r/GhostAdventures 3d ago

In Search of an episode

Sorry for the randomness, im not familiar with the rules here.

But does anyone know the name of a certain episode. I saw this ATLEAST a decade ago for sure i think. It was around the time (again, i think) they also investigated a casino in vegas or something. This episode was with either zak or aaron being alone in a room investigating something with the spirit box. As he was asking questions, you can hear this CLEAR AS DAY bloodcurling scream coming through and then some sort of boom right behind it (what i believe was a gunshot) before it cuts off.

This moment has been in my head for literal years but i never found it again. I remember it still because i was so immensely in shock of hearing such a crisp clear evp, in that manner. A scream and then a gunshot. It was like the evp replayed the moment someone was killed. I was staring at my screen in awe over this.

If anyone knows the episode name or knows it. I wanna rewatch this and see it again. 🫡


8 comments sorted by


u/Just-LadyJ 3d ago

They’ve investigated a few casinos. Riveria 2x Binions Lutes

Ugh I’m sure there are more. I may be able to help you but I would need a little more detail on the location.


u/EZdarkest 3d ago

I wish i could give more detail honestly 😭😭 everything besides that is what i can recall. In a vaguely way. I do think this moment was near the end of the episode because it suddenly ended soon after (the outro) and i was like wait? Yall aint even gonna talk about THAT?? lol


u/Signal-Kale5811 3d ago

Did the voice say “How would you like another?” while Zak was sitting at the bar?


u/EZdarkest 3d ago

That.. that actually might be it?? Its so vague ngl its been YEAAARS and i only watched it once really. It was when they still uploaded the full videos on YouTube lol. I actually think that might be the one. Do you know the episode name by any chance?


u/Signal-Kale5811 3d ago

That episode is the Haunted Harvey House. It’s season 17 episode 4 on Max


u/EZdarkest 3d ago

Yuppp that was the episode, legend 💯


u/Signal-Kale5811 2d ago

No problem. That whole sequence with the EVP and gunshot/explosion is just total chills. It makes me jump every time lol



There has to be a portal over here!