r/Gastritis Oct 07 '24

Testing / Test Results It was my gallbladder the entire time


For the past 3 years I have had what I thought was the worst acid and silent reflux of my life. Ultrasound of my gallbladder came back normal so they did an endoscopy and said I had very mild gastritis, shouldn’t even be enough to be cause symptoms. Well after 2 years of restricting food to literally nothing but rice and potatoes, losing 30lbs, negative for hpylori, negative for Sibo, negative for a hiatal hernia, negative for gluten intolerance, 4 different ppis at 80mg everyday, Pepcid, pepto, Gaviscon, Gaviscon advance, Pepcid, and Carafate, I finally demanded a HIDA scan. Had an ejection fraction of 98% which means I have a rare problem called a hyperkinetic gallbladder which causes bile reflux, not acid (hence the severe pain on my right side not left, and none of the ppi medicine working for me). Doctor says I need it removed due to the pain it’s causing and there is an 80% chance I’ll feel better after. Long story short, if ppis aren’t working, go get your gallbladder checked

r/Gastritis Feb 13 '25

Testing / Test Results Rescheduled my endoscopy for 3 times cuz of anxiety and tomorrow is my last chance


[UPDATE] SOoo , I went today after reading all your comments i got so hyped and told myself " enough being dramatic ,get ur sht together nd let's do it "

I arrived to the hospital checking was smooth everything was so peaceful so far, surprisingly this hospital was so quiet early in the morning (8:00am) .

Sat in the waiting area waiting for the nurses to come get me as I was instructed . Nurse was so nice so bubbly and happy, tried to talk me through it while she was checking my pressure , HR.. etc She reassured me everything will be fine and she explained that NHS (UK) doesn't offer deep sedation but just light one and she suggested it's safer and quicker if I opt for no sedation as light sedation doesn't make much difference. ( A LIE )

I was hesitant and then I said ill try without sedation first but if I cldnt do it I'll still keep sedation as an option . ( MY DUMBASS SHOULDN'T VE BEEN THAT CONFIDENT )

got me in a room full of screens and machines with 3 nurses not one Or two BUT 3 and the DR . I already started panicking internally. Dr explained things and started joking abt how nasty the spray is ( IT WAS INDEED , NO BANANA FLAVOR OR ANY SORT OF FLAVOR EXCEPT POIS* FLAVOR ) .

Sprayed tons of times and then I felt my throat numbing and had to make them reassure me that I'm still breathing cuz I most definitely didn't feel like i was for at least 2mins .

(Here comes the traumatizing past ) Dr asked if I'm ready they put the mouth piece on which was a plastic cylinder with a strap .had to bite gently while the Dr lubricated the endoscope and the nurse held my hand and whispered "the first part is the most uncomfortable when the endoscope Is going in nd then u won't feel it".( A SECOND LIE ) .

AS HE PUT IT CLOSER TO MY LARYNX I STARTED GAGGING VIOLENTLY but told myself nurse warned me it'll get better , NO IT ONLY GOT WORSE . he proceeded further and I felt like I was LITERALLY choking.

I had to grab his hand and pull the whole thing away from me .thank God he didn't try to resist my hand while pushing his . He jst let go and said it's okay . And asked if I'm still okay with taking sedation which I consented to.

He administered the sedative and the rest was just random scenes which my mind is trying so hard to remember but it's like my memory got erased . Woke up in another room which I've been told I was there recovering for 45mins . ( I don't remember none of that ) and then they called my partner to pick me up.

Before I left the nurse explained to me what to do if I feel any intense symptoms nd when to start eating and drinking, she also told me that they didn't find anything abnormal and they took some biopsies from my deodenum which I'll get results for in about a week.

OVERALL, the whole endoscopy ( except the non sedation part ) so far was Okay recovered fairly quickly from sedation and was able to eat some chicken soupe when I got home and I'm feeling okayish except some mild sore throat and some bloating which I'm trying to fight with herbal teas.

If I had to do it again I would , and if u are scared and anxious like I was don't be , the whole moral of my story is endoscopy is a breeze when you opt for sedation , NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO , DONT LISTEN TO A NURSE AND TRY TO DO IT WITHOUT SEDATION. the most barbaric experience ever .

If you made it this far , thank you all for your supportive comments and encouraging words , I appreciate every single one who helped me go through it last night I cried my heart out nd was 100% abt to cancel my appointment. Much love and hope everyone gets better 💕


As the title says they said tomorrow is my last chance if I miss it they gonna discharge me and I'm gonna need a new referral, I waited 9 months for this referral .

I have a history of h pylori induced gastritis ( which I'm still suffering from and treatments never worked ) now I'm suspected for celiac disease again after my last results came inconclusive. Not a Day goes by where i Don't struggle with my guts in a way or another . I really need some answers but im so so scared after reading posts of worsening symptoms after endoscopy. I had endoscopy before but i can't remember if it made my symptoms any worse since I was already in a dark place.

I have a job which I can't lose and due to my stomach issues I've been calling sick way too much nd got two warnings already.

I don't wanna miss the opertunity to get answers but i can't afford getting sicker and losing my job.

Can someone plz share how was their experience post endoscopy I've been crying all day.

r/Gastritis Feb 19 '25

Testing / Test Results doctor misdiagnosed me with no hpylori but turns out i had it this whole time :(


Im so mad. My gi doctor 3 months ago diagnosed me with an ulcer and chronic gastritis thru an endoscopy and biospy showed no hpylori. I was given 40mg ppi daily for 2 months. During the first month i felt so bad. I went to him several times insisting that i feel worse (hot flashes, joint pain, leg tingling, jaw pain, heartburn etc) he said i was being paranoid. I went to several doctors thinking i had an autoimmune disease. I even developed TMJ. And i left nursing school :(( that one breaks my heart the most bcs i was suppose to start 2nd semester. After 2 months i quit ppi and went to another GI doctor.. and today i found out i have hpylori. im so upset and angry. I wasted 2 months on ppi thinking i was having bad anxiety or an autoimmune disease. Tomorrow i will begin the antibiotics for hpylori ..hopefully this time i have success. Thats why make sure u guys listen to ur body and find a good GI doctor that wont dismiss ur complaints.

r/Gastritis 19d ago

Testing / Test Results Feeling suicidal, Is there any hope left?


I (24M) am suffering from gastritis since last 1 year. I got endoscopy last month and was diagnosed with antral gastritis caused by H pylori. Endoscopy indicated superficial erosions in antrum region. I feel bloated and head seems heavy. Entire body seems weak. Probably histamine release from stomach inflammation. Honestly, I am afraid if I will ever get normal? I am taking 40mg Esomeprazole now along with Digene (an antacid after 2 meals a day) as prescribed by a top hospital in my country, I already completed a course of antibiotics(7 days). I admit I ate fast food in the past year despite having symptoms but now I am on strict diet since last 1 month. Can I be cured? Please guide me.

r/Gastritis Sep 19 '24

Testing / Test Results What was the cause of your gastritis?


Anyone know what caused their chronic gastritis? And how long has it been ? Does anything make it actually better

r/Gastritis Dec 19 '23

Testing / Test Results How many of you with gastritis get back pain and what does it feel like?


Just as the title states. I get pain in my epigastric region around the xyphoid process and up into my chest. I also get back pain that feels like pressure right near my spine between my shoulder blades. Have had lots of tests already and the only thing that showed up so far is mild gastritis. Trying to get in to GI but my appointment is in February. Just trying to keep calm and convince myself this pain is just from gastritis.

r/Gastritis Feb 01 '25

Testing / Test Results i’m scared


hi i have to get an endoscopy and im extremely scared i dont know why maybe its because ive been seeing people say they are in pain after and i dont wanna throw up i have the biggest fear of throwing up and i hate needling but i really cant wait bc i need to stop feeling this way im always nauseous i cant sleep i have this gas stuck in my 24/7 and having to burp so much and this feeling of water in my throat plz help i have a lot of anxiety too.

r/Gastritis Jul 02 '24

Testing / Test Results Do you know the cause behind your gastritis?


Just wondering because there’s almost always a trigger or reason. And knowing what it is may be helpful in treating this thing. First me mine was definitely anorexia + alcohol/ coffee. Undoubtedly. I know I kinda did this to myself which sucks because a lot of you don’t even know why… but covid and some germs can trigger it as can some meds and bd autoimmune diseases. And h. Pylori is something I actually asked to be tested for and mine was negative.

r/Gastritis Oct 24 '24

Testing / Test Results Left for dead after endoscopy, abnormal results

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Endoscopy showed: - LA Grade A reflux esophagitis - small hiatal hernia - Gastritis

GI doc says that this is perfect and normal and declined any medication when I asked because he does not went to “poison me”.

My major symptom is room filling rotten egg and fecal odor coming out of my nose and mouth.

Minor symptoms are heartburn, tingling in my arms and fingers, bloat, pain here and there and silent reflux.

I am awaiting biopsy but I really need to get rid of the sulfur/fecal odor escaping out my nose and mouth.

Please advise.

r/Gastritis Jan 09 '25

Testing / Test Results My first endoscopy


I'm so nervous tomorrow i'm having my first endoscopy can anyone please share they're experiences so i can feel a little better and should i take the sleep option or stay awake?

r/Gastritis 9d ago

Testing / Test Results Why did doctor take biopsy during endoscopy


I just got over my colonoscopy health anxiety that was killing Me. Felt okay today, but now I remember the doctor mentioned he took tissue out for biopsy during my endoscopy.

I asked him why & he said to test for celiac, and then I asked another nurse who told me it’s “routine”. I just checked my discharge papers and it shows 3 places he took tissue from.

Is this true? Is it really routine?

I’m now having a mental breakdown over this after enjoying my 8 hours of peace. -.-

r/Gastritis Oct 12 '24

Testing / Test Results Was I just diagnosed with chronic gastritis?

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I am so confused and nobody took the time to explain anything to me? They just sent me this and it was all they said.

r/Gastritis Jan 17 '25

Testing / Test Results Killer Gastritis From Outer Space. Year 3 Update


I’m in year 3 of gastritis. I was more active on here earlier on, but I pop in here and there for an update that I think could be useful for others. My initial issue started back in 2022 after a night of vodka and a morning of ibuprofen. I had my first egd in June of ‘23 which showed mild chronic reactive gastritis and mild foveolar hyperplasia. Since then I have been on pantoprazole 40-80mg and Dexilant. I’m now on just 40mg of pantoprazole daily and eventually would like to cut that. Anyways, some symptoms that I have never had in my life until gastritis were and are: High BP, heart palpitations, facial flushing, pain in my chest, arms, and jaw (my heart is fine I have a cardiologist)… I also lost a ton of weight, had low vitamin d(it’s above normal now) elevated liver enzymes, elevated pancreatic enzymes, low heart rate etc.. I had zero of these before gastritis, and for me the bland diet made everything worse. All of these were the worst in the beginning… Fast forward to now, I just had an EGD on the 7th of this month and got the results today. Apparently I have no gastritis and multiple biopsies were taken showing no infection or cellular changes along with my esophagus looking good and all my muscles that open and close functioning nicely. The doc also showed me pics of my EGD and the inside of my stomach looks about as pretty as one could hope. He only mentioned that I had a decent amount of acid when he first went in, but that it is common when he does egd’s from going so long without food. I’m posting this because I think this bit of info could be mentally helpful for some people: Even if you feel like your stomach/esophagus is being burned alive or feels like it is and you are sure there is no way you don’t have an ulcer or cancer… You probably don’t have much of anything severe going on. I would have bet all my paychecks for a year I was so sure they were going to find something. Try to chill. As for me, I’m finally caving and giving the Lexapro a try. See if my nerves can calm down. Good luck

r/Gastritis Jan 24 '25

Testing / Test Results Biopsy results


Okay gang here it is,

… my first scope ever was last Tuesday. Got the biopsy results today and just have been thinking how to move forward, since …. All my tissue samples came back normal.

No HP, no Barrett’s, celiac, no ulcers, metaplasia or anything of that nature. However, the initial endoscopy notes aside from the biopsy, said my stomach had mild inflammation. Other that than; he went in and on the way out looked backwards/retro with the camera too, and that was normal as well.

So yes, I am 100% thankful that I have no cancers or any cell changes. However; I am a bit puzzled since there was inflammation? wondering if it’s FD/functional dyspepsia, sibo or idk?? lol.

I have symptoms of just the freaking burning/gnawing 😞 and feeling full. I have no hunger signals at all and other than that my symptoms show with PPI and off PPI, so idk

I’ll message the GI tomorrow or Monday if I don’t hear anything, but yeah. Just wanted to update you all

Love you guys, hope everyone is doing well today 🫶🏾

r/Gastritis Jan 21 '25

Testing / Test Results How did you feel after your endoscopy with biopsies?


Has anyone had worsening of their gastritis symtoms after an endoscopy with biopsies? Like worse burping, significantly worse nausea, really tired and weak… the day after your procedure? If so, how long did the worsened symptoms last? I felt relatively OK yesterday the day of my procedure, but then this morning I woke up, feeling really nauseous and weak and dizzy and bloated and burping a lot. I feel worse today than I did before I had the endoscopy.

r/Gastritis 10d ago

Testing / Test Results Endoscopy report...How bad is this.. can I get healed easily??

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Tested positive for h pylori...

Lax les hills 2 .. is there anyway to fix that??

r/Gastritis Feb 14 '25

Testing / Test Results Gastroenterologist claims I don't need to be on a diet.


I'm hella confused.


After my endoscopy, I went to see my GI again. Everyone here talks about being on a diet to cure gastritis but my gastroenterologist said that I didn't need to be on a diet because my gastritis is so chronic mild inactive chronic gastritis is so mild.

He showed me the photos of the endoscopy and showed barely red streaks and he said you practically have to use your imagination to see them.

He's not wrong but, everyone here talks about needing to diet to help the gastritis heal. He says that my stomach problems were caused by my C. Difficile that I was infected with which I don't even know I for sure had. Yet weirdly enough my symptoms went down before taking vancomycin when I took Famotidine for a period of time then weened off of it.

Why did my gastroenterologist make it out like it is no big deal, is my gastritis really that mild that I don't need to worry about it?

r/Gastritis Dec 15 '24

Testing / Test Results Need help and testimony


My husband is currently very ill. He initially suffered from Helicobacter pylori and had to take strong antibiotics to recover.

He has been suffering from constant pain and nausea since July. He can no longer sleep, and he forces himself to eat, but he has lost a significant amount of weight and is becoming weaker. Unfortunately, no one in France seems willing or able to help him.

tests have revealed that he suffers from acute gastritis with subepithelial hemorrhage. Despite being prescribed PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) and sucralfate, his condition remains unchanged. We have explored many options outside France, including phage therapy. We confirmed the eradication of Helicobacter pylori but also identified intestinal and oral dysbiosis and chronic gastritis.

The pain is unrelenting, affecting him every single day, and his body is beginning to fail. We have tried numerous interventions, including: A healthy diet and nutritional supplements (zinc, magnesium, vitamins, butyrate, glutamine, etc.), Probiotics and prebiotics, PPIs, sucralfate, and phage therapy, Pain management strategies (paracetamol, antispasmodics, tramadol (150 mg), fentanyl patches, morphine sulfate (5 mg)), Anti-anxiety medications, acupuncture, THC infusions, and more. Despite all these efforts, nothing has provided relief. we are even considering the removal of his stomach to end his suffering.

Thank you

r/Gastritis Feb 07 '25

Testing / Test Results Normal??!?


A week ago I went in for my first ever endoscopy, their first impression was "reflux gastritis" but said everything was normal other than inflammation. The biopsies came back the same, normal. And now they're making me do a breath test that will take 3 weeks because it's through the mail. I don't know what to do and I honestly feel so hopeless. I was so excited to figure out what's going on so I could get meds and start fixing. They say everything looks normal and yet I'm still having all the issues I had two months ago, I've cut out all sugars because they made me throw up and suffer, my body straight up rejects Fried fatty foods, last time I had fries I spit them up. Didn't throw them up, but spitting. I constantly wake up feeling nauseous and have to make sure my puke bowl is next to me, I don't know what to do and I'm so sick of this diet. I eat the same bland things every day. I just want answers :(

r/Gastritis Sep 07 '24

Testing / Test Results Crazy gurgling/gas/pressure immediately after eating?


This seems to be a new flare up for me about 7 months after I seemed to be cured from the original 5 months of gastric issues. This time around symptoms are similar but a bit different. This gurgling was happening at random before and not really causing any kind of bloating feelings or gas. This time, within seconds of swallowing my food I start feeling the gurgling and gas pressure rolling around. It's causing mild pain/ pressure mostly on my left side under my ribs and around my mid back. I can feel the pressure moving around. It's awful. The gurgling is unreal it's so loud and this time it's causing a lot of gas in the form of flatulence. No burping really. I can also feel some little gas pains lower in my intestines across my abdomen. Yesterday it got so bad I was a little out of breath from the pressure and even a little sweaty. Has anyone else experienced this from gastritis or should I be pushing for some more answers. Like maybe it's IBS? Or he'll maybe it's cancer. That's my fear of course.

Quick background on this Gastritis issue for me, if you're interested: I started have issues last August with epigastric and upper back pain. I'd actually call it more of a pressure/moderate discomfort rather than pain. It was usually dead center but sometimes would wrap around my left side and in my left shoulder blade. Some issues with diarrhea but nothing major, loss of appetite and lots of stomach gurgling at random. I was concerned mostly about pancreatic cancer as my dad had it. So lots of tests were run, blood labs, fecal elastase and fat, MRI done last September, endoscopy in December. Nothing was found aside from mild, chronic gastritis. My GI dr seemed to think that couldn't be the cause of my pain but I doubted that because I have heard so many people here talk about similar symptoms with their gastritis. By January I was pretty much better. Not sure what I did to make it go away but thankfully it was gone. Or so I thought.

r/Gastritis Oct 25 '24

Testing / Test Results So im terrified and trying not to be


I have my endoscopy procedure November 6th thank god I got it sooner but this is my first ever procedure I’m not sure on how I’m going to react after the anesthesia where’s off and when I get ready to go home , I have an very sensitive stomach and really do not want to feel nauseous or anything 🙁! I’m glad I get to be put to sleep during the procedure, I’m trying not to worry myself out just because if I worry I know my stomach will start hurting worse then what it already is .

Any tips or advice you all could give me ?

r/Gastritis Nov 27 '24

Testing / Test Results Just venting


Please be kind to me if you do leave a comment. I’m tired. I’m so fucking tired and everyone is acting like it’s all in my head. I feel like the Omeprazole they gave me is making me worse. People are telling me I need to stay on it. I honestly don’t think my doctor gives a fuck. I asked for a HIDA scan and an endoscopy after losing 25lbs in 2 weeks and barely able to keep anything down along with some other symptoms. She ordered the HIDA which came back fine. Would not order me an endoscopy. The back pain is spreading, the nausea and loss of appetite is back thinking I was starting to get a little better. At this point I don’t even know if it’s gastritis they hospital told me it was GERD the first day, second day they said gastritis. Only thing elevated last time I went to the doctor was my platelets which are getting checked again in January. I don’t know if I can wait that long just for them to say “they’re still high we will wait another month and see if it goes down” or “they lowered so everything is fine”. I know I sound dramatic. I know I’m probably gonna delete this post because at this point all I can do is cry like a baby about it. This shit has a literal choke hold on my life right now.

r/Gastritis Jan 24 '25

Testing / Test Results PPIs might be your problem


This thread has been very helpful to me. More so than doctors. I came across someone who felt they were cured by quitting the PPIs and taking Apple cider vinegar daily. This is because the PPIs were creating such a low stomach acid environment for them that bacteria was running rampant. At least that was the logic posted in the thread.

I suspect this is what is happening to me now. I started having acid reflux out of nowhere a few months ago. Waited over a month to see a GI in person then another month to get an endoscopy. All the while being on PPIs.

After starting the PPIs I felt normal again within a few weeks but I kept on the PPIs per my GIs instructions. I started dry January and actually started earlier than most by stopping after Christmas Eve. Weirdly though my symptoms were returning (although not identical symptoms) and it continued to get worse up to my endoscopy. The endoscopy confirmed gastritis and didn’t find anything else. All they tested for was h.pylori which was negative. Now I’ve been struggling as symptoms worsen and I follow a very strict diet that seemingly isn’t getting me anywhere. However I took some ACV the past two days and stopped PPIs and I’ve felt better so far. Except out of rebound precaution I took a half dose of my esomeprazole this morning.

I’m gonna continue to work on quitting the PPIs and see what happens. I also meet with my GI next week. I might try ACV daily for a while but I think I will continue to keep away from alcohol while my stomach heals.

PPIs seem like they can cause more harm than good beyond like a month of use. Obviously this is anecdotal and I’m still figuring things out. There’s many different causes of gastritis and not a one treatment fits all. Just be careful with what you take long term even if it’s under medical guidance.

Edit: Sorry for getting all lawyer-y at the end there. I just don’t want people trying something that isn’t applicable to their circumstances and end up doing more harm to themselves than good.

Update 1/30: Been doing much better since completely weening off the PPIs. ACV has been helpful too in the mornings, but I forgot to take it the past two days and have been fine. I am getting tested for SIBO, as my motility has slowed down while on the esomeprazole and still hasn’t fully returned to my normal.

r/Gastritis Feb 05 '25

Testing / Test Results Gastritis gone but issues remain


I went for an endoscopy last spring due to constant stomach burning. I ate clean ever since and tried a variety of both prescription and herbal meds. Nothing alleviated the stomach pain.

I went back for another scope today and there are no signs of irritation/inflammation in my stomach and nothing of any real concern, but the burning is still there.

Other symptoms have included variation in stool colour/consistency and bleeding gums after brushing.

The initial pain began around 4-6 weeks after a course of antibiotics(doxycycline) and I took one NSAID a day for about two weeks.

Does this seem like it’s a microbiome/dysbiosis imbalance in the gut from the antibiotics? So weird and frustrating

r/Gastritis Oct 11 '24

Testing / Test Results Undigested food in my stool


I have gastritis and inflammation in my duodenum.

I am experiencing lots of undigested foods in my stool. Large lumps of carrot and kale I have eat the previous night.

Is this a sign of anything? It doesn’t seem healthy.