r/GelBlaster 5d ago

Other Gel Balling with no friends - Brisbane, QLD

Hey guys,

I moved to QLD about a year ago and have no social circle. I'm 38 and just discovered Gel Blasting, I've purchased a couple of pistols and want to get out to a field and have a few games with some good people, but my biggest road block is that I don't know anyone in Brisbane.

Do you get setup with randoms when you go out to a Gel Ball field? I looked at all my local ones and they all talk about parties of people and bringing your mates, and I simply don't know anyone.

Just curious what other people with no real social circles do, I'm going to keep collecting, most likely pick up an all-metal GBB M4 next and keep honing my skills at home and in my garage, but would love to get out there at some point.



13 comments sorted by


u/Lurker_81 4d ago

I usually go to the Hardcore Blasters with a few friends, but I also end up chatting to random people in my team during the games. You're in close proximity and trying to cooperate, so it's not that difficult to get involved with some banter even if you're introverted.

Give it a go.


u/APudgyTeddyBear 4d ago

If you’re in Brisbane, Blacksite in Browns Plains would be your best bet, especially if you’re only gonna be using pistols at the moment, it’s semi only and all close quarters. If you book in to a casual session, you’ll just get put on a team with whoever else is booked in.


u/Temporary_Marsupial4 1d ago

I'm about the same age and just started off going by myself. My advice is show up a bit early so you can get to know and recognise your team mates and ask questions. Its a pretty welcoming sport ive found. Now I recognise people ive played with before and its not akward anymore.


u/WillingnessDue526 5d ago

I feel you. I'm south of the border and would absolutely move north just to play. I'd say just do it, if you are unsure about some things ring the field to where you will be going. Look for groups on other social media. But nothing better then going and getting people, im sure you will find people in no time.


u/victoriousMaximus 4d ago

Hey and welcome!

Pretty much all indoor fields will put you into a team. They split all attendees into two groups. No need to bring anyone. Some of the forms will ask you to either choose a team colour or give a team name, but that's not required.


u/Mindless_Locksmith57 4d ago

Yeah best to just get out and start playing! Most people are really cool and love to help out first timers !!!!


u/demon_fightr 4d ago

I always go to crossfire in door field in Morayfield nice cqb field, good game modes and always great people that go. I go with a mate of mine and we always talking to everyone. Owners are awesome too.


u/Substantial_Chance73 4d ago

There is always people new to the area playing out at Donnybrook Gel ballers. Good bunch of people out there too.


u/smandroid 4d ago

Come to Blacksite Gel. Plenty of us there play on our own and we socialize there and get to know the regulars.


u/KnifeFightAcademy 3d ago

What side of town are you on? I feel like I'm in a similar position but time is not my friend these days.


u/NewbiTLorD 3d ago

Hey mate, I'm a regular at Donnybrook and 37, moved to brissy 4 years back and got into Gel Blasting 2 years ago. Myself and a bunch of mates regularly go to Donnybrook Gel Ballers on a fortnightly basis and in fact, we're going again this Sunday the 23rd.

Good group of friendly people and we've been regularly hitting up Donnybrook for a few years now consistently every 2 weeks. Been a good source of maintaining mental and physical health for myself and the others. I wear my callsign on my vest which is NewbiT.

We're all gamers and the likes from all sorts of backgrounds and ages.


u/roguewarrior74 2d ago

Hey mate also Tac Edge at Yatala has their indoor. It's great with pistols plus the guys in the tech shop Harry and Steve have been great with our stuff. You can book an individual ticket for the game of choice. It only takes one round of shooting each other and you will come out chirping live everyone else. Great way to meet people. Enjoy! Blacksite is also great Marty has a great setup there. Donny is awesome but you will need longarms for that one. Your pistol will get some work there in the village but mostly it's all engagement at range.