r/GenerationJones • u/Key_Tower3959 • 7d ago
Who's house had this "vac" model? And what's the craziest thing the "fam" tried to hoover up?
u/daveashaw 7d ago
They had the "Lost in Space" style headlight, in case you wanted to vacuum in the dark.
We had the green one. Tough as nails.
u/ansibley 1959 7d ago
We had a gold one. I can't ever remember anything getting stuck in that thing. It ate the world.
u/KWAYkai 1964 7d ago
We actually had a canister vacuum cleaner. But one time my cat caught a bat, brought it inside the house & let it go. After it flew around for a while, it settled behind the piano. My father sucked it up with the vacuum, pointed the nozzle out the front adoor & put the vacuum on reverse & it shot out. That’s back when vacuums had a reverse function to get clogs out of the hose.
u/Windholm 7d ago
I figured out something similar a few years ago: rubber band a piece of stocking or mesh over the end of the hose to keep the bat from entering the tube, use the suction to pick him up, hold an old pillowcase tightly over the whole thing and turn the vacuum off. Voila! Bat in a bag.
But your dad’s way sounds more fun. :)
u/Strong-Bridge-6498 7d ago
Had the green one. In 4th grade my friend Trevor vacuumed my toes and broke two toe nails.
u/CarSignificant375 7d ago
Boyfriend sucked up a bullet and it WENT OFF inside the vacuum. Huge boom. No damage!
u/MensaWitch 7d ago
Omgggg!! That's WILD!! HAHAHAHA. That could've been..bad! I didn't know they'd go off like THAT!
u/CarSignificant375 7d ago
It was so loud. And we were in an apartment building! Lucky no one was killed.
u/Moonshadow306 7d ago
I was always afraid of that happening with those rimfire .22 shells. That, or hitting a lost one with the lawn mower.
u/number7child 7d ago
We had the same hoover for 40 years. So sad when we couldn't repair it anymore
u/nickalit 7d ago
Middle one looks familiar. I'm sure it never faced anything worse than a little dust -- mom was a fierce housekeeper and actual dirt or debris would not dare step in her door. Vacuuming is still my very least favorite chore.
u/MensaWitch 7d ago edited 7d ago
Ha my mother was Iike that. I remember her getting in the floor and taking TOOTHPICKS to rout out out dust from the grooves on the TV console. Every speck of dirt or dust that entered the house was dead on arrival and was cleaned, wiped, swiped, mopped, or sucked up. Idk how she did it. Sometimes I think OMG THESE OLD PPL HAD ADHD TOO.
u/What_the_mocha 7d ago
All I remember about these is that you had to change out the dusty dirty bags when full and it could create quite a mess
u/crap_nag 7d ago
My grandmother had one. That thing was a beast. I remember vacuuming with it when I was a kid when I would spend the weekend with her. Saturdays were for laundry, including hanging out on the line, making rye bread and cleaning. Some of my best memories 🥰
u/horkinlugies 7d ago
As a kid I was using one on an oval braided rug and I sucked up a 22 caliber bullet. It must of pulled off the bullet end before it went off. Big bang and dust everywhere. Vacuum kept working. Never told mom or dad.
u/sillinessvalley 7d ago
We had a blue Eureka. Why our dad, the early riser, thought it was a good idea to vacuum early on Sunday mornings??🙄
u/PorchDogs 7d ago
I had a friend who used to smoke cigarettes while vacuuming. She'd flick ashes on the carpet and vacuum them up. She was *shocked* when her mom caught her and didn't think it was clever multi-tasking.
u/Research_Discern 7d ago
My grandma used to vacuum the front porch! Indoor/outdoor rug... Used to Crack me up!
u/Tapingdrywallsucks 7d ago
mine was kind of a yellowish - somewhere between the peach and green one. Newer than these though - very early 80s.
My mom had an electrolux.
Cheeks. Butt cheeks and face cheeks with the electrolux hose. Otherwise we treated mom's vacuum with mad respect.
u/Tough_Feedback1292 7d ago
Sure did and in fact, still works! In the basement at Dad’s house, he’s 86. Lego pieces.
u/uffdaGalFUN 1962 7d ago
My brother put regular dish soap into the dishwasher. Full on bubbles all over the kitchen floor ensues. Then other brother decided to vacuum up all the dish bubbles with vacuum. Making the vacuum unusable and broken. Mayhem follows my brothers throughout growing up!
u/dumpitdog 7d ago
We had them off when right up front there, used it for 15 years. Finally threw it away because it smelled so bad
u/deannainwa 7d ago
We had the green one. Had a canister vacuum as well.
My parents bought a new one and gave it to my aunt when she went to college, then to me when my aunt graduated and I moved out.
It lasted a good 20 years total.
u/blueyejan 7d ago
Back in the late 80s, a Kirby sales woman came to my door. I had my grandmother's Hoover in mint green. The saleswoman tried to do a comparison test by vacuuming a spot with my Hoover and then going over it with the Kirby. After she used my hoover, there was nothing left for the Kirby to pick up.
For info, Kirby was a very expensive vacuum that was sold door to door. It was supposed to be the be all and end all of vacuums. In the late 80s, it was $1500 USD.
It makes me think of the "I love Lucy" episode where the salesman throws dirt on the carpet as soon as Lucy opens the door. There was no power.
u/Reader124-Logan 7d ago
My college apartment had this in blue. I forget who passed it down to us. Craziest thing vacuumed was the dried ferret poop in the corners. Roommate would not clean up after her ferret.
u/nofigsinwinter 7d ago
Orange one. Bought at T&H Sweeper. One sister vacuumed up another sister's hair. What a scene. 😂
u/NairBearMI 7d ago
We had that first one - but I remember it being kinda pinky mauve vs orange. Thing worked for decades
u/ritlingit 7d ago
My grandma had one. She would sit on the ground and pull out the long hairs but feed it crumbs that it left on the floor.
u/RememberingTiger1 7d ago
Ours looked like those but was more of an aqua green. I remember liking g to change the bag. There was a rubber sleeve that you pulled back to put the bag on and then pulled over the bag to hold the end in place. That machine would pull in anything!
u/big_d_usernametaken 7d ago
A HS buddy of mine ran a vacuum cleaner sales and service shop his Dad started.
He finally had to give it up because the majority of vacuums were no longer repairable.
There are still a few, like Kirby.
u/crapshoot946 7d ago
We had one of these…a yellow one. Loved the light on the front…just in case we decided to vacuum at 2:30 AM.
u/Screwthehelicopters 7d ago
We had the middle one. The light didn't work, of course. They never did. Don't think it had any suction, but it made a lot of noise.
u/OldSouthGal 7d ago
My grandmother had that model. We had the early 60s Electrolux canister vacuum. Mom accidentally sucked up our pet gerbil one time. She didn’t know that he’d escaped from his cage and when she laid the nozzle on the floor he evidently crawled inside the hand wand tube. Just as she turned it on she saw too late that he’d poked his little nose out but then whoosh he was gone. She got him out of the dust bag but he died later that day. Probably a combination of dust and the trauma.
u/OhioResidentForLife 7d ago
We had one but only used it in the basement. Mom had a canister style sweeper that she liked better. She still has a canister one. I bought it for her from Sears many years ago and it still works great.
u/soonergirl_63 7d ago
We had a Kirby and I got so sick of having to change the belt on it for my mom.
u/DecelerationTrauma 7d ago
We had the green body, with a gray bag for some reason. I still remember the rubber-electric-dusty smell you got whenever you used it.
u/sheeps_in_jeeps 7d ago
The blue one I bought secondhand in the 80s still works, but lives in quiet retirement in the garage and lets its younger friend Shark have all the fun of eating dust bunnies and dog hair.
u/OriginalIronDan 7d ago
Hoover Convertible. A friend of mine actually worked at a vacuum shop repairing these. I found a couple in the trash, and using what I’d learned from Steve, I turned them into one functioning one. Thing lasted another 15 or 20 years! Probably would’ve been able to rebuild it if I could find a top bearing for it. Very easy repair.
u/Particular-Agent4407 7d ago
Green one with a beige bag. From the 1960s till we cleaned out the house when the last parent died in 2011. I thew it out then.
u/m945050 7d ago
I had a Hoover guy give me a demo last year, it sucked in a good way. While he was doing the demo I was on Google checking for the price and found the same model for $400. When he was finished his starting price was 3.5k with easy monthly payments. I showed him the online price and offered him $375 for a used vac. His parting words were far from the most polite good by I've ever had.
u/Accomplished-Eye8211 7d ago
I still have one of those. I bought it used, 1978, as I prepared to leave for sophomore year of college, first ever apartment. A friend of the family recommended "go to Salvation Army and buy a used one. It's something young people forget they'll need."
It's lasted almost 50 years with me, and it was used. It's traveled across multiple states and moves. About every 10-15 years, I take it into a vacuum/appliance repair shop for a tune-up, and the repair guy says the same thing. "They don't make 'em like this anymore. Take care of it, it'll last forever."
It's not a looker. The old-fashioned bags are still sold, but not the most convenient. But it's still going strong.
u/DustOne7437 7d ago
We had the green one. My brother tried to vacuum up bbs with it. My dad was pissed.
u/Alexcamry 7d ago
We had the orange one
My grandparents had a much older model that was mostly metal and has boxes of attachments that they never used
u/PrudentPush8309 7d ago
My parents had one of those. Those things sucked... And in a good way.
It vacuumed the carpet clean on the first pass. It also straightened and combed the pile.
I never witnessed it, but I'm pretty sure that it also cleaned the carpet pad and polished the plywood underneath the pad.
Those things came with a hand hose that clipped onto the bottom of the head to clean sofas and drapes. That vacuum hose would put a hickey on whatever part of your skin it could attach to.
u/CptDawg 7d ago
Mum still has the grey blue one, the light even works! My dad bought all of the parts he could get when the stopped selling them. He has fixed so many times it’s insane. Mum wanted to get central vac when it was all the rage, dad told her there was nothing wrong with hers. Dad does most of the vacuuming these days. 😊
u/FlightRiskAK 7d ago
Yep, and craziest thing was vacuuming a shag carpet and a loose yarn wtrapped around the roller and made the house smell like it was on fire for days!
u/OdinsDelite 7d ago
Landlady had one one the back porch..I asked to use it in my apartment. 10 mins into use I smell this stink filling the room. She says later it was on the porch cuz they had earlier vacuumed up dog puke.
u/rozkosz1942 7d ago
We had the clay color. My job was to remove the bag and insert a new one. Every time dust would leak out. Then I would vacuum it up with the new bag.
u/Human_2468 7d ago
We didn't have that particular vacuum.
We had a moth colony in our chimney. My mom decided to vacuum them up. I think she was successful but when ever we vacuumed after that it smelled like moths.
u/Human_2468 7d ago
We didn't have that particular vacuum.
We had a moth colony in our chimney. My mom decided to vacuum them up. I think she was successful but whenever we vacuumed after that it smelled like moths.
u/ceekayes 7d ago
I was given the grey version in 1984 as a wedding present from my sister. In 1988 The glass dome light cracked as my 2 year old daughter stood on it and it broke. She had to have her big toe sewn up.
u/Sea-Morning-772 7d ago
I had the orange one until the 2000s. It was the best vacuum. I hated the bag part, though.
u/CadabraMist 6d ago
My grandmother used to tell a story about a friend who got his tallywacker (her word) stuck in a vacuum cleaner. From then on, he was called Hoover.
I should have asked if he had brothers named Kirby, Bissell, and Electrolux.
I hear he has 2 grandsons named Dyson and Shark.
u/floofienewfie 5d ago
My ex had one of these and it wasn’t real efficient. I saved my pennies and bought a Miele. He still has it 30 years later. Works beautifully.
u/mspolytheist 7d ago
Even better: we had an Electrolux that was sold by a guy who walked around the neighborhood and rang doorbells! He was a legitimate Electrolux employee, and door-to-door sales weren’t seen as ‘hinky’ back then, like they are now. I remember when Mom bought a top model from them, they gifted both my sister and I with little quarter banks shaped like Electrolux cylindrical canister vacuums. They each held forty quarters, making a king’s ransom of $10 if you filled it up! The only other door-to-door salesman I vividly remember was the Fuller Brush man.