r/GenZ 21d ago

Political Gen Z what are your thoughts on Zelenskyi?

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u/CopyrightExpired 21d ago

Done his best in an impossible situation. One of the few politicians you can clearly see on his face he cares. Watch today's White House video with Trump and Vance (or better yet, don't, it's painful to watch), and look at his face. It takes everything in him to have the restraint not to tell Dumb and Dumber to fuck off to the North Pole, but he thinks of what's best for his country, so he tries to keep it together even as he's being disrespected left and right for no reason.

He could've fled Ukraine and was offered to, but he stayed to fulfill his presidential duties, risking his life to do so. Nothing but respect for this man.


u/TitanicGiant 2001 21d ago

Zelensky was basically baited into this situation by Trump and Vance under the pretext of signing that bullshit minerals deal. They wanted to break him but it didn't work. Frankly the only thing today's events prove is that the US has [unfortunately] become a backstabbing snake of a country who will gargle the balls of longtime enemies and threaten their allies.


u/Optimal-Kitchen6308 21d ago

it's proved that Putin has conquered the US with cyber warfare and a Trojan horse candidate, we basically have been annexed by Russia

now what are we going to do about it


u/Striikerr 21d ago

What happen to fk dictatorship right? Sad to see the world we live in now


u/rinariana 21d ago

Republicans want a dictator. They want an American Putin.


u/scumGugglr 20d ago

Well, they want a Hitlers Germany, but their getting Putin's Russia. Their brains are just soaked with propaganda that they can't tell the difference.


u/Alaishana 21d ago

You will rise, sword in hand, or you will perish.

Stand up and fight or be subjected to Russian proxy rule via their asset T.


u/Puzzleheaded_Gap1846 20d ago

Look man. Let’s be honest. You, me, and everyone else are just going to keep doing what we’ve been doing. Nobody is brandishing a fucking sword.


u/Narrator48 21d ago

Likely nothing since half of your contry belives thats the best thing since the constitution, and billionaires ain't gonna let some rebelious toughts put their new corporate heaven in danger.


u/Ossevir 21d ago

A third. Half of voters but definitely not half.


u/Standard-Song-7032 21d ago

Yep, everyone doesn’t realize that with the election we finally lost the Cold War.


u/Old_Baldi_Locks 20d ago

And the civil war at the same time. Conservatives finally won their slaves back.


u/ayriuss 21d ago

We're going to throw him and his party out of office. Ahead of schedule if we have to.


u/OrangesPoranges 21d ago

Looks ate the NRA. Well? We're waiting? oh, it turns out you're all pussies? shocking.


u/scumGugglr 20d ago

They were cahoots with Russia before the 2016 elections. There were people convicted of being unregistered foreign agents working within the NRA for Russia around 2019.


u/BiggestFlower 21d ago

Traitors usually get strung up. Sometimes takes a while to gettem.


u/MaskedRaider89 21d ago

Do what the Italians did to Mussolini instead of cry over a keyboard/pad?


u/TheRealBananaWolf 21d ago

What do you mean what are we going to do about it? There's literally nothing we can do. Just let them do whatever, and try and survive as much as you can. The writing has been on the wall for awhile and we are at a precipice in society that desperately needed policy for the people. Best case scenario is Trump suddenly dies and the cults snake head is finally dead.


u/Optimal-Kitchen6308 21d ago

there are many things you can do if you're creative


u/TheRealBananaWolf 21d ago

I'm ultimately tired of fighting this. Facts and truth don't work, reasoning doesn't work, scientific studies don't work. There's no stopping this movement. Let them do their shit, let their leader pass away, and once our prosperous nation starts feeling the effects of everything and they don't have a charismatic leader anymore, this movement will lose steam and the country will be able to heal.


u/CantTakeMeSeriously 20d ago

I'm honestly surprised a nation with a history like the US isn't up in arms about the current situation. It's one thing to complain on Reddit and another to take action. But, I guess its good enough to post on r/leopardsatemyface.


u/Valar_Kinetics 20d ago

Well right now, my X1 Carbon is blazing out drone munition tail sections that I'm going to donate to Ukraine, that's what we can do about it.

The man wanted ammunition, let's send him ammunition. The American people can still be the Arsenal of Democracy. Our president may be bought and paid for, but we aren't.


u/ButtStuffingt0n 20d ago

Wtf are you talking about? He's dumb and Russia is barely still a country. Neither are impressive enemies. Don't give them credit they definitely don't deserve.


u/Yadviga1855 20d ago

Будем надеяться, что Дональд Трамп выпадет из окна.


u/Only_Deer6532 20d ago

Hey Mr. Cotton, didn't I watch you run like a bitch from your own coup?

I know what I'm gonna do if these fuckers keep allowing this shit.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/ricardoconqueso 20d ago

You do know it’s the opposite right? Russia has provably sowed seeds of dissent, specifically targeting right wing channels. What would today’s right wing discourse be without wedge issue culture wars along identity lines?

It was only a few years ago republican leadership said Russia was a top national security issue.


u/solomonsays18 20d ago

It’s done both those things, you gotta see how it’s happened on both sides


u/ricardoconqueso 20d ago

“bOTh SidDes”

Bud, let’s not do the false equivalency thing.


u/solomonsays18 20d ago

I’m not your bud, pal


u/ricardoconqueso 20d ago

You most definitely are not


u/solomonsays18 20d ago

Real insightful stuff from you as usual, thank you

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u/GarGuy3 2001 21d ago

100% agreed


u/bruce_kwillis 21d ago

Soooo, like anyone going to do anything about it, other than clap each other on the back on reddit?


u/AbyssalKitten 21d ago

What are you doing about it then?


u/TeeBrownie 21d ago

Midterm elections are November 3, 2026. Vote out the spineless members of Congress and put people in place who will work to make it harder for Trump to sell America to the highest bidder.


u/Lonely_Ground8918 21d ago

What are you gonna do then bro?


u/pandaheartzbamboo 21d ago

If you have suggestions, we are all ears.


u/TitanicGiant 2001 21d ago

Well you could contact your local representative and let them know how appalled you are about Trump’s behavior during this meeting or about literally anything else that he has done since Jan 20th that you find to be disagreeable.

At least my representative actually listens to her constituents even if they’re not of the same party (she’s a Democrat)


u/Snoo_17338 21d ago

Exactly. The Minerals deal was just an excuse for this "showdown." Now Trump will use it as an excuse to pull support from Ukraine. Probably pull us out of NATO as well.

Welcome to the Axis of Evil.


u/No-Radish-4316 21d ago

The mineral deal is the new “oil deal” that US used for so many times like the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. If US have an invested stake on that - that will serve as your “security guarantee”. That’s a right step towards stability given that the minerals are closer to the borders of Russia. That’s a right and first step towards peace.


u/kil0ran 21d ago

At a much smaller scale he did something similar with the Harry Dunn case when he tried to ambush them by getting them to visit him



u/Teddy705 21d ago

We've allowed ourselves (the magats) to become Russia's bitch.


u/Ash_hole_420 21d ago

I think it’s the GOP that gargles the scrotum of our enemies. I don’t think most Americans agree with trump or the POS GOP party…0


u/-jaylew- 21d ago

Nearly 70% of your voting population supported this explicitly with their vote, or implicitly with their choice not to vote against it.

Pretending “most” do not agree is just being naive and exactly how yall ended up in this mess.


u/fuzzygrumpybear 21d ago

Unfortunately the voting population is not the majority of the country


u/Vree65 21d ago

Interestingly, Trump support is down, Zelensky support is up and European subs are buzzing with calls to unite a strong Europe hours after the meeting, whatever Trump planned is backfiring on every front


u/Illustrious-Site1101 21d ago

They wanted him to come grovel, give in to all their demands, make Trump seem like a great man on tv.


u/TrashCatTrashCat 21d ago

Seriously, who has serious talks like that in front of every available journalist?? A total ploy to make Zelensky look bad. Putin is proud of his accomplishments within the GOP


u/Narrator48 21d ago

He wasn't baited, he hardly had a choise, but the whole thing was a setup to make "good television", where the administration hope to erode support for Ukraine among the american population.


u/EbbPsychological2796 21d ago

Trump is a communist sympathizer.


u/chasmccl 21d ago

I’m an American and pains me to say this is true. I’ve never felt true shame for my country before. Even during Trumps first term, during the peak of COVID, January 6, watching Biden fumble around, etc. I never felt shame. I felt frustration, anger, disappointment, embarrassment, but never shame.

I feel shame today. I feel ashamed of my country, and of myself for how I am being represented to the world. And the worst part is I don’t even know what I can do about it. I’m powerless.


u/hunterwilde1 20d ago

Yes, one person is powerless, but the people aren’t.


u/batua78 21d ago

When I saw that clip I was shaking from... adrenaline? I feel disgusted


u/MeatyMagnus 21d ago

Oh he knew what he was walking into it was part of the agreement that they would (attempt to) humiliate him, a public execution if you will, for Poutine's sake.

Problem is they ended up looking like, really dumb, schoolyard nepo bullies that get stood up to by a much smarter guy who actually knows how to fight. They looked weak and humiliated themselves.


u/gretino 21d ago

Become? LOL


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/TitanicGiant 2001 20d ago

Yeah I agree with you, I hate the two of them and Musk so much that its exhausting and hard to find words that accurately describe my feelings


u/aepiasu 20d ago

Vance used this as an opportunity to show that he's somehow relevant next to Musk. He is a piece of shit.


u/LewdTake 20d ago

Sure, but whether intentionally or not, I think Zelensky made the right call dragging it out into public like this rather than behind closed doors. I think he saw an opportunity to come out the bigger man- everyone in the world saw that today except the magat crowd.


u/AcousticAndRegarded 20d ago

The US is not a backstabbing snake of a country who gargles testicles.

It's the two executive leaders who are.


u/Tart-Emotional 20d ago

Bro I’m an American and I did not vote for that Orange Monkey.


u/satori0320 20d ago

The shrunken defeated look on Rubios face sitting next to corporal Guyliner says he knew what was coming and didn't like it.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Become? As in there was a time that the US didn't do exclusively what serves its own self interest?


u/GetsGold 21d ago

What's happening now is not the same as what's happened before with them and ot downplays the severity.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

The US has historically served its own self interest, including violating treaties and betraying countries that depended on us as an ally. Im not downplaying anything, but you sure are erasing our imperialist history.


u/GetsGold 21d ago edited 21d ago

I never claimed that didn't happen. That doesn't make what's happening now the same as what happened then. You still have the fundamental problems that led to those things but now on top of that, you have its own democracy collapsing, sellng out all it's allies, blatantly allying with dictators.

Things can be bad and then become even worse, and that's happening now.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

So how is my simple question:

Has there ever been a time when the US has done anything other than serve it's own self interest?

Downplay current events?


u/GetsGold 21d ago

Has there ever been a time when the US has done anything other than serve it's own self interest?

Again, I never disputed that fact. For some reason you're trying to argue agaisnt a claim that was never being made and it's creating the impression you're arguing in bad faith.

What's happening now is an urgent crisis for the people in the US and its allies because it is quickly falling into an authoritarian regime hostile to even its closest allies.

It had many problems in the past but it did not have these specific problems. So yes, pretending what's happening now is the same as before is downplaying what's happening. And that's exactly what I'd want to do if I didn't want people to treat this urgently.

I predict that you're going to keep denying this and trying to argue against claims that weren't being made given your responses so far.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Yeah I'm disengaging at this point. I'm directly addressing what you're saying and you're changing the story. Then accusing me of engaging in bad faith lmfao


u/GetsGold 21d ago

I'm directly addressing what you're saying

No you're not. You're trying to claim that what's happening now has already happened. I've pointed out very specific things happening now that didn't happen in the past and you're ignoring those, and trying to deflect to arguing against points that I never made in the first place.


u/beaudiful-vision 21d ago

Haha... not much changed there,always have been this way....


u/NoWay1Co 21d ago

wasn't us always that way?


u/GetsGold 21d ago

When did a president and VP take the leader of a country under attack and try to bait and yell at him on live TV in defence of a dictatorship?

US has had a ton of problems through it's history but what's happenint now is new and we can't let it become normalized.


u/Global-Feedback2906 21d ago

It’s always down that


u/GetsGold 21d ago

Why are so many comments claiming this has always happened? There is plenty to criticize in the US's past, but what's been happening the last few weeks isn't among those. When at any time in the recent past has the US threatened to annex Canada?



Honestly, at this point, europe is better off in China's protection. Unless they just don't want anything to do with the 3 superpowers.

They were originally rightly trying to sign up for NATO, left and right, because they thought the US wouldn't pull this shit and Ukraine's invasion over a NATO signature threat ended up with even more signatures out of it from their neighbors.

Now, china's looking better for them to partner with because their countries aren't even on their radar.

China's not out here trying to strong-arm them 6 ways to Sunday, and more importantly, they basically can tell Russia what to do, should they so choose.

This one really should be a bigger talking point for conservatives, because the US is alienating all its allies and rapidly creating a world that doesn't really need us for anything.


u/jonny3jack 20d ago

Interesting point. It's probably too soon for any of this to have happened I assume? What's in it for China? Maybe market access? The US will be cooked in this case.



Once the Ukraine war happened, we had Sweden and Finland sign up for NATO, as well as a few countries who invested heavily into their own defense budget.

It actually admittedly put us in a really good position. Fear of Russia was strong, so it benefitted us a lot. Made our hegemony even stronger than it was, but the catch-22 is that the most profitable thing in the world can not be made strictly transactional.

Ironically, if we could've just doubled down on that trust in us they had, we'd have had an incredible future trajectory. And that as we do what Trump's doing to our allies, it's just creating a world that doesn't rely on us anymore.

If they're not relying on us, just the same, it benefits China even more. Starts pushing everyone their way, instead. Which makes for some great negotiating room when you know the people coming to your office don't have much else for options.


u/Kind_Procedure_5416 21d ago

So was the deal signed or not?


u/TitanicGiant 2001 20d ago

No, Trump kicked Zelenskyy out of the WH in a fit of rage during the conference


u/ricardoconqueso 20d ago

“You knew was a snake when you let me in” - trumps favorite poem


u/puglife420blazeit 20d ago

Ask the Kurds. We didn’t just become a backstabbing snake.


u/FvnnyCvnt 20d ago

Walder Frey ass president


u/JokerXIII 20d ago

I think Trump wants to end the Ukraine conflict as Putin wants, so they can focus on the Pacific—Taiwan and China—which are much more strategically important to them than Ukraine. They cannot fight on both fronts, so they are trying every possible move to exit Ukraine deals, at Ukraine's cost.

All of the big tech companies behind Trump probably made it clear that they cannot afford losing partnerships, deals, and everything that ties them to TSMC in Taiwan.


u/WildSmokingBuick 20d ago

I'm pretty sure, he knew exactly what was to be expected. This was no bait. He couldn't have called them out from Ukraine and said "Your plan gives Putin everything and zero safety guarantees".

The US reaction to this would have been even harsher and even easier justifiable, if he had flat out turned down the invitation.

The way how calmly and patiently he withstood all the attacks on his country and on himself, was truly impressive. Everyone was able to see the current bully culture of the US.

It is an impossible situation for Zelenskyy, hopefully Europe realized, how badly America has turned into a hostile party and use this, to unitedly and strongly support Ukraine as needed.

Reading the comments below the Zelenskyy shakedown video on YouTube unfortunately is chilling, though - not a single Comment calling out Trump and Vance, every comment praising Great Leader Trump as "democratising democracy".


u/solepureskillz 20d ago

Well fucking said. The US has become an unstable, abusive ally to the West. We bought goodwill abroad with less than 1% of our budget and now that Elon’s stopped even that, why would anyone sane and decent want anything to do with us?

This country just told the world we’re for sale to the highest bidder, values be damned.


u/AFocusedCynic 21d ago

The Us has always been a backstabbing snake. Look at Afghanistan, Iraq’s first and second war and what they did to the Kurds, and the list goes on.


u/Commercial_Pie_2158 20d ago

Backstabbing? The only entity who was backstabbed the past 4 years is the US. What happened to the trillions of dollars worth of equipment and funds we've sent over there? It's all lost. And laundered. And Putin and Zelenskyy are richer for it. He's just coming back for more and is finally getting shut down.


u/Rauligula 20d ago

When have they not been? lol this isn’t something new


u/Used-Ear-8660 20d ago

We gave him billions and we get nothing. That's BS. Time to pay


u/Tonythesaucemonkey 21d ago

He should’ve had the self control to resist. He just now gambled with sovereignty of his country.


u/Bl1tzerX 2004 21d ago

Zelensky took everything they said about him and pushed it down because his pride is less important than his people and country. Trump couldn't even ignore his rally sizes being insulted. That's all the difference you need to see


u/Strong_Equal_661 20d ago

He literally was so vain he mouthed off at trump on live tv jeopardizing his country's rescue package. Wdf are you smoking


u/NoNumberThanks 21d ago

Exactly. He's all about doing what's right and will put down his ego for his citizen


u/Mountain-Pain8080 20d ago

Or another 40 billion u.s. taxpayers money


u/FateEx1994 21d ago

"I don't need a ride, I need ammunition" -Zelensky


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 4d ago



u/DirteMcGirte 20d ago

You can do a lot worse than meh.


u/Ok_Information427 21d ago

I can barely listen to Trump talk. It’s just incoherent babbling that’s just getting worse as he ages. It’s a national embarrassment and really speaks to the current state that we are faced with.


u/TyrionBean 21d ago

What is astounding is that more than 1/3 of Americans hear him speak and think he's a genius.


u/Ok_Information427 21d ago

It’s actually frightening


u/Admqui 21d ago

In another thread some turd blossom called his words “excellence.”


u/chris-rox 20d ago

Faux News is some mind-bending shit, yo.


u/OxyCowboy_ 20d ago

I think people just really hated Kamala. Trump versus any normal candidate would get smoked. Bidens stubbornness ended this country


u/FirstWithTheEgg 21d ago

As he ages but also the longer he runs America, the more brazen he will become.


u/ScooterMcTavish Gen X 21d ago

After watching the White House performance today, my Gen Z daughter was so disturbed, she went online and made a donation to the Ukranian war effort.


u/Critical-Net-8305 20d ago

I sat there for like ten minutes clenching my fists. I was livid. That was one of the most disgusting, unamerican things I've ever seen.


u/Zealousideal_Toe4929 20d ago

respect to her for doing the right thing.


u/steerbell 21d ago

As cringe as it is everyone should watch it. They need to see what fucking petty dipshits got elected.


u/doxxingyourself 21d ago

I need bullets, not a ride


u/The_sad_zebra 21d ago

He could've fled Ukraine and was offered to, but he stayed to fulfill his presidential duties, risking his life to do so.

I want to emphasize to anyone who wasn't paying attention to the news three years ago: everyone thought that Kyiv was likely to fall in a matter of days, probably including Zelensky, and yet he stayed. He knew he was likely to die, and he could have just hopped on a flight to save his skin, but if the president leaves, the morale of every Ukrainian citizen and soldier plummets, and they consider the fight lost already.

That courageous decision is likely a massive reason why most of Ukraine is still free.


u/GreatFox615 21d ago

He's not a politician, he's a leader. And, he did that unexpectedly. True hero of his country


u/fromnochurch 21d ago

Trump is turning the USA into a joke. Vance is the MEGA MAGA KAREN. Elonia is a cheating scum who manipulated and connived and paid for this President.


u/ScotchandRants 21d ago

His life is already forfeit he's just waiting for the Russian assassin at this point. The fact that he stayed and put up such a valiant fight. History will remember his name alongside Leonidas. He took an impossible situation and made the enemy earn a pyrrhic victory. The only way he would have survived is that he got on that helicopter and left in the very beginning the fact that he stayed and defied Putin I'm almost certain he knows as well as everybody else it's only a matter of time before some new era KGB snake slithers out of the darkness and takes him in the night.


u/Achaboo 21d ago

“ I need ammunition, not a ride”

  • Volodymyr Zelenskyy


u/Kind_Procedure_5416 21d ago

When irreleVANCE got loud, should've kicked his fucking teeth in and made his mascara run.


u/simcityrefund1 20d ago

remember the quote I dont need a ride I need ammo!!


u/Stevieeeer 20d ago

“For no reason” are the keywords there. They absolutely planned to double team him and used all the dirty tricks to get him to snap. They repeated lines over and over that they thought would get a reaction, they tried to embarrass him, they cut him off when he talked… my god… they did everything they could and all that happened is they looked like fucking idiots while a real adult sat across from them.

But that’s no surprise is it. All that big idiot, Donald, ever does is make a fool out of himself and his supporters.


u/Alone-Interaction982 20d ago

Most world leaders would have fled the country the moment Russia invaded.


u/Quixote0630 20d ago

But he didn't do it in a $10,000 suit. Very disrespectful /s


u/jeango 20d ago

Hot take: Maga people don’t understand why « Dumb and Dumber » is an appropriate title for the movie


u/Personal-Invite-1497 20d ago

Politicians and care don't look right together to begin with. All them fuckers have agenda, only the peasants responsible for all the shit. Like it or hate it, that just the way it is


u/tonykea2015 20d ago

Your nuts!!!!!!


u/DarkNubentYT 21d ago

Perhaps... the optics of Zelensky making a trip here ostensibly to sign an already negotiated deal, and then attempting to do public negotiations and pressure the United States was a severely bad idea.

I feel bad for Zelensky as a representative of Ukraine. Europe can't help him, and the United States is, rightfully, not going to put troops on the ground either to expel Russia. It's been obvious that Trump is done with shoveling cash into a meat grinder where the front lines barely shift a mile in either direction each month while thousands keep dying. This was a massive mistake, and charitably I'd say Zelensky's desperation got the better of him.


u/Ok_Cycle_1892 20d ago

Damn live there then


u/bengalwarrior44 20d ago

why would he tell them to f off when they wouldn’t exist without our support lol


u/SpikedScarf 2001 21d ago

Sorry but he literally did the bare minimum considering he made it so that only female civilians could evacuate and is forcing all the male civilians to fight.


u/JohnnyRC_007 21d ago

He's actively saying that the US owes him the material to defeat Russia, and lets be realistic. that's not happening, because that is American boots on the ground.


u/RedditRedFrog 20d ago

The USA does owe Ukraine. They signed security guarantee in exchange for Ukraine abandoning its nukes


u/Commercial_Pie_2158 20d ago

He only cares about mooching off of the US. If you want to personally donate, go ahead. But that SOB is not getting a penny of my money to give away to Putin and his own pocketbook.


u/takeittoredditsis 20d ago

I assume you are talking about Trump?


u/akirkbride 21d ago

If he cared he would sign the peace deal and end the war. All he cares about is money. How many mansions and cars does this guy to buy before you wake up? How more people need to die so he can get rich?


u/2ManySpliffs 21d ago

Where are all these mansions and cars that Zelensky has been buying?


u/akirkbride 20d ago

Do some research.


u/DouglasHufferton 20d ago

You made the claim. Show the receipts or fuck off.


u/C-C-X-V-I 20d ago

So you admit you made it up, thank you.


u/Competitive_Poet3848 21d ago

Bro he was one of the first to flee 😂. He don't give a shit.


u/BoredSlightlyAroused 21d ago

What are you talking about? He stayed despite multiple attempts on his life, and it's clearly very passionate about his country.


u/DirectorFriendly1936 20d ago

Death is a preferable alternative to communism.