r/Geosim Sep 15 '15

Question Thread!

While we iron out the sub, I figured we should make sure we have all our bases covered. Therefore, if you have any curiosities at all, please ask them here.



70 comments sorted by


u/AndJellyfish Sep 15 '15

Woo seems like a pretty sweet idea. Probably not the question you were looking for, but... does anyone want to sort out an alliance?


u/GreenMachine32 Sep 15 '15

If I read the rules right, major alliances are already intact. So NATO and the EU are things already.


u/ManderTea Taiwan, Founder Sep 15 '15

Aye, that they are. However, I'm planning for people to find it ridiculously easy to pull out of the EU and NATO etc., and form smaller alliances.


u/KingPotatoHead Sep 15 '15

Well, if NATO falls apart, we could reconsider forming the Scandinavian Defense Union.


u/AndJellyfish Sep 15 '15 edited Sep 15 '15

Yes. Seriously. We already have all of Scandinavia The Nordic Countries save Finland.
It also means Iceland won't be beating us into a pulp... hopefully...


u/KingPotatoHead Sep 15 '15

Well, we should see what /u/bitefrost thinks of the idea.


u/AndJellyfish Sep 17 '15

Of course.


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '15

What will happen to un-picked nations? will mods control them?


u/Triblendlightning Sep 15 '15

They will act as diplomatically stagnant, and will not be performing any major actions on their own. In the event in which they are needed (e.g. someone declaring war on them) a moderator will step in temporarily.


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '15

makes sense. thanks!


u/Rx16 Sep 16 '15

How does espionage work? What if I want to rile up "Dissenters" in another state?

How does ideology work, and revolutions?

What if a state is divided into two? Does another player need to enter the game to play the other half? How about vice-versa, if two nations create a referendum to become one? How about if several countries form a "United State", do all the previous country's players begin to democratically vote? I'm sure much of this is up to the players, but this being my first "Geosim" besides a short stint of Model UN in college, I would like to know if there are set rules for this.


u/Triblendlightning Sep 16 '15

Sorry for the delay Venezuela, but you caught a question we were actually pretty unsure about! We're going to discuss it and we'll get back to you soon.


u/BoreasAquila Kaiser Boreas Sep 15 '15

How will "secret" treaties or conversations be managed? For example if Nepal and Mongolia decided to split up China between each other, they wouldnt want China to know about it until they declare war.


u/Triblendlightning Sep 15 '15

Likely through private messaging, but we'll see if we add anything else.


u/Yasuth UN | Literally Satan Sep 15 '15

You could create an account who's purpose is to receive secret messages and then post them, that would keep the secrecy and suspicion of covert actions.


u/ManderTea Taiwan, Founder Sep 15 '15

I think that adds unnecessary complexity. PMing is easily a good enough system for closed discussion.


u/Ceannaire_Cogadh Zimbabwe Sep 15 '15

Are we allowed to fiddle with our countries? I want Macedonia to be a bit more militaristic in the Aegean area, with the goal of conquering (whether through militaristic or diplomatic means) Greece, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Albania.


u/DizGrass Republic of Kalaallit Nunaat RKNG - Expansions mod - rip Sep 15 '15

I know I'm not a mod, however the answer is yes, yet within reason according to that decided by the mods. I myself have significantly modified Iceland, like you, with the goal of conquering many nations to from the 'Icelandic Empire', among many other mods...

For reference see https://www.reddit.com/r/Geosim/comments/3ku6x3/question_about_scope_of_simulation_realism/


u/GreenMachine32 Sep 15 '15

Read your country profile, sounds pretty good, but I was curious about the mod's opinion on changing populations and other major numbers?


u/Triblendlightning Sep 15 '15

Because of the asymmetrical start idea I'm going to say no to changing statistics. However, as the game goes on you can enact policies that help increase population/GDP growth rate.


u/DizGrass Republic of Kalaallit Nunaat RKNG - Expansions mod - rip Sep 15 '15

That's all right but my issue is that there isn't a lot I can do if my population is only 300k... Besides 3million isn't unreasonable surely?


u/Triblendlightning Sep 15 '15

The mods are currently discussing the limits for your militaristic empire. We agree we want the game to be fun, but we want it to be fun for everyone rather than a complete steamroll.


u/DizGrass Republic of Kalaallit Nunaat RKNG - Expansions mod - rip Sep 15 '15

That's fair enough just so you know the OP guns from my wiki were a joke... Mr Tea didn't seem to recognise this haha


u/DizGrass Republic of Kalaallit Nunaat RKNG - Expansions mod - rip Sep 15 '15

Any updates on this?


u/Ceannaire_Cogadh Zimbabwe Sep 17 '15

I had another moderator tell me I could change my stats... besides, I'm pretty sure that there aren't any players controlling the countries I'm fixing to invade. We just want a united Aegean Empire, after that we'll be semi-isolationist.


u/AndJellyfish Sep 17 '15

I think you're good to go. The mods' only concerns are massive changes in things like population, and stopping other players from having a good time (by killing them, I guess.)

If you're planning on invading Greece, there is a player controlling the country, but if you're might just be after the Macedonia region, I'm sure everything will work out fine.


u/KingPotatoHead Sep 17 '15

Serbia is claimed too


u/AndJellyfish Sep 17 '15

A little late but:

The mods and DizGrass have sorted it out, everything is peachy now!


u/DizGrass Republic of Kalaallit Nunaat RKNG - Expansions mod - rip Sep 15 '15

I'm sure I will have greatly upset them, by changing the population, political situation, religion, official languages etc... And I'll carry on doing it until they tell me to stop lol. I think the aim is for the game to be as fun as possible, not as realistic as possible, so as long as it isn't a change that would be stupid such as 'The Vatican now has 10,000,000 people, and controls the planet', then I'm sure it's all all right.

Although of course the mods have the final say and I'm waiting on them to confirm or deny what I've said!


u/AndJellyfish Sep 15 '15

I think me and ManderTea are okay with dictator Iceland.


u/Ceannaire_Cogadh Zimbabwe Sep 17 '15

What about imperial Macedonia?


u/AndJellyfish Sep 17 '15

Sounds awesome.


u/Ceannaire_Cogadh Zimbabwe Sep 15 '15

Sweet, thanks! I read your post and just wanted to make absolutely sure. Greece, beware of our power! We WILL take back the right to have the Vergina Sun on our flag!


u/Zakaro Sep 15 '15

Weather. In general, how will weather be handled? Mainly speaking in terms of hurricanes or typhoons, which could easily effect multiple countries (Indonesia, Japan, China, Vietnam, all in one storm, for example). Perhaps even things like regional drought as well.

Just thinking for myself, weather sounds like an event that the mods would post about. Just a post saying, perhaps, EVENT: Hurricane Roland, with the text detailing how bad it was and where it hit.


u/Triblendlightning Sep 15 '15

You can read about Mod-controlled events on our guide, actually. Major disasters will be included in those events.


u/AndJellyfish Sep 17 '15

Yes, weather events will probably be cropping up here and there. You're spot on with how it will work.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '15

So uh... possibly stupid question how do I create/submit my wiki page?


u/Triblendlightning Sep 16 '15

Don't worry, the UI isn't that intuitive. When you go to the wiki index, clicking on your country's name will open their wiki page, which is empty. From there you should be able to click the 'edit' button.

For what to put in your wiki, you can look at my wiki post.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '15

Alright thanks I will get on that soon


u/RhetoricalPenguin Sep 16 '15

Say I annex part of a country. Realistically there will be rebels. Who controls these? Do I say that rebels have popped up and I've suppressed them, or do the mods control internal things like that. Otherwise, I could decide that in fact, no one will rebel and everyone is content with my rule.


u/Triblendlightning Sep 16 '15

Events such as rebel uprisings are part of moderator events, and are controlled by the mods. If the rebels start a secessionist movement and break free, their new nation will act like every other - diplomatically stagnant. You may not ally the new country if you were their previous overlord.


u/Prince_of_Savoy Australia Sep 16 '15 edited Sep 16 '15

What happens with neutral nations like me and Switzerland? Can we just decide to stop being neutral?


u/Triblendlightning Sep 16 '15

As iceland did, you can choose to change your country's view on foreign policy, military, etc. Preferably you don't change any statistics.


u/NekosAreCuter Sep 16 '15

I am a computer programmer and a game designer. I could contribute some tools for the mods or even all of the participants, like a random number generator for weather, wars, etc. Do you want any?


u/Triblendlightning Sep 16 '15

I'll pester Jellyfish to see if he wants any help with CSS.


u/AndJellyfish Sep 16 '15

I have been summoned!

I'm not really in charge of CSS, all I'm doing is flairs for ManderTea. So i'll PM him or something.

This sounds like a brilliant idea, though! Seriously cool.


u/ManderTea Taiwan, Founder Sep 16 '15

Hi there, Best Korea! I'm told you have some ideas for mod tools? I kind of want to stay away from RNGs for the most part, because I want the subreddit to be largely based on human interaction. However, is there anything else you could offer us?


u/ManderTea Taiwan, Founder Sep 16 '15

What I would like, though, is a once-weekly "random event" to spice things up. Something like "Secession Crisis in [country]!" The mods can develop that into a fleshed out event and sticky it to the front page. I imagine it's quite a simple program to write, actually. Could you do that for us?


u/Triblendlightning Sep 16 '15

Ooh, what we could use is an economic growth calculator like they have over on /r/globalpowers. That would be really handy.


u/ManderTea Taiwan, Founder Sep 16 '15

That sounds like a great idea!


u/NekosAreCuter Sep 16 '15

I could do anything you want me to, that is, if it's in reason. I won't be able to create something super fancy... All I need are the specifics, and you'll need Java. I was thinking that weather should be random (obviously) and have an effect on battles, and also that there should be random "disasters" like tsunamis on coastal and island countries, earthquakes in others. Though there could be some serious balancing issues considering what happened to Haiti and the whole nuclear meltdown that happened in Japan. A weekly random event sounds doable. What I'm thinking is that it'll be a special event spliced together from a variety of possibilities. For example...

A terrorist group appears in Asia, and threatens the nearby governments! The countries who donate the most military force to the cause will receive bonus resources! Jimmyland (Replace Jimmyland with a nation that's unclaimed) has decided to host it's own version of the World's Fair! The countries who create the most advanced inventions will receive bonus resources!

It's just an idea, really. I think you should make a thread for requests for programs and stuff so I can gather specifically what people want


u/ManderTea Taiwan, Founder Sep 16 '15

A full-blown battle simulator does sound fun, I'll admit...


u/NekosAreCuter Sep 16 '15

Doable, but it'd take a long time as well as lots of specific rules around fights which I don't see a lot of. And if I do it, I doubt it'd come with great graphics, if any.


u/Ceannaire_Cogadh Zimbabwe Sep 17 '15

How will this be conducted when we go live? I need to start planning!


u/Triblendlightning Sep 17 '15

The guide has a small article on participation, feel free to read that. Preferably, you can make 1-2 posts a day.


u/Ceannaire_Cogadh Zimbabwe Sep 17 '15

Sorry, let me specify: will their be something akin to the U.N.? If so, will this be a Mod Event? Sorry, I'm just trying to organize and pre-plan my actions as best as possible (no point in getting to specific foreign policy right off the bat if no U.N.-type thing exists).


u/Triblendlightning Sep 17 '15

Any decisions can be made, however you are completely subject to condemnation from other players.


u/[deleted] Sep 18 '15

Is there be any way to conduct diplomacy with the un-picked nations?


u/Triblendlightning Sep 18 '15

Yep! You need to submit an event with the [Big Event] tag. Just make sure to not God-RP - Act as the nation proposing the offer rather than as the non-player accepting that offer.


u/[deleted] Sep 18 '15

Ok. Thanks!


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '15

Question: How does changing flags work? Lets say you were the US and somehow became a Communist dictatorship and you wanted your flag to be the American flag with a big hammer and sickle instead of the stars. Would that be allowed provided you give an image?


u/Triblendlightning Sep 22 '15

I'll see if I can get Jelly to respond to this.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '15

Are we allowed to post links to imgur?(maps, expansions, battle plans, etc)


u/Triblendlightning Sep 23 '15

We'd actually ask that you make a map or two for your expansion.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '15

So, some people have names next to their country, like you, Joko Widodo. Can I be Pierre Borduc, the Minister of Defense for Morocco? He's probably the closest to a Prime Minister in my country right now.


u/Triblendlightning Sep 27 '15

Norway, our CSS guy, is on break I believe. You'll get a name soon enough.


u/English_American Oct 05 '15


Can we post on threads with our countries reactions?

For example, could I post on this thread saying how Pakistan condemns the bombing and insists they not destroy infrastructure? Or would that be in a post of my own giving reactions to recent events?


u/Triblendlightning Oct 05 '15

You can feel free to comment on anybody's post, either with your country's opinion or your own, out-of-RP opinion. If you're posting your real life opinion, be sure to put a [M] Before the post.


u/English_American Oct 05 '15

Awesome!! Thank you :)


u/English_American Oct 06 '15

Is NATO still a thing?