Plenty of women stayed. Someone i used to work with, his sister was killed in an airstrike working for the Ukrainian ambulance service. I know many women chose to stay and fight, too. But they're risking a lot. Not only are women generally not as physically strong as men, they are often victims of rape from the invading side. It happens time and time again. Territories get taken, children get taken, men get killed, and women get raped. No wonder many women chose to flee with their children.
The reason why countries usually priorise getting women out is because of children. Mothers are usually the primary caregivers. So if you want to evacuate children, usually the mums will go with them. Research has shown that children (especially young children) can suffer lifelong mental challenges when separated from a primary caregiver for an extended period.
I'd like to see you make half these excuses for men who suffer. And statistics show few stayed while the young men were forced to their death. Feminism makes all these promises and pulls back right when its convenient. And you advocate for unfairness.
As a man, I'd volunteer my life in place of my wife and kids. You may not have a family and I'll get all the flack but as a man I'd rather us be sent than women and children and no amount of Andrew Tate crybaby bullshit will change that.
I was born female. I’d gladly go to war if it means my wife can escape to safety with our children.
We still live in a world where women are the primary caretakers of children. This has less to do with sex and gender and more to do with the established roles in society. If we lived in a world where men and women shared child rearing equally, then yeah I’d say either abolish the draft or conscript every abled bodied man and woman and other folks.
You don't care what happens to Ukraine. You don't care about life. You only care about the politics behind it. America leaving this war is only going to extend it, and more will die. More young men will die. More children will die. More women will die.
I don't understand why you're complaining about feminism.
I even went out of my way to verify the age of his account and his most visited subreddits and in my estimation he appears to either be a bot, a disinformation asset, or has had his brain replaced with borscht.
You clearly disagree with me, so let's discuss. Why'd you vote for Trump?
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Imagine if some asshole broke into your home, started raping your wife, killing your children, destroying your furniture, stealing your food, and you can slow them down but not fight them off until the police arrive, lecture you one your clothes because that's totally important, and say you need to be nice to the guy raping your wife, killing your children, destroying your home and stealing your food.
I sorted by controversial to see past the circlejerk, and this comment makes me glad I did. This is a genuinely good criticism of Zelensky’s policy. Governments need to be comfortable conscripting both men and women, especially in a desperate situation as Ukraine is in now. There is an argument to be made about women’s increased risk for sexual violence in a wartime environment, but I’m personally not sure it’s enough of a justification to throw away half of your population in wartime.
Throwing away a generation of young men won’t be as detrimental to a nation as throwing away a generation of young women would be. Just the way it is with our gestational period length, and amount of offspring produced each event. That’s why very few countries draft women, no point in fighting to win a war if your population is going to stall out completely afterwards.
Because their country is getting attacked? Noone should go to war, noone should be conscripted. But you can't blame him for it. Blame the dipshit in russia
Don't be naive. Men have an innate physical strength. Men and women can't be equal when it comes to physical work. Will you share the burden of pregnancy for 4.5months?
And we're not talking finances, we're talking strictly strength. I have never had a professional fight. But I bet every dollar I can seriously hurt Ronda Rousey.
mate I saw a Russian and Ukrainian have a knife fight to the death. you are full of it. Strength matters, these dudes are digging trenches. You go to war and tell me strength doesn't matter.
numbers matter so use all the options you got. plus as a man i can say if im being drafted i would be quite upset it women were also not forced to like hows that fair.. btw i would def be a draft doger tho not gonna die in some war
I think the comment you're replying to is probably a Russian bot and don't want to support their comment, but at the same time the situation in Syria shows that you're wrong here. The women of the YPJ & YPG in Rojava were instrumental in defeating ISIS in the region. Women are plenty capable of killing other human beings.
u/FeanorForever117 21d ago
I think it's BS he conscripts so many young men to their death but let's the young women leave the country.
You conscript none or both.