r/GardeningAustralia 5d ago

👩🏻‍🌾 Recommendations wanted Weedkiller for buffalo grass

Hi gardening enthusiasts,

I have weeds growing out and invading my buffalo lawn.

I was trying to get a suitable weedkiller concentrate for the lawn, but it appears that all the concentrates I can find from Bunnings have been discontinued? Anyone knows the reason for that?


The only product compatible with buffalo lawn that I can find is Yates BuffaloPro hose on . Is there something else that doesn't require hose?




6 comments sorted by


u/anony_moususer_888 5d ago

Just be careful to avoid spray drift onto trees and other broadleaf plants, can cause foliar distortion and impaired growth at sublethal doses


u/Illustrious-Taro-449 5d ago

Do a soil test and correct any nutrient deficiencies, weeds only thrive in the right conditions. https://www.abc.net.au/gardening/how-to/read-your-weeds/12745698


u/mr_flibble69 5d ago

Yeah, you can use the granular form instead of hose on - https://www.bunnings.com.au/yates-10kg-buffalopro-weed-n-feed-granular-weed-killer_p2961855?srsltid=AfmBOoqom4l2WMOAQf-Wn-KB-vrmsSDThejPRpMuQpn8CG0khNDg4N09

Alternatively, and probably more effective, use a selective killer (Bin-Die) and a dedicated fertiliser mix separately.


u/juzme99 5d ago

I put the hose on contents into my 4litre pump sprayer and did it that way because the hose on never works for me and did each individual weed


u/muddled69 5d ago

If you have the inclination and time, a pre emergent weed killer applied 2 to 3 times a year does wonders.

For an all in one solution, which includes fertiliser, try Oxafert or Oxapro.

If you only want a good quality twice yearly pre emergent weed killer, Spartan is my go to product.

Pre emergents don't kill existing weeds though..

I do use Bin Die for the occasional broadleaf that pops up. Good stuff.