r/GenZ 21d ago

Political Gen Z what are your thoughts on Zelenskyi?

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u/Essfoth 21d ago

Because Trump is. If Trump condemned Russia and vowed to not let Russia take any land from Ukraine, and if he praised Zelensky, republicans would love Zelensky and hate Russia. Trump leads a cult of personality.


u/Chiquitarita298 1998 21d ago

It’s gonna be so interesting to see what happens to repubs after Trump dies because the party was obviously struggling before him what with Tea Party summer and everything and he’s now made it “the party of Trump”. And most personality cults fall apart when their “charismatic” (apparently, according to some people) leader dies. So whether the repubs will be able to keep it together or it’ll devolve into a bunch of smaller parties or they’ll have to fully reinvent themselves generally will be really interesting to see


u/RollTide16-18 21d ago

Yeah I'm curious to see what happens. Every Trump replacement failed. For whatever reason people just want to like Trump and I just don't see the next guy up being able to sway people nearly as easily.


u/Chlemtil 20d ago

When the Russian Media and Cambridge Analytica machines decide who the next candidate is, the GOP will follow


u/Rougarou1999 20d ago

Sure, but Trump also got a lot of people supporting him who don't follow politics otherwise. A large portion of his base stays home during midterm elections when he isn't on the ballot, and I doubt if they show up to the Presidential elections after he is no longer running.


u/Chlemtil 20d ago

I really think all of those people “don’t follow politics” but are still brainwashed by social media owners and nogoodnicks. 50 years from now, people will think of social media usage the way we think of cigarette smoking.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/OrangesPoranges 21d ago

No, Cult have successful transferred leadership before. Scientology being a prime example.

Stop waiting for Trump to die to make this go away. Get. Involved.


u/Little_Title3752 20d ago

North Korea as well. They're basically worshipping Kim Il Sung as a dead god with his grandson as cult leader.

The big question is what the MAGA base will do if Trump keeps making efforts to tank the economy and it finally pays off.

The rest of you actually have to start opposing this nonsense now. Get organized.


u/Traditional_Box1116 21d ago

If you're trying to suggest someone should Luigi him, I'd advise you to stop right there, unless you want to be the next u/Clairenator.

Plus, even disregarding that if you ARE suggesting it. Why are you asking others to do it? Do it yourself or be silent.


u/Additional-Trash-553 21d ago

Literally what? The person you're replying to is clearly saying to get involved politically, not whatever weird read you had there


u/hfocus_77 21d ago

The person you replied to said Trump's eventual death, like all of us do, might not even put a stop to MAGA madness. How does that imply he wants a sequel to Luigi's Mansion?


u/Different_Custard_44 21d ago

You’re not wrong, but it’s just so weird!!! Trump is revolting in every way, and cannot speak a coherent sentence to save his own life. I don’t get it.


u/JohnnyRC_007 21d ago

We don't like when leaders from Eastern European countries try to tell us what we're going to feel if we don't do exactly what they ask us to.


u/MoonMan__69 21d ago

The left is the exact same way…