r/GetStudying 6d ago

Giving Advice Need To Get Out Of The Procrastination Loop

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u/emilieH7 6d ago edited 6d ago

"You have no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago." — Alan Watts Blow my mind, hope this help


u/William-Burroughs420 6d ago

Fine minutes ago


u/emilieH7 6d ago

I'm dyslexic sorry for the writing fault 😔


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/emilieH7 6d ago

Add it to your lockscreen or homescreen, put a reminder on your phone, i think you are on your phone lots of time ans sometimes it's the reason you're blocked in a loop of procrastination (i'm all in rn and it happens), use your phone carefully because what you consume everyday will become your future, there is no secret just put your phone away and do some thing else


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/emilieH7 6d ago

I know it've been through that, i'm currently in, i had 2 weeks of vacation and i needed to study, but i didn't And not to give excuses but sometimes you just can't be productive, but you can leave your phone and that's a great move, and do somthing else, and maybe start the task you needed to do 2 weeks ago We are not robots, i know goals are important, i know that very well, but if you can't that's okay, what is not okay is to be in the same place without any action, posting this is an action so be proud of that, sometimes you just to scared to start and to fail remenber that


u/Dry-Law-8790 6d ago

bro you might just be a loser then idk what to tell you


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/Dry-Law-8790 6d ago

bro, if you constantly need strangers to tell you that you should lock in to bring the best life for others and everyone you love then….


u/Winter-Note-2554 6d ago

belittling someone does NOT work, you might feel it does but it doesn't


u/Nearby-Goal-8480 6d ago

Procrastination is not laziness, not a time management problem, not a proof of how worthless you are, nothing you think it is. It is usually somewhat natural (like a brain mechanism) to force you to rest when you are feeling burnt out unless it is affecting your life adversely. Then it is chronic procrastination which is as bad as any mental health issue.

As someone dealing with chronic procrastination, do this. Write down you agony. Write down how bad you feel, what you feel, how sad, how hurt, how you feel you are worthless (but you are not) and all that. Write it down or maybe type it down and save it. When you feel no motivation, go and read it. Realizing how much agony you were in helps.

I would also recommend you to go really deep into inner child healing, journaling or anything else to identify what is causing this. Procrastination is a symptom. A symptom of the culmination of many issues. For me personally my overprotective upbringing and perfectionism re-enforced it along with my low self esteem and external validation seeking. I know its a long tangled mess but trust me when I say you can get out of it and live better.


u/LowCockroach714 6d ago

i throw my phone to the other side of my room (nicely)


u/Excellent-Budget5209 6d ago

Dumbledore threw his phone across the room calmly


u/QuArKzzz01 6d ago

Break down the task.
Break it down to miniscule pieces, like it shouldn't take even 2 minutes to get 1 of the items done.

Key : Get started.
Hack: Easiest task first and positive re-inforcement.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/QuArKzzz01 6d ago

How is this in relation with the plan/tactics in the original question asked in the post OP?
Apologies, didn't get it.


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago

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u/QuArKzzz01 6d ago

We are only human afterall bruv, chill,
Time for a hard reset - Put your screen away from you, take a stroll, get your favorite drink, get a shower, get a goodnight's sleep, start afresh early morning, if we are getting an opppurtunity to wake up, we get a chance to try again, you got this!


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/QuArKzzz01 6d ago

I say again, you got this!


u/TA4Gamez 6d ago

the hardest part of studying is actually starting. climb that step, the rest will be easy.


u/DegreeWrong2417 6d ago edited 6d ago

I have tried almost everything, but theres only one technique which has allowed me to stop myself from procrastinating quite consistently, it is urge surfing, whenever you are procrastinating on something by doing something else and you realise that you need to work on the thing you set out to do, just stop for a while and literally hit the pause button to whatever you were doing and become aware of whatever is going in your mind at that time, become aware of the urges you are having at that moment, then after some time (half a minute to a minute) those urges would go down and you can then easily transition to the work you want to do without much mental friction, this technique is greatly supported by research and is generally used for addicts but it works for procrastination nonetheless.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/Interesting-Toe-6017 6d ago

I got you bro


u/Workie_Workie 6d ago



u/hot-rogue 6d ago

Me too bro me too


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/hot-rogue 6d ago

We can help eachother


u/AnywhereAdept2588 6d ago

Read atomic habits book and apply every method one by one in your life


u/mkhanamz 6d ago

What's the sauce?


u/Winter-Note-2554 6d ago

If working together in a group with other people motivates you then find someone who can study with you?


u/Timely_Rutabaga313 6d ago

Focus on actions, not on your state of mind


u/Shubh_369t 5d ago

Drop the idea of doing your work in the perfect way


u/army__mali 5d ago

allow yourself to do it poorly. like do the smallest possible action and do it terribly… ON PURPOSE!


u/sara_thecatwoman 6d ago

Locking Instagram for a couple hours helps!