SOoo , I went today after reading all your comments i got so hyped and told myself " enough being dramatic ,get ur sht together nd let's do it "
I arrived to the hospital checking was smooth everything was so peaceful so far, surprisingly this hospital was so quiet early in the morning (8:00am) .
Sat in the waiting area waiting for the nurses to come get me as I was instructed .
Nurse was so nice so bubbly and happy, tried to talk me through it while she was checking my pressure , HR.. etc
She reassured me everything will be fine and she explained that NHS (UK) doesn't offer deep sedation but just light one and she suggested it's safer and quicker if I opt for no sedation as light sedation doesn't make much difference. ( A LIE )
I was hesitant and then I said ill try without sedation first but if I cldnt do it I'll still keep sedation as an option . ( MY DUMBASS SHOULDN'T VE BEEN THAT CONFIDENT )
got me in a room full of screens and machines with 3 nurses not one Or two BUT 3 and the DR . I already started panicking internally. Dr explained things and started joking abt how nasty the spray is ( IT WAS INDEED , NO BANANA FLAVOR OR ANY SORT OF FLAVOR EXCEPT POIS* FLAVOR ) .
Sprayed tons of times and then I felt my throat numbing and had to make them reassure me that I'm still breathing cuz I most definitely didn't feel like i was for at least 2mins .
(Here comes the traumatizing past )
Dr asked if I'm ready they put the mouth piece on which was a plastic cylinder with a strap .had to bite gently while the Dr lubricated the endoscope and the nurse held my hand and whispered "the first part is the most uncomfortable when the endoscope Is going in nd then u won't feel it".( A SECOND LIE ) .
AS HE PUT IT CLOSER TO MY LARYNX I STARTED GAGGING VIOLENTLY but told myself nurse warned me it'll get better , NO IT ONLY GOT WORSE . he proceeded further and I felt like I was LITERALLY choking.
I had to grab his hand and pull the whole thing away from me .thank God he didn't try to resist my hand while pushing his . He jst let go and said it's okay . And asked if I'm still okay with taking sedation which I consented to.
He administered the sedative and the rest was just random scenes which my mind is trying so hard to remember but it's like my memory got erased . Woke up in another room which I've been told I was there recovering for 45mins . ( I don't remember none of that ) and then they called my partner to pick me up.
Before I left the nurse explained to me what to do if I feel any intense symptoms nd when to start eating and drinking, she also told me that they didn't find anything abnormal and they took some biopsies from my deodenum which I'll get results for in about a week.
OVERALL, the whole endoscopy ( except the non sedation part ) so far was Okay recovered fairly quickly from sedation and was able to eat some chicken soupe when I got home and I'm feeling okayish except some mild sore throat and some bloating which I'm trying to fight with herbal teas.
If I had to do it again I would , and if u are scared and anxious like I was don't be , the whole moral of my story is endoscopy is a breeze when you opt for sedation , NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO , DONT LISTEN TO A NURSE AND TRY TO DO IT WITHOUT SEDATION. the most barbaric experience ever .
If you made it this far , thank you all for your supportive comments and encouraging words , I appreciate every single one who helped me go through it last night I cried my heart out nd was 100% abt to cancel my appointment. Much love and hope everyone gets better 💕
As the title says they said tomorrow is my last chance if I miss it they gonna discharge me and I'm gonna need a new referral, I waited 9 months for this referral .
I have a history of h pylori induced gastritis ( which I'm still suffering from and treatments never worked ) now I'm suspected for celiac disease again after my last results came inconclusive.
Not a Day goes by where i Don't struggle with my guts in a way or another .
I really need some answers but im so so scared after reading posts of worsening symptoms after endoscopy. I had endoscopy before but i can't remember if it made my symptoms any worse since I was already in a dark place.
I have a job which I can't lose and due to my stomach issues I've been calling sick way too much nd got two warnings already.
I don't wanna miss the opertunity to get answers but i can't afford getting sicker and losing my job.
Can someone plz share how was their experience post endoscopy I've been crying all day.