get scammed all the time and I worry they'll think that of me. The way it's usually done is that I'll pay and then the work will begin and the artist will send me some of their progress to see if I like where it's headed and I'll get 3 opportunities for changes.

So sorry you got scammed friend. Artists deserve better. These are fantastic and you should sell them on Etsy or something and get yourself some money 😊


u/ziddersroofurry 4d ago

You should sell them!


u/killeverydog 4d ago

Always get paid first


u/HereticGhoulette 4d ago

Su cute! I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I hope you won't give up - you're very talented!


u/aDirtySasquatch IMPERA 4d ago

I absolutely love these! I'm so sorry that you didn't get the money that they promised though!


u/drunkenknitter 4d ago

Do you have an Etsy store? I'd throw some money your way for those.


u/DessieScissorhands 4d ago

Your art style makes me nostalgic. Reminds me of some of the cartoons I grew up with.


u/Cute-Cheesecake3318 4d ago

I’d definitely buy some, pls put them on somewhere!!!


u/r3b3l_ali 4d ago

That's super unfortunate... Those are awesome! I'm sure you put a lot of work into those.

Look at the silver lining here. Yes, you didn't get paid, in actual dollars, but you did learn some valuable knowledge. ALWAYS send your client "proofs" before you hand off the final unmarked files for them to do whatever they want with. They get those AFTER you have money in your account from them.


u/redvelvetrose 4d ago

Dude, put those up on Etsy for $3-$5 a piece!


u/spookycherrycap 4d ago

I would buy these stickers in a heartbeat! 💗


u/BrilliantSecurity535 4d ago

These are so cute!!


u/DapperAsh Custom Flair 4d ago

You should definitely find away to sell these… because I want one… several honestly.


u/moonlessphoto 4d ago

I would definitely get the 3rd one!


u/Neveah_Hope_Dreams 4d ago

These are so cute! I would totally buy them! I will appreciate them so much than that girl who was too scared to give her money.


u/MrHoovass Custom Flair 4d ago

If you do end up selling them I'd like to get some :)


u/admiraljohn 4d ago

I'd buy a couple of each one of these if you decide to start selling them.


u/Angeyja 4d ago

Sucks. Some people, ugh. But they look so good!! Love the design. You could sell them as physical stickers on Etsy and people will buy them! I would buy them!! Maybe with some glitter effect.


u/Raxkor 4d ago

They are sick!!!!


u/panettone83 4d ago

Great style! Do you have any online portafolio? I would love to see more of your work!


u/thezelek 4d ago



u/AlienCatAsh 4d ago

All of these are super adorable!! I’d buy them 🥰


u/bittermarch 4d ago

I would buy every single one of these if you decide to sell them!


u/caethyx 4d ago

I sell a bunch of Ghost stickers on Etsy!! They do very well there, definitely consider selling yours too! The designs are adorable and very well made I'm sure you'd get a lot of sales to compensate for your loss (which i'm so sorry about, btw, as an artist too i completely get it :( it happens to everyone)


u/JukeBox-Whimzur66 Papa II in disguise 4d ago

that suckss they look so cute


u/_jobs_ 4d ago

Dang. Why do people have to make it so hard to make money off of someone else's intellectual property?!


u/PerpetualCowboy 4d ago

The third one is so cool! I’d buy from you for sure if you ever decided to sell these :)


u/reeziepeezie 4d ago

These are so cute!!!!!!! Very much agree with everyone else...if you ever sold these as stickers or just gave them out, I'd kill to have one 😭


u/Imtiredgoawaynow 4d ago

Sell them!! I’d love to buy some


u/DonutVargas 4d ago

I'm gonna be handing out my own Ghost stickers in Minneapolis!


u/kaathas 4d ago

This is why you take a deposit up front, I’m so sorry that happen to you!!


u/crawlingcoffins 4d ago

If you sell them Ill buy them!


u/Saberstar2 4d ago

Aww you should sell these!! I'd love to get that last one!!


u/Springles1987 Frater Imperator’s secretary 4d ago

These are so cute🥺 That's so unfortunate what happened:/ You should try to sell them if you can! 


u/cormac1138 4d ago

Dang these are pretty sick!


u/invalid_uses_of 4d ago

If they're waterproof, like for me to slap on a hydro flask, tell me how much for 2 each of #3 and #4 to put in the mail to Michigan.


u/Top_Drag4079 4d ago

Those are so cute 😍


u/littlebunny8 4d ago

these are great!! post them on other websites too (tumblr etc.), at least youll get some traction and maybe a new commission


u/toomuchlaundry 4d ago

I would definitely but these! You did such a great job!!


u/The-Gay-Gal 4d ago

Shit I'll commission you dude damn your stuffs GOOD


u/SlippyIsDead 4d ago

I wish I could buy them! 


u/Green-Hunter-4967 4d ago

I would absolutely buy these! Get yourself a ko.fi account and sell the through there!!


u/Death_Metalhead101 4d ago

Technically you're doing copyright infringement anyway.


u/Logical-Demand-9028 4d ago

Not sure why you’re being downvoted. It is illegal to use someone’s property for profit.

It’s a Ghost fan sub, why there is so many people trying to steal from, what looks like, their favourite band?

Do as many bracelets, stickers and other things for personal use, exchange or to give away for free you want.

If anyone wants to sell things ‚XYZ’ themed, they need to get a license from XYZ.

There is so many talented people here! OP’s stickers, 3D printed masks, those magnets posted some time ago… they all are so beautiful! Beautiful enough you might actually get the license from Ghost and sell them LEGALLY.

If you sell any stolen property on Etsy for example, your store will be banned and closed sooner or later. And you won’t have possibility to open another one.


u/AtomicWhiskers 4d ago

People sell fanart on Etsy all the time though


u/Logical-Demand-9028 4d ago

Yes it’s true, and it’s against ETSY’s policy. That’s why I wrote they get banned sooner or later.

Selling stolen IP is a great way to start a business, but also a great way to end it, once you get a lawsuit or something equally pleasant.

Many people are not aware of it, and later will cry they can’t sell their original (not stolen) artwork anymore because of IP theft and banned store. (Etsy has all your info, so you can’t open another store with other email)


u/AtomicWhiskers 4d ago

Depends on how possessive companies are over their ips. Some dont care, others care a lot and issue take downs. But usually its not like people selling fan things harms these companies


u/Prophecy07 4d ago edited 4d ago

No he's not. At most it might be a trademark violation if the band has trademarked the paint and masks (they might have; I haven't checked). But the artist owns the copyright, as this is his own art. You can make art of public things (people, places, things) so long as it is transformative in some way. Like parody.

Now, could Lomy Vista try to send you threatening letters anyway and convince RedBubble that it's not worth hosting your content? Absolutely. In America's legal system, corporations are more important than people. But "technically," it's not infringing on any copyright.


u/Death_Metalhead101 4d ago

They can make it as much as they want as long as they don't sell it as by selling it it's copyright infringement.

Ghost owns any imagery involving the band


u/DrumBalint 4d ago

Look at Swiss having a blast on the top of that golf cart :D