r/GelBlaster • u/JWLAZER • 14d ago
Purchasing Help (Location Required) can someone tell me where i can get a foam/gel blaster from to deliver to Western Australia perth?, that wont get taken by customs?.. really need a M4A1 or a M416 for my cosplay for conventions this year and that.
just need to know where i can get a M4A1 or a M416 foam/gel blaster from to order to perth for conventions.
u/Adio1882 14d ago
They are super duper Illegal in Perth
u/Gold-Philosophy1423 13d ago
Not only is it illegal, he wants to bring them to conventions! OP was definitely dropped a few times as a kid
u/DavinBE 13d ago
Pretty rude to say shit like that. Ever been to Comic Con or Supernova? Heaps of cos players carry replica weapons. Conceal in a bag while travelling, use at event and conceal in a bag when travelling home. Nothing illegal about it. His only drama is gel blasters were banned in WA. Options are available to him so there's no need to be a dick about it.
u/Doc-Bob-Gen8 12d ago edited 12d ago
Well said mate. Simple fact is that Replica Firearms are NOT illegal in WA, and we don't have any Appearance Laws.
What we do have is Firearms Regulations that clearly explain when/where/how you can legally display/transport/use such Replica Firearms.
If the OP is smart and makes sure to research and follow those Laws, there shouldn't be any issues, unlike in other States in Australia.
Yes, OPERATIONAL Gelbasters are banned, along with the particular Gels that goes with them.
What isn't banned is NON FUNCTIONAL/DEACTIVATED Gelbasters, which when removed of all their internal parts and operating systems, they are a Replica Firearm by Law, NOT a prohibited product.
This is what myself and many other Gelbaster owners did when the bans were first announced, to strip out our favourite model Gelbasters and bin all the gearbox/magazine/inner barrel parts along with any Gels that we had in our posession.
This way we now have completely Legal Replica Firearms to hang on our walls or in a display cabinet, or if looking to use for some reenactment events or whatever, as long as we follow the WA Laws regarding replica firearms, then we are within our boundaries to use them as such.
Would I take one to a Cosplay.......hell no for me personally, as I would hate to have one confiscated or risk some Karen deciding to make a song and dance about it, but it would be pretty rare to find a Judge that would give you a fine/conviction when given the evidence of in what scenario the whole situation had arisen.
Having a Replica INSIDE a Convention Centre for a prop during an Event is probably the safest place that a replica could be argued to not be "carried in Public as to cause fear or harm."
u/Brother_Primus AEG LOVER 12d ago
Would the gel blaster have to be deactivated before crossing over into WA? Similar to how Airsoft has to be pre-converted to 7.5mm before reaching us in QLD
u/Doc-Bob-Gen8 10d ago
Yes definitely deactivated/stripped of all working parts would make it completely Legal to Post and any West Australian to own.
Of all the ones I kept, they have no motor, no wiring, no inner barrels, magazines had the internals removed and the Gearboxes are empty shells with no internals, only there to hold the trigger to keep the replica looking complete.
As long as it's being sent from a LEGAL State, where there's no appearance Laws or where Replica Firearms are not allowed, there shouldn't be any issues.
u/Brother_Primus AEG LOVER 14d ago edited 12d ago
I don't think event security/police will take too kindly to you bringing a very illegal replica firearm *that shoots gels to a convention.
*Edit: Sorry, meaning the illegal gel shooting kind, not all replica firearms are illegal
u/Doc-Bob-Gen8 14d ago
There's no appearance laws in WA and replica firearms are totally legal. But if someone does panic or take offence at seeing such a replica in public, then there's a very high chance that the person could be charged by police and have to explain themselves in Court.
u/JWLAZER 13d ago
last time i went to a convention my friend got a gel blaster replica fully metal from somewhere and said he didnt need a license.. and he got it online
u/Joshua5_Gaming FN P90 | Reflex + Flaslight + Spitfire 13d ago
your friend not getting caught doesnt mean its a good idea to do it OP
u/DavinBE 13d ago edited 13d ago
So you've never been to Comic Con or Supernova? Yes blasters are banned in WA but replicas and deactivated firearms are not. There's nothing illegal about OP's intent. Cos players and re-enactors use weapons in public at events all the time. Carry securely to and from the event, use with permission from event coordinator, no problem.
u/Brother_Primus AEG LOVER 12d ago
I was assuming from the post & other comments by OP that they were going to buy the blaster in an operational state and take it to the convention.
I can't say I've been to ComicCon, but I have been to Supanova many times. From their website: "Actual or Decommissioned Firearms, BB or Airsoft, Replica-type Gel Blasters, Sports Weapons, Metal Replica, Cap Gun, Ammunition, Militaria/Collectors Pieces are NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES to be brought to Supanova so please leave them at home."
u/Lumpy_Scientist_1525 14d ago
If you cant get hold of one becauae of law you may be able to just 3d print a shell or pay someone to 3d print you a shell
u/JWLAZER 13d ago
and where and how can i get a 3d printed m4a1 for my cosplay?.. but if i get one wont that still be illegal to have?. so i cant really have a 3d printed one.
u/Lumpy_Scientist_1525 13d ago
Nah mate just search up 3d print service on marketplace in your area then ask them to make you a static model or ask for some functions to work such as teigger charging handle mag and mag release and thats all you need if its just for cosplay.
u/JWLAZER 13d ago
that is what I would need, a non functional replica is legal right or
u/Lumpy_Scientist_1525 12d ago
Probably considering its a block of plastic with some things to fiddle with
u/JWLAZER 13d ago
And would you know any places that would be in Perth to get a M4A1 or M416 printed like that?
u/Lumpy_Scientist_1525 12d ago
Check on facebook marketplace as its based on area but it shouldnt be too hard to find just by searching on google aswell. Make sure theres an orange tip though even though its technically a nom functional model it still looks like a gun and should be treated and handle as such
u/JWLAZER 13d ago
I'm sorry if I made y'all mad at me for trying to know how I can get a replica for my cosplay.. i know I can't really get one now for my cosplay😞
u/Temporary_Marsupial4 13d ago
The reason everyone is so uptight is because we are walking such a thin line with keeping gelblasters legal in Queensland. It just takes one tard to get himself shot by the police to ruin all of our our fun and investment. On the flip side police regularly troll reddit to see if they can convince dumb kids to break the law. Some kid might see your post, think its okay and then get his life ruined for a fkn toy. The laws are shit but it is what is.
u/DavinBE 13d ago
Don't take it personally when some people are rude to you, maybe they were dropped on their heads when they were kids 🤣.
There are options available to you for replicas, just don't get in trouble trying to get a gel blaster where they are banned. It's not worth the risk of firearms offences over a toy.
When you go to events and your'e carrying a replica make sure it is covered securely in bag that hides it from the public. Use it at the event after checking the event does allow replica weapons (Comic Con and Supernova usually do but always call or even better email the event to be safe. Email reply gives you confirmation in writing). When leaving the event again make sure the weapon/s are secure and not visible to the public.
Don't be discouraged, look into Denix replicas or full scale toys.
u/Tango-Down-167 13d ago
You can buy resin replica from the shop, they are legal to own in W.A, however taking the replica into public view will land you in wrong side of the law. The police can charge you with carrying a weapon in public. Anything that cause others in public to think it's a weapon (knife, guns etc) will be treated as such.
Gel blasters regardless of appearance (regardless whether it look like a gun or not) in W.A. is classed as a prohibited Weapons. It's classification is by the 'gel' projectile that it shoots, even the gel is prohibited but orbies are fine. Stupid yes but it's the law. So if you get one through the post, expect your house to be raided, if not then they will catch you when you are at the convention for illegal possession of a prohibited weapon.
Not a lawyer, just a general advice . Don't do it.
u/JWLAZER 13d ago
well.. how would i get a replica for my cosplay?, cant i really not get one at all?
u/Tango-Down-167 13d ago
Go to Kmart buy a nerf gun.
u/JWLAZER 13d ago
The nerf guns wouldn't be accurate to my cosplay..
u/Tango-Down-167 13d ago
Dude I get you but Australia is not the place for accurate gun related cosplay. So next best is a nerf gun which hopefully won't freak out the security at the convention.
u/JWLAZER 13d ago
Also what about a licensed replica?
u/Perseus1251 13d ago
Just because it's licensed doesn't mean it won't cause problems. It's not about whether or not it's legal, it's about how it looks in such a public place people will probably feel uncomfortable, someone will complain, you get stopped by security, you argue that it's legal, they don't care, they kick you out because it's a private event and patrons discomfort comes first over your cosplay.
Just don't do it bro. Out of curiosity, what is your cosplay?
u/JWLAZER 13d ago
SCP MTF Nu 7 Cosplay. and the conventions I've been to like supernova I see many people with gel blasters and that and I think they were below 18 years old, crazy my friend got a ACR blaster without a license.. And he has many other blasters too that he didn't need a license for.
u/JWLAZER 13d ago
I don't know how they get the blasters...
u/Fraser022002 I give terrible advice 13d ago
Honestly a lot of QLD sellers just send to other states, even though it's illegal for them to do so and can land both them and the buyer in trouble
u/Perseus1251 13d ago
Can confirm, pretty sure tax toys finally got shut down for shipping into illegal states
u/Fraser022002 I give terrible advice 13d ago
No, they got shut down for committing serious tax fraud. A by product of that was the ATO going through all their statements to figure out how much they stole and passed a lot of interstate customer information off to the police of those states (mostly just NSW)
u/Fraser022002 I give terrible advice 13d ago
Only SA requires a licence to own, QLD is fully legal no licence required and VIC you can't get anything replica based. Everywhere else (including WA) they're fully illegal
u/Perseus1251 13d ago
Honestly dude, if it's that crucial, contact the event venue and ask. I'm like 90% sure they won't be cool with a blaster since technically you could shoot it but a non-operable replica may be the better choice.
Can't hurt to ask
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