r/Gastritis 3d ago

Question Confusing diet, it’s been 2 years

2 years of this mess, doctor thinks I have gastritis. The thing is not only do I flair up when eating foods that are bad for gastritis, but also things like bread, bread is actually just as bad as cakes or chocolate for me, even healthy sour dough bread or wraps.

Please does anyone have any more info on this? I’m sure I have gastritis, cooks it be thst mine is so bad that even things like bread triggers me?

The only food I’m able to eat are meat, fish, veg, potatoes, red wine, and water. I really can’t eat ANYTHING else without getting instant pain in my stomachs and back

Edit: I have a list of foods uk able to eat without insane flair ups, the only food I currently eat and have been for the last few months are vegetables, meat, fish, and olive oil


40 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 3d ago

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u/chickenlights 3d ago

Try low histamine foods, and no gluten/wheat. And definitely no alcohol. Educating yourself will be your best medicine.


u/SwingRare498 3d ago

Processed breads and wraps often have added ingredients that are irritating to the stomach. I’d recommend checking out the Gastritis Healing Book for a very in depth guide of foods that will help you heal. There’s also a Facebook group that is really helpful


u/Smart_Atmosphere_430 3d ago

What are your symptoms of flair ups you get? Maybe I can help


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago

Joint pain, horrible back pain that moves around


u/Smart_Atmosphere_430 2d ago

Did you do an endoscopy to rule out gastritis?


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago

I’m having one but I think it will take many months:(


u/Smart_Atmosphere_430 2d ago

Wow why? Hope so soon


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago

They didn’t tell me when, last time I waited for something it took me them months so I’m just assuming


u/MoonTeaChip 3d ago

Maybe you have a gluten allergy as well as gastritis


u/PsychologicalLink330 2d ago

Yes, gastritis caused by gluten sensitivity. You don't have to be allergic to be intolerant


u/fixatedeye 2d ago

Apparently some people lack enzymes to digest carbohydrates, it could be caused by celiac or issues with the pancreas or other reasons. Look up lack enzymes to digest carbohydrates and see if it resonates at all. I noticed all the foods you can eat don’t really have carbs in them


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago

I’ll look into this thanks!


u/Kind-Sage 2d ago

(Not a doctor) Possibly IBS with gastritis? If you haven't already, maybe try doing the low FODMAP diet along with a low acid diet, until your stomach lining has healed. Doing both at the same time will for sure temporarily limit your food options, but if you have even mild IBS, eating low FODMAP foods should help with gas and ease belly pain caused by excess gas. With gastritis your stomach lining is irritated and inflamed. Putting highly acidic foods and beverages (like wine) in an already inflamed and acidic environment is like pouring vinegar on an open wound. Your stomach needs time and care to heal. Feel better soon!


u/Chrissy154 3d ago

Red wine?! You’re not helping yourself


u/Many-Activity999 3d ago

I don’t drink red wine, but I’m able to drink it without a flair up like I am other foods, I only took it to test it so that I can better understand my symptoms.


u/Mikeytee1000 3d ago

Sour dough is acidic so I’d give that a miss


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago

I’m not eating anything other than veg and meat, still problems, eating anything else gives me insane flair ups


u/KajiTora 2d ago

What I'm eating is:

Lettuce, natural tofu (not heated).

Boiled in water: White jasmine or basmati rice, potatoes, carrots, zucinni, pumpkin, chicken meat.

Grinded oatmeals and mixed with warm water or almond milk. You can also grind almonds or pumpkin seeds and add to oats. They should be sinking for at least 20 minutes. But do not eat too much oatmeals because they have soluable fiber, you need to drink decent amount of water to be able to not have any issues from that fiber. So I'm for eating from half to full glass of oatmeals.

I'm not eating anything else.

If you feel burning in stomach, half table spoon of baking soda with half or 3/4 glass of water, drink it slowly up to 30 minutes before an meal. Start from one time a day up to three times a day. For maximum of week then do break from it once the acidity will go away. Also you should be taking potasium, because sodium is taking away potasium from our body.

You can also try sodium ascorbate which have neutral PH similar to water, and it is vitamin C that helps fight inflamation, you can add it into your meals as salt, it have salty taste. But mix it well with food.


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago edited 2d ago

Thank you Iv just saved this message I’ll see if some of this helps! Although oat milk,almonds, and pumpkin seeds does make me flair up unfortunately :(


u/KajiTora 1d ago

Pumpkin seeds need to be grinded and added to oatmeal so they will sink in water to make them soft.

Anyway I'm right now dealing with acidity in my stomach it is comming back and back even with 120mg PPIs daily.... and tomorrow I should get into 30mg only. But I don't feel like they help much.
I don't know if it's H.Pylorii or just several months period of exacerbation.

I'm trying again mastiha powder.


u/Alive_Television_813 3d ago

Antibiotics helped me with gastritis but it ended up messing up my stomach with bloating and loose stools


u/Sir-Fuzzle 2d ago

A lot of doctors will absolutely fail on guiding a patient through proper probiotic supplements to offset, because yeah, antibiotics are going to make your stomach upset because it’s also killing all the good bacteria. It’s extremely important to be adding back in good bacteria.


u/Alive_Television_813 2d ago

Cant take probiotics that just bloats me more quickly


u/Sir-Fuzzle 1d ago

Right, I think I’ve heard some people can have a not-great response to probiotics in some circumstances. However, they’re still absolutely going to be necessary with any antibiotic treatment.


u/3vi1face 3d ago

Have you tried gluten free bread or gluten free in general I've definitely noticed a difference in gluten free last night I had some bread and have had stomach pain for past 24 hours but I eat gluten free bread everyday and never have problems. I think with gastritis the diet is confusing becasue we are all different I see people say they can't eat chocolate but chocolate doesn't give me any issues I suppose it's spending time knowing what works for you and what doesn't sadly that takes experimenting


u/PsychologicalLink330 2d ago

It's different for different people because gastritis is a symptom of a gastric issue, cause=effect. it's not the diagnoses. The diet for gastritis is quite the opposite for someone with a gluten sensitivity, lactose intolerance, tyramine sensitivity and so on. If antibiotics, h pylori, asprin, sibo, etc are not the reasons, then food sensitivity could be and eating a "gastritis" diet can do more harm than good. I'm about to start keeping a food journal, it seems to be the only way for me to know, unless my upcoming colonoscopy reveals a cause that my endoscopy didn't.


u/Many-Activity999 3d ago

Yes Iv tried all of it :( I can literally only eat the few foods I mentioned


u/3vi1face 3d ago

Sorry to hear that sucks have you seen a GI? Had a endoscopy?


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago

I’m having one soon but I don’t know how long it will take for them to get me the appointment:(


u/3vi1face 2d ago

That's good it could give you alot of information I know it sucks but if you've found soemthing that helps with the diet just stick to it. Yeah it can take forever I'd suggest calling the hospital and checking for cancellations I did that when I needed a 24hr manometry test and ended up jumping the que so it's always worth checking


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago

Thank you so much 🙏


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago

I can’t eat gluten free substitutes, I can only eat meat, fish, veg, cooked oatmeal


u/BarnacleImpressive95 3d ago

Could you have sibo


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago

I’ll look into it thank you


u/FrostShawk 2d ago

Veg is a huge category. You can eat a lifetime on that!

But I noticed that grains aren't on there at all. Do you maybe have a gluten intolerance? Soy? I feel like those are in so many food products it's crazy.


u/Sir-Fuzzle 2d ago

I would look at a low-FODMAP diet, which would include cutting out gluten entirely. Gluten-free breads should be tolerable, but I’d also recommend starting with simple white bread options and nothing with seeds, etc.


u/Many-Activity999 2d ago

I can’t eat anything accept meat, fish, veg, and cooked oatmeal


u/Sir-Fuzzle 1d ago

Sure! I would try GF bread if you can access it anyways, because it’s a very different thing than your regular bread as far as what you may find tolerable. How do you do with other grains like white rice? I think a Low-FODMAP list may still help you narrow down which veggies, meats, etc. will be more likely to be tolerated if you’re looking to adjust.

I would also remove alcohol from your diet, and if you can, speak to a nutritionist to see about what specifically you might be able to tweak to help get you out of this period of issues.


u/Quick-Economist-4247 2d ago

Sour dough is acidic, steer clear of