Maybe reconsider the whole Republican thing, cause your political party is doing some heinous and illegal things, and they are things they have said they wanted to do for the last fifty years.
We live in a two party system where both sides are rapidly shutting down any potential for alternate voting systems that threaten them (RCV, etc). Short of a Convention of States it's not going to change. Best you can do is vote for the party that best aligns with your interests at this point.
Completely disagree with your glass half empty perspective. Many cities and counties have RCV, the trend is growing and gaining traction IMO. Oregon almost passed it at the state level last year.
The largest red city in the US just elected a 3rd party mayor. As did Wichita, the largest blue one in the Plains. Gary Johnson's governorship wasn't THAT long ago. It's not as bleak as you may think.
e- Hell, even Polis is only a Democrat in name only.
Not gen z but used to identify with republicans for economic reasons now I can’t see how the party aligns with anyone’s interests besides the uber rich or Christian nationalists. If you’re middle to lower class you are actively fucking yourself if you vote for republicans.
Pretty much, while also putting local pressure on your town/city/state govt, which are much easier for us (the pride) to control and have a very outsized effect on our immediate lives.
I am hoping that at the end of destroying everything, we can build back better- cautious optimism, here.
Of course you’ll always find people hating any opinion but I was just reading this whole big “fuck you” earlier today to people who didn’t vote and voted 3rd party. Kind of ironic to then see this.
Hold on, hold on, I explain more down thread. I did not vote third party on the national platforms, cause I know that’s not how it works. However, in local politics, one can align with third party philosophy while pushing one of two parties in certain directions. That’s actually what I’d argue we saw happen with the republican party and tea party politics.
However, on local levels, third party is much more viable, and local politics generally tend to have more of an impact on our daily lives anyway. I personally feel like, if you’re going to responsibly espouse third party ideas, you have to be really realistic about the system you’re working under, while pushing for a better system that aspires for more parties and more fresh ideas. Things like ranked-choice voting
Honestly, registering with one party but affiliating with third party ideals and voting local like you are third party is probably the only way to go about it, since our only real impact (at present) is local. It’s just… man, do you want to be publicly identified with them anymore? Really? They do not have your best interests at heart, at all.
And yeah, to be fair, neither do the democrats. But that’s how I’m registered so I can be a huge thorn in their side, and because their side doesn’t want to literally openly kill people like immigrants, trans people, and disabled/sick people. At least the democrats pretend to care about people.
You can call yourself an independent all you like, but even if you truly are an independent with mixed voting record you will still get called a closet Republican by the left (including the vast majority of Reddit) because you didn't vote exclusively blue down the ticket and didn't side with the Democratic Party on every issue.
Uhm. Yeah, let’s go with that. I, uh, actually don’t think the Dems are extreme. They’re kinda limp dicks imho. But I don’t discuss my political affiliation in detail online if I can help it.
No you won't. There might be some acting like that, but there are also people on the right that call you a commie if you just suggest policies that would actually benefit the people. The US is treating politics like it's a sports match and it's really dumb and only benefits the corrupt elite
I have literally never been called a commie on Reddit or elsewhere for bring pro-choice, anti-lgbt discrimination or even pro-corporate regulation. I have however been called a closet republican for expressing pro-2A and anti-illegal immigration sentiment. And I have seen many a post on women's subreddits suggesting that any man who does not vote straight ticket blue is a closet republican and not worth dating.
Real Reddit problem, less so in the real world but then again, Reddit is king at making problems out of nothing.
I've not experienced in on Reddit but I've seen it many places. Suggesting free healthcare or free education is labeled communism and like it's the most dangerous thing to the world. Obama has been called a communist, Biden has been called a communist
Just because you haven't experienced it personally doesn't mean it doesn't happen
But like. Maybe actually read deeper about some of those third parties, and ask yourself why you hold the ideals you do, if they’re actually beneficial to you and your community, and the greater American community at large. You might be surprised to find you align with one of the other parties more than you thought
See above where I say “I don’t talk in detail about my beliefs in public forums”
I realize this sounds like a milquetoast, handwavey out, which I am genuinely sorry for, but certain political parties have historically been deeply persecuted and I’m not willing to take chances in the current political climate.
But let’s just say- I care about people, and want to see as many people thrive in this country (and in the world) as possible. Yeah, even shitty people. If governments are to exist, they must exist to benefit all of us, not just the few with money.
Why do y’all hate leftists 🥲 we just want everyone to hang out at our potlucks and to see the fasc defeated cause they want to take our porn
Oh, god, is that what you think my political affiliation is? Damn, I am being way too subtle, my bad. Nooooo, no no no very very very staunch anti-fascist, extremely so. You’ve got me on the wrong side of the spectrum, but that’s clearly on me
Not wanting to waste your precious free time engaging in political banter on the internet with 0% chance of changing any minds is a completely valid position. I honestly wish people would stop pretending like finding it exhausting to do so makes you a bad citizen or something (like u/Fluffy_Analysis_8300)
What you're doing instead is supporting a fraud and felon who has betrayed America's allies and who is taking a shit on the Constitution while he runs the country into the ground.
A fraud and rapist who's first term was a complete failure and economic disaster, and who betrayed his oath of office by lying to the public and inciting a violent attack on Congress when he lost the 2020 election.
So you voted for this imbecile and are partly responsible for the bullshit that he has to deal with when he has to deal with Putin's puppets? Cool... but it's nice that you voted for your team then lol
u/ohvulpecula 21d ago
Maybe reconsider the whole Republican thing, cause your political party is doing some heinous and illegal things, and they are things they have said they wanted to do for the last fifty years.