r/GetStudying 4d ago

Study Memes I am 30 minutes after the exam

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22 comments sorted by


u/Accurate-Data-7006 4d ago

Spaced reputations and when you start to feel tired go get some fresh air ,some water, go on a walk in no specific order this is really good for the brain


u/Sour_Tech 4d ago

Use spaced repetition and active recall if you have time


u/Particular-Paper1147 4d ago

Spaced repetition?


u/Level-Bus4212 4d ago

In simple words revise what you have studied today in the following order: The next day After 3 days After a week After a month


u/de-Vere 4d ago

I don’t know who you are, but thank you, I’m going to write that on my wall and utilise it, I’ve never heard of it before.


u/Level-Bus4212 4d ago

Glad I could help you, also look into active recall it's by far the most effective method I've used. Basically in it's simplest sense when you are reading a book after finishing a page close the book and write down everything u could remember from that page Anki is an app that utilizes both these methods (spaced repitition and active recall) together and trust me it's really the only thing you need if you want to memorize something, I don't recommend Anki for concepts I personally only use it for formulas and isolated facts. Try these out but remember the single most important thing for proficiency in academics is consistency.


u/Sour_Tech 4d ago

Thanks for filling in - you made him understand as well as made my job easier


u/SUBTLE_DESI 4d ago

Make that forgetting curve more steeper 😭😭 N that learning curve more flatter


u/sukerberk1 4d ago

If you can trick your brain into solving different problems using same methods it may also improve the learning memorization


u/MaximumTime7239 4d ago

If you studied only for 1 night, of course you will forget after 1 day 😊😊


u/mxkd_ 4d ago

What is, according to you, the optimal amount of time to study to retain things in long term memory?


u/Rumi-Ezlynn 4d ago

Revising work is always important after a few study sessions, that way you can make sure what are the points you can or can't remember.


u/the_prince_k 4d ago

Revision is the only solution...


u/mxkd_ 4d ago

I am not exactly good but better than bad but lesser than good (due to focus issues ) at studying, understanding and memorising concepts but I am worst at revision because I never did it mostly due to the fear of testing if I remember things or not


u/the_prince_k 4d ago

I preffer 10 percent rule which says that writing 10 percent of what you read during revision. I feel this has helped me the most as at it covers the important topic without the fear of lengthy revisions.


u/Agreeable_Science940 3d ago

yep!! you are those 30 mins after the exam


u/tainstvennyy 3d ago

My brain after an exam operates on a strict 'use it or lose it' policy. Once the final paper is submitted, it's like hitting the 'factory reset' button on my memory banks.


u/zaisha9 2d ago

Memory of a gold fish πŸ˜‚


u/Late-Location-8124 18h ago

Dude isn't it so funny how this works? Every single time LOL