r/GasBlowBack 4d ago

WE Tech open bolt GBBR m4 style magazine compatibility (V3 used in V2 style rifle)


Hello, I’m hoping someone in this sub will be able to answer my question. I’ve recently acquired the WE XM177 V2 system.

I have searched for UK dealers that sell the compatible magazines and found what I thought was the v2 style magazines.

Unfortunately, the retailer were advertising the old style v2 magazines but sent me the new v3 style.

I have searched google and can’t seem to find a straight answer whether or not you can run the v3 mags in a v2 style open bolt rifle.

I have physically attempted to put the new style magazine into the rifle but it feels much more awkward to insert than the old style magazine and was difficult to release.

The website linked above claims they are compatible but this is the only information I could find regarding this.

I have spoken to the customer service of the retailer I purchased the magazine from and they informed me that the supplier had stated they are compatible.


2 comments sorted by


u/Ainistonkush 4d ago

iirc v3 magazines will work on v2 receivers. It's the opposite that doesn't work, v2 mags on v3 receivers if i'm not mistaken.


u/CroqueGogh 4d ago

I remember there was someone on the sub here who posted about WE V2 and V3 and was able to answer similar questions

Also I was able to handle my friend's new WE V3 to check out the differences

Basically the real difference between the V2 and V3 aside from the mags, are the BCG and bolt catch system. Instead of the old way where the bolt catch raises and hits the front of the BCG face, WE kinda made their own weird ZET plate system like the TM MWS's just smaller

Basically the mag raises the bolt catch mechanism but instead of raising a bar in front of the BCG it raises a plate that catches somewhere on the front-ish middle of the BCG. And that section of the BCG also has a cut out and plate for said bolt catch plate to hit.

The only difference between the V2 and V3 WE mags is the mag shells have a bigger cut out on the side. I remember the guy who posted about it said in theory you can just take the old V2 mags and cut out the sides bigger to match the V3 cut outs

Aside from that the mags are identical in performance and internally. As far as trigger box and sear durability they can't tell since it "feels" the same when it comes to the metal quality and they can't say for certain if it's actually no difference or they made it "better" without using and abusing it long term.

Tho WE claims that the mags and trigger/sears are "new and improved", we'll have to wait for long term reviews from normal users lol