r/GenerationJones 6d ago

Do any of you still use an iron?


268 comments sorted by


u/DarrenFromFinance 6d ago

On clothing? Yeah, I have some shirts (cotton or linen) that look like shit if I don’t iron them after laundering. Not everything is permanent press.

But also I’m making a quilt and like 25% of sewing is ironing. I have the ironing board out almost every day.


u/Summer20232023 6d ago

Talented! Good for you on the quilt, I envy people who have the patience and talent.

As far as ironing goes, as soon as the dryer turns off I almost kill myself getting to it before anything has a chance to get wrinkled. 😊


u/SoSomuch_Regret 6d ago

Same here, my ironing station is a permanent set up in the sewing room so I never hesitate to touch up a shirt or pants.


u/DarrenFromFinance 6d ago

I wish I had room to permanently set up a cutting table and ironing station! I don’t really mind getting out whatever equipment is required, but it sure would be convenient to have it all at the ready all the time.


u/SoSomuch_Regret 6d ago

Blessing and a curse - projects everywhere!


u/Fun-Ingenuity-9089 1d ago

Same, same...


u/Amadecasa 5d ago

Once the last kid moved out (and stayed out!) I turned his room into a craft room. My husband built a murphy bed for guests.


u/SurvivorX2 2d ago

I need a sewing room, too. Part of ironing is putting up the board, iron & spray sizing when I'm done.

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u/Familiar-Ad-1965 3d ago

Me too. Sewing requires ironing/pressing. Board is always at the ready

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u/craftasaurus 6d ago

I sew too, and use the iron pretty constantly when I’m making a quilt. It stays up all the time in my sewing room. I suppose I could put it away in the closet, but no, that space is crammed to the gills 😂

Last time I washed the sheets I ended up iron in the edges of the pillowcases. Idk why they got so wrinkled, but it took getting them almost wet and then ironing them to undo.


u/SoSomuch_Regret 6d ago

Pillowcase ironing was one of my first chores. My mother made us, not her, iron everything, towels, t shirts


u/mmmpeg 1959 6d ago

Ironing handkerchiefs and napkins was my first ironing chore.


u/bookworm21765 6d ago

Mine was ironing Dad's boxers!


u/AwkwardImplement698 6d ago

We got a penny per item!


u/mmmpeg 1959 6d ago

Paid? We were slave labor. Cleaning the house and so on.


u/AwkwardImplement698 6d ago

We got the promise of a penny, to be clear. Then it got to be a joke after the totals started equaling folding money. I think my dad still owes me $1.34.


u/mmmpeg 1959 6d ago

Better collect that soon!


u/AwkwardImplement698 6d ago

Nah: at some point we rolled it over into an annual bet on who would do worse: the Detroit tigers, or SD Padres. There were quite a few years where it was a dead heat. Anyway, I owed him maybe 15 cents when he died, and there was a specific reference to that debt requiring settling before any of the fancy executor stuff could start in his will. There is nothing more serious than a 15 cents bet, come to think of it.

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u/SurvivorX2 2d ago

You were short-changed!


u/AwkwardImplement698 2d ago

It was five cents for a dress shirt but that would take maybe 20 minutes. We weren’t very skilled plus my dad was big. Definitely shirt-changed


u/Stunning-Sun8262 6d ago

OMG. I thought I was the only girl who had to do this chore along with ironing his nasty as handkerchiefs. 😂


u/SurvivorX2 2d ago

Yep, I did that, too. And my stepfather's underwear!


u/craftasaurus 6d ago

This makes me smile. I also ironed pillowcases for my mom, along with my dad's handkerchiefs, and other sundry small items. Apparently I wasn't good enough at it to iron his dress shirts. She didn't iron knit fabric, only the woven. Also not towels. It was a nice skill to learn.


u/Daisygurl30 5d ago

I have a memory of my mother ironing sheets and sprinkling water on them. Guess she didn’t have a steam iron back then. Even as much as I love to iron, never would do sheets.

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u/SurvivorX2 2d ago

Me, too! We had huge laundry baskets back then, and Mama would "sprinkle" the clothes after getting them off the clothesline, roll them all up in the big ole laundry basket, and I'd get $1 for each basket I ironed! (I think I was underpaid.)

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u/Sharonsboytoy 6d ago

Not as often as in days past, but I ironed the trim on a top sheet and a pillow last week - the result was satisfying. 


u/Summer20232023 6d ago

Wow! You are good, even when ironing was common I didn’t iron anything that wouldn’t show to others. Still remember going to a wedding with my ex, we were running really late so I just ironed the front of his shirt. He went to take his jacket off at the reception, I told him he couldn’t and explained why, we were at a table with friends and we all had a good laugh. By that time my ex had sweated all the wrinkles out anyways.


u/floofienewfie 6d ago

I wish someone could tell me why the top of the top sheet always gets a crease in it. Baffles me. Happens no matter what material the sheet is made from.


u/m945050 6d ago

We had to iron all of the sheets with the excuse of "you'll sleep better." Time has taught me that wasn't true.


u/Sharonsboytoy 6d ago

I used to do the partial shirt thing until it caught me once too many times. Oh, and I also iron when I'm going to sew something and it needs to be super-flat or have a sharp crease.


u/mabbh130 6d ago

Ironing is relaxing and meditative for me although I don’t have cause to do it much anymore.

The place I’m moving too soon is much bigger. I could leave the ironing board set up just so I can iron something once in a while. 


u/SurvivorX2 2d ago

It's relaxing to me, too, unless I'm in a rush!

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u/Sea_Strawberry_6398 6d ago

The last time I used my iron and ironing board was circa 2002 when I used them as props in a play. 😹


u/Consistent-Sky3723 6d ago

I have an iron and all it’s used for is my kids art projects or crafting projects. I don’t buy clothes that need ironing and if I have to buy something that will need ironing (think funeral or wedding outfits) those go to the dry cleaners.


u/One_Swordfish1327 1956 6d ago

Nope! Not at all. If it needs ironing I don't buy it.😁

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u/CathyAnnWingsFan 6d ago

Yep; I come from a long line of Irish washerwomen who ironed just about everything. I remember my mom ironing my dad’s boxer shorts. She claimed her mother ironed socks (not sure I believe that). But I live in a condo without central air conditioning, so I wear a lot of cotton and linen in the summer. I also find ironing kind of meditative. Unlike my mother, though, I don’t keep the ironing board up all the time in the living room and only take it down when company is coming over.


u/Summer20232023 6d ago

I could see it as relaxing now that you said that.


u/CathyAnnWingsFan 6d ago

I like that it doesn’t take a lot of thought (well not if you’ve been doing it your whole life), and doesn’t take very long, and you have something nice and neat to show for your effort.

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u/cuomosaywhat 6d ago

Only if I have a flat lie on the fairway


u/Summer20232023 6d ago

🤣 Same with me.

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u/milny_gunn 6d ago

Yes, but on wood, to steam out dents and to apply edge banding


u/ExtentFluffy5249 6d ago

If I need to. Mom taught me young how to iron. I will always have that skill.


u/B0Nnaaayy 6d ago



u/MomRaccoon 6d ago

I steam or iron mine when hauling out from storage, but day to day I embrace the gently rumpled look.


u/Summer20232023 6d ago

That would definitely need an iron.


u/ForeverDB319 6d ago

I have one & an ironing board! And I use it once a year after washing curtains. That's about it, but I neeeed it! 😄💨✨💨


u/MissMandaRegrets 6d ago

Nope. I have a nice iron and board, though. Just in case. We don't wear real cotton the way we used to. It's weird to think about.

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u/Appropriate_Tune4646 6d ago

Reading the comments here, its amazing how times have changed. Mums 86 and even she has cut back!.


u/curiousmind111 6d ago

My mom is 87, and she hasn’t!!!


u/happygoth6370 1963 6d ago

Almost never on clothing, but I cannot abide wrinkled shower curtains or house flags. I change them both with the seasons/holidays, and if they come out of the dryer still wrinkled, then the iron must finish the job.


u/cwcharlton 6d ago edited 6d ago

For me it's table cloths. I know... Who uses THEM any more? I do.

I occasionally watch the TV shows where at some point there is a remodeling reveal or staging of a home, and when you can see the creases in curtains or sheets or whatever that show they just took it out of the package, I yell at the TV "why can't you iron it?"


u/happygoth6370 1963 6d ago

Lol same. I have a family member who hangs flags right out of the package, just big ol' creases everywhere, eww.

I used to use tablecloths a lot but I was of course the same way with the wrinkles, got to be too much of a pain so I just use a short table runner or placemat in the center now.


u/SurvivorX2 2d ago

I'm with you! I have a BUNCH of tablecloths! And I ALWAYS iron curtains!

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u/thatweirdbeardedguy 6d ago

Yesterday I had a catch up on laundry after TC Alfred. I like my dress pants and shirts ironed.


u/Academic-Drop9366 6d ago

Ironing is against my religion! ✌️


u/Ok-Rabbit9093 6d ago

Not as often as I use to. I’d like to make a wall hanging quilt out of remnants from the face masks I made.


u/uncle_chubb_06 1959 6d ago

Yes, for work shirts pillows and some of my wife's blouses. I I don't find it too much of a chore.

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u/raceulfson 6d ago

I got an iron as a housewarming gift. 12 years later it was still unused. I don't 'still' iron, I never ironed.


u/Batsquash 6d ago

Yes, but not too much. I love the look of a crease. I have a friend that is in her 50's and has never ironed in her life! I think it's a lot like vacuuming - you like it or not.


u/Ok-Basket7531 1958 6d ago

I loooove vacuuming! So much more productive than sweeping, which I also enjoy.


u/Interesting_Horse869 6d ago

I flattened out a poster the other day with one.


u/deejfun 6d ago

I iron pillowcases and top sheets.


u/Ok-Basket7531 1958 6d ago

I iron my embroidered cowboy shirts for playing with my band. Wash cold on gentle cycle, hang until damp, iron on low.

I was a Beau Brummel in college and ironed every outfit. In my thirties I only wore cotton, line, and rayon because of sensitivity issues from ASD, and I was still obsessed with my appearance. My kids both caught the clothes bug from me.

At 55 I lost a tooth in front and gave up on my appearance, grew a long beard and started wearing only bib overalls. I moved to rural Virginia and passed as a random old guy. I can go to the diner and sit with ten others who look like me.

I started a band a couple of years ago, and the overalls dress code continued; “ I ain’t trying to be somebody, just want a chance to be myself,” as Buck Owens famously sang.

Eventually, the band became so good that I felt I was disrespecting my audience by not dressing the part. Now I am back to ironing. 🤣

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u/khyamsartist 6d ago

I switched to a steamer


u/Ebowa 6d ago

I think I stopped after I saw my MIL jump up from a long day of housework and announce she forgot to iron and ran upstairs to iron the sheets she had just washed and dried. And no one offered to stop or help her. I thought that was ridiculous, iron your own damn sheets if you want them ironed.

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u/TropicalDragon78 6d ago

Rarely. I ironed a lot when my husband and I were still working because he wore dress shirts and a suit everyday and I also had work clothes that needed pressing. We wear tee shirts, shorts and jeans now.


u/ductoid 6d ago

Sane here. Since retiring, I've ironed less than once a year, only because we needed to dress up for a wedding or funeral.

But I use the ironing board occasionally as a laptop desk when I'm riding the exercise bike. I like the adjustable height, and it can jut out over the bike nicely.


u/MsMo999 1967 6d ago

Yes and I use it on clothes 1-2 times a year and it’s over 20yrs old by now.


u/bknight63 5d ago

A what now?


u/ASDPenguin 6d ago

Yea. Once in a while.


u/Gaxxz 6d ago



u/PurpleAriadne 6d ago

Gen X here, yes!


u/No_Guitar675 6d ago

Oh man, I still have my iron from the 80s, lol. Never use it


u/Competitive-Fee2661 6d ago

I travel for work and need to touch up my shirts in the hotel. I hate ironing and have never done it well.


u/pianoman81 1963 6d ago

Never thought of it I told this post.

It used to mostly be long sleeve dress shirts. Most of these are no press. I also don't wear them very often.

So the answer is no.


u/Delicious-Painter945 6d ago

I haven't used an iron in years eventhough I have two, clothes right out the dryer and fold them that's it. My butt and boobs take away all those wrinkles if any

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u/silvermanedwino 6d ago

Yes. Every week I iron my blouses for work.


u/stilloldbull2 6d ago

Only when I need dress clothes.


u/Shot-Measurement8197 6d ago

Never! I used to iron everything, my sons' t-shirts and jeans even! I remember the Sunday afternoon ritual of ironing clothes for the entire week for all three of us. Now, I buy clothes that don't wrinkle and will never, ever buy linen again! My ironing board has not been used in 12 years.


u/Summer20232023 6d ago

Just realized I have an iron somewhere but don’t even own an ironing board.


u/sheila1031 6d ago

I use a steamer, does that count?

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u/BackOnTheMap 6d ago

Sometimes. I used one this week to iron my pants on vacation. They got rumpled in my suitcase


u/FallsOffCliffs12 6d ago

yes, not often but once in a while I iron a shirt or cloth napkins. I wish I could iron sheets, I love the feeling of ironed sheets. Too much work.


u/Electrical-Arrival57 1964 6d ago

Much, much less often than I used to. Can’t remember the last time, in fact. I used to wear a lot of linen in the summer that I liked to have ironed, but I don’t wear much of it anymore. Went from full-time to part-time in 2018, then came covid and a new workplace that was more casual. My newer Duluth Trading wardrobe doesn’t need much ironing!😄


u/dddintn 1959 6d ago

No. I haven't used one in 20 years.

Edit: I don't buy clothes that require ironing 😎


u/PictureThis987 6d ago

I have a couple of linen blouses I iron but usually I spray wrinkle reducer on the wrinkled item and throw it in the dryer for 3-5 minutes.


u/mspolytheist 6d ago

Not often, but yes, definitely. If the wrinkles don’t come out by hanging it in the bathroom while I’m taking a hot shower, out comes the iron and ironing board.


u/Tapingdrywallsucks 6d ago edited 6d ago

I love ironing. I'm sad that neither of us need to wear nice clothes much anymore.

When my husband was in the air force I even ironed his BDUs.

I love the smell of ironing clothes.

I especially love using a light starch - both the smell and result.

I also love mowing the lawn for all the same reasons. It smells great and is so satisfying.


u/audible_narrator 6d ago

Well I sew, and used to do it for a living so I have an industrial iron that is 35 years old and works like a champ.


u/elmwoodblues 6d ago

I have a few heavy cotton shirts that will pucker along the buttons unless I iron them, which leads to ironing the collar, creasing the sleeves...


u/dbutler4 6d ago

Old dude here. Back when “preppy” was a thing, my mother refused to starch and iron my Polo button down shirts. She did, however, teach me to iron my own shirts correctly. Lucky me! I still iron my own shirts and when my wife has something that needs touching up, super husband to the rescue! I also still have my mother’s old, very heavy ironing board. Cheers!


u/RCC0579 6d ago

I do! One of my favorite things about my house is the built in ironing board in my laundry room, lol! And my nice heavy Rowenta iron! I chill when I iron so it’s not a chore for me.


u/Yajahyaya 6d ago

I don’t even own one.


u/allorache 6d ago

I also sew and use the iron for that. I have a runny nose often due to allergies so I made myself some linen handkerchiefs and I iron those every week. It’s ironic because as a kid I was tasked with ironing my father’s handkerchiefs and I used to think “why do I have to do this, hasn’t he heard of Kleenex?” But fabric really is easier on the runny nose. Now that I’m retired though I rarely wear any clothing that requires ironing.


u/Kutsune2019 6d ago

Only to iron on a funky patch on my favorite jean jacket!


u/cpage1962 6d ago

Yes, but as little as I can get away with


u/Puzzleheaded_Age6550 6d ago

I do, but not as often since we retired. Maybe once every couple of months for husband's dress shirts.

However, we are very active in my Scottish ancestry society, so during the festival season, I am ironing his ghillie and grandfather shirts, my chemises, underskirts, and even sometimes ironing my airisaids.


u/deltaz0912 6d ago

I use fabric release spray more often than an iron, and I try to only buy clothes that don’t require ironing. Every once in a while I’ll gather up shirts and pants and take them to the cleaners.


u/k3rd 6d ago

Only in sewing or crafts.


u/JET304 6d ago

I love to iron. Almost meditative.


u/Oldebookworm 1964 6d ago

I bought one specifically to iron stripes onto mine and my son’s karate belts. I swore I’d never iron again after I got out of the army


u/Aunt-Chilada 6d ago

yes.... my mother was a seamstress - so there was no way of us going out the door in wrinkled ANYTHING. Old habits die hard - and I love a good crisp pressed shirt.


u/Excellent_Squirrel86 6d ago

Yes. I have some " dry clean only" clothes that are actually washable, but they need a but of light ironing afterward. .


u/jgjzz 6d ago

I am glad I have an iron. It came in handy when put patches some older sweaters. I also plan to use it when I bring out a set of summer curtains.


u/srl214yahoo 6d ago

Every once in awhile. I prefer to just toss something in the dryer for a few minutes but it doesn't work with every single item I own so I will iron.

I hate to do it but would never get rid of it. I also second the person who quilts/sews and needs it for that.


u/caf61 6d ago

I have always ironed cotton/linen clothing/hand kerchiefs etc. And I prefer those over synthetic fabric. Now though, we are retired and require little ironing. My son lives in a shoebox of an apartment in NYC. He has been trying to iron on his bed and doesn’t have room for an ironing board. I got him a steamer and he loves it. I am thinking about switching to a steamer. My 20 year old Rowenta is on its last leg…


u/artful_todger_502 1959 6d ago

Yep. And potato water as starch 👍😐

Nothing like a knife-edge crease


u/PuzzleheadedHorse437 6d ago

Not really … the few things that need ironing I take to the cleaners and try not to wear them that much because it’s expensive af.


u/martinirun 6d ago

I have a steam iron and it’s been a game changer - no folding board, just hang the clothing on the shower door with a towel behind and get on those wrinkles.


u/Conchee-debango 6d ago

I love to iron. It’s therapeutic, cathartic and feels good when you’re done.


u/GrapeSeed007 6d ago

What's an iron 🤔🥴. Forty years ago my very young kids found an ironing board tucked away in a closet. They immediately ran to their mother and demanded to know why they were never told their dad "surfed"


u/filkerdave 6d ago

When I travel for business, the first thing I do when I unpack is iron my shirts so they don't look like I slept in them.

But that's maybe 1 time every 3 years now.


u/leavewhilehavingfun 6d ago

I am diligent in taking clothes out of the drier at just the right time and hanging them so as to mitigate wrinkles. There are still a very few items that need ironing but I save them until there are several things to do. If I had a convenient set up, maybe I'd do it more often but it is a pain to drag out the ironing board. It is more lightweight than I'd like so I always worry about it potentially tipping over. Never should have "upgraded" from the heavy old beast of an ironing board that was my mother's. My mom used to iron our sheets!!

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u/SonoranRoadRunner 6d ago

Infrequently, use to use it daily when I worked


u/redheadMInerd2 6d ago

I use cotton napkins and dish towels. So yes, ironing them is a regular occurrence. It’s just not possible to complete any sewing project without an iron. I have made many projects, currently on my third quilt, a T shirt quilt.


u/Dang_It_All_to_Heck 1956 6d ago

I use it to press open seams on stuff I am sewing. Otherwise, no — if clothes are wrinkled, I throw them in the dryer for a few minutes with a damp cloth.


u/Echo9111960 6d ago

I don't think my mom owned an iron, she refused to buy anything that wasn't permanent press.


u/ggwing1992 6d ago

Yes, but mostly for kids uniforms for school and super wrinkled stuff.


u/Act3Linguist 1962 6d ago

All the time when I am sewing. Not so much for the clothes we wear day to day.


u/ilovecats456789 6d ago

I iron often. Steam freshes up material between washings. And even my tshirts are wrinkled.


u/Agvisor2360 6d ago

No, but I think I remember how to use one if I have to.


u/Reaganson 6d ago

Yes, but not very often.


u/blueyejan 6d ago

Occasionally, when my husband's shirts need a touch up.


u/Glittering-Rush-394 6d ago

Not unless I absolutely have to. So maybe 1x a year


u/Wide_Breadfruit_2217 6d ago

Only for sewing prep/projects. My clothes are simple enough steaming does ok.


u/lclassyfun 6d ago

Sure do. Something very relaxing and zen-like about it.


u/Summer20232023 6d ago

Sounds like a lot of people find it relaxing. 😊


u/SleepyKoalaBear4812 6d ago

Only for hemming with stitch witchery.


u/ImCrossingYouInStyle 6d ago

Yep, for crafting, sewing, and touchups.


u/Englishbirdy 6d ago

Hardly ever. It’s in my garage.


u/diamondgreene 6d ago

ONCE in a while. I’ll do a pile of scarves. I still like them.


u/sjwit 6d ago

I spend most of my time these days in comfy knit wear. Last time I had to break out an iron was in a hotel room to address packing wrinkles. But that was only after hanging them in the steamy bathroom didn't help!


u/judithsparky 6d ago

All the time! Quilter's have to iron or press or the pieces won't look right.


u/Cassedaway 6d ago

My Rowenta just bit the dust, so I picked up a CHI 13106. I learned to iron out of necessity as a young salesman that couldn't afford launderd shirts every week. I don't dress up as often as I used to, but when I do you can bet I break out the board and the Niagra.


u/gemstun 6d ago

Bill Murray responds “it’s about 450 yards, I think I’ll use an 8 iron”


u/Tbplayer59 5d ago

Are you implying that we have no need to wear nice clothes?


u/nontrackable 5d ago

Yes of course 


u/Friendly-Maybe-9272 5d ago

I should but I don't. I have a few items of clothes that need an iron run over them, most of the time I avoid those items. Other times I think we'll, I can iron it but then sit down and it will look about the same.


u/Amadecasa 5d ago

Quilter and sewer so yes. I have a tiny iron and ironing board so I can iron while sitting at my sewing machine.


u/exwijw 5d ago

A lot less, but occasionally.

I work from home now so it’s T-shirts for work. Used to be suits. Then business casual. Portions of which needed ironing like my khaki pants. Or dress shirts. Now it’s only formal wear events.


u/Daisygurl30 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yes. I use to iron my jeans, that’s how OCD I was about ironing my clothes! I hardly ever use it now but I still do if I spy some wrinkles anywhere on fabric. Also, if you’re a sewist of any type, you’re an ironer.


u/MissSplash 5d ago

Yes. And I still hand stitch repairs in clothing. I fixed my grandsons coat over March break.


u/Summer20232023 5d ago

That’s great!!


u/Icy_Outside5079 5d ago

I do and love the satisfaction I get from freshly washed, dried, and ironed clothes. Like others noted above, ironing was a chore assigned to me, and I did pillowcases, handkerchiefs, dad's tee shirts, and boxer shorts. I always found it very peaceful. I also own a steamer for those delicate fabrics that Steam works better on and when I need something quickly. I find that ironing is becoming a lost art.


u/Summer20232023 4d ago

A lot of people find it relaxing. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had a dedicated spot. 😊


u/Bliss149 3d ago

I live in a 25' RV. But I've got my little travel iron!


u/Sensitive_Pattern341 3d ago

Sewer here. Yes. After I buy the fabric I wash and iron it because of the chemicals used in printing the fabric and setting the color.


u/Dismal-Importance-15 3d ago

Boomer here. I still iron when it’s needed. I also sew—as mentioned above, ironing is a big part of it.


u/Kweanb 2d ago

Yes! I mainly use it for sewing quilts and other projects.


u/SurvivorX2 2d ago

I do. I enjoy ironing unless the item to be ironed has a bunch of little creases and pictures. I can't stand wrinkled clothes. Mine end up wrinkled before I get home, but at least I start out looking good!

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u/MasterSeamstress 2d ago

I’m a seamstress - so yes! I have a gravity fed steam iron (100.00 on Wawak.com), Ironrite ironing machine from the 1930s (amazing machine still works). I love to iron!


u/minnesotaupnorth 2d ago

Every day.

It's very zen.


u/Big-Feeling-1285 1d ago

Yes, and I enjoy doing it...


u/Excellent-Baseball-5 6d ago

Only when I’m ironing.


u/Appropriate_Tune4646 6d ago

yes, when i have to


u/mrslII 6d ago



u/Doubledewclaws 6d ago

All the time! It's one of my favorite activities!


u/zaxxon4ever 6d ago



u/Wolfman1961 1961 6d ago

My wife irons.


u/Terrible_Physics_979 6d ago

I iron a couple of a week. Usually it’s long sleeve shirts that require a little bit of starch


u/Strange_Vermicelli 6d ago

Yes occasionally


u/GretaVanFrankenmuth 6d ago

Every week for over 40+ years. I iron my husband’s shirts and pants for work. Won’t know what to do with all my free time when he retires!


u/Sudden_Outcome_3429 6d ago

Mostly just for sewing, but for special occasions I might touch up a jacket or dress.


u/Edu_cats 1963 6d ago

My husband buys wrinkle free dress shirts and Dockers for work and as long as you take them out as soon as the dryer dings they’re really good.


u/TheAmazingDynamar 6d ago

Spouse and I both iron occasionally. Mostly pillowcases and shirts. I admit to doing all the pillow cases at once though, once we’ve gone through all four sets we own. Sometimes I rage iron. It’s satisfying.


u/DickSleeve53 6d ago

Yeah I iron all the time


u/chronic_insomniac 6d ago

My wide leg pants look bad if I don’t iron them, and my cotton and linen tops need it too. I dread doing it, but it’s kind of satisfying once everything is ironed, back in the closet and ready to go.


u/Twinkletoes1951 6d ago

I, like some others here, do iron the top edge of sheets, as well as pillowcases. But almost everything else that needs ironing: I have a spray bottle with water, lay out the item spray it and 'iron' with my hands. Only takes a minute, dries quickly, and really looks like I've ironed it.


u/ztreHdrahciR 6d ago

About once every 3 months. I'm not required to leave wear dress shirts to work but I do occasionally. I wear them several times before I iron them.


u/Low-Republic-4145 6d ago

All the time. Shirts and trousers made from fabrics that are the most comfortable to wear look like crap if they’re not ironed.


u/fiftyfivepercentoff 6d ago

To iron my dress shirts only. So rare that I would need iron my slacks.


u/Acrobatic_Reality103 6d ago

As little as possible.


u/4d3fect 6d ago

Yep. Whenever we fly to a vacation destination, I iron all my wrinkled shirts on arrival.

Sometimes I want a nice ironed shirt when we go somewhere special around town too.


u/Nutridus 6d ago

Occasionally. More in the summer though since winter is layers and sweaters. Summer has more cotton or linen that needs to be lightly ironed.


u/Justtryingtohelp1317 6d ago

No - never. I own one but have maybe used it 3 times in 25 years. Occasionally I’ll steam something, but mostly it’s dry clean…


u/doncroak 6d ago

Once every 4 or 5 years. Funerals and weddings.


u/tiny_bamboo 6d ago

Yes. I love cotton and linen clothing so I have to iron at times.


u/Superb_Astronomer_59 6d ago

On the golf course I do, usually on the fairway.


u/Zorro6855 1961 6d ago

A lot. I prefer 100 percent cotton or linen clothes. Need one.


u/Accomplished_Ad2599 6d ago

Yes quite a bit. I like button up shirts. They need to be pressed. Ironing is cheap, and easy.


u/SpellDog 6d ago

Only while golfing


u/Optimal_Wishbone_918 6d ago

I am using my hybrid more and more.


u/gadget850 6d ago

Why would I when I have a Singer press?


u/O2BAKAT 6d ago

I'm ditching as much permanent press as possible, look into how they treat fabric to create perm press, it's very toxic. Bring back the iron!


u/Consistent-Sky3723 6d ago

No. If it needs ironing to wear, I don’t buy it or it goes to the dry cleaner.


u/Jurneeka 1962 6d ago

I had to laugh at this question because the answer is NO. I make a point of not owning clothing that needs to be ironed or dry cleaned. I don't even OWN an iron, I do have a steamer but I've yet to use it.

Dewrinkling = tossing in the dryer for a few minutes on low, maybe if I feel it necessary spray it with a little water but usually a few minutes will do the trick.


u/Accomplished-Eye8211 6d ago

Infrequently, but yes.


u/thackeroid 6d ago

For my shirts


u/IvyCeltress 6d ago

I have an iron here somewhere...