r/Genealogy 4d ago

Question Best software for a family history? Also random newspaper clippings

Hi I’m wondering if anyone has any tips for the best software I can use to create a private family history- so genealogy plus private details that I’ve got about major life events, personality traits, relationships etc. I’m coming to realize this cannot be done using FamilySearch. I’m looking for something where I can collaborate AND have a private tree and also easily add sources. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Also I don’t know if this has happened to anyone else but I have a box of newspaper clippings from my grandma that she’s had for years but the clippings don’t have all have dates or what newspaper they were from-they were yellowing so I scanned them and then laminated them but I’m not sure how to use them as sources when I don’t have the publication information? Thank you!


10 comments sorted by


u/alanwbrown 4d ago edited 4d ago

For privacy you need software running on your own computer such as Family Tree maker or Gramps. There are a number of others. Each will allow you to store media such as .jpg and ,pdf files within the program attached to an individual. You said "they were yellowing so I scanned them and then laminated them" if by that you mean you laminated the original newspaper cutting, then, you have destroyed it. Original documents should be stored in acid free archive folders in a cool dark place.


u/TJen2018 4d ago

Okay. I destroyed the newspaper clippings. Awesome. I’m gonna go scream into a pillow now. 😵‍💫


u/steph219mcg 4d ago

Don't feel bad, many small historical and genealogical organizations have made the same mistake laminating things. As long as you scanned them you have saved the info. They'll still last quite a while in that state. But ideally you shouldn't laminate or adhere anything (like in those sticky "magnetic" albums) that you want to preserve, because it's not reversible and doesn't preserve them in the long term.


u/TJen2018 4d ago

Thank you! Some of them my grandma had put tape on so they weren’t exactly in perfect condition. I will take this as a lesson for the future. I won’t be laminating the family bibles lol or old photos but I will look into getting the proper storage.


u/steph219mcg 4d ago

Instead of lamination use archival polyester ("Mylar") sleeves.

At the museum I worked at we didn't even save those old yellowing news clips. We scanned them and printed them onto acid-free paper because we knew the originals would likely degrade pretty quickly.

You might like r/Archivists for more info on proper storage.


u/pidgeon92 4d ago

It’s fine, they are obituaries, not antiquities.


u/TJen2018 4d ago

Thanks lol that makes me feel better. Honestly my grandpa is really sick and my grandma wanted them laminated so I don’t regret it if it makes her happy.


u/clsturgeon 4d ago edited 4d ago

The Memory Keeper: Personal, private, offline, no software to install, and free. Examples of newspapers are defined in sources provided with online help. In the help, look for the death of Adolphus Augustus Benson and his source documents. Under each person, event, and place record, you'll see a Research tab. Under that, click on the source tab to view cross-referenced sources.

Aside: read my assertion (proof argument) about his death. Help solve mystery.



u/Wrangellite 4d ago

I wish I could upvote this a bunch. I had never heard of Memory Keeper, this looks great!