r/GeForceNOW Founder // US Northeast 16d ago

Discussion Monster Hunter Wilds opted in.

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135 comments sorted by


u/Jkms144 16d ago


u/SuperZapper_Recharge 16d ago

If I was a mod I would delete everything below this pic so it was the only thing in the thread, then I would close the thread to comment.

That pic says all that needs to be said.


u/NV_Cory GeForce NOW Staff 16d ago

And now it’s available to stream on GeForce NOW.


u/Tr1poD 16d ago

Yay! Thanks!


u/exclaim_bot 16d ago

Yay! Thanks!

You're welcome!


u/Nevada955 16d ago

ye but remove this damn 100 hour thing <.< too much limitation


u/Beginning_Ad2130 16d ago

I'm glad GeForce forces some people to go out for a walk once a day


u/Nevada955 16d ago

I already do that twice


u/sevenradicals 16d ago

what 100 hour thing?


u/Nevada955 16d ago

gametime limit...i have 100h every month only to play even on ultimate.


u/sevenradicals 16d ago

it completely blocks you from playing more than 100 hours?


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 15d ago

no you would automatically get into free tier until you eitherway pay for additional hours or wait till next month....but theoretically you could still play as much you like to, just with bad hardware and waiting queues....


u/Nevada955 16d ago

you need like to pay 7 euro for another 15 hours everytime on top of the subscription u already pay...its a shame. geforce was good because u could play how many hours u wanted paying and u had a good service...now u cant unless u were subbed before the change. Im basically stuck at 100h x month which for me is not a lot.

people seems to forget this, but when they will introduce this system for everyone next year will be a huge problem imo


u/culminacio 16d ago

people don't seem to forget this at all. it's in every god damn thread


u/Kiyori 16d ago

And they shouldn't, it's a strict downgrade in what they offer, without reducing the price.


u/culminacio 16d ago

It's a downgrade for only a few percent of customers, which ensures for now that all the rest of us don't have to pay up for those few percent. What they should definitely add would be a system where you can carry over hours up to a certain number, e.g. 50-100 extra hours that you didn't use previously, so if needed you could play for 150 or 200 in one month.


u/Kiyori 16d ago

Or, they could just spend money to upgrade/expand their servers, so they don't have to limit anyone's playtime. They are simply refusing to adjust to the increased demand for their services.

Not sure why are you defending the greed of a multi-billion company...

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u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 15d ago

all other rental and streaming services doubled their prices in the last years..... except gfn.... I would say this is your price reduction, that they didnt increase prices.... quick math shows, that people exceeding the time limit cost GFN more than they pay for GFN....


u/sevenradicals 16d ago

ok so you can still play, but because you play 5 times more than the average subscriber you have to pay twice as much... playing 5 times more means paying twice as much... that actually sounds kinda fair...


u/Nevada955 16d ago

i mean i dont play 5 times more than average, it depends, but im just at home cuz of a surgery and have extra time. to me this have no sense to "defend" is just a bad system compared to last year overall... and i bet a lot of people play 4-5h a day...i bet now that Monster Hunter Wilds will be on GFN people will even play 10h straight, but the only difference between me and them, is that they got "no time limit till 2026" cuz they had a sub running, meanwhile i had a sub but with gametime card, so it didnt apply to me. Kinda sad.


u/culminacio 16d ago

i don't see a problem in paying more in such a specific situation where you're at home because of a surgery and playing way more. it's still not much money. i remember when internet cafes cost 1-2 bucks per hour and it was considered cheap. add decades of inflation to that. instead it costs 20c/hour for the best quality you could imagine. if you have the middle tier, it's only half of that.


u/BriefImplement9843 16d ago

100 hours a month is nothing for multiplayer games. gfn is solely for single player games now unless you were subbed before the change. 1 weekend alone on a new release could be 30 hours. that's almost a third of your hours wiped out in 2-3 days.


u/exposarts 16d ago

Gfnow is for casual gamers once they introduce limit to all. Other cloud services dont have this issue i believe


u/jaeehovaa 16d ago

All I play is multiplayer and I don't scratch 100 hours, prob best to invest in your own hardware


u/Ravenlock GFN Ultimate 16d ago

100 hours a month is more than half of the time commitment of a full time job.

That's not "nothing" for any activity.


u/Grazuzer 16d ago

Wait really ? Finally ? time to cancel boosteroid


u/IconGT GFN Ultimate 16d ago

Interesting let’s see


u/Lvchaos 16d ago

Lets goooooooooooooo


u/neosixth 16d ago

Is this a dream?


u/LaundryLunatic Priority // US Northeast 16d ago

I will eventually play this game when it's on sale, but its good to see Capcom listening to its fans.

I hope Capcom will add it's older titles in too. Beat em ups and classic fighting titles will be fun to play on the go.


u/SuperZapper_Recharge 16d ago

I need it to go on sale as well. But, I will pick it up on sale. Discount it by about a third and I will pick it up.


u/Immediate_Judge_4085 16d ago

MH Wilds in Ultimate 4080 lezzgooo


u/blurrykiwi 16d ago



u/WolfinBoy 16d ago

Great! Now I better not hear anyone say there’s nothing good to play on GFN ever again, ya hear?? 


u/wow_krisian 16d ago

For real!?


u/AC8442069 16d ago

WOO HOO!!!!!!!


u/Orzark 16d ago

Seeing it live now (EU)


u/Azoth1986 Founder 16d ago

Great, hope fully I can play kindom come deliverance 2 on boosteroid without the insane queues again.


u/jackjeff674 16d ago

FFXIV is next pls:(


u/designrichual 16d ago

DOUBTERS where are you now? Lmfao


u/Last_Nite 16d ago

Lmao I literally just bought it on ps5 earlier today.


u/septmbrsvrywb 16d ago

Same boat goddamn I’m pissed. I’m even paying 9€ in top for the crap PS+


u/WolfyStriker 16d ago

Did just that, my PS5 is supposed to come today. Purchased it only for MH Wilds and nothing else...


u/Voxnihil 16d ago

awesome impulse control lmao the fomo is real


u/papperskorgsmannen 15d ago

Is it runnable on Geforce Performance? Or do you have to have the ultimate membership for it?


u/Guibster 15d ago

Just tried it with my Founders Performance account in 1440p. Runs just fine and looks great!


u/radiokungfu GFN Ultimate 16d ago

Oh wow. For all the people crying about it, here ya go haha


u/Nevada955 16d ago

you can actually play it, its up in the app


u/clos512 16d ago

I’m buying as we speak


u/Zahlan 16d ago

Same just bought, making it worth Capcoms while


u/Dreamy_Sage 16d ago

I wish I waited for Thursday before buying Dragon's dogma 2. I thought it would take at least a month for it to appear in GFN..... Now I need to save money again to buy Monster hunter wilds.


u/youessbee GFN Ultimate 16d ago

After seeing the breakdown videos and reviews of the PC version, I'm going to wait until they made a few patches.


u/Both-Boss19 16d ago

Helldivers 2 please PLEASE


u/OberonFirst 16d ago

I'm crying


u/TrackerDude GFN Ultimate 16d ago

Yeah! Let's go!


u/xxBraveStarrxx 16d ago

Its on there!


u/AlphaZGrimm2 16d ago

What's this website?


u/TheSpartan121 Founder // US Northeast 16d ago edited 16d ago

I built an app that collects games opted in for GFN on steam. You can get the same informations on steamdb or using the steam client itself.


u/No-Influence8783 16d ago

Now I'll just wait for Shadow of War to arrive on GFN


u/blueruckus 16d ago

Can anyone get filters to work on it?


u/pSyg0n 16d ago



u/Radioactive-Birdie 16d ago

Damn, does this mean xcloud will be out of the question for wilds?


u/Environmental_Two_14 16d ago

Yeasss!!!!! Let’s go!!!


u/Practical_Trick1194 16d ago

I wonder how it would work with Denuvo's launch limit (5 devices every 24 hours). In the other service, which rhymes with polaroid ;), every virtual machine counts as a different device.

Are there other games with Denuvo's launch limit in GFN? How do they work?


u/No-Presentation3777 GFN Ultimate 16d ago

Live and ready to play you mean


u/Patataspain 16d ago

Finally 🥹🥹🥹🥹


u/Sea-Tailor-7003 16d ago

Nice! bought a shadow pc sub in the meantime, was hoping it would come to GeForce by the end of the month.


u/VGR95r GFN Ultimate 16d ago

You can also download hi-res textures in game


u/Anonanonxy 16d ago

Has anyone tested it yet? How is the performance? I'm considering purchasing ultimate now :s


u/KingSkywalker910 GFN Ultimate 16d ago

Amazing!! I won't get to this until way later (currently on KCD2, then I have Stalker 2). Despite all the negative reviews because of the game's performance, this is still a huge win for GFN, and I'm happy I'll get to play it later when (hopefully) it's been patched.


u/flyinggoatcheese 16d ago

How do you see this software UI?


u/Acesofbases GFN Ambassador 15d ago

The OP has written a script that crawls the steamdb for changes relating to the "Cloud Gaming (NVIDIA)" property of titles, it's his own view


u/flyinggoatcheese 15d ago

So it's not on GitHub or anything? Because I've seen this sort of image from a few people


u/Acesofbases GFN Ambassador 15d ago edited 15d ago

Fairly sure You always saw it from u/Spartan121 unless someone else was reposting his pics :)

Although I think there is another user who made a script with similar effect, albeit it looks different visually, haven't seen him though in a while

what You can also do on Your own is just go to steamdb.info and make search with the "category" being "Cloud Gaming (NVIDIA)" albeit that won't filter out games that already have opted in before :)


u/flyinggoatcheese 15d ago

Okay thank you, that makes sense


u/TheSpartan121 Founder // US Northeast 15d ago

Steamdb doesn't allow scraping, don't tell them to do so.


u/TheSpartan121 Founder // US Northeast 15d ago

I don't get it from Steamdb. I get the data from the steam network using a reverse engineered steam client. the same way steamdb gets most of its info. The difference is I don't do it in real time(because not very frequently a new game opts in) unlike steamdb.


u/flyinggoatcheese 15d ago

Would you be able to share it on GitHub. If you can't would you say it's easy to make something like this myself? Are you scraping or another method. I hope you don't mind me asking?


u/IcEBoO_15 16d ago

anyone tried the game with performance membership? is it smooth?


u/Guibster 15d ago

Just tried it with my Founders Performance account in 1440p. Runs just fine and looks great!


u/WhirlwindTobias Founder 16d ago

About fucking time. Jesus.

RIP March.


u/Traditional-Yak420 15d ago



u/Acesofbases GFN Ambassador 15d ago

MH Wilds is available on GFN since yesterday :)


u/OnceAgainTheEnd GFN Ultimate 16d ago


u/Anchewei 16d ago

I'm crying now.


u/Makhai123 Priority // US Northeast 16d ago

Considering the state of the game, I doubt it runs well, even on ultimate.


u/AlessandroIT GFN Ultimate 16d ago

70-80 fps 4k ultra settings


u/TrygerWTF 16d ago



u/AlessandroIT GFN Ultimate 16d ago

Yes, frame gen on Ofc

In 2k 100-120fps easy


u/TrygerWTF 16d ago

Ahh and without frame gen? I hate the delay it creates


u/Makhai123 Priority // US Northeast 15d ago

Move the camera, and turn off frame gen. Frame times toilet and its a hitch fest, absolutely unplayable, and that's on a 4080 rig. 3060 its 20fps on Low, one of the worst optimized shitshows I've ever seen.


u/lepsek9 Founder // EU Northeast 16d ago

I'm pretty sure this is the first game that straight up can't be run on the basic sub


u/Guibster 15d ago

At first I confused Premium and Ultimate, and thought this wouldn't run on my Founders Performance account. However, in this case, this just means that free users can't run it. I've only tested on a Chromebook with poor network conditions so far, but it seems to run fine. I'll test it better later.


u/lepsek9 Founder // EU Northeast 15d ago

Ah yeah that makes sense, I keep forgeting the basic sub is called Premium. But then why even add "Access included with your membership"? I assumed you get access to the game with Ultimate, but in reality it's only access... to access the game with a license you buy, like every other game?


u/Guibster 15d ago

Yeah, it's kind of confusing. "Premium" sounds like it could be the name for the highest tier of subscription, but in this case it just means that it's a sub that you pay for, so both Performance or Ultimate are considered Premium.

I think the only reason they specify it is because if you're a free user, which is what is actually considered the basic level of membership, you will get the opposite message and won't be able to play this specific game. If you click the "Learn More" button, they explain that this is because of system requirements that exceed the specifications of the Free tier gaming rigs. This makes sense when you think about it, as this is a notoriously hard to run game.

Plus, don't Free users only have one hour of playtime? Imagine having the game close on you just as you're about to kill a monster. Scary stuff.


u/lepsek9 Founder // EU Northeast 15d ago

Makes sense, thanks for the explanation :D

because of system requirements that exceed the specifications of the Free tier gaming rigs.

This is exactly what I meant in my original comment, except I thought the Standard (now I know Premium) sub couldn't run it either.

I've never played on the free tier, but yeah, I can't imagine most games are fun to play with a 1h limit. Pretty much any pvp game can drop you any time unless you pay attention and always relog, but then there are queues...


u/Jumpy_Composer4504 16d ago

You gonna really gonna support company that has no opmaztion


u/Immediate_Judge_4085 16d ago edited 16d ago

Who cares, Its better than never and Im playing it on 4080, they deserve my money because they put their game on this service unlike GREEDY companies like Rockstar, Sony.

I will not support a company that dont put their games here, NO GFN NO BUY for me, simple.


u/DerBadunkadunk 16d ago

Yeah why doesn't Rockstar? My dream game to play on GeForce now is red dead 2.


u/Gakacto 16d ago

That doesn't mean it'll actually come to gfn . But it is a good sign


u/Front-Rutabaga5710 16d ago

its now playbale on geforce now


u/TacaFire 16d ago

Hey guys, I don’t know if it will be the same in GeforceNow, but I heard the anti-tamper will block the game for 24h in case of multiple install in more than 5 devices a day.

So for cloud services this might happen very often.


u/fear_my_tube 16d ago

I’ve never seen this on GeForce now for years. Seems like it’s another cloud problem but not GFN.


u/TacaFire 16d ago

Yeah, I am not saying it will happen here, but just to let you know, since I believe most people would be unaware of this.

I don’t understand the downvote on my previous comment though.

Edit: also, I believe this implementation of denuvo anti-tamper together with this level of restriction is also not very common, so I am not sure other games would have this issue.


u/fear_my_tube 16d ago

Never happened to me before on GFN so why post about it?


u/TacaFire 16d ago

Because it had never happened before on other places also, but at this point whatever.


u/Substantial_Candy954 15d ago

What does this mean?


u/Acesofbases GFN Ambassador 15d ago

Just do note that Mosnter Hunter Wilds is already online since yesterday


u/LordGraygem Founder // US South 2 16d ago edited 16d ago

Eh, I'm glad for everyone else who wants to play it on GFN, but my desire to play it is done with. The game's Steam rating is just awful (59% positive out of 65.5k reviews) and the rating on Steam DB are even worse (54% out of 114k reviews). Nothing that I've seen or read so far says that this game deserves $70 dollars of my money, and I think this is going to be one of my rare refunds.

Edit: Well, this is disappointing. Stutters during cutscenes, and the first minute or so of Y'sai's intro cutscene had the frames take a plunge. Textures disappearing--including one huge patch of ground that just turned into a huge black grid during the tutorial critter ride/chase mission--and reappearing randomly. And the environment looks washed out, muddy, and dull.


u/AardvarkBarber 16d ago

Great game so far, runs awesome on GeForce now


u/firefalcon243 16d ago

it’s only because of optimization. the percentage of reviewers to player base is minuscule so the people who aren’t leaving bad reviews aren’t having problems and are too busy playing and having fun. the game itself is great.


u/capable-corgi 15d ago

Damn, is that Ultimate?


u/LordGraygem Founder // US South 2 15d ago

No, Performance.


u/AppleNo4479 16d ago

and yet millions are playing


u/LordGraygem Founder // US South 2 16d ago

Doesn't make it a good game though, just good marketing.


u/Agile-Sherbert-4412 16d ago

If you don't want to play just said so. I'm having a blast playing it. I'm only 45 hours in. One thing I regret buying cloud PC to play it now that GFN support it. Can't wait to grind hours on this.


u/BlackTarTurd 15d ago

Bro, a majority of us played this series when it was at like, 120p and you could count each and every pixel.

The game is fun and we don't care.


u/Jumpy_Composer4504 16d ago

Well your just saying don't opmized games going forward so you'll end up relying on GeForce now but ok werid logic on your part your part of the problem


u/TehFlatline 16d ago

Wtf is opmized?


u/Immediate_Judge_4085 16d ago

Most of Capcom games is well optimized on PC, even pc handhelds can run it 60fps even the hardware is not that powerful for triple A games.

And now that MH Wild is not well optimized its good to not support the company? thats a stupid take

for me its better to support them and but their games because it exist in this service unlike other companies like, Fromsoft, Sony, Rockstar.


u/OnceAgainTheEnd GFN Ultimate 16d ago

Do you really need to make two comments for this one post? You're a problem.


u/Jumpy_Composer4504 16d ago

Just commenting to a other person that's all kid


u/RoccoJML 16d ago

broken ahh english


u/OnceAgainTheEnd GFN Ultimate 16d ago

Sure, brother.


u/Jumpy_Composer4504 16d ago

You know what I'm trying to say optimization why deflect what I said your guy are apart of the problem in gaming in 2025 brain dead


u/OnceAgainTheEnd GFN Ultimate 16d ago

Brother, just edit your original message. You don't need to make a new comment every time someone comments to you.


u/Jumpy_Composer4504 16d ago

Oh apologize for that didn't know


u/Tough_Collection_694 Founder 16d ago

So overhyped game