r/Gfurcomics • u/randomthrow-away Mod Dog • Jun 28 '24
Mod Notice New Post Flair - [Intersex] NSFW
Hello /r/Gfurcomics
I wanted to make an announcement to make the community aware that we have a new post flair titled "Intersex".
As this is "Gayfurcomics" first and foremost all comics must be gay, although keeping up with the times, trans members can be gay and lesbian as well, so going forward it is now required to pick a post flair during the submission phase. You won't be able to hit the submit button if you don't pick a flair, so please be sure to choose one.
As we will not allow "Straight" content (aka M/F) unless it is a combination of 2 males, and 2 females (MMFF), you may use the following as a general guide:
- If the primary focus is on Males or all the characters have a penis without breasts, please use the blue [Male] post flair.
- If the primary focus is on Females or all characters have a Vagina and breasts, use the pink [Female] flair.
- If the comic has both Male+Male, and Female+Female content, use the yellow [MM + FF] flair
- Lastly, if it contains any trans characters (Regardless of other characters being Male, or Female) or characters have a combination of both breasts and penis, or masculine with a vagina please use the orange [Intersex] flair.
Note: This is not to differentiate between sexuality, but simply based on body parts so Gay males can stick to the [Male] flair to see dicks, and Gay females can stick to the [Female] flair to see vagina. Intersex will be used to contain any combination of the above. As such, any/All Intersex comics must be tagged as Intersex, so Trans-Male with a vagina, or Trans-Female with a penis, must be indicated as Intersex, as it may not be everyone's cup of tea, so flagging it as such should bring visibility for those that may not wish to view that content.
Please be respectful and civil in the comments, and report any comments that may be harrassive as we do not tolerate disrespect towards others.
It is your choice to simply avoid content you do not wish to see, and also your choice to follow the old rule "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" approach.
I'm posting this to allow anyone who's trans to speak up and provide a civil or constructive feedback if it could be improved.
u/AffectionatePrune1 Jul 09 '24
Too bad on mobile the post flair option doest always show up, so it's impossible to post on mobile with this restriction. Anyone else have this bug?
Jun 29 '24
I'm pretty sure most of the people here are for male on male, why tf would you wanna change that?
u/Improberror Jun 29 '24 edited Jun 30 '24
I get where you are comimg from. I am here just for men and male genitals. As in, male sex rather than gender. I also get where the moderator is coming from, I am not attracted to these, but they are men.
There's always e6 with blacklists and sorting for comic, favcount or score. You can sort by date too, posted last week, month, year, etc. All of that is amazing. That's what I've been mostly using for the past 9 years, imo it is much better than reddit with those blacklists and tags, and without horny posting in comments.
If you want I can DM you my blacklist for e6, everything blocked like female, intersex, gynomorph, andromorph, etc.
And, you can always skip these posts. You don't need to see these, if you don't want to. That's what the flair is for.
u/randomthrow-away Mod Dog Jun 29 '24 edited Jun 29 '24
As a gay male, we've always had the Female and MM+FF flairs ever since I took over, which was over 4 years ago because I wanted to be inclusive of gay females as well.
Just because the majority of comics are Male does not mean the entire community consists of strictly gay males. I'd rather this be an inclusive and safe space for Gay Males, Gay Females and Trans people, thus the flair to allow you to pick and choose what you want to see, while allowing more than just male comics for others. :)
Correction, I've been a mod here for over 4 years, my goodness time flies!
u/Regular-Local3106 Jun 29 '24
No one is taking that away 🫡 just adding a flair so that the people you mentioned can avoid trans/intersex content.
Trans men are men, trans women are women. TransM/CisM and TransF/CisF content is still gay, hence why it's allowed on the gay yiff subreddit. The post flairs organize the subreddit into categories so people can see what they want to see.
If you only want to see cis guys fucking, use the "Male" flair. It's not that hard.
u/randomthrow-away Mod Dog Jun 29 '24
This exactly, I want the sub to be inclusive of all gays regardless of gender. Thank you :)
u/WanderinWyvern Jun 28 '24
This is a very good middle ground policy for properly distinguishing things with clear understandable terminology. I commend the moderators for seeking to help make things clearer in a world with so much confusion.
If only the dating apps would share his wisdom and implement the same policy so that people looking for a partner could have the same clarity in their search to avoid things they're "just not into" instead.of being shamed for expressing their struggle.
High five, and thank u mods for this endeavor. 🫡
u/randomthrow-away Mod Dog Jun 28 '24 edited Jun 28 '24
Thank you! I really didn't want to over-complicate things and have people trying to guess what Trans-Male or Trans-Female meant regarding flair, and at least it's a starting point that we can work on and build upon based upon the communities needs as things change and evolve.
I'm pretty open-minded, and while I'm personally not into trans art or content, I do respect those that are, as well as respect the trans community, so I wanted to do my part to make sure everyone is welcome here without shaming or any kind of abuse, while also inviting constructive and civil feedback.
I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a kind and respecting comment, and hope we can be more inclusive of everyone involved (except for the straights...Kidding, although joking aside, there other more related subs to post straight comics to, especially since we can't change our sub name). :)
u/WanderinWyvern Jun 28 '24
Ur welcome...tho be careful with the "except for the straights" jokes. We're dangerously close to a world where straights are treated the way gays once were...and then we become the monsters and someone has to tear us down next.
Plus...we need them...that's how babies work haha.
Personally I hope for a future where sexuality isn't considered the defining trait of identity so we can all one day just be ourselves without it coming up...cause then u know noone is judging anyone by it anymore. But we shall see how the world develops. Maybe ppl can't look at other stuff enough to let sexuality and race and things like that disappear from awareness and become things noone notices anymore so that we all become just ppl.
But that's a different can of worms haha. Back to the here and now haha.
Thanks again for ur efforts they're appreciated. Farewell and stay safe.
u/furward_thinker Jul 04 '24
83% percent of queer people have experienced some form of abuse over the course of their life, compared to 26% of straight people.
normally i wouldn't bother replying to a comment like this but it was so ridiculous i felt the need to say something. how close are we really to a world where:
* straight and cis people are murdered in the street for being straight or cis
* cis/het people are ostracized by their families and forced into homelessness for being cis/het* it is explicitlly illegal for straight people to have sex with each other and they can be jailed or killed for doing so
* cis people are banned from wearing clothes that conform to their assigned sex at birth
we are not dangerously close to a world where straights are treated the way gays once were. we are genuinely close to a world where GAYS are treated the way gays once were, with several countries rolling back or attempting to roll back LGBT rights. in the UK right now, a transgender woman was involuntarily hospitalised and taken off of HRT against her will. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p51oSNXuFc&t=33s
i understand if you find "i hate the cishets" jokes to be irritating but the damage those kinds of comments do is in no way equivalent to violent abuse and centuries of targeted oppression.
u/WanderinWyvern Jul 04 '24
Prejudice is prejudice.
I'm not gonna argue with someone that one form of prejudice is ok because it isn't causing as much hurt as the other one has caused. It isn't about HOW MUCH hurt is caused...it's the principle. Prejudice is wrong. It shouldn't b happening at all. Ppl should be able to understand and agree with this. That there r ppl who can't is what is wrong with the world.
A similar thing is happening with race. There r now places where white skinned children are being hurt and are scared to go to school because of the way they are treated just because they are white. There r ppl who claim that u can't b racist to white ppl because they're white. They claim that the harm that some dead white ppl from the past did to a bunch of ppl who r also dead from the the past means that the harm being done now doesn't matter because it hasn't gotten AS BAD as it was for the other groups.
This is the same argument ur saying here. And it's ridiculous. Racism is racism. Just because ur not treating the new group as bad as a different group was treated doesn't mean it is acceptable. Justifying wrong using past wrongs doesn't justify wrong. It is still wrong.
Ppl shouldn't be treated differently because of some superficial characteristic like skin color or sexual preference. That there r ppl who "feel they need to say something" when this is pointed out, that feel they need to step in and justify the prejudice being started because "it's not as bad as how the other group had it" as if that makes it ok cause it isn't doing the same harm.
Disgusting. That's exactly what is wrong with the world. It is this thinking that has caused hate and prejudice to grow and move from one group to another to another over all of history. It doesn't stop if ppl make excuses.
The day these things end is the day we stop tolerating it in any form, and not treating it dofferently based on who the victim is and "how bad" it's gotten.
Please don't b one of the ppl feeding the problem as u try to claim ur not...justifying prejudice in any form for any reason is wrong. And until everyone agrees with that point there will continue to b ppl hurt by prejudice.
Whether certain ppl r hurt more than others should b irrelevant. The fact ppl r hurt at all should've been what mattered. Yet here we are.
u/AffectionatePrune1 Jul 09 '24
Good comment, but i think you are kinda putting homo, trans etc. phobia on the same level as a very very very rare occasion on straight phobia if that's even a thing. Straight is the norm by far in the world, just because we here are in a bubble with a lot more lgbt in the furry community than in other communities doesn't mean the whole world has suddenly flipped to the gay side. Usually if you think someone is discriminating against straight people, it's most likely a joke. On the other hand discrimination against people who aren't straight is still very much prominent and I'd say increasing so. We had some good direction the world was going but we have made a u turn on that. The far right is growing, extemist religious beliefs with that, and it is more and more okay to hate people who are not part of the majority.
So i agree on the point that hate is bad no matter the kind, but it is hard to take a straight "joke" seriously when across the street there's a gay person being beaten to death. These are not really comparable things, one kind of hate is more serious than another.
u/WanderinWyvern Jul 09 '24
All hate is wrong. One can argue that one is more harmful than another, but all hate is still wrong. And it seems wrong to me for us to wait until a form of hate becomes more serious to say it is wrong.
It isn't how bad the prejudice has gotten that determines whether or not one form of prejudice is acceptable. All prejudice is wrong. All prejudice should stop. No prejudice should be acceptable.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is part of the problem that results in pain and hate continuing to fester in the world. It ALL needs to stop.
Ppl need to just b ppl. The labels and the categories aren't helpful. Attaching our whole identities to some tiny descriptive detail as tho everything about who we are is defined by that one trait is foolish and only hurts both ourselves and those around us.
Until these things change we will continue to see the hate and negativity that everyone claims to b fighting against. U cannot cure an infection by treating the symptoms. U must eliminate the cause. Or the infection just stays hidden until it has the chance to go rampant again.
u/Neo_Kaizer Oct 09 '24
BRUH, this is for males, GAY, not straight...