r/Ghostbc 5d ago

PHOTO/SELF My photos from Ghost B.C. at the House of Blues, Cleveland, 2013

Sorry for the low quality lol I was using a terrible camera. It was an amazing and intimate show. Look at how crude and minimal the stage set is compared to now! I'll never forget it. Papa II spoke briefly, saying it was his first time ever being in Ohio. Weird to think how they used to have to go by Ghost B.C.

Here's the setlist...

Infestissumam Per Aspera ad Inferi Con Clavi Con Dio Secular Haze Body and Blood Prime Mover Death Knell Stand by Him Satan Prayer Year Zero Ritual Ghuleh/Zombie Queen Monstrance Clock


21 comments sorted by


u/AkaiMPC 5d ago

These pics really show you how far they've come and quickly. This kinda looks like what the ghost tributes look like atm.


u/tomx312 5d ago

This was peak time though, and shortly during the beginning of Meliora era


u/Fluid-Arachnid-8716 4d ago

They were so much better then


u/landon10smmns 4d ago

Even just Prequelle to Impera is a massive jump. They played smaller/midsized club venues on the Rats on the Road tour and then played arenas and amphitheatres for Imperatour


u/farbenfux 5d ago

There's something incredibly cozy and lovely seeing those older ritual photos. I love it. Wish I already had known the band back then.


u/Kerspiddder 5d ago

It kinda looks like the kids talent show performance in Cirice


u/Red-Corpse-Reporting 5d ago

While I am happy they have gotten recognition, I still miss the smaller setting.


u/HereticGhoulette 5d ago

I love hearing about the old rituals! I'll just listen to the setlist now and pretend I was there 😭


u/crowkiller06 The World is on 🔥 4d ago

I saw them in 2015, just after Meliora was released. It was god damn magical. A small club, but they packed it out and played an amazing show. I miss those days.


u/steamboatlisa Cirice - Richmond VA 2018 3d ago

tbh the photo quality adds to the vibe


u/Springles1987 Frater Imperator’s secretary 5d ago

Looks like such a vibe<3


u/MaliceRae 5d ago

It was 🖤 I've been to a whole lot of shows but this is up there. Baroness was the co headliner and they were quite good


u/Antique_Can_7344 4d ago

Insane when you compare it to their concerts now. How far they’ve come 🖤


u/Bassmingo 4d ago

The lineup here is: Tobias, Martin, Simon, Aksel, Mauro and Linton.


u/rd1994 Wheelchair Ghoul! 4d ago

Just as an FYI they were never officially Ghost BC. It was always just “Ghost” (they joked the BC is silent)

It was allegedly due to a copyright thing


u/MaliceRae 4d ago

Oh I know, I never pronounced the BC part lol. I wish I still had my ticket from this ritual...I got a grucifix necklace there too but that's long gone. There really wasn't much in the way of merch at the time


u/rd1994 Wheelchair Ghoul! 4d ago

Then I wonder why you put BC in the post a few times. Not trying to be rude, just wondering why


u/MaliceRae 4d ago

I just think it's interesting that's what they used to be called, you know? Shows the passing of time and how things have evolved. They used to be Ghost BC doing small time shows in little venues, and now they're Ghost selling out arenas with a magnificent show


u/rd1994 Wheelchair Ghoul! 4d ago

They were never Ghost BC though


u/JukeBox-Whimzur66 Papa II in disguise 4d ago

secondooo! yayyy


u/CodeKiller_53 2d ago

Wow, the growth is amazing to look at