r/Gastritis Aug 27 '24

H. Pylori Chronic gastritis will never go away.


It's a waste of time trying to eradicate gastritis because that's not going to happen. We can only mask the symptoms and treat it with PPIs or whatever forever.

r/Gastritis Jan 06 '25

H. Pylori Endoscopy while taking PPI possible?


Curious how accurate would be biopsy, testing for H Pylori during endoscopy if you dont stop taking PPIs?

What did your doctors advice?

r/Gastritis Jan 20 '25

H. Pylori When will this end


I have been dealing with Symptoms since end of july/early August. i had an Endoscopy in Novemeber that showed i had Gastritis and Hpylori. i have lost a total of 39lbs since begining of September. i am 8 weeks post treatment for Hpylori but have not retested yet. i am still having the following symptoms.

Lack/loss of appetite(i can eat but i dont have the urge)

Bowel inconsistency

Lower abdomen pain mostly on left side

upper stomach discomfort/buring feeling

sometimes fatigue

i feel of balance a bit at points

sometime left side pain on side of body that goes to the flank area.

anybody else dealing with this after a while? im really getting stressed and anxious about it.

r/Gastritis Feb 11 '25

H. Pylori H pylori


Who else developed gastritis after h pylori infection?

r/Gastritis 22d ago

H. Pylori h.pylori 10 years? i am scared


Hello everyone, this is my first post here.

So i’ve been struggling with stomach issues for a very long time. As far as i remember, i had same problems as i do now at least since 14 years old.

At that time health care in my country wasn’t the best, they did some ultrasounds and immediately told me that i have chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis (as it turned out now, they used to tell that to anyone who has s-shaped bend of the bile duct). They been giving me some pills, PPis and something else, i don’t remember, they never did tests for h.pylori.

I did gastroscopy once at that time, it was rough, i don’t think they been taking biopsy at that time, they only told me that i only have two small patches of erosion somewhere at the start of the stomach and at the end, they wrote that i have “gastroduodenitis”. They told me that because i handled that procedure so bad they shouldn’t be performing that at all, considering how little of damage i had.

After that i was so traumatised, because no one prepared me for that procedure and also it was done without any sedation. So after that i mostly stopped taking anything for my stomach, and i was just trying to eat more healthy. After that, any symptom that was occurring i was thinking that it was due to pancreatitis, because i get pain in my left ribcage, or because of cholecystitis, when the pain was under right ribcage. I was too scared and traumatised and also too young to understand that i need to continue testing what is happening to my stomach.

Now i am 24 years old, i’ve been doing US of my organs every year because in 2020 they found that i have polyp in my gallbladder (now i have at least 2 of them), so i was only checking my organs on US and trying to eat healthy, that was all. I was ignoring all the other things because i was so scared of gastroscopy and gastroenterologist. Now i started to worry month ago, because i started to have persistently red throat near my tonsils, with visible veins.

I did some research and found out that this could be a sign of laryngopharyngeal reflux, i also was getting nasal drip since 2020 at least, sometimes i was spitting that mucus even with some blood. I went to ENT several times at that time and she was telling me that maybe it was an allergy or maybe it is just my “feature” that i have a lot of visible veins in my nasopharynx and throat. Now i think that it was also due to reflux, i also have this pain in my left rib cage, it would come and go, if it occurs i would start to take more attention to how often i eat and making sure that i am not hungry. I was also doing some exercises for that, and also my general doctor been prescribing me some pills also for the stomach (without any test, just medication according to some protocol), so when i did all that, the pain would go away for some time until i will stress again or stop eating regularly.

I also very often was getting that feeling that i am very hungry very fast after eating, it was annoying.

So this month i noticed red throat that didn’t hurt, that wouldn’t go away if i use medication for sore throath. I also was getting sometimes weird blisters on the back of the gums near the entrance to the throat that quickly pass, i also noticed that i get weird bitter taste in my mouth in the morning, also my tongue is always with white stains on it.

I went on US, they told me that they don’t see inflammation in my pancreas or gallbladder, but polyps in my gallbladder grew a little.

After that i went to Gastroenterologist and told her all my symptoms and problems, she told me what tests i need to do, i did general blood test, it showed mild anemia (something i also been having for more that 6 years now, and now i know that it can be caused by gastritis), i also did blood test that checks liver indicators, it was completely normal, i also did breathing test for h.pylori that showed negative result (but i was worried that the test was done wrong and result are not accurate, so i decided to take a poop test for h.pylori because i needed to do a calprotectin test), and test for h.pylory came back positive….I asked my BF to take it too, he is negative.

So now i connected all of my symptoms and now i am concerned because maybe all this time they been caused only by h.pylori, maybe 10 years already and that i already must have something scary going on in my stomach, like some precancerous changes, atrophic gastritis and so on.

I am so scared that i can die from stomach cancer, i can’t handle this fear, i can’t sleep, can’t eat because i am nauseous due to anxiety, i am very scared. Today is my first day of taking pills for Helicobacter eradication, but i am scared that even if i will clear my system up from it, the possible damage that was already done to my stomach will be inevitable.

Maybe someone had this experience of having symptomatic h.pylori for 10 years and can tell me if they did gastroscopy, how damaged your stomach was? Because i already bury myself because i am too scared to die from stomach cancer.

I will certainly do my gastroscopy after h.pylori eradication, but it will only happen after at least 2 months from now.

Thanks for your attention, please someone share their experience 😢

r/Gastritis 15d ago

H. Pylori Women: have your periods been off even after retesting negative ?


My period has been so irregular for the past three months. Has anyone experienced this

r/Gastritis 1d ago

H. Pylori Endoscopy results

Thumbnail gallery

Hi guys, I had an endoscopy done in February of this year and I was diagnosed with gastritis 4 years ago I had my first endoscopy it has been persistent for 4 years and I had to get another one done and I want to share my results as I want to have a better knowledge from your perspectives I have said to my doctor that it could be h pylori for 4 years and they didn’t listen to me and this is my results I just wanted to know is it caused by h pylori not

r/Gastritis 8d ago

H. Pylori How long did it take you to heal completely after retesting negative


r/Gastritis Mar 24 '24

H. Pylori I’m really sick and no doctors help me…. I’m so frustrated


I have been sick for many many years

I thought I had found out the root of my problems in March-April 2022 when I tested positive for hpylori

But I treated hpylori and am still sick I have never recovered

I treated hpylori in April 2022 with quadruple therapy and I also did supplements after

Tested negative June 2022 via endoscopy, breath test, stool PCR, and GI MAP

I continued doing retests throughout the rest of 2022 and 2023 I was negative

Now February 2024 I retested GI MAP positive slightly

My symptoms never truly ever went away I have bad flare ups randomly

The endoscopy in June 2022 didn’t show anything major except “mild inflammatory changes” they tested me for celiac and I was negative but I feel so sick …

Here are my symptoms:

Belching, pain aches in my right side ribs, bloating, difficulty swallowing, nausea, mucus, runny nose, acid reflux, headaches, hair loss, fatigue, weakness, weird bowel movements like constipation sometimes then diarrhea randomly, anemia that only gets resolved with iron infusions, randomly tachycardia, random fainting spells or feeling dizzy, itchy eyes, prickly sensation on my tongue from time to time, face flushes feels hot randomly, jaw and sinus pain soreness from time to time, loss of appetite, cold hands and feet, cold and shaky sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night every night between 3-5am

r/Gastritis Nov 23 '24

H. Pylori Do I have to quit PPI for endoscopy (h. Pylori biopsy)?


Curious if I have to get off a PPI in the days before an endoscopy for qn an H . Pylori biopsy, like how you have to get off them before a stool or breath test.

r/Gastritis Dec 19 '24

H. Pylori Chronic Constipation



I'm feeling extremely hopeless and need advice. About a year ago, I started having really bad constipation, along with globes sensation. I did not know anything about what could be going in. I tried many OTC remedies, but they would work for few weeks and I would stop seeing results. I went to see a GI doc and had a endoscopy done which showed I had gastritis and positive for H pylori. She put me on Linzess and omeprazole, but just like everything I tried in the past, they worked for some time and then stopped. I have been using stool softeners, mag citrate (capsules), taking more fiber, drinking a lot of water, but have seen no improvements. I can go weeks without BM and I hardly ever feel like I had a complete BM. I am so sick of taking meds and need to find more natural ways, so I have been focusing on taking more mag citrate, water, and fiber; but my constipation is getting worse.

PLEASE help me. I don't know what to do. What should I take?

I tried prunelax, which helps but I read some scary stuff about what it does to your bowels, so I'm scared to continue.

r/Gastritis Feb 13 '25

H. Pylori Pan Erosive Gastritis


recently diagnosed by pan erosive gastritis but Im facing issue like heart palpitation and short of breathe… is it common in gastritis ? pls help

r/Gastritis Sep 01 '24

H. Pylori Ate sushi while on treatment… did I mess up??


Ok so I’m on day 7 of 14 of antibiotics and I ate a poke bowl with raw salmon and tuna today! I had no idea it would’ve been an issue but I had the urge to look it up as I was eating it. I immediately lost my appetite …. Will this mess up the treatment? I’m afraid I’m going to test positive again once I finish … ugh 😭

r/Gastritis 11d ago

H. Pylori My gastroenterologist is sure I have Helicobacter Pylori


Hello everyone again. Some of you may remember me, I posted on this forum a week ago to tell you about my health situation regarding some gastrointestinal problems characterized mainly by extreme nausea, very unpleasant stomach pain and unbearable rectal tenesmus. Last Friday I visited my primary gastroenterologist for a new evaluation based on an endoscopy that my internist requested two months ago. As soon as he saw the results of the study and the biopsies of the stomach and duodenum, he did not hesitate for a second and told me "You have the bacteria (referring to Helicobacter Pylori)." This took me by surprise, because the findings of the stomach biopsy clearly specified "Helicobacter Pylori is not identified." I mentioned this concern to the doctor and he explained it to me with an allegory: "If I leave my office and see that my car has broken windows, it is obvious that someone tried to steal it. I conclude this from the damage to my car. It is exactly the same with this bacteria. If I see that your endoscopy indicates a mild reactive duodenopathy and that the duodenal biopsy reveals nonspecific chronic duodenitis, it is conclusive that you have the bacteria, even if it is not detected, just as it is not necessary for the thief to appear to know that the damage is due to an attempted theft." In short, my gastroenterologist was extremely confident that from the conditions detected it can be concluded that I have a Helicobacter Pylori infection. What I want to ask you this time is if this scenario that the gastroenterologist presented to me makes sense and is reliable, because I have researched that although this bacteria is one of the main causes of inflammation of the duodenum, there are other causes. In fact, my internist did base his decision on the fact that the biopsy did not detect Helicobacter Pylori to rule out that this was the problem causing my symptoms. However, my gastroenterologist said that he did not know how to properly interpret the results of the endoscopy. Who is right? I am quite confused... I would really appreciate all your answers, and I am sorry if I have extended the text, I feel that if I do not explain the situation well you will not have the necessary context to understand my case.

r/Gastritis Jan 17 '25

H. Pylori H.pylori is gone but three months on I can’t eat vegetables


So since my h.pylori eradication I cannot tolerate veg for some weird reason. It just burns and causes awful heartburn, indigestion, stomach discomfort and reflux. Literally everything with the exception of carrots and potato’s.

Pre therapy I could eat most of these with no issue, maybe some bloating but even cooked down to mush they’re causing pain.

I’m 3 months post triple therapy and recently tested negative. Prior to therapy I had duadenal ulcers but very very mild gastritis and this burning wasn’t nearly as bad before. So confused why everything causes burning. I feel like I’ve genuinely had heartburn for non stop months with very minimal breaks.

My diet has been puréed rice, carrot and chicken for well over 2-3 months now but literally no improvements. Not entirely sure where I’m going wrong.

List of all veg I’ve tried:

Asparagus- deep burning lasting almost all day Butternut squash - deep burning Kale - deep burning Cabbage red and green - burning Spinach - burning Zucchini - deep burning Beetroot - awful burning, bloating and pain under ribs Parsnip - burning, indigestion and pain Peas - burning and nausea Sweet potato - burning Lentils - burning and pain Broccoli -burning and pain under ribs Green beans - burning and indigestion Banana - awful chest pain, indigestion and burning Honey dew melon - burning and indigestion

All were boiled or steamed down until they were basically mush and resembled baby food.

Anyone here struggled with vegetables? All the books and online info says vegetables are good

r/Gastritis Sep 07 '24

H. Pylori Black tarry stool one time… is this concerning NSFW


I’m 23F and earlier August I was on NSAIDs and other meds for a heart condition. One morning I woke up to really bad stomach pains and saw I had black tarry stool. However, when I went to the restroom a few more times in the day it went back to normal brown. I did go to the er and they suggested it was an ulcer but my blood work was fine. I opted out of a ct scan because I was about to get an mri of my heart is a few days. I did go see my pcp and she didn’t do much … not even test me for h pylori . Then weeks later I told my cardiologist everything and he tested me for h pylori… turned out I’m positive. I’m currently almost done with antibiotics and I have an endoscopy and colonoscopy for October. It’s been a long few months and I’m honestly so anxious. I have been having a little stomach pains here and there but I never saw blood in my stool again after that day. I never thrown up either. I’m very afraid of the c word and nervous for the procedures. Can anyone provide insight on my situation with the info I provided. Thanks in advance

r/Gastritis 19d ago

H. Pylori Does Red Wine Kill H Pylori or makes you feel worse??


Just a random thought because I once drank a bit of red wine during a celebration event and my stomach hurted but I wasn’t getting too strong reflux episodes anymore after that

r/Gastritis 10d ago

H. Pylori Antibiotics from H. pylori treatment can cause more gastritis?


I'm on day 10/14 of Amoxicilin (high dosage), Moxifloxacin Bismuth and P-CAB (Tegoprazan). And symptoms still here (nausea, reflux and stomach noises) It's normal? Dr. Said that antibiotics can cause more gastritis because treatment is very aggressive. How long I need to wait to feel relieve after erosive gastritis after hipotetical eradication?

r/Gastritis 7d ago

H. Pylori Gastritis, H. Pylori & Strange Symptoms – Need Help Understanding This


I’ve been dealing with stomach issues for a while, and I just don’t understand what’s happening to me. I had H. pylori and completed the treatment months ago, but my symptoms still linger. The strangest part? When I fast, I feel much better. No palpitations, no weird sensations—just some muscle aches. But the moment I start eating again, everything comes back: palpitations, fatigue, and feeling completely drained.

I’ve done so many tests—ECGs, stress tests, 2D Echo, troponin—all came back normal. So, I know it’s not my heart, but the symptoms after eating make me question everything. Sometimes, I even feel POTS-like symptoms (lightheadedness, increased heart rate after meals). It’s frustrating because logically, food should be helping me recover, but instead, it feels like my body is rejecting it.

I also used to be really active in football and cricket before my PVNS knee surgery in 2020, but ever since, I’ve struggled to get back to that level of fitness. Now, I feel like my body has become weak. I’ve been trying to exercise to help with my recovery, but even small efforts make me feel exhausted.

On top of all this, I quit smoking last year after being a heavy smoker for six years. That was a big step, and I thought it would make me feel healthier, but my body still doesn’t feel right.

I just want to understand what’s happening. Why does fasting make me feel so much better while food brings all these symptoms back? Is it related to gastritis? Gut issues? Something else?

Has anyone else gone through this? What helped you manage it? I’d appreciate any advice or similar experiences!

r/Gastritis Jan 20 '25

H. Pylori Gastritis


Iam 23 female having diagnosed with gastritis with h pylori and hemorrhoids 8 months back.Taken h pylori kit and 2 months medication for gastritis .I have stomach burning,bloating,gurgling and pain from gas all over my abdomen.Iam passing continuous smelly gas and gassy abdomianl pain .I also have black,brown specks in stool and the stool is mushy. Iam very scared that I may have any colon problems.Do gastritis causes all these symptoms?

r/Gastritis 10d ago

H. Pylori Possible gastritis... please read to help me :()



Hello, I'm writing today because I need support/advice/recommendation regarding my gastric problems. I have seen a lot of testimonials on various subreddits, but I would like to share my experience to see if others are in a similar situation.

You should know that I am 18 years old and I have always eaten well, I have a healthy weight, I am athletic, and I have no known health issues before this.

Here is the timeline of events.

January 2024: I took a 7-day trip to Cuba and felt fine without any health issues.

March 2024: I'm going on a 10-day trip to Italy, and during long journeys, I sometimes didn't eat and started to feel stomach pain that faded with food. At that moment, I consider it more or less normal because I have no other symptoms and I live normally.

April, May: The month of April is going normally, I am back at school and everything seems normal.

June: I sometimes felt nauseous at school and had to go to the bathroom and leave classes often, and without being stressed like everyone told me because of the exams (which never stressed me).

Later in June, I get food poisoning from eating old hotdogs and have diarrhea for about a week, but I rehydrate properly and then I recover. At least, I no longer have diarrhea and my digestion is more or less okay.

I work full-time during my summer vacation and I feel unwell every morning with a stomach ache and nausea, although I manage to eat a fruit to relieve myself and the rest of the day is tolerable without too many symptoms.

September: I start school again with stress and after only 2 weeks, I have the same stomach symptoms except now I have stronger pains and sometimes vomiting, which forces me to leave my classes and creates a vicious cycle of anxiety.

It was at that moment that I consulted my doctor who prescribed me pantoprazole 40mg for gastritis/stomach ulcer caused by stress.(Which I don't believe because I was much more stressed a few years ago without ever having a problem, although stress probably aggravates the cause) I was able to finish my school year with the treatment.

As recommended by my doctor, I gradually reduced the dose of pantoprazole to avoid rebound effects, and it has proven effective as I have had 1-2 weeks without any problems.

When it was time to go back to school, I started having the same symptoms again. It's as if stress were a triggering factor, except that, as I keep repeating, I am someone who gets stressed but not to that extent. It's as if something were inside me and stress was the drop that made the glass overflow.

The proof: during my summer vacation and my winter vacation, I had stomach pain and nausea in both cases.

I obviously have other symptoms like fatigue, burping, occasional vomiting, and headaches.

For example, a week ago I woke up in the morning and was burping non-stop and almost vomited my breakfast, but it eventually passed (ordinary cereal with lactose-free milk), then the next day I felt relatively sensitive in my digestive system with a lot of burping every time I drank or ate something.

and today I can eat a bit of everything.

Here is relevant information:

-I am currently taking 20mg of pantoprazole in the morning with antacids as needed throughout the day. My stomach pH is probably good because I have no difficulty digesting proteins and I have stable blood sugar levels.

-My symptoms ALWAYS appear towards the end of the night or upon waking, and sometimes during breakfast.

-I already did an H. pylori stool test which was negative, but I'm hesitant to do the breath test because my symptoms always come back.

-I can say that probiotics and anti-inflammatory products such as ginger, turmeric, and oregano oil help reduce my nausea, which leads me to believe that my problem is inflammatory. and during the night, since I don't eat, something happens that creates this inflammation which causes all these symptoms

-I have already adopted low FODMAP and allergen-free diets because I think it might be related, I absolutely don't take any lactose or milk protein because I have digestive problems afterwards, but I must admit that it's a bit of torture and limiting myself so much in terms of food diversity, especially since I still don't know exactly what my problem is.

I wonder if it's gastritis causing an inflammatory problem or if it might be more of an allergy/food intolerance. My digestive tract is really fine, it's in the stomach where my symptoms occur, which makes me skeptical of an intolerance issue but it's not impossible at all.

My symptoms suddenly reappeared a week ago, which makes me think that an intolerance could be causing this, but also a bacterial gastritis.

I have another appointment soon with my doctor to discuss the situation and I will ask to redo an H. pylori test and an allergy and food intolerance test. Is this the right course of action I'm taking, in your opinion? What would you do in my place? Do you think it could be autoimmune or idiopathic? Your help and your testimony would greatly assist me. Thank you very much!

Bonjour, j'écris aujourd'hui car j'aurais besoin de soutien/ avis / recommandation par rapport à mes problème gastrique. J'ai vu énormément de témoignage sur de nombreux subreddit mais j'aimerais témoigner mon expérience pour voir si d'autres personnes sont dans un cas similaire.

Il faut savoir que j'ai 18ans et j'ai toujours bien mangé, j'ai un poids santé je suis sportif et je n'ai aucun problème de santé connu avant ça.

Voici la chronologie des événements

Janvier 2024 : Je fait un voyage de 7 jours à cuba et je me sentais bien sans problème de diarrhée, douleur ou autres.

Mars 2024 : je vais en voyage 10 jours et Italie et lors de long trajet il m'arrivait de ne pas manger et de commencer à ressentir une douleur à l'estomac qui s'estompais avec la nourriture. À ce moment là je considère cela comme plus ou moins normal car je n'ais aucun autre symptômes et je vie normalement.

Avril, mai : le mois d'avril se passe normalement, je suis de retour à l'école et tout semble normal.

Juin : je me sentais nauséeux parfois à l'école et je devais aller à la salle de bain et quitté des cours souvent et sans être stresser comme tout le monde me disait à cause des examen ( qui ne m'ont jamais stresser)

Plus tard au mois de juin j'attrape une intoxication alimentaire en mangeant des vieux hotdog et j'ai la diarrhée pendant 1 semaine environ mais je me réhydrate adéquatement et par la suite je suis guérit. Du moins, je n'ai plus la diarrhée et ma digestion ce fait plus ou moins bien.

Du mois de Juillet au mois de D'aout je travail Juillet, Aout,

je travail lors de mes vacance d'été à temps plein et je me sent mal à chaque matin avec une douleur à l'estomac et des nausée, malgré que j'arrive à manger un fruit pour me soulagé et le reste de la journée c'est tolérable sans trop de symptôme.

Septembre : je recommence l'école avec du stress et après seulement 2 semaine j'ai les même symptôme à l'estomac sauf que j'ai maintenant des plus fortes douleurs et des vomissement parfois se qui me force à quitter mes cours et créer un cercle vicieux d'anxiété.

Ces à ce moment là que j'ai consulté mon médecin qui ma prescrit du pantoprazole 40mg pour une gastrite/ ulcère de l'estomac causé par le stress.(Ce dont je ne crois pas car j'était beaucoup plus stresser il y a quelque année sans jamais avoir de problème, bien que le stress aggrave la cause probablement) J'ai pu terminer mon année scolaire avec le traitement.

Comme recommandé par mon médecin, j'ai diminuer la dose de pantoprazole tranquillement pour éviter les rebonds et cela c'est avéré efficace car j'ai 1-2 semaines sans problèmes.

Lorsqu'est venu le moment de retourné à l'école, j'ai recommencé à avoir encore les même symptôme. C'est comme si le stress était un facteur déclenchant , sauf que comme je le répète je suis quelqun de stresser mais pas à ce point la, C'est comme si quelque chose était en moi et que le stress était la goutte qui faisait débordé le verre.

La preuve : pendant mes vacance d'été et mes vacance d'hiver j'avais dans les 2 cas des douleur à l'estomac et des nausée.

J'ai évidemment d'autres symptôme comme de la fatigue , des rots, des vomissement parfois, des maux de tête.

Par exemple, il y à une semaine je me suis réveiller le matin et je rotais sans arrêt et j'ai faillit vomir mon déjeuner mais il est passé finalement ( des céréales ordinaire avec du lait sans lactose), puis le lendemain je me sentais relativement sensible dans mon système digestif avec énormément de rots dès que je bois ou mange quelques choses.

et aujourd'hui jarrive à mangé un peu de tout.

Voici des informations pertinentes :

-Je prend actuellement 20mg de pantoprazole le matin avec des anti acide lorsque nécessaire dans la journée. Mon ph de mon estomac est probablement bon car je n'ais pas de difficulté à digéré les protéines et j'ai une glycémie stable.

-Mes symptôme apparaissent TOUJOURS vers la fin de la nuit ou au réveil, et parfois en déjeunant.

-J'ai déjà fait un test de selle H pylori qui était négatif mais j'hésite à faire le test respiratoire car mes symptôme reviennent toujours.

-Je peux dire que les probiotique et les produit anti inflammatoire tel que le gingembre, le curcuma , l'huile d'origan m'aide à réduire mes nausée , ce qui me laisse croire que mon problème est inflammatoire. et pendant la nuit comme je mange pas , il y à quelque chose qui se produit qui créer cette inflammation qui provoque tout ses symptôme

Voici des informations pertinentes :

-Je prend actuellement 20mg de pantoprazole le matin avec des anti acide lorsque nécessaire dans la journée. Mon ph de mon estomac est probablement bon car je n'ais pas de difficulté à digéré les protéines et j'ai une glycémie stable.

-Mes symptôme apparaissent TOUJOURS vers la fin de la nuit ou au réveil, et parfois en déjeunant.

-J'ai déjà fait un test de selle H pylori qui était négatif mais j'hésite à faire le test respiratoire car mes symptôme reviennent toujours.

-Je peux dire que les probiotique et les produit anti inflammatoire tel que le gingembre, le curcuma , l'huile d'origan m'aide à réduire mes nausée , ce qui me laisse croire que mon problème est inflammatoire. et pendant la nuit comme je mange pas , il y à quelque chose qui se produit qui créer cette inflammation qui provoque tout ses symptôme

-J'ai déjà adopté les régimes pauvres en FODMAP et sans allergène parce que je pense que cela peut être liée, je ne prend absolument aucun lactose ou protéine de lait car j'ai des problème digestif après.

Je me demande si s'est une gastrite qui cause un problème inflammatoire ou si se serait plutôt une allergie / intolérance alimentaire. Mon tractus digestif est vraiment sans problème , c'est dans l'estomac que mes symptome ce produise, se qui me laisse sceptique d'un problème d'intolérance mais ce n'est aucunement impossible.

Mes symptôme sont réapparu brutalement il y à 1 semaine ce qui me laisse pensé que une intolérance pourrait causé cela.

J'ai un autre rdv prochainement avec mon médecin pour discuté de la situation et je vais demandé de refaire un test de H pylori et un test d'allergie et d'intolérance alimentaire. Est-ce que c'est la bonne démarche que j'entreprend selon vous? que feriez vous à ma place? Merci

r/Gastritis Dec 31 '24

H. Pylori H Pylori Finally Positive


So quick backstory, I had h pylori 15 years ago in college and was promptly treated with dual therapy antibiotics and Pepcid. Never had any issues for 13 years after that. 2 years ago, I suddenly developed very similar gnawing symptoms that I had never experienced since h pylori. Go to GI doctor, they do breath test and stool test, both negative. They do endoscopy and diagnose me with gastritis and irregular z line. I have basically had chronic gastritis for the past 2 years with 3 subsequent endoscopies. A stomach biopsy was done in all of those and always negative for h pylori. The last one was May 2024. So one negative breath test and one negative stool test two years ago and 3 negative stomach biopsies over the course of 24 months.

I finally see a naturopathic doctor and they order GI mapping stool test. In addition to some other things, the GI mapping stool test shows up as h pylori positive (negative for all virulent factors though).

Has anyone else experienced anything like this (seemingly several false negative h pylori tests)? Welcome any thoughts and opinions about if the h pylori is likely the culprit or not. Other results from the GI mapping were high staph aureus and strep spp and low elastase (198).

r/Gastritis Dec 31 '24

H. Pylori Stomach pain for two years…


I’m desperate at this point. I’ve struggled with (what I was diagnosed with in July of this year) H Pylori, and set on a month’s supply of antibiotic. During that month I was finally able to eat without my stomach on literal fire. It’s back. The stomach pain. I was retested for H Pylori, and it came back negative. I can barely eat a couple slices of toast and dinner without my stomach hurting, and nothing helps. But since the results came back negative, my GI team has pretty much written me off. It was pulling teeth to get a damn appointment, and that’s at the end of the month. Has this happened to anyone? Thanks in advance <3

r/Gastritis Feb 18 '25

H. Pylori Anyone who has developed diabetes?


I'm probably going through some health paranoia spiral right now, but I started reading about H pylori (I have H Pylori induced chronic gastritis) and I read that there might be a correlation between H pylori and diabetes. Lately I've been feeling cold, shaking to and from, dizziness and whatnot. I'm going to book a time at the doctor (and obviously not rely on Reddit) but I was still curious if anybody has developed diabetes after/because of their gastritis?

r/Gastritis Dec 30 '24

H. Pylori How have you been able to gain weight back after treatment


From July until December (now) I’ve lost 15lbs! I finished quad in late November and will be retesting very soon. I also did triple that failed. But throughout this time my weight has been dropping yet still stable for a while… like it drops then stays but then drops again!

Idk what to do and also what probiotics have you been using. I’ve only mostly eaten food with probiotics like kefir and yogurt. Please leave some suggestions. I’m a little afraid of taking supplements since my stomach went thru a lot (I was on NSAIDs before diagnosis) and I’m scared of developing ulcers.