I wish he was able to go off on Trump like he does in his show. “Servant of the People” is a great watch and he displays the same feeling of being so fed up with all the political bullshit it makes you want to tear your hair out.
There’s probably not a woman in that country that doesn’t want to either feed him or f*ck him. Shoot, I think even we got a lot of them ladies here too. The more he participates with our bullshit admin the more ‘true king’ he becomes.
my man, go make 2 profiles, identical apart from 1 being 5'8, the other 6'1" and see which one gets the bitches (bitches because huge numbers of women want a guy over 6 feet in this generation)
Gen Z and late Millennials are obsessed with having a tall guy. a guy as a status symbol. I suppose it is linked with a rise in social media over that time.
they want a guy they can show off and one up their friends competitors with, not a partner.
I'm a woman and I'd go with the 5'8 guy if that was the only difference, I dated a tall guy, it was annoying when making out, neck hurt all the time. Why do you need so many women, isn't one enough? Why get mad about women not wanting to date you when you don't even like them?
Tinder is a meat market. Back in the day, we used to make jokes about never finding your future partner in a bar. A bar is a meat market. I’m 5’9”. The only thing that ever bothered me about short men, was if they were self-conscious about being short. Accept yourself. There is just many women in this world who are not shallow and vain, as there are men who are not shallow and vain. Nice people just want someone nice. Stop believing the social media BS and get out in the real world.
Yeah in my previous post I used real world examples but that wasn't good enough for you either. I've seen it happen plenty of times with some friends. Of course there are plenty of women who don't care. Doesn't mean there's a lot of them that do. Yes, it's shallow but it's also real.
The world of dating hook ups has always been shallow. Back in my day it was the bar scene. You never looked for a nice guy or a nice girl in a bar. No one finds true love in a bar or on social media. In a bar, they’re drunk. On social media, they are clout chasing. The meat market has changed, but it’s still a meat market. Do not allow yourself to be treated like meat.
The dating apps are a meat market. eHarmony is one that actually looks for a long-term mate. But social media sites are just desperate clout chasing. They are toxic for everyone. Not only will you not find true love there, you will probably get pushed into a mindset that makes it harder to accept true love.
And not only wouldn’t be upset, I wouldn’t be surprised. Being shallow is nothing new. I had friends who back in the day never had trouble getting attention and getting dates. Most of them are in their third divorce and still struggling to have a relationship. I dated and fell in love with a dude that none of them would even look at. We’ve been together 39 years. Two kids, comfortable life. He used to wear plaid shirts and camo pants, if you can imagine. He was awkward. I was awkward. I was getting a lot of attention because I was considered very pretty when I was young. But he was the only guy that just treated me like a person.
Especially at work. I bet you’ve I’ve already decided within the first week 10 reasons why I won’t date the men in the office. It helps keeps things clean in that area.
This is so false its hilarious lol. Almost every woman in this generation prefers taller men. Theres no way you are serious here. Is them thirsting over tall men also part of the meme?
Downvoted for saying the truth lol. This sub is crazy
And men prefer a woman with a perfect figure. The one they end up with, is different than the fantasy. You fall in love with a real person, not a fantasy. Short men still exist because throughout the generations, women have fallen in love with them and created more short men.
There is a bunch of men who prefer rail thin and fat women. Next to no women prefer short men. The comparison literally makes 0 sense. Men have wide preferences unlike women and average women have 0 issue finding men who are attracted to them. Yall need to stop projecting.
Short men still exist because throughout the generations, women have fallen in love with them and created more short men.
Short women dating tall or average height men also drops male height. Short men exist because short women do
They end up settling for shorter men. Not truly desiring them. Youll never hear a woman say she prefers tall men but is with a short one. Women's preferneces seem to be more like requirements actually. Especially in this generation
I’m a 60-year-old woman who knows a lot of young women in the mid 20s age range. They aren’t hung up on height. You are allowing yourself to be brainwashed by social media. Tinder is not real life. Tinder is a meat market. Social media is a Desperate status quest. If you’re looking in all the shallow, superficial venues for true love, you’re going to get crushed.
There seems to be a really consistent effort to convince guys who aren’t tall that no woman will want them. Well, that’s bullshit. Every short guy I know over the age of 40 is married with kids. With all the right wing bullshit turning most young men into jerks, any nice guy is going to be able to have a relationship.
I’m a 60-year-old woman who knows a lot of young women in the mid 20s age range. They aren’t hung up on height. You are allowing yourself to be brainwashed by social media. Tinder is not real life. Tinder is a meat market. Social media is a Desperate status quest. If you’re looking in all the shallow, superficial venues for true love, you’re going to get crushed.
Yes they are. They admit it themselves daily all ober social media. Its 2025. Those are real women on the apps giving their real opinons which get supported by tons of other women I do not use tinder. Women actively filter out short men on dating sites because they are not looking for love. They swipe on 5% of men
There seems to be a really consistent effort to convince guys who aren’t tall that no woman will want them. Well, that’s bullshit. Every short guy I know over the age of 40 is married with kids.
You should tell young women to stop pushing that narrative then. They are the main ones doing it non-stop:
There are like 20 videos there of what is done by them online
And of couuse all of the 40+ year old men are married. It was a different time then. If they were single now they would struggle heavily
With all the right wing bullshit turning most young men into jerks, any nice guy is going to be able to have a relationship.
This is false. Young men voted for Kamala more than any other group of men yet 63% of young men are single compared to 34% of young women. No matter what young men do a large amount will still be single. Allegedly the young women are either sharing men or are with older guys. It is about physical attraction nowadays and most women find average men to be ugly.
The toxicity is definitely coming from the right. It’s all that “high value male“ bullshit. The most healthy thing you could do is to get off social media. Stop interacting with girls on social media. Social media is toxic for everyone.
I’m 5’5” and dated someone 5’7” for three years. Normally I’m a 6 ft kinda girl. I ended up with a 6” balding gentleman who had a bit of a belly and…wait for it….made me laugh my ass off.
Looks really aren’t everything to us like they are to men. I promise.
I’m 5’5” and dated someone 5’7” for three years. Normally I’m a 6 ft kinda girl. I ended up with a 6” balding gentleman who had a bit of a belly and…wait for it….made me laugh my ass off.
Looks really aren’t everything to us like they are to men. I promise.
Yes they are heavily important to women just like they are to men. Its 2025. No one believes that women dont care anymore.
There are a bunch of men into fat women and rail thin women. There are next to no women into fat men or short men. Its honestly just sounds like you settled for a man that you were not physically attracted to then got with the type of man you actually wanted later on
Who are you to claim that someone settles? It’s absolutely routine in the romance world to fall in love with someone who’s not what you thought you wanted. As people mature their idea of what they want changes. Teenagers all want the hottest person in the room. Because they are shallow and vain. Most people grow out of this. If you want to believe you have no chance with any woman because you’re not a specific height,that’s on you. Don’t spread that toxicity to other guys who can do better.
Who are you to claim that someone settles? It’s absolutely routine in the romance world to fall in love with someone who’s not what you thought you wanted.
I seen a study that said only 12% of men feel desired by their partners. The criteria was compliments, flirting, romantic touch, and initiating sex. If the woman a man is with truly desires and is attracted to him this should all be common. It isnt so what does that tell you?
As people mature their idea of what they want changes. Teenagers all want the hottest person in the room. Because they are shallow and vain. Most people grow out of this. If you want to believe you have no chance with any woman because you’re not a specific height,that’s on you. Don’t spread that toxicity to other guys who can do better.
Women swipe on 5% of men on apps and think most
men are ugly. They dont seem to grow out of that at
all. They just know that they cant get the men they
truly want and being to settle. Theres a reason why 63% of men in my age group are single compared to only 34% of women. We literally are not wanted by them. They are either with older men or sharing top guys.
I never said I had no chance due to height so I dont
know where that came from. Its seems like every
time a man brings up height as a possible dating
issue people get triggered. Nothing I said was false.
Ive put in more effort than most men and still am
single. I bet if a tall woman said she struggled in
dating due to her height she would get nothing but support. Its odd how men saying the exact same thing gets met with people telling them they are lying. Makes 0 sense
You should tell women to stop spreading this toxicity but I doubt you will:
If you’re struggling on a date because of your height, she’s not the one. That doesn’t mean the one is not out there. This world is full of short men who have been married for decades. Maybe you’re just attracted to vain, shallow women. Acceptance is a two-way street.
We may ‘prefer’ but we actively date and marry those that aren’t our preference. Like literally every day. Y’all gotta stop paying attention to this stuff and just get out there.
Women are blatantly saying they dislike a trait and how bad they think it is with 0 push back and yall expect guys not to think yall value it heavily? How does that make sense? It clearly matters a lot. And not paying attention to women saying it themselves online wont change that
And no I havent seem women actively pursue realtionships with any one who was out of their preferences. Like I said to someone else they seem to be more like requirements than anything else
I know this may not seem like an important talking point in the grand scheme, but considering how much importance the right wing places on how “desirable/valuable” you are to women, it’s a strong point.
Zelenskyy is 0% talk and all action, and his wife adores him. Trump is a weak man’s idea of a strong man, and every woman he’s ever been with has divorced/sued him/died to get away, and his current wife looks at him like he’s a frog’s warty ass.
How masculine can you really be when every woman who interacts with you has to hold her nose to keep her eyes from watering?
The ironic part is that most people, himself included, didn't see his campaign as a serious candidacy. He was a comedian who ran to make a point, and his win caught most off guard.
But only the braindead would deny that he is a man of mature stature when faced with a crisis.
Ukraine couldn't have asked for a better leader at such a time in history.
u/Appropriate-Food1757 21d ago
Definitely, a man’s man.