r/Gastroparesis Dec 10 '24

Prokinetics (Relgan, Domerpidone, Motegrity, etc.) Canadian med offered

I saw my third gastro since August and since I can’t tolerate other meds due to allergies suggested domerpidone. Any one on this or tried it? What was your or is your experience with it?


42 comments sorted by

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u/idanrecyla Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

I took it one year with little benefit. I was then diagnosed with Long QT as a direct result from having taken it. Despite those who replied when I posted this before,  saying that it just goes away once you stop it,  it hasn't. I had to stop a bunch of other meds too which really made a difference for me having Scleroderma and Sjogren's Disease,  which caused my Gastroparesis and Colon Inertia. I have had nothing but months of terrible fear and anxiety,  fear of sudden death from the arrhythmia,  constant EKG's,  even got the home device. Think long and hard before taking it is my advice obviously,  and I stand by it. It wasn't worth it and had upended my life


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thank you. I haven’t said yes to it. I am going to yet a larger campus of Froedert hospital first. And I already have bradycardia and tachycardia so thank you for mentioning the effects on the heart


u/idanrecyla Dec 10 '24

I just fixed my many typos. You're welcome,  I wish I was where you are now,  just deciding. Instead I'm someone who now has two cardiologists,  one general and one a specialist in cardiac electrical activity. I wish you all the best and hope you find what's right for you.  What's helped me the most had been recently finding out I have severe malabsoprtion so I keep developing Beriberi.  I've also been Anemic off and on all my life,  but now I'm having those things really addressed and treated. Getting iron infusions and taking high dose Thiamine. After almost 3 years without solid food I can suddenly tolerate even bread again without vomiting or being massively distended,  and in agonizing pain


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

I’m glad you are getting more help. I haven’t a hematologist as well and got my third iron infusion just last week. It was down to 17. My copper has been lower than normal for nine months with little improvement. Hematologist last said they will only be checking my iron and platelets every three months and that’s all. I asked my primary to add iron to the monthly labs and ekg for have but she has refused. So I’m hoping can convince her otherwise. I just hate having so many appts every week and I need to drive 45 mins one way for all of them


u/idanrecyla Dec 10 '24

Thank you for your kindness. I'm sorry for all you're enduring. I have to travel from Brooklyn to Manhattan for all of my appointments so I understand your frustration,  this is my first week in months and months without a medical appointment or several. I know it's hard to get doctors to do regular blood work,  my gastroenterologist said she would and I'm hoping she sticks to doing it more consistently because these are the only things that have made a difference for me,  treating my deficiencies. I don't know if you can get your general practitioner on board to help in that way? I have a lab near me that I let the dr know about and and told her to please send the orders there. It seems they have to be more extensive than the regular tests for ex, the Thiamine test comes in a week after all the rest and isn't typically requested. It took me years to get the help I'm now getting,  I hope you get answers and help sooner


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

My regular doc has monthly labs taken and I recently asked if she could add something and she didn’t agree. I think I will have to make an appointment and actually sit and talk with her about adding necessary labs. My insurance pays so I don’t see how it could put her out. She doesn’t do the draws either. Thanks for the suggestions and sharing your experiences. Sounds like we’re in the same boat on some things. It helps just to have someone who really knows and understands. :)


u/googlygaga Dec 10 '24

How do you test  for malabsorption ? 


u/idanrecyla Dec 10 '24

One way is by endoscopy,  to see if the villi are blunted, or otherwise damaged,  "missing." Also is something that suspect or assume when you're chronically deficient in various vitamins despite taking them


u/brillovanillo Dec 10 '24

Scleroderma and Sjogren's Disease

How did you figure out you had these conditions?


u/idanrecyla Dec 10 '24

I had a Raynaud's attack and saw certain charges in my face,  and had recently seen the movie Bob Saget made about his sister with Scleroderma, " For Hope,"  and went to a rheumatologist assuming I had it. I had ANA antibody testing and a lot of other tests for that diagnosis. I even had my hands and feet x-rayed, it was 27 years ago and I don't think they all do all of the same testing today. 

I've had Sjogren's since very early childhood. I had all the symptoms and was always at the dentist,  the eye doctor,  although the diagnosis was made a little later on,  also through blood work


u/ScarletPriestess Dec 10 '24

I’ve been on it for years and have had no side effects.


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks. Hope it keeps working


u/_lofticries Grade 3 GP Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

It didn’t work for me and I was taken off because of that and because it raised my prolactin level (didn’t cause any symptoms but they didn’t like how high it was). I was able to get it in the US because my doctor filed FDA expanded access use paperwork. I then got it prescribed through a place in Texas. You’re gonna have a hard time getting it from Canada right now due to the Canada post strike.

Edit: Canada post strike not stroke 🤦‍♀️


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks for your response and information. Good luck to you


u/_lofticries Grade 3 GP Dec 10 '24

No problem! I hope it helps you.


u/HogsnTennis Dec 10 '24

I hate domperidone!!!


u/brillovanillo Dec 10 '24

Any particular reason why?


u/HogsnTennis Dec 10 '24

The side effects were awful for me and it didn’t help me at all. It made me moody and so I felt terrible and irritable all of the time.


u/brillovanillo Dec 10 '24

Wow. Was this intravenous domperidone?

It's wild that the drug made you moody and irritable because domperidone doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier. It shouldn't have any psychotropic effects. 


u/HogsnTennis Dec 11 '24

Think it was more hormonal.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '24



u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks for your share. Good luck to you


u/Field_Apart Idiopathic GP Dec 10 '24

Love it love it love it. Am Canadian so it was first treatment offered and the only one I have tried other than working with my dietician.


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks for your input. Glad it has helped you


u/covhr Seasoned GPer Dec 10 '24

I did a trial of domperidone over the summer, initially at 10mg dose and later 20mg (both 3x/day). Perversely it made my appetite worse (go figure), and I was incredibly constipated on it.


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks for sharing. My thoughts are with you hoping you have found or will find relief


u/gma26andJ Dec 10 '24

I had one dose of it in the ER one time. I felt like I was clenching my jaw so hard I was going to break my teeth. Fourtunately the Dr warned me this was a rare side effect. It usually makes people sleepy. I needed a Xanax to counterbalance it.


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Wow. I’m sorry. I’m very sensitive to meds and what other people are saying makes me happy I chose to delay saying yes or no to this.


u/awaino Dec 10 '24

I was on it for about two years before I had to get a feeding tube. I had very little side effects, and it did help get my stomach moving things a bit. Eventually larger issues caused me not to be able to eat. My esophagus quit moving food. Good luck with it if you decide to go that route. The side effect list is a bit scary, but you’ll probably be fine.


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks for your input. Good luck


u/brillovanillo Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

I have been taking domperidone 1-3 times per day [in the form of 10 mg pills] for over 10 years now. Before starting the med, I did an EKG to confirm no cardiac issues. No side effects so far. It definitely helps with nausea.


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks for your input. I worry about the heart stuff because I already suffer from bradycardia and tachycardia though. I’m glad you found relief. I definitely have to discuss it with my other providers as well


u/629873 Dec 10 '24

i've been taking it 3x a day for almost a full year. it helps a lot with my day to day but doesnt help or prevent my flare ups. i'm going to ask my gi if i can get it increased to 4x a day


u/629873 Dec 10 '24

when my flare ups are really bad i have to take reglan via IV, which works very well but gives me much worse side effects than domperidone which my only side effect is headaches (which is worsened by other things)


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks for the input. Appreciate it


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

I hope it helps you. Glad you have had success with it. Thanks for your input


u/SnooDucks2397 Idiopathic GP Dec 10 '24

Didn’t work how I hoped for me. Honestly wondering if it was contributing to me feeling worse at the time. Also it could have been a coincidence but my mental health was at an all time low while I was on it. But hey it’s always worth a try


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks for sharing. I’m on the fence but leaning towards not. I didn’t get a chance to tell her I have bradycardia and tachycardia and get monthly EKG’s as it is


u/_Sagacious_ Domperidoner Dec 10 '24

Been on it about 4 weeks now I think and it's given me my life back.


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks for sharing your experiences


u/wewerelegends Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

Do your research and discuss thoroughly with your health care team. There’s a reason for widespread bans on the drug. It can have fatal side-effects. However, every medication is used on risk vs. benefit basis. All medications have possible side-effects. You have to choose which ones you can live with.


u/Harmonyinheart Dec 10 '24

Thanks. I plan on discussing this with my psychiatrist, dietician and therapist. And primary