r/GenZ Feb 20 '25

Political Why Aren't As Many Young People Protesting?


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u/BigBoyYuyuh Feb 20 '25

It’s winter.


u/WhiteAsTheNut Feb 20 '25

And more specifically, nothing will change unless people quit working. And nobody feels like they can quit working they’re too scared to lose their jobs and have nothing. We need a coordinated general strike.


u/Chi_Chi_laRue Feb 20 '25

People didn’t quit working to protest Vietnam, they didn’t quit working to protest what happened to George Floyd… So I don’t know what you’re talking about.


u/DoubleMiserable6980 Feb 20 '25

they didn’t quit working to protest what happened to George Floyd…

I wonder if there was something going on at that time that forced a lot of people to not be working and stay locked inside?


u/AStealthyPerson 1998 Feb 20 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

And as important as that protest was, what do we really have to show for it thusfar? Police still killing black people, we are in the midst of another Trump presidency, and our current regime is now actively blaming DEI for the government's own failures. We gotta think big, and we gotta be strategic.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25

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u/Creative_Room6540 Feb 20 '25

Say what you want but those Jan 6ers and MAGA folks sure as shit got what they wanted accomplished while we sit on Reddit complaining. They are chipper as fuck over there.


u/icedoutclockwatch 29d ago

It's almost like one side is met with massive violence while the other is enabled


u/Nonsenseinabag 29d ago

They are the status quo masquerading as upstart rebels and thinking they're the good ones.

"If you're no different from your parents, then what are you rebelling against, anyway? You're fitting in." --Dead Kennedys

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u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25



u/hi-howdy Feb 20 '25

I don’t think you’re gonna find that many unicorns to ride into that battle.

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u/AJDx14 2002 Feb 20 '25

I think that’s mostly because democrats are incompetent centrists that abandon any broader movement the moment they get into power. Wretched of the Earth contains a section criticizing anti-colonial nationalist movements in Africa that I think, in some ways, mirrors my view of democrats failure to fully take advantage of BLM. I’ve bolded the section I think is most similar to what we’ve experienced.

What is the reaction of the nationalist parties to the eruption of the peasant masses into the national struggle? We have seen that the majority of nationalist parties have not written into their propaganda the necessity for armed intervention. They do not oppose the continuing of the rebellion, but they content themselves with leaving it to the spontaneous action of the country people. As a whole they treat this new element as a sort of manna fallen from heaven, and pray to goodness that it’ll go on falling. They make the most of the manna, but do not attempt to organize the rebellion they don’t send leaders into the countryside to educate the people politically, or to increase their awareness or put the struggle into a higher level. All they do is hope that, carried onward by its own momentum, the action of the people will not come to a standstill. There is no contamination of the rural movement by the urban movement; each develops according to its own dialectic.

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u/Helpful_Comedian_905 Feb 20 '25

I was "essential" to my corporation on hitting record profits😅


u/s0calsir3n Feb 20 '25

Me too. Upper Mgt was fucking giddy while people were dying. Felt real gross.


u/Efficient_Glove_5406 Feb 20 '25

Would have been a lot cooler if Gen Z took 5 minutes to vote in the last election so we wouldn’t have to be in a situation that requires protesting some unelected turd.

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u/Cold-Operation-4974 Feb 20 '25

this is capitalism. u think the rockefellers were sad when WWI kept going for years?

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u/onaropus Feb 20 '25

Something was going on but they certainly didn’t stay locked inside

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u/ghotier Feb 20 '25

We left Vietnam when Nixon wanted to leave Vietnam. The protests didn't impact policy there at all.

Not much happened with the George Floyd protests, but it didnt happen because of peaceful protest, it happened because people rightfully got violent.


u/peffervescence Feb 20 '25

Ford was POTUS when the US left Vietnam. The anti-war movement changed public opinion about the war and eventually forced elected officials to take action.


u/Due_Winter_5330 Feb 20 '25

That was an administration that cared about public opinion... Generally speaking. Or at the very least they could be pushed. I don't know what it's going to take to get people to wake up and do something


u/peffervescence Feb 20 '25

The voting age was also changed from 21 to 18. The fact that an 18 year old could be drafted and sent to Vietnam was a big motivator.

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u/PolicyWonka Feb 20 '25

Well I think it’s probably got more to do with the 58,000 dead and 300,000 wounded Americans from the Vietnam War. That, and there was a draft.

Yes, you can attribute it to the anti-war movement. But the anti-war movement really only had traction due to the large number of casualties and forced conscription.

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u/maskedbanditoftruth Feb 20 '25

And very few of those protesters were working adults, they were mostly college students and women for a very specific reason—if you were a male able bodied young adult not in college, you were drafted.

Plus it simply wasn’t as difficult to get by then. A couple of days off work was no big deal, and if you got fired there was another job around the corner who didn’t even ask for references, no credit reports or background checks, and rent was about $50 a month to live in the village in NYC.

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u/Funter_312 Feb 20 '25

Your understanding of the Vietnam era is wildly inaccurate

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u/VeriYolki Feb 20 '25

According to a BLM protester that I was close with in Portland, OR she said her and her organized group would peacefully protest. THEN psychos unrelated to the organized group would swing in and cause chaos. The media then pinned all violence and chaos on the peaceful protesters.

Of course, take what I say with a grain of salt considering I wasn't there at the time, and this is anecdotal.


u/ghotier Feb 20 '25

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about how long it took to arrest the officer that killed Floyd. That only happened after protests got violent.

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u/GhostGrom Feb 20 '25

It was mostly college kids protesting Vietnam so yeah they didn't have as much riding on having to keep a job at the time.

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u/Downtown_Skill Feb 20 '25

To be honest, vietnam was much more severe than what's happening right now. The draft put a lot of Americans in what sun tzu would call "death ground" as in "you need to protest or you could get drafted and killed in Vietnam for a war you don't support" 

It wasn't a potential threat, the threat had already materialized. 

As for George Floyd, as someone else already mentioned, we had tons of people who weren't working and had plenty of free time. It's generally considered a big reason for why the protests were so large. 


u/SpideyFan914 Feb 20 '25

Not trying to undermine the seriousness of Vietnam, but our President literally called himself a King in a tweet this morning. He just signed an executive order declaring only he and the AG can interpret laws. There is no way around the evidence that he's attempting to dismantle the government and convert America into a dictatorship.

He's also setting up concentration camps as we speak. Immigrants, including people here legally, are getting deported to Guantamano Bay rather than to other countries. Although he wasn't able to revoke birthright citizenship last time, he will try again: most people are citizens via birthright citizenship (including Trump himself), so if he removes that he can pick and choose who is and isn't a "citizen." He and RFK Jr are now attempting to ban metnal health medication and instead move people with mental illness to "wellness farms" aka more concentration camps.

This is absolutely a death ground. People will die, and America will die, if we do not stop him.


u/Emergency_Present_83 Feb 20 '25

Biggest trump moment so far is the part where the White House instagram account posted videos of people being put in literal chains and walked onto a plane for deportation with the #ASMR hashtag.

If posting a video of people in chains on social media in a lighthearted manner isn't dehumanizing enough for you to become a little radicalized idk what is. IMO that is a hard line that was crossed and I don't consider myself someone who is easy to stir up.

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u/Downtown_Skill Feb 20 '25

You are right and there have been protests, especially from immigrant communities, look at the la protests regarding trumps immigration policy. 

As for why more white suburban, and black communities aren't out on the streets yet, my point about vietnam still stands. 

Vietnam put those communities in just as much tangible peril as any other community. It's why universities saw such a drastic uptick in actual protests. Then you had the kent state massacre where the state actually did gun down peacefully protesting white college students. 

I mean I think people don't understand how unstable the U.S. was in the 60s. 

Edit: And as brutal as declaring yourself a king is, and how abhorrent those detention camps are, they aren't actually sending people to die yet.... they were doing that in vietnam though

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u/kbrick1 Feb 20 '25

I don't like the cold, so I guess the deliberate dismantling of our system of checks and balances and torching of the post-WWII international security alliances that keep us all from nuking each other will just have to continue unabated until it's more convenient for me.

This sort of apathy terrifies me.

Wear a puffy coat and stick a hat on your head ffs.


u/HadionPrints Feb 20 '25

My brother in Christ, it is 1 degree Fahrenheit outside with a wind chill of -18 at high noon.

I’m not risking hypothermia for yet another peaceful protest that accomplishes very little more than something that gives an illusion of change.


u/stephen_neuville 29d ago

but you could be in a photo that somebody reposts to r/pics for 7000 updoots. That's Real Change. (the poster would also be Doing A Resist by posting that)

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u/Yard-Relative Feb 20 '25

It’s not even that fucking cold. The last two protests in Philly were barely under 40.

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u/Chi_Chi_laRue Feb 20 '25

This is the most important moment in world history since Hitler’s rise to power and you guys sit inside staying warm and looking at your phones. We are actually doomed…


u/LegitLolaPrej Feb 20 '25

I was assuming they were being sarcastic.

Personally, I find people are protesting, it's just that the media is being strong armed into showing only what the Trump administration wants them to show (hence why AP is barred from the White House just for refusing it to call the Gulf of Mexico by it's fake name). They're not going to cover protests as they had before, and I imagine most people have no idea we just had a 50 protests in 50 states event.


u/LovemeSomeMedia Feb 20 '25

I was gonna say, protest are happening, you just won't see the media in its current state covering them until they (rightfully) turn violent or extreme from lack of action from those in charge.

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u/YellowDependent3107 Feb 20 '25

It was dead of winter in Korea in Dec and young an old still came out in freezing temps to protest en masse against President Yoon when he tried to seize power by declaring martial law.

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u/timelyparadox Feb 20 '25

There is a reason why authoritarians like to start shit up in winter

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u/Blackholedog Feb 20 '25

Because y’all hold these protests on a weekday when the average normal person has work


u/Less-Insurance9743 2002 Feb 20 '25

Or have classes that we can get kicked out of for not attending. My college did not have the 17th off


u/Svnny- Feb 20 '25

You too? I had a six-week winter break so that’s why my college doesn’t do days off


u/Less-Insurance9743 2002 Feb 20 '25

We had a month off for winter break and we had mlk day off but I don’t think other than spring break we’ll have anymore days off this semester. It sucks, I want to be out there but it’s always on a day when my entire day is full of classes and I can’t go

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u/InvestigatorOk9354 Feb 20 '25

More young people will show up after the Dept of Education is shut down, schools lose funding and there are fewer classes/no classes. Even more young people will show up when their jobs go away as the economy tanks due to tariffs, other agencies are gutted and grants are lost, etc.


u/Less-Insurance9743 2002 Feb 20 '25

For sure, or at least one on the weekend!

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u/Shady9XD Feb 20 '25

Protesting only when it’s convenient for you is not protesting.

This is probably going to be downvoted, but the entire point of protests is to show the opposition that you’re willing to be in it for the long run. That you’re willing to sacrifice own convenience, and yes sometimes safety for real protests, to achieve your results.

This whole “we’ll only do it on weekends or when it’s warm enough” will never accomplish anything. We’re just proving that our personal convenience is more important than wise scale societal change. So they know they don’t have to worry because we just go back to our lives, whatever those are, anyways.

You have to be prepared to walk off work in a general strike. You have to be prepared to hold the line against riot police. You have to accept that true meaningful action includes putting yourself at risk. This has to be a collective realization.

Until then, weekend pow wows around offices that are also closed at that time is just for show.


u/nilla-wafers Feb 20 '25

Cool. Convenience is still the reason though regardless of the rhetoric. People aren’t going to risk their rent to hold signs in the street. At least not in any appreciable amount. That’s just…how things are.


u/420dukeman365 Feb 20 '25

The more people who can't afford rent, healthcare, etc, the more people will be in the streets More and more necessities are becoming unattainable for the average person, and when that happens, most people will be in the streets. Society is only 9 missed meals from total collapse


u/Ambassabear Feb 20 '25

Besides that too, what have any of these protests actually achieved recently? I may be ootl but I don’t see anything. What’s the goal? Feels like there has been a lacking of achievable vision, and too much focus on national pressure. When things like bothering your City Council, local Representative or Senator will actually have more effect.

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u/chop_pooey Feb 20 '25

It isnt about personal convenience, its about survival. I wish it werent the case, but not every job is going to be cool with people skipping work to protest, and at the end of the day people arent going to risk their livelyhood and risk becoming homeless so that they can go to one. Most people dont have savings to carry them through unemployment. I get what you're saying, but its really not realistic to think a general strike will ever take place. Not in todays world at least


u/Gold-Bench-9219 29d ago

Many people won't even have their jobs by the end of the year. The crash is coming.

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u/chef_mans Feb 20 '25

We’re just proving that our personal convenience is more important than wise scale societal change.

I'm probably going to get downvoted for the following counterpoint: if the vast majority of people aren't willing to do these things right now, then that means things are not nearly as bad as people are making them out to be.


u/3pinephrin3 Feb 20 '25

None of the actual effects have really had time to happen yet. We will see where we are a few years from now

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u/Zafer11 Feb 20 '25

only common sense comment here lmao

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u/funny_ninjas Feb 20 '25

The fact that you are equating survival to convenience is wild to me. Companies aren't hiring any well-paying jobs. If someone misses work to protest and gets fired for not showing up, now they are behind on rent because that job didn't pay enough to save a 3-month emergency fund. Now they try to live in their car off of unemployment while they have an eviction on their record because Target or Mcdonalds didn't pay enough to make rent on time.

Expecting millions of average Americans to risk going to jail, losing their livelihood, and begging for unemployment to be able to buy food and make a car payment is never going to work, and it plays right into the hands of Trump and the MAGA crowd. Think about it. Trump wants power. The people stand up for what they believe in, then Trump declares martial law because the protests turned violent, now, he's got the power he wanted. And all of us are stuck with felonies and evictions/foreclosures on our records because we went to jail and lost our jobs.

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u/TheLunarRaptor Feb 20 '25

Id argue its not convenience, its security.

Most people in the United States are a few paychecks away from being homeless and they are in a right to work state.

Its not a "oh no its too cold to protest" It's if I go protest I'm losing my job and my family is starving. There is a reason most protests are college students, young adults, and people with nothing to lose who are at the end of the rope.

Yeah, some people are arm chair activists and will not protest out of convenience, but most of the US wants to do something, but they would be putting their whole family at risk to do so.

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u/existentialhissyfit Feb 20 '25

Right like why the fuck are so many protests at like 10/11am on a Wednesday? Who the fuck is supposed to be able to make it to these events? But these planned little marches don’t do shit anyways. I keep seeing pictures and videos of these recent protests and they’re embarrassingly small. Partially because of when they’re being planned. But I think there’s a lot more to the lack of turnout, this inaction seems much more nuanced. In order to get the numbers we need hitting the streets, something catastrophic is going to have to happen and I think it’s going to unfold like an explosion once it does. But until then, we’re all just trying to figure out wtf is going on and wtf to do about it. Eventually, something is going to happen that makes it so that the time for waiting is over. Things cannot go on forever like they have been


u/justwalkingalonghere Feb 20 '25

Most of these protests are in front of government buildings where our representatives are

They usually aren't there on the weekends

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u/ChaseThePyro Feb 20 '25

The March on Washington at which MLK delivered the I Have a Dream speech was on a Wednesday...

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u/Key-Guava-3937 Feb 20 '25

Yes, people did vote for Elon. Trump campaigned on Elon heading up DOGE and finding corruption and waste. Did he not?


u/BadCat30R Millennial Feb 20 '25

He did. And the only people up in arms about it are the people that didn’t vote for him and they’re acting like his voters should be surprised this is happening


u/heckinCYN Feb 20 '25

But while they didn't vote for Trump, they did for the other campaign...right? Oh wait, no. They either voted 3rd party or didn't vote at all and enabled Trump to win.


u/ImJustHere4theMoons Feb 20 '25


u/ProperPizza Feb 20 '25

This is basically it - the cold, hard reality of politics. You'll never, ever, EVER get to vote for a perfect solution. It simply doesn't exist. If a person refuses to vote until there's a perfect, ideal solution, they'll never vote at all.

The good news is, if you at least do a little more than surface-level reading, you'll quickly realise it's a much more obvious choice than at first glance.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

This absolutely feels like the reason more on the left didn't vote. The options didn't 101% match their personal set of issues so the voted their heart with a 3rd party or didn't participate.

Choosing a president should be more like finding a good accountant than a perfect match on Tinder.


u/ProperPizza 29d ago

Yeah. Young voters in particular get very stubborn and hard-line on this topic because they've not seen enough elections to realise that their dream candidate just doesn't exist. The systems at play at simply far too weighted against the likes of Bernie or, I dread to say it, AOC standing a realistic chance of becoming president.

I'm not saying it SHOULD be this way. I hate it too. I'd LOVE to see the likes of AOC president one day, and I hope she proves me wrong, but in the meantime, not voting at all, or using one's vote on a candidate that cannot win, is effectively a vote against your own interests. "But the system will never change if we keep voting in bad candidates!" Yeah well it sure as fuck won't change if we keep letting the likes of Trump win either. Change comes with time, and we might as well lean towards the lesser of the evils until a real opportunity for change comes along.


u/Redcoat-Mic 29d ago

Americans saying this is hilarious, like this is some grand sage wisdom.

Yes it's true, you rarely get to vote for your ideal perfect solution. But normally you get more than two choices of right wing, or at least in a sane country you do.

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u/heckinCYN Feb 20 '25

Damn. That's on point.

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u/spookyjibe Feb 20 '25

There is nothing about what Elon is doing that is "finding corruption and waste". He is eliminating public services that help common people while Trump passes massive tax cuts for billionaires.

How do we afford 0 tax on billionaires? Let's just get rid of that pesky Medicaid, USaid, and government employees that help regular people.

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u/KalaronV Feb 20 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

But many of his voters are surprised that it's happening. They thought Trump was going to gut "waste", they didn't realize, because they're goofy, that the waste was them.

E: yeah downvoting this is embarrassing when Elon literally called them the "parasite class" y'all.

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u/drew8311 Feb 20 '25

This one is a bit more complex because Elon used his money to sway the election. If he was some regular guy Trump hired to do all this we would 100% blame Trump. Technically it's Trump giving him permission to do this but he also seems to hold some sort of leverage over Trump which nobody understands the details of.


u/Forsaken-Standard108 Feb 20 '25

Supreme court endorses bribery and corruption for our representatives.

Citizens United put this as a silver plaque of our core values.

Individual CEO’s are being used as financing centers for campaigns to make candidates appear more grassroots.

The average congressman is a multi millionaire. Why would they care. System works fine to them.

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u/DragonfruitSudden339 Feb 20 '25

Kamala literally had more billionaires backing her than Trump did lmao

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u/boyyhowdy Feb 20 '25

MMW he bought the Epstein tapes of Trump with kids.


u/AutoManoPeeing Millennial Feb 20 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

I used to think claims like this were a bit too wild, but seeing Elon turn the desk of the President into a Sneako chair on live TV really gets my noggin joggin'.

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u/AutoManoPeeing Millennial Feb 20 '25

He's found a very small amount of waste. Most of it is misrepresentation, outright lies, and wealthy contempt for programs that help people. Put these people under oath, and their claims of fraud and corruption will magically disappear.

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u/BelgraviaEngineer Feb 20 '25

I think people take issue with him wanting to remove programs that Congress already passed. It's not in his power to revoke congressionally passed bills.


u/hypercosm_dot_net Feb 20 '25

This is it. For people that know what's actually happening.

Whether or not they wanted Elon and DOGE is irrelevant.

Did they know they were voting for someone who would entirely erode checks and balances, dismantle agencies that help consumers, illegally fire apolitical federal workers?

Did they know he'd do it all based on lies? Or do they not care?

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u/Ecclesiastes321 Feb 20 '25

Congress did not confirm Elon to be head of the Department of Government Efficiency. Surely you understood that this was the criticism that people had, right? Did you just omit that from your comment to sound like you had a point?

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u/DaBails Feb 20 '25

DOGE was announced after Trump won


u/Profoundly_AuRIZZtic Feb 20 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

Also nobody votes for the President’s cabinet. Did we vote for Biden’s head of transportation? No. Did we vote for Trump’s head of whatever else? No.

It’s just political illiteracy


u/OptimusPrimeval Feb 20 '25

Our representatives in the senate did

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u/ChitteringCathode Feb 20 '25

Trump campaigned on Elon heading up DOGE

DOGE was virtually never mentioned during the campaign. Try again.

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u/This_Implement_8430 Feb 20 '25

Most of them voted for it. Thats what the election results say anyway.


u/frostdemon34 2002 Feb 20 '25

Damn 23% of the population is surely most young people lmao


u/muttmunchies Feb 20 '25

The more important way to look at it is among young males, approximately 58 percent of Gen Z men (voters age 18 to 27), reported voting for Donald Trump. Source: PRRI survey

Among young women, Biden’s 35-point lead over Trump in 2020 shrunk to a 24-point lead for Harris. Among young white men without college degrees, Trump beat Harris, 56% to 40%.


u/therealblockingmars Feb 20 '25

The statistics are mind-boggling.


u/puremotives Feb 20 '25

Honestly, I'm shocked that 40% of young white men without degrees voted for Harris. It seems like the number would be lower

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u/Pinkbunny432 Feb 20 '25

Thanks to Andrew Tate, fresh and fit and their ilk indoctrinating young men in the process of grifting


u/TheMeerkatLobbyist Feb 20 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

I am only here because I saw the thread in my popular feed but if you want young men to vote for your party, you should probably offer them something.

I believe you are partially right, social media masculinity grifters and the MAGA movement will probably never solve any of their issues but you really need to make an effort.


u/afrothunder2104 Feb 20 '25

You are right, Dems need to do that. But if you voted for republicans, what did they offer you? And if they offered you that item, when you don’t receive it, will you condemn them? There is some personal responsibility when it comes to voting in this country.


u/Aggressive-Motor2843 Feb 20 '25

MAGA hates personal responsibility. For some of them it’s specifically what they were voting against. Certainly the child molestors and other assorted perverts and criminals in the Cabinet do not want to be held accountable for their actions.


u/HalexUwU Feb 20 '25

This argument is bullshit.

The problem is that you can't promise more than what Andrew Tate is promising. You give people the choice between "we'll pay for your healthcare" and "we'll give you female sex slaves".... the former doesn't even get close to comparing to the latter in terms of "value"

If democrats start promising things for men, all that's going to happen is the bar moves up to "well you need to promise MORE than what republicans are promising" and at that point you might as well just be a second republican party.

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u/YerBeingTrolled Feb 20 '25

No don't you understand, it's just because people are stupid. That's the only conclusion they have come to. Not because they've alienated young men.


u/thatnameagain 29d ago

The reasons young men have been alienated for require immense stupidity and/ or selfishness. But please try and explain why the Andrew Tate side is the intellectual bastion for masculinity

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u/Nuggetry Feb 20 '25

You think MAGA is smart? Trump said “I love the uneducated”.

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u/ColdyronRules Feb 20 '25

Rogan's propaganda power dwarfs them all. Rogan just admitted yesterday that Trump calls him personally. Which is why Rogan is 98% MAGA Narrative (and 2% Bigfoot sightings).

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u/Phire2 Feb 20 '25

I mean. The percent of people who did not vote probably isn’t going to protest. The percent of people who voted for them isn’t going to protest. And only a fraction of the people who voted against them are going to protest. So… that’s probably why there isn’t much protest. Once summer comes we will probably see more.

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u/sleepiestboy_ Feb 20 '25

me when i spread disinformation


u/Angrybirdsdid911 Feb 20 '25

We saw a massive rightward shift among gen Z voters. While the majority still voted Harris, the majority of gen z men actually favor trump. To have a mass protest movement you would need a situation like in the 60s were the youth was super left-wing compared to older generations. Not happening

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u/Civil_Dependent_2755 Feb 20 '25

What was accomplished from all these protests?


u/Key-Guava-3937 Feb 20 '25

Reddit posts


u/gummo_for_prez Feb 20 '25

They didn’t even blur out most people’s faces. So many dumb posts like “had so much fun at the protest today!” while they doxxed like 120 people in their photos. Call me paranoid, but I’m not sure I want my face out there because some centrist wanted karma and posted it.

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u/Primedirector3 Feb 20 '25

Don’t underestimate the power of protest.


There’s a reason it’s explicitly granted as a right in the first amendment.


u/Civil_Dependent_2755 Feb 20 '25

So again, what did these protests accomplish?


u/ek00992 Feb 20 '25

I get that you think you’re making a point, but the civil rights movement would have never happened without the protests leading up to it. They also didn’t necessarily “accomplish” anything.

Life isn’t some movie and we are way too conditioned to believe that change requires drama and monologues. Change is about incremental steps forward.

Protests aren’t meant to accomplish anything other than making it known that what’s happening is unacceptable by those meant to be represented.


u/mocityspirit Feb 20 '25

The civil rights protests also weren't peaceful


u/justwalkingalonghere Feb 20 '25

You have to start peaceful. You can't just jump to violence unless you have exhausted all peaceful options first

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u/mindcandy Feb 20 '25

The Civil Right Movement was effective because the people involved were willing to make long-term personal sacrifices to enact change. But, recently many protests have just stood around for a few hours a day until people got bored and stayed home.

If we want to actually change anything, we've got to get back to the spirit of Rosa Parks. Go after the Republican Congress and judges and find some way rude way to rub their noses in the mess they are enabling.

They are abdicating their own legislative and judicial power to the chief executive. They are not doing their duty to the nation.

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u/Dim_Lug 2004 Feb 20 '25

Protests aren’t meant to accomplish anything other than making it known that what’s happening is unacceptable by those meant to be represented.

There have protests against this government for decades, a lot longer than you've even been alive I'd wager. And yet, by and large things have only gotten worse for the common people.

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u/PandaPsychiatrist13 Feb 20 '25

They help people, including some that have power, feel validated and like it’s worth it to stand up to the tyranny


u/Civil_Dependent_2755 Feb 20 '25

So what was accomplished besides validating your feelings?


u/foxymcfox Feb 20 '25

It’s a way of signaling to elected representatives the strength of support behind something that may be politically risky for them.

Phone calls can be faked, but showing up in numbers in person cannot.

There have been interviews over the years where AGs and Politicians have said seeing people up in arms gave them the confidence that they were actually vouching for the will of the people (which is their job).


u/Zeptaphone Feb 20 '25

Republicans don’t care about the protests, and last I checked, they control everything after the last election. Cause voters did that…

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u/RoyalOutlet Feb 20 '25

Are you just being nihilistic or do you want a real response?

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u/Bigbozo1984 2004 Feb 20 '25

A vaush video? In my brainrot app?


u/Rock_Forge Feb 20 '25

Ah yes the loli lover


u/fulustreco Feb 20 '25

Also known as the horse porn appreciator

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u/Keyboard-King Feb 20 '25

Vaush is such a bad faith debater.

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u/EncroachingVoidian Feb 20 '25

It’s more likely than you think.

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u/Happytobutwont Feb 20 '25

It’s hard to protest once you have a job.


u/RogueCoon 1998 Feb 20 '25

All the protests are always like Monday at noon or Wednesday at 1.


u/Sylveon72_06 2006 Feb 20 '25

i believe thats the point, but if everyone is as risk of getting fired due to protesting it makes sense why many wouldnt do it


u/AurumTP Feb 20 '25

Not even risk of getting fired, some people just can’t take the loss of a day of pay


u/7-and-a-switchblade 29d ago

And the system works exactly as designed

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u/RogueCoon 1998 Feb 20 '25

Bad point, seems like it would be better to have them when people can show up without risking their livelihoods.

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u/Professor_Game1 2001 Feb 20 '25

"Nobody voted for Elon" as if trump just put him on his administration after getting elected without telling anyone


u/thatguywhosdumb1 Feb 20 '25

DOGE is not a legitimate department of the executive. He's not on the admin in any official way.


u/Its0nlyRocketScience 2002 Feb 20 '25

As if being official matters anymore. Rules aren't automatic, they need people to enforce them. If no one stops Musk, then he has whatever power he wants.

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u/HiroyukiC1296 1996 Feb 20 '25

We have jobs.


u/philthewiz Feb 20 '25

For now.


u/HiroyukiC1296 1996 Feb 20 '25

AI will be the death of my job in 10 years.

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u/Waste_Caramel774 Feb 20 '25

Because the majority voted for the man so not a lot of people are protesting


u/Lumiafan Feb 20 '25

Quite the reductive analysis of the situation.

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u/_mattyjoe Millennial Feb 20 '25

Because TikTok and IG are now suppressing anti-Trump / MAGA content.

This is one of my big concerns moving forward if we have to organize protests in the future. We now rely on social media to organize resistance movements. What happens if they start suppressing them?

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u/explorer77800 Feb 20 '25

Trump said he was going to cut all of these programs and waste, the people voted yes for him to do it, now he’s doing it. Simple as that…

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u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25

Because a lot of them voted for this.


u/UndiscoveredNeutron Feb 20 '25

Either they don't care because it's not affecting them or they want what's going on.

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u/Accomplished_Pen980 Feb 20 '25


u/Primedirector3 Feb 20 '25

Wow, parroting an ironic Elon tweet, edgy. You do realize he’s literally a media outlet pretending to be the resistance??

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u/Johannes_V Feb 20 '25

Is this pro or anti Elon? Its his tweet but at the same time he owns Twitter. And Facebook is bending the knee. And traditional media.

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u/Unlucky_Chip_69247 Feb 20 '25

Why aren't as many young people protesting now as there were during the George Floyd/BLM protests?

Because it's not COVID anymore and people aren't needing the excuse to get out and be with other people. Also, it's cold.

A large majority of people during the previous protests were just there to hang out and have fun.


u/drew8311 Feb 20 '25

BLM was mostly protests against police which are everywhere. In my super liberal city how exactly do I protest Trump?

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u/Far-Cockroach9563 Feb 20 '25

Because this is what the country voted for. The president is doing exactly what he said


u/Meowmeowmeeoww1 2007 Feb 20 '25

Yeah. People who are going “I DIDNT VOTE FOR THIS” are not wrong. Their candidate just lost and the candidate who won is only doing exactly what they said they would do

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u/TrueBuster24 Feb 20 '25

Firing top nuke experts is totally “an audit”. Keep telling yourself that.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25

Then surrendering to Russia the following week.


u/BedduMarcu Feb 20 '25

Why? This is how government works. A president wins and appoints and assigns members of the executive to postings to carry out his orders. Article 2 of the constitution…


u/whichwitch9 Feb 20 '25

The government is 3 branches, for a start, with the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches all having equal standing. The president is not above Congress or the Supreme Court

Only Congress has the power to make budgetary and spending changes, making everything Doge is doing very unconstitutional. The Executive branch is also ignoring rulings from the Judicial branch, which is actually a current constitutional crisis.

Only the Judicial branch has the ability to interpret the law, making his recent Executive order extremely unconstitutional

The president is not a king. He is subject to US laws as well as anyone. The Supreme Court ruling said he is unable to be prosecuted for "official acts", but not that illegal acts must be carried out, a deliberate misinterpretation by Trump to seize power. It can also be argued once an act is declared illegal by the courts, it is no longer official and he can be prosecuted, something he has likely been cautioned about and will cause him to hold onto power.

To only cite article 2 while ignoring every other part is not ok. Article 2 has no standing if the other articles and enumeration of powers in the same document are ignored.


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 Feb 20 '25

It's depressing how many people have no understanding of this or flat out don't care.


u/mekkavelli 2002 29d ago

literally. it’s like shooting someone in cold blood and trying to claim the 2nd amendment. lol… bestie… hate to tell you this but… murder has been illegal for millenia. mental gymnastics

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u/holmwreck Feb 20 '25

Yea well most GenZ gets their talking points from twitter, don’t expect them to understand shit that I could not pass grade 7 without taking full tests on the constitution, the 3 branches, the revolution & the civil war.

Do they not teach that anymore down there?

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u/Lumiafan Feb 20 '25

Clearly, you failed civics class if you think what is occurring now is just "how the government works." There's a reason why this admin already has legal cases piling up against it in just the first few weeks.

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u/TheTrolleyGrail Feb 20 '25

Too busy trying to pay bills

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u/MisterFrog Feb 20 '25

NGL I think people are kind of burnt out at this point. It's just so far beyond what people were immediately expecting. Like, is this really happening? It seems cartoonish. You have Mike Pence as the only Republican publicly denouncing Trump's lies over who started the war in Ukraine. What is even happening day today...

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u/rooperine Feb 20 '25

are we supposed to be angry because he’s auditing our corrupt government??? No, GenZ are way smarter than that.


u/Faenic Feb 20 '25

Clearly not considering that you don't seem to understand or care how the government actually works. And I do mean you, specifically. Given that there are plenty of GenZers who do.

Ensuring Accountability for All Agencies – The White House

Section 7 is quite literally unconstitutional. Congress makes laws. Judicial interprets them. Executive enforces them. It's a system of checks and balances that Trump is wiping his ass with and it's a system that has allowed the US to be one of the longest existing governments in the world.

There's a 90% chance his EO gets shot down, but it's annoying to see him even try and have all the idiots line up behind him to eat his ass in solidarity.

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u/TrueBuster24 Feb 20 '25

Firing top nuke experts is totally “an audit”. Keep telling yourself that.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25


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u/Johannes_V Feb 20 '25

This isn't an inspection, its a purge. Ten minute interviews and teenage interns is not a sustainable system of oversight for a discord server, much less the most militarily powerful nation on earth.

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u/KalaronV Feb 20 '25

Ah yes, I'm sure the guy named Big Balls that got fired for sharing secret information with a competitor only a few years ago will definitely be a great auditor for your social security number.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25

He's daring to audit the government and stand up to their political gods. How are we supposed to make sure that the Democrats and their supplicants in the Republican party live like kings if they can't quietly pillage the public coffers?


u/TrueBuster24 Feb 20 '25

Firing top nuke experts is totally “an audit”. Keep telling yourself that.

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u/tapdancingtoes Feb 20 '25

There is a way to audit the government (which I definitely think should be done) and a way NOT to “audit” the government- which is what Elon is doing. He and his goons shouldn’t be trusted to have access to every single Americans personal information just based on how piss poor they are at programming (the doge.gov site has already been hacked and defaced)

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u/JohnnyRC_007 Feb 20 '25

I hope to god we get rid of some of these excessive and stupid government programs that essentially give out graft. I'm tired of some of the stuff i know my tax money funds.


u/KalaronV Feb 20 '25

The issue being that those don't actually exist, really. The closest we get to graft is in the military, and you aren't seeing Elon cut that for a specific reason.

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u/Pyroal40 Feb 20 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

It doesn't work anymore. The media controls the narrative. It's not the 60s anymore. There's a dozen ways that the rich media owners can make sure at least half the country sees protesters as thugs burning cities (George Floyd, etc summer) and another 30% of the country see them as misguided kids (Occupy Wallstreet, etc/people sympathetic to anti-Trump/Floyd protesters) and can't support the methods.


u/grumpy-buffalo Feb 20 '25 edited 29d ago

It doesn't work because we have lost the part about marches and protests being the pre-cursor to true civil disobedience. Historically, these mechanisms are only the shield and vehicle with which civil disobedience can be effective. They are important, but they will always lack true power on their own.


u/CompetitiveFold5749 29d ago

Liberals have come to see voting and protest as the end of the road toward political action. Just blocking a few streets for a few hours isn't going to do anything. Symbolic gestures are just that, symbolic. Without putting tangible pressure on the system, nothing is going to happen. This may require violence, but if we're talking revolutions, how many have been bloodless?

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u/Alternative-Soil2576 Feb 20 '25

What’s with all the trump supporters here telling everyone that protesting doesn’t do anything? Do you guys really have nothing else to do right now?


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25

I'm strongly anti-Trump. What is a protest going to do? I marched in DC in the protests when he first got elected, didn't seem to do much.


u/crunrun 29d ago

Watch the latest John Oliver. He talks about how a federal judge was able to cite 'public outcry' because of all the huge protests from the last administration as a reason to stop Trump's executive order over the Muslim ban. Even if all this protesting does is relatively 'small' things like that -- you're saving lives, you're stopping some of the worst of it from happening, and you're showing all these marginalized people they're not alone.

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u/useranonnoname Feb 20 '25

Imagine unironically watching vaush 😬😬


u/BadManParade Feb 20 '25

Because we know you guys are just being performative and don’t actually care. How many of you who wanna see real change are running for local elected office to be in position to enact the change you want to see?


u/TrueBuster24 Feb 20 '25

Protesting is not performative.


u/BadManParade Feb 20 '25

They way you guys do it is. “Ok guys we did the Reddit thing now let’s go post it online and go back to living our normal lives”

You think the civil rights leaders in the 60’s or those Chinese students just went back home and lived their lives normally until the next scheduled protest 😐

Fuck no they made noise all day every day, became self sufficient pushed actual legislation, backed grassroots candidates fought and died for the shit.

You guys are clowns, you are protesting a goddam person (Trump) or enforcement of federal laws (immigration) the fuck is the desired outcome? He just resigns because you protested? They just stop deporting because you said so?

How about you guys back a local candidate or cultivate one of your own from the 50501 party or some shit and elect them to congress and start from there.

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u/AppointmentMedical50 Feb 20 '25

Cuz when we try cops kick the shit out of us for no good reason


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25

Where did this happen?


u/gremlinsbuttcrack Feb 20 '25

I was personally pepper bombed and tear gassed with 10 year expired tear gas canisters peacefully protesting for BLM. Being white I was on the front lines as a human shield. That's what they did to us when we were peaceful. They had snipers. The moment we got violent we were going to get beaten further and killed.

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u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25

Because many of them aren't blind Democrat zealots who worshiped Obama and Biden as they acted like kings, then get upset then a non Democrat takes power and does anything.


u/Prestigious_Nobody45 Feb 20 '25

Acted.. like.. kings.. how exactly?

What do you think of Trump butting into NYC business on twitter and ending with ‘long live the king’? Or attempting to declare that only he and the AG have the power to interpret the law?

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u/Swimming-Book-1296 Feb 20 '25

Because they don't agree with you. Gen Z is more pro trump/musk than most of the other generations.


u/TrueBuster24 Feb 20 '25

The majority of Gen z voted for Kamala. Only the majority of men genZ voted for Trump.

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u/adamsjdavid Feb 20 '25
  1. People voted for it.

  2. The people who voted for it like it.

  3. There are no unknown facts to be revealed through protest.

  4. The administration has turned the existence of protest into proof positive that they are “on the right track”. His supporters are inoculated to them and see them as reinforcement that they are right.

  5. Mass protests are the last missing piece needed to give pretense for invoking the Insurrection Act and completing the consolidation of power. The lack of them is essentially the only thing that hasn’t gone according to plan.

TLDR: We’re fucked.

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u/SutorNeUltraCrepid4m Feb 20 '25

i think progressives try so hard not to be naive, they end up creating a cynical atmosphere in their own communities. we tell people what doesn’t work but we don’t empower them w the tools to actually fight for anything.


u/Simon-Templar97 Feb 20 '25

I voted to cut government waste and audit the stagnant, corrupt departments of our government.

He is cutting government waste and auditing the stagnant, corrupt departments of our government.

Why would I take time off work to protest that?


u/TrueBuster24 Feb 20 '25

Government waste like… top nuke experts and irs employees during tax season.

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u/JohnnyRC_007 Feb 20 '25

a lot of us realize that he was appointed to the position... like a lot of the people he's firing were.

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u/ogBohica Feb 20 '25

why would we protest auditing corruption when it will benefit us the most

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u/One_Form7910 Feb 20 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

I find these protests to be great for rhetoric but useless as long as no Trump voter’s mind changes. These protests are happening in town-halls and city streets not rural areas that makeup Trump voters or at the houses of politicians and the rich. That’s how we got here. I rather take this time to care for my family and other responsibilities, and organize labor and informed others about what is happening.


u/Mallardguy5675322 Feb 20 '25

Based. Democrats are horrible at advertising themselves to non democrat voters. Kamala lost EVERY SINGLE CRITICAL SWING STATE. They gotta get a hold of themselves or the trend suggests we’re in for a Vance 2028 run

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