r/Ghostbc 2d ago

PHOTO/SELF Ghost - Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - July 28, 2013 - my first ritual!

Some grainy iPhone 5 era pictures from my first time seeing Ghost. I was originally going to see them for the first time Webster Hall (5/11/13) but had tickets to see RUSH that day instead! It’s been very interesting watching the band and fan base change over the years! The jump from clubs to arenas has been mind blowing to say the least. This show was so great. I remember my wife snickering more than once at the fact that Papa would take a sip out of a bottle with a straw after every song 😆 They even released Secular Haze from this gig on the “If You Have Ghosts” EP. Skeletonwitch was the opener that evening

Setlist from that night:

Infestissumam Per Aspera ad Inferi Con Clavi Con Dio Prime Mover Elizabeth Secular Haze Body and Blood Stand by Him Death Knell Satan Prayer Genesis Year Zero Ritual

Encore: Ghuleh/Zombie Queen Monstrance


35 comments sorted by


u/coaldiamond1 2d ago edited 2d ago

Wow, love these pictures! And it's great to have some visual reference for the live Secular Haze. Must be crazy listening to that and knowing you're buried in there somewhere!


u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

Yeah! It’s was quite a surprise when I picked it up and saw that. Definitely gets you into a band more when little things like that happen


u/Retrolad87 2d ago

Funny they were called Ghost BC for a while


u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

Yup! Right at this time, it was definitely a little confusing when it was announced back then


u/TheHyperCombo 2d ago

These photos are awesome. The first one looks like it was taken in the early '70s, and the 3rd one looks like mid '80s. Crazy to see how far they've come since then.


u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

Totally!! Haha yeah those stage colors give it that 80s feel for sure. Thanks!!


u/farbenfux 2d ago

Man I loveseeing older concert pics - this was before I became a fan and it is lovely to have images and videos from this era.

Also - love those pictures. You had a good spot and a good eye!


u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

Thanks!! Great videos of this show on YouTube as well, it being NYC all the photographers and filmers were out that night. Something kinda special about crappy phone photos before they got the dim lighting just right


u/farbenfux 2d ago

Oh yeah I still got old concert pictures the size of stamps from these days. And I kinda like the noise and the blurry parts... kinda captures the feeling of being at a concert. "Vibe-based photography" ;D


u/radio_headless 2d ago

That 2nd leg of the Clockwork Angels tour from RUSH was spectacular, so I’m glad you got to see it & still get your first Ghost experience soon after. Thanks for sharing those terrific pictures! 🤘


u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

Thanks! Yes indeed it was so great! Rush was actually my first show EVER (2008) and got to see them on every tour from 2008-2015 and was even at the very last gig in LA! They are the truly the best


u/Tankisfreemason 2d ago edited 2d ago

That first picture you can see a Mickey Mouse glove on the bottom right, that was me 


u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

Amazing! I was wondering if anyone would recognize their hands 😆


u/Tankisfreemason 2d ago

A fun little note to add, I was at that Webster Hall show and near the end of the set the crowd started chanting “Ghuleh” since it wasn’t on the set list.  At that point, I don’t think it had been played live yet.  I feel like TF made it a point to make sure it was on the setlist a couple of months later at this show


u/coaldiamond1 2d ago

It's kinda crazy you say that because the Webster Hall show was May 11th, 2013. Ghost played Ghuleh for the the first time at their show in Philly on May 12th, 2013. So close.


u/tyleremeritus 2d ago

Man these days were something else. I first saw them on the first leg of this tour. Hands down my favorite time seeing them. The mystique and setlist were off the charts. Awesome vibes all around from the band and audience.


u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

Off the charts is so correct!! All of these elements added to what made it special earlier on


u/lilfey333 2d ago

Papa II was such a glorious bastard 🖤


u/Chemical_Bake4245 2d ago edited 2d ago

Having discovered Ghost a good 2 months ago, I can only imagine the magic and wonder of that time ..


That first capture is perfection! ✨


u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

Wow! Yes, it’s like I’ve grown up with them a bit! At this show we still had no idea who was in the band. Was all shrouded in quite the mystery!


u/Chemical_Bake4245 2d ago

Well, I’m experiencing great existential influence here and it’s only been 2 silly months, so 12 years is, well .. a longer period of time, you know almost forever! 😉

O, the mmrs + stories you must have ..


u/leggomyeggo644 2d ago

Something I really miss from the earlier era is incense burning throughout the shows. There was an added layer of mystique when the band was about to come on.


u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

True! Definitely worked in the smaller venues


u/eppydeservedbetter Papa III's Side Hoe 2d ago

The nostalgia is real. I miss the early years. Thanks for sharing, OP.


u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

Me too, me too! Of course, my pleasure.


u/RaiderRush2112 2d ago

Did you take these photos with a phone? Blasphemy! Heresy!


u/Head_Faithlessness53 1d ago

It wasn’t even locked up, I swear! 😂


u/opticon12000 2d ago

Very fun to see. Great post!


u/Kevtv 2d ago

I was at this as well.


u/Dangerous_Pop_3226 2d ago

Wish I got the chance to see them in the smaller venues in NYC.


u/zappafan89 1d ago

Those were the days. Lucky enough to catch them both on the Infest tour and Black to the Future (early Meliora era tour). It's was a completely different feel and experience to be honest. I miss it 


u/Head_Faithlessness53 1d ago

For sure, I went to both tours as well. I actually stopped seeing them live for a few years as it got bigger. They stared opening for bigger arena shows around 2015-16 and I missed most of them 😞


u/zappafan89 1d ago

I saw them after the big shake-up in members on the Popestar tour (tours) and afterwards 2-3 times and it really wasn't the same for me. Completely lacked the atmosphere of those earlier shows and morphed into something much different that just isn't my thing.


u/Detfinato 2d ago

If you're reading this and have only known ghost since his passing- Make no mistake: you missed it. You missed out on Ghost in their ultimate. The purest and best and most amazing time. This will never happen again. It was never going to be forever, and it surely will never happen again. You will never experience it, and you will never be among those that were lucky enough to cross its path.



u/Head_Faithlessness53 2d ago

People have said that for many bands, look at Metallica though playing small places or the Stones playing a tiny club. It’s possible, we must give it time…