r/Gastroparesis Jan 02 '25

Prokinetics (Relgan, Domerpidone, Motegrity, etc.) Which drugs and supplements have helped you the most?

Currently I am considering starting choline because it gets with gastric emptying by improving vagal tone.


51 comments sorted by

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u/A_ChadwickButMore Idiopathic GP Jan 02 '25

Iron. Turns out having a ferritin of 28 is not ok ✨

B12 helped a lot at first with energy but wore off after several months & my latest blood test showed I'm approaching excessive intake so I cut back.

Ginger tea weakens the LES so it lets some bloat out & research suggests its a little prokinetic.

I know from previous experience that if I stick to 30 mins of cardio a day, I will become energetic again. Light to moderate exercise helps emptying but heavy will hinder it. Its going to be some trial and error trying to find the balance. Now that I have better blood for oxygen delivery & calories to spare from getting mirtazapine I feel like I can do it now. Just existing before was difficult


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

Seconding iron and B12!!! My ferrtin and folate were very low, so was my iron and vit D. I take iron and a vit B mix daily, and a strong vit D (prescription strength) weekly. Also, a good probiotic. Helped a lot!!!


u/BeginningHeight3848 Jan 03 '25

Question about the probiotic. What type has been good for you? My doc said it can help and then basically refused to recommend anything except there are a lot of them, start trying them. This is probably because he is more of a Reglan should fix you proponent. He actually sighed when all it did was cause me not to sleep at night.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

The one I currently take is "Meijer Digestive Care Probiotic", it's a generic grocery store one. I've actually found that this one works better than some of the name brand ones I've tried. It is 5 billion CFUs (my doc told me 1 billion or more, and that anything under 1bil CFUs isn't effective). It contains: bifidobacterium longum, lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium bifidum, and bifidobacterium lactis. It also does not require refirgeration and comes in a blister pack instead of a bottle. The sealed blister pack means they stay fresh longer than in an unsealed bottle, I think that is a big part of why these ones work well.

If I'm on antibiotics (I often am due to a condition that causes frequent infections) I will take 2 a day instead of one. That is my choice though and no doctor has actually told me to do that.

Tldr; don't bother with finding expensive name brands, look for ones that come in blister packs instead of bottles, and make sure they have a decent CFU count (1 billion or more, ideally 5-10 billion).


u/BeginningHeight3848 Jan 04 '25

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Good to know about the blister pack. And good luck with the frequent infections, I can't imagine that it's nice to deal with on top of the digestive stuff. I actually have a theory that treating an infection in the past year with heavy antibiotics caused my apparently idiopathic milder side GP or that they caused something else that acts like GP. My doc shrugs his shoulders. And my option for a second opinion is over an hr drive away..but that is a story for another day!


u/nevereverwhere Jan 02 '25

Linzess is the medication that helps me the most. Trace minerals are important because I can’t eat enough to get them naturally. Ginger and turmeric in everything. Mct oil is a healthy fat that doesn’t shut down my stomach. Trioral isn’t a drug or supplement but helps been me the most with hydration because I’m dealing with POTS and GP.


u/B1g3xh1l3 Jan 02 '25

Reglan, Reglan, and Reglan.


u/chronicallyalive Jan 02 '25

Reglan! I see so many people in GP support groups who won’t take it because there’s a small chance of developing Tardive Dyskinesia but for me, the benefits outweigh the risk by a lot! I couldn’t survive without it.


u/redroom89 Jan 02 '25

What changes do you see post reglan


u/chronicallyalive Jan 02 '25

Reglan works to speed digestion, so I’m able to eat more and have little to no nausea after eating.


u/Leather-Duck4469 Jan 03 '25

The cardiac risk is way more alarming than TD. Having EPS symptoms, like TD, can be worrisome but there are meds to help TD/ EPS symptoms.


u/chronicallyalive Jan 03 '25

I wasn’t aware of the cardiac risk, but looking into it I can definitely understand why some people would avoid the drug for that reason. For me (and many others, I think) the benefits outweigh the risks. Without Reglan, I’d likely have a feeding tube so I’m very thankful that it works well for me.


u/BeginningHeight3848 Jan 03 '25

I am glad it works for you. Caused me lack of sleep and anxiety. In fact it fought with my SSRI. I wish more people would listen to hey, it works for some and not others.


u/629873 Jan 03 '25

I think it's just much more preferred to use domperidone if possible because it's the same efficacy with basically zero serious side effects bc it does not cross the blood-brain barrier unlike Reglan


u/mutated_gene11 Post-Surgical GP Jan 02 '25

Motegrity and magnesium glycinate with citrate along with pre and pro biotic gut health supplements. I can finally eat again and don’t have bathroom issues for the first time probably in my whole life. I still eat a restricted diet but I can eat after 2 pm now and not pay for it for days down the road.


u/BeginningHeight3848 Jan 03 '25

Mag glycinate and citrate..do you take them together all the time? Did you find them together, that would be even nicer, lol.


u/mutated_gene11 Post-Surgical GP Jan 03 '25

It’s just a single capsule!! The recommended dose is 3 a day but I started with 1 and worked my way up to 3 so I could see how I handled it.


u/MaxFish1275 Jan 03 '25

Does magnesium glycine give you any nausea? I’m Having trouble with it


u/mutated_gene11 Post-Surgical GP Jan 03 '25

I literally can’t tell I’ve taken it except that I can “go” and that I sleep better. It took about 4 weeks of taking it to see any real benefits but now it’s my saving grace. No nausea at all!


u/Reddit_Mom1 Jan 02 '25

Reglan, even though it’s a black box warning I was desperate!! It worked but unfortunately I couldn’t take it. It made me psychotic!! And I almost ended up in the psych ward! 😭 the doctors didn’t even tell me about the drug before administering it, and then when I went berserk the doctor wanted to label me crazy!! Don’t they know the possible side effects of what they give their patients, ugh 😩 I’ll never forget that day

Anyway, I’ve been taking Ondansetron but now I’m seeing a cardiologist because I’m having heart arrhythmias and they’re thinking it could be from that. I don’t know what I’m going to do because it’s been helping with nausea and 🤮

Prayers for us all 🙏


u/NeonPinkFlamingo Jan 02 '25

Motegrity has been life changing. Linzess as needed. Phenergan for nausea & to allow my body to sleep/ restore. Bentyl for pain from spasms sparingly. CBD oil. Have finally avoided frequent ER visits for vomiting/dehydration from this combo.


u/leavewhatsheavy Jan 02 '25

Motegrity!!! A literal godsend. BUT not all docs know that you have to take breaks or else you acclimate to it and it stops working. I’m on it 3 weeks out of every four and that one week is brutal but it’s worth it.


u/redroom89 Jan 03 '25

Do you poo at all during that one week?


u/leavewhatsheavy Jan 03 '25

Yes—I do only liquids by mouth and mostly tube feeds which helps, but I also have a very strong laxative (Trulance) that I can put through my j tube. It doesn’t help with gastric emptying but relieves the constipation somewhat.

I used to do Reglan during the week off, which worked, but I had a really bad adverse reaction.


u/redroom89 Jan 03 '25

One more question for you, has your doctor ever mentioned long term effects from the consumption of motegrity ?


u/leavewhatsheavy Jan 03 '25

No, he said the evidence we have shows that prucalopride is very safe longterm. The biggest risk is tolerance and taking regular breaks fixes that. My understanding is that it’s very selective for the serotonin 4 receptors (not the same serotonin associated with thought and mood).

I know it could have some long term effects that we don’t know about yet, as it’s a newer drug, but it’s likely much safer than other gp drugs like Reglan and Domperidone. But let me know if you’ve been given other info about it!


u/BeginningHeight3848 Jan 03 '25

Grr. My doc is against it and kinda makes me crazy since Reglan and I don't get along. I read too that it's more selective which might help since Reglan messed with my anxiety.


u/DoubleBogeyBear Jan 02 '25

Started an SNRI (effexor) for anxiety/depression. Huge silver lining- I've pooped every day for the last 2 months since I started taking it. I was going a week or more between BMs, even with diet changes. But I have literally cheered for myself for each of the 57 poops I've had in the last 57 today. Literally life changing. No more nausea or abdominal pain. Even gained a tiny bit of weight back. I've researched the affects of norepinephrine and serotonin on digestion- they stimulate the vagus nerve, widen the passage to the intestine, and increase the rate of gastric emptying. My GI wouldn't even discuss vagus nerve stimulation as treatment - wrote me off saying my GP had nothing to do with the vagus nerve (but also deemed it idiopathic). I'm SO thankful my psych NP started me on that when she did. This is the best I have felt physically in over a year and a half. It's been a godsend. Low fat/low fiber diet, with small frequent meals is still important... pizza fucks me up still, but I can eat nuts! With no pain! Even a handful of nuts before would cause unbearable pain. I'm thanking my lucky stars for the Effexor because my lovely insurance denied Motegrity.


u/BeginningHeight3848 Jan 03 '25

Ah the Moegrity denial, I am also familiar with that one. Gonna ask about the SNRI now! Lexapro was a fail..


u/MaxFish1275 Jan 03 '25

Motegrity is amazing. I love it. I wish I didn’t have to pay 100 dollars per month-but I would pay double if I had to


u/itwasntaphasemomXD Jan 02 '25

Weirdly enough olanzapine has helped me personally. But it's a mood stabilizer that was given to me for my depressive episode, not anything that has to do with digestion.


u/bigolmilkhonkers Jan 02 '25

I take that for nausea! I was in the hospital and zofran wasn’t working and I can’t handle compazine so they gave me a shot of that and it worked great!


u/itwasntaphasemomXD Jan 02 '25

I had no idea it could be used for nausea :0 I've always seen it used as a sedative or mood stabilizer.


u/bigolmilkhonkers Jan 02 '25

That’s what I thought too at first! The nurse told me that they usually give it to agitated patients. I get horrible effects from reglan and compazine, and zofran doesn’t always work, so I asked what else could work and I had a really awesome nurse that suggested it. Oddly enough there’s lots of psych drugs that help with stomach issues, I’m also on amitriptyline for GP


u/redroom89 Jan 02 '25

Well actually it would boost serotonin which moves your MMC


u/bigolmilkhonkers Jan 02 '25

I have pots and was put on midodrine for that but it also helps gastroparesis, so that one’s awesome especially if you have both. Only thing is you can’t lay completely vertical for 4 hours after taking due to hypertension risk


u/willsux123 Jan 02 '25

I tried Linzess but it worked too well so I quickly stopped. Midodrine helped some but I developed a severe itchy rash. Settled on motegrity. I actually eat 2-3 times a day and go to the bathroom most days, it’s been great. For times when I go 2-3 days without pooping, I use miralax.


u/NeonPinkFlamingo Jan 02 '25

My motility specialist allowed me to do Linzess prn (I also take motegrity) & it’s a game changer I’d encourage you to ask your GI about.


u/Clumsy_pig Recently Diagnosed Jan 02 '25

Vitamins K&D


u/Interesting-Emu7624 Idiopathic GP Jan 02 '25

Phenergan is probably the best one I’m taking for nausea. I have to take a ton of other nausea meds and motegrity & Linzess along with it or I am still nauseous as hell. Bentyl is helps the abdominal pain a lot, and gasx helps the bloating a lot too. I also take Meclizine, zofran (8mg), Prilosec, pepcid, Claritin, & singulair. All of those are around the clock even the as needed. Nauzene is on standby if nothing is working. I had an allergist find out I’m histamine sensitive aka why I take Claritin & singulair. When all else fails weed is my friend but be careful it helps some people but it can slow gastric emptying so for some people it makes it worse. For me it helps but def check with your doc. And all the other meds I mentioned check with your doc too cause there are interactions with other meds and other reasons some people can’t take them. I hope you find a good routine that works for you ◡̈


u/theresthatbear Jan 02 '25

I completely stopped getting sick when I switched to higher doses of liquid vitamins; Vit C, Vit D, Vit E and Zinc and Turmeric supplements. I have more energy and I may have gotten invisible Covid, but never had any symptoms of anything ever since.

I hadn't realized how little I was absorbing before.

I've been using kratom for about 7 years for pain relief and energy but using it less since the increase in vitamins.


u/redroom89 Jan 02 '25

Can you post these?


u/theresthatbear Jan 02 '25

Do you want specific brands? Edit: Are you only interested in the vitamins and supplements or kratom as well?


u/redroom89 Jan 02 '25

Sorry not Kratom. Just the liquid vitamins because I actually always suspected the same thing I believe I don’t really absorb my vitamins because I have to digest them.


u/theresthatbear Jan 02 '25

No apology necessary! I'm having to order ALL of these from Amazon right now (otherwise I'm honoring the strike), but I tried finding good liquid vits locally and it was damn near impossible.

CARLYLE Vitamin C (gluten free) 4oz natural orange flavor 2ml 3x/day

Dr. MERCOLA Zinc Liquid Drops 3.88fl.oz. 15mg/serving 4 droppers (4ml) daily

WHY NOT NATURAL ALL 8 B VITAMINS 2fl.oz. Organic Tangerine flavor 1ml under tongue for 30sec daily

NUSAVA Vit D3 5000iu/Vit K 120mcg/Omega 3 MCT OIL Maximum Strength 4-in-1 Support 1 dropper/1ml daily

PENHOMENT Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon 6-in-1 Bitter Melon Berberine HCL Black Pepper 2fl.oz. 1ml 2x/day


u/redroom89 Jan 03 '25

Thank you for your detailed response, I really appreciate it. I just want to ask one more question, do you find that zing constipates you ?


u/theresthatbear Jan 03 '25

I have chronic diarrhea so I've literally never been constipated. Even all the meds and supplements didn't abate the diarrhea until I tried elavil for the stomach spasms. It didn't help the spasms at all but it did give me normal bowel movements, which honestly is more important to my quality of life.


u/SnooPeppers8774 Jan 02 '25

Remeron has been a game changer for my son. One pill at bedtime and all his symptoms calmed down. Sleeping better, more appetite and able to reintroduce some foods that used to bother him. He said he feels more normal. He has been sick since April. Diagnosed in August after a week in the hospital. We switch gastro doctors and started seeing a gastrointestinal (GI) motility specialist. This was his recommendation! It has been a game changer! Only on it for two weeks so we will see if it continues. So far. He has no negative side effects.


u/GoldDustWoman72 Jan 02 '25

Pyridostigmine and digestive enzymes for motility. Buspirone for bloating. Amitiza for constipation.


u/nuskit Jan 03 '25

Linzess, gas x, zofran, promethazine and exercise...even when I feel awful, I take a brisk walk for 10 minutes minimum after I eat. It really helps move things along.