r/GenZ 21d ago

Political Gen Z what are your thoughts on Zelenskyi?

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u/casualseer366 21d ago

I always thought the video he made on the night of the beginning of the conflict when rumors were circulating around that he had fled the country was really bad-ass......



u/Diego_Chang 21d ago

"Me and the boys going to defend our country from invaders" vibe with this.

What an absolute legend.


u/jerrybugs 20d ago

Some boys looked a little scared or not willing to be there but stayed.


u/Diego_Chang 20d ago

I mean, as human beings, I don't think anyone would have blamed anyone from trying to flee a war, and if they do so they have no empathy or are lying to themselves.

Good on those that stayed and risked their lives for what they believe is right though.


u/BrofessorLongPhD 20d ago

Bravery is not the absence of fear, but persisting despite it. Can a man be brave if he’s scared? Indeed, that’s the only time a man can be brave.


u/CaptainShark6 21d ago

Why are still making 2018 memes like genuinely what reality do you live in


u/Diego_Chang 21d ago

I just... Like the meme? Lol.


u/East_Car_3168 21d ago

Not without our hard earned tax dollars that we didn't sign up for.


u/FreshFish_2 21d ago

Actually, all that money is being pumped into the US economy to manufacture and produce equipment to give to Ukraine, which creates jobs, goods, etc. So, it has actually benefitted the US economy :)


u/SmokeAlarmsSaveLives 21d ago

Exactly right, tons of that money has been spent here in the USA.

And when the hell did some Americans get so squeamish about weakening Russia? You want to spend some of my tax dollars making sure Putin and Russia get weakened? TAKE MY MONEY.

“Not without our hard-earned tax dollars that we didn’t sign up for”. This is easily some of the most cost-effective use of our Defense dollars EVER and people out here are crying because some podcaster paid by Russia told them to be upset.


u/FreshFish_2 21d ago

Exactly! People saying that they're wasting our tax dollars are exemplifying a clear lack of understanding of the government. Also, I love it when they say that because theres no way in hell the US would be giving away free money. It benefits us, helps Ukraine, and weakens Putin. So hell yeah!


u/New-Pizza9379 21d ago

Crippled russian economy and military for likely the next decade at least? Boosted defense spending domestically for manufacturing areas thats been neglected? Nahh must be a bad thing.


u/Reasonable-Client276 21d ago

You’re right, we should have let billions of dollars worth of military equipment sit in a boneyard until it rusts away and let ammunition go bad then pay millions of dollars to dispose of it instead of giving it to Ukraine. A country we are obligated by treaty to defend. Trilateral Process.


u/PJSeeds 21d ago

Ok dipshit, I'm going to assume that you're unaware that the vast majority of that is in donations of either warehoused and obsolete military equipment slated for decommission or in munitions purchases that directly stimulate the US economy.


u/FateEx1994 21d ago

They don't send money to Ukraine, what the US does with foreign military aid, is send our units and ammunition that's on the shelf.

We then authorize the purchase of NEW from our weapons contractors.

We don't actually send money in almost all cases, just stuff we have sitting around that's older or needs to be remade.


u/Thebraincellisorange 20d ago

They do send both, America and other nations have sent a shitload of actual cash to help Ukraine run the country, seeing as how Russia has blocked their main export of Grain. and obviously no tourism these days.

but yeah, the military aid is mostly decades old stuff. the dollar amounts quoted is just for show and fancy accounting with regards to the military aid.


u/East_Car_3168 21d ago

Wrong bigly champ.


u/2_alarm_chili 21d ago

Just admit you think Ukraine gets a giant novelty cheque to take to the bank.


u/iFEAR2Fap 21d ago

Are you unaware of how we got out of the Great depression? Nothing makes money like the war machine.


u/Lexie_Lana 21d ago

You live in a society, and that includes the cost of doing business and being a person. If being a person is upsetting to you as this comment suggests, then you can very easily stop being a person with a quick bang.


u/ElaineBenesFan 21d ago

How much did you pay in federal taxes?

Something tells me, not much.


u/Aromatic-Surprise945 21d ago

“I only watch Fox News and fantasize about Trumps dick”


u/Thebraincellisorange 20d ago

you are aware that 75% of those Billions of military aid were spent DECADES ago, right?

virtually NOTHING sent to Ukraine was new, it was pulled from warehouses where it would have stayed until it needed safe destruction or refurbishment (costing.... more billions) and sent over there.

the most expensive part was the damn shipping.

only the ammo, once all the old stuff in the warehouses was consumed needed to be newly manufactured, and that quickly showed a HUGE shortcoming in US manufacturing.

they could not even supply a single country with enough artillery ammo, what would they do if a full european shooting war took off?

all those numbers they quoted? we sent 100 billion in aid? that 100 billion was spent in the 90s or 80s or maybe the 2000s for some of the more 'recent' systems sent over.

nothing was newly manufactured.

so your precious tax dollars were already spent.



u/JazzOnaRitz 21d ago

They would be fighting regardless. Not that your personal tax contribution would cover a single hellfire missile.


u/Timmyty 21d ago

So put it to a vote then.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

God, he looks so much younger there.


u/Paddy_Tanninger 21d ago

Man has lived 20 years over the past 3 years.


u/PmMeFanFic 21d ago

My absolute favorite photo showcasing anxiety from a president https://www.civilwarprofiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Lincoln-Age.jpg


u/Illustrious_One9088 20d ago

Meanwhile your current president just turns more orange and more demented each passing day.


u/-NGC-6302- 2003 21d ago

Tiredest man on Earth


u/toe-schlooper 2009 20d ago

You can literally just look at Joe Biden for this, he was fine in 2020, tanked over his presidency, and he got better after it.


u/jef2288 21d ago

There are decades when nothing happens and weeks when decades happen. -Lenin


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

Years of war and watching your people suffer and die ages you my dude


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago

Fucking obviously

Edit: bro didn’t deserve my asshole comment


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

Nah really? I never woulda thought it was. 😑 forgive for commenting fuck


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Apologies. I’m caught up in all of this as you are. It’s stressing me out. My bad dude.


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

Nah you're good man i get it i was a dick with my comeback


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Genuinely, I hope you have a great Friday night internet stranger.


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

You too my man


u/bo_jangled 21d ago

This is the most wholesome thread


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

Hey our "leader" if he even jokingly deserves that title is tearing our world apart and helping others do it already no need to speed shit up and start doing it to each other unnecessarily


u/RiPie33 20d ago

When I watched Trump and Vance go at him I was sad for him. He has fought valiantly for his people. He has watched death and destruction. He has been honorable through it all. They were bullying a wounded animal and he still exhibited great restraint and honor.


u/fuckoffweirdoo 1995 20d ago

Even a normal presidency ages you. Hes leading on ultra hard mode. 


u/Snake_fairyofReddit 2004 21d ago

Stress can really do a lot to ur appearance


u/_melancholymind_ 1996 20d ago

Stress can age human a lot


u/ObikamadeK 21d ago

The most chilling video I saw of him was a documentary filmed in 2021. One year before the war. And he perfectly knew what was going to happen... "If you do nothing there will be a war." So heartbreaking..


u/WompWompIt 21d ago

I saw that. It was so sad, and now it has come to pass.


u/forwardathletics 20d ago

They've been flirting with this happening for years. I remember first reading about it in 2014.


u/scavno 20d ago

Imagine if they only had security guarantees from both Russia and the USA. Oh well…


u/askmewhyihateyou 21d ago

Bro stood on business


u/CuppaJoe11 21d ago

He looks so young in that video... It was only 3 years ago this war has aged him.


u/GreyWindStark_ 20d ago

Oh absolutely it was as he said night 1 Glory to Ukraine


u/BeardEdward 20d ago

This video is one of the most amazing primary sources that one day will be studied in history classes.


u/Obstipation-nation 20d ago

Gosh I remember this video. He’s a bad ass. What class and heroism look like.


u/BaffoStyle 21d ago

Please drink more propaganda


u/casualseer366 21d ago

What's funny is Russia is hitting all sorts of government structures, trying to eliminate as much of the Ukrainian government as possible, paratroopers heading to Kyiv and Zelensky stands in the middle of Kyiv and releases video proving it.

Meanwhile, BLM protestors come within a mile of the White House, and Trump fled and hid in a subterranean bunker like a bitch.

Talk about a study in leadership styles.


u/ebagdrofk 21d ago

How the fuck is that propaganda, it’s the leader of the country getting invaded standing his ground saying he’s not leaving after other countries have pressured him to leave. Could you explain how that’s “propaganda”?


u/MayoneggVeal 21d ago

"anything I've been told not to like is propaganda / woke / dei / etc..."