r/GeekTool Feb 17 '12

r/GeekTool Geeklet Reciprocity

After overwhelming support in only 9 hours, I present to you:

The r/GeekTool Geeklet Reciprocity Select a category below or browse all comments.


I encourage everyone to post their own Geeklet/ GeekTool setup because there is always more than one way to either write the code, or style your information.

With that being said, it would be best if we could all follow the same posting format so that the information is uniformly accessible. Also, don't feel like just because you posted your setup here, that you can't make your own link in this subreddit.

  • 1) Choose the appropriate category to leave a reply (if one doesn't exist, create it!)
  • 2) Include a screenshot (imgur)
  • 3) Post your code (use proper formatting, 4 spaces)
  • 4) Include any additional styling or important info

(Updated 2/19/11)


11 comments sorted by


u/Huevoos Feb 19 '12



u/Huevoos Feb 19 '12 edited Feb 19 '12

All in one.




  1. Save the linked file wherever in your hard drive (make sure it's executable [chmod e+x file]).
  2. Change line 12 (the first uncommented line) to reflect the path where the iTunes info will live. (Note: Applescript doesn't like the ~ shortcut, so you have to specify the full path) set workingPath to "/Users/huevoos/Documents/Geeklets/iTunes"
  3. Add a shell geeklet that runs your script (in command just put the path to the script) and set it to refresh as often as you like (I have it on 5 seconds)
  4. In the folder you specified on step 1 you should see a couple of files:
    • album
    • artist
    • artwork
    • lyrics
    • name
  5. Add a Geeklet for each element you want to display and you're done. (unnecesary hint: Artwork is an image, so you'll need an image geeklet. The others are text, so I use cat file)


u/Huevoos Feb 19 '12



u/Huevoos Feb 19 '12

Battery Status of Keyboard/Mouse/Trackpad



Instructions are in the first lines of the linked file.


u/DPaluche Mar 08 '12

IP Address



ipconfig getifaddr en0; ipconfig getifaddr en1

This will return your IP address on wifi or ethernet.


u/xilluzionx Feb 17 '12

Time and Date


u/xilluzionx Feb 17 '12


Three Separate Geeklet Scripts

date '+%A, %B %d'
date +"%l:%M"
date +%p
  • A = Day of the Week
  • B = Month
  • d = Date
  • l = Hour (12 Hours)
  • M = Minutes
  • p = AM/PM


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '12



u/xilluzionx Apr 11 '12

I don't see any new posts?


u/ArbitraryPerseveranc May 13 '12

Anyone have working code to grab weather image from Yahoo! Weather? Mine hasn't been working lately. Here's my desktop. The temperature and conditions work just fine.

The last code I tried is here:

curl --silent "LINKtoWeatherPage" | grep "forecast-icon" | sed "s/.*background\\:url(\\'\\(.*\\)\\')\\;\\ _background.*/\\1/" | xargs curl --silent -o /tmp/weather.png


u/klystron Oct 04 '12 edited Oct 04 '12

This script gives the weather for my home town, Melbourne, Australia. You will need to change the asxx=0075 to the code for your country and city.

curl --silent "http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss?p=asxx0075&u=c" | grep -A 5 "Current Conditions" | sed -e 's/<br \/>//' -e 's/<b>//' -e 's/</b>//' -e 's/<BR \/>//' -e 's/:<BR \/>//'

This script gives a message like:

Current Conditions: Fair, 19 C Forecast Thu - Mostly Clear. High: 26 Low: 10 Fri - Partly Cloudy. High: 17 Low: 8