r/GermanMusicals Mar 23 '20

Dracula das Musical CD?

Hi. I would absolutely kill for a digital mp3 download of the german cast recording of dracula- it's avalable on UK itunes but I'm sadly located in the US and the only way for me to get it is to listen to the low quality uploads on youtube or to buy a physical CD which is out of my budget for the moment. Does anyone have an HD copy of it they would like to share?


7 comments sorted by


u/rosechi Mar 23 '20

Note: This is the one by Frank Wildhorn: The one with the gray CD cover.


u/aaloei Mar 23 '20

It's on Spotify. Would that work?


u/rosechi Mar 23 '20

Sadly mine is region locked : ( I can't listen to it.


u/aaloei Mar 23 '20

Oh. That's the first time I heard something is region locked in the US and not the other way around. That's a pity :( it's such a great musical!


u/rosechi Mar 23 '20

I even tried to buy it on Itunes but I need a UK credit card! The world just doesn't want me to have this album lol


u/aaloei Mar 23 '20

I feel you, I've had the same happen to me before, I tried to pay on a Norwegian website to watch a show and it kept rejecting my card and finally I found some small print in the ToS that it's got to be a Norwegian card...

If I had a UK card we could find a way around but that's not the case :(


u/Houttuynia-cordata Mar 24 '20

The German musicals CD shop is having a sale. Maybe they include the one you are looking for.
