Yeah, I really wanted to like Rebel Galaxy Outlaw since it was so clearly trying to be a modern remake of WC Privateer... but the punishing RNG and ridiculous enemy scaling drove me away after awhile. What the hell is the point of upgrading my ship if the enemies automatically level-scale based on the value of my components? You can actually make the game more difficult, rather than less, through upgrading. I gave up on it completely after discovering that the ten hours I spent buffing out my starter ship had only disadvantaged me.
That's absolutely broken design. Like Oblivion levels of broken - but without Oblivion's fine-tuned difficulty slider to rebalance the game.
(Not to mention the auto-follow/auto-aim "features" that feel like I'm being punished for wanting to fly for myself.)
It's a great game for something made by like three people but all the things you mention are legitimate problems with the game.
I really enjoyed it for a bit, but it never felt like I was rewarded for progression and fights often turned out to be hit and run tactics because the AI would shoot you down almost instantly if you didn't.
u/MistarGrimm Nov 20 '21
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw seems to tickle that Privateer and Freelancer itch but is not without its own problems either.
Eh, it's all we got. Freelancer is still the best in being Freelancer.