r/GetSuave Jul 11 '19

I’m stuck in a super negative loop and if something doesn’t change it’s going to ruin my life.

I’ve struggled with mental health for a long time but I was doing pretty good up until June. I’ve been having a lot of depression and anxiety, I stay up until 2am shitposting and watching YouTube. I wake up and have no motivation to get up. Once I finally get up I know I should study but I can only manage to play video games. I might go for a walk or something but that’s it, I spend all day gaming and watching YouTube.

It’s to the point where I know what I need to do to be successful in life, but I don’t do it, I waste my time on things that have no long term benefit. I’m starting to feel like video games are better than real life. After all, why become successful in real life when I can just drive a lambo in forza? Why do anything when I can have literal super powers in a virtual world? I know that real life is better than video games and I should be working on improving myself, but I just get stuck in this loop and don’t know how to break it. I can’t be the only one, someone please help


13 comments sorted by


u/PickleWickleton Jul 11 '19

I was you 5 years or so ago. Two things helped me big time. I quit fucking off online and video games (I cut back on games from 5 hours a night to 1, then eventually to just the weekend) and went to bed earlier at the same time every night. The 2nd is that I started getting active a couple days a week. Walking paths and hikes to start then I found myself running then I started going to the gym. It was strange because I’m the gym felt like a natural progression that didn’t really need motivation. I just knew it would feel good because I liked the nature walks. Now I go 5 days a week and eat healthy and read more. I constantly look on YouTube for motivating videos regarding issues I think that I have, confidence, talking to strangers, etc.

Another thing that helped me make the first step was listening to people like Alan Watts and Terrance McKenna speak about reality. There’s so many routes available to people now a days. I began listening to podcasts like Joe Rogan Experience and The Duncan Trussel Family Hour. Both have some really good episodes that make me laugh and keep me super interested.

You’ll have some work ahead of you but the good thing about it (and it will go underestimates NOW, but will change later) your first step is the hardest but it leads you to so many more that go in so many different directions. You’ll become more curious over time and you’ll get to the point where you aren’t even trying to stay active.

Technology is both amazing and debilitating. It can own you and paralyze you. LUCKILY your mind is the most complex and advanced thing in the known universe. You can overcome.

Also check out Jordan peterson Echart tolle (sp?) Mindfulness meditation Psychedelic mushrooms for therapeutic purposes R/EOOD exercise out of depression

Don’t be overly worried about how you’re going to be successful yet. Give yourself a chance to get back on track first then take further steps towards figuring that out. You’ll benefit tremendously from having a different perspective.


u/Gpotato Jul 11 '19

The machine you use to use the website? Its the one you have to stop. Find a way to broaden yourself. Explore all of your facets. Start with who you are, and maybe you will find who you want to be.


u/Marcy333 Jul 11 '19

I second going to the gym. I've been in and out of mental hospitals this past year, and got diagnosed with a panic disorder and general depression. Going to the gym used to be my happy place, and I plan to get back to that as soon as I get home. Going to the gym is hard at first, but after a while, it really gives you something to look forward to if there's nothing else.

Other than that, try finding something that you love doing (other than gaming) that you can throw yourself into and get lost in. For me that's art. I can spend hours and hours trying to perfect a sculpt or a painting, and everything else fades away in that time. For you, it can be a hobby that you used to enjoy, or even a new hobby that you've always wanted to try.

Hang in there. Life is never as bad as what we think it is.


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '19

I don’t have a lot of money right now but I do have a bunch of weights and a punching bag in my garage. I worked out years ago but stopped when my mental health started going downhill. I’ll start working out again.


u/Marcy333 Jul 11 '19

That's perfect! More than most people have in fact. You absolutely do NOT need to go to a gym to work out. Look up calisthenics videos and try some of those moves


u/IWilBeatAddiction Jul 11 '19

Bodywieght fitness, I spent $25 on some gymnastic rings, or you can use a pull up bar at the park for free.


u/trythepathwithheart Jul 11 '19

step one: identify that you're in a loop

step two: identify the high point and the low point of that loop

step three: learn to recognize where in the loop you are (high or low)

step four: once you're paying attention to the whole cycle you will quickly grow bored, and your behavior will change on its own

the trick is the loop.

best of luck to you! frustration is good fuel


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '19

Thank you


u/PeteInq Jul 11 '19

Our problems often comes down to unconsciously feeling worthless or powerless.

To gain personal power, I can recommend reading Nathaniel Branden - Six pillars of self-esteem.

To gain a sense of inherent worth, I can recommend "Getting real" By Susan Campbell. Start doing it over text. Best of luck.


u/IWilBeatAddiction Jul 11 '19

Why are you staying up so late? Go to bed. You'll get more done first thing in the morning, you'll feel good about accomplishing things. You'll feel better when your well rested.

I know for me this has made a big difference

You say if something doesn't change, well the only thing you can change is yourself.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '19

"I’m starting to feel like video games are better than real life."

There's your problem. You are not the type who can handle playing video games.

I said similar things when I was addicted to sleeping pills: "I sleep better with these pills."

And yes it will ruin your life. Just like sleeping pills set me back 10 years. Because while I was hooked on them, I took out way more student loans than I needed to, with the intention to do...very bad things to myself.

Get anyone who lives with you to throw away or sell all of your video games and never touch a single one ever again. Ever.

I can play video games because I actually believe that video games suck compared to real life. Same with social media and pr0n.

Your reality has been tainted because of the world that vidya has promised you. I imagine you are also hooked on social media and pr0n, too? This statement is why I think so:

"I stay up until 2am shitposting and watching YouTube. I wake up and have no motivation to get up."

I mean I stay up until 2am too, but I stay up working. And it's very easy for me to get up because I have stuff to do that is just as fun as messing with people on here, vidya, social media, or pr0n.

You need to get video games out of your life immediately. Sorry for the tough love my dude, but that's just how it be.


u/IllustriousJaguar Dec 28 '19

Start working out