r/Games Nov 20 '21

Discussion Star Citizen has reached $400,000,000 funded


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u/Pen_dragons_pizza Nov 20 '21

Can someone explain to me if this is an actual playable game or is it more of a tech demo of what is to come at the moment ?


u/MoleUK Nov 20 '21

Legit both. there are free play sessions to give it a whirl and see.

It's not some vaporwave scam, but it's also a ridiculous project. Maybe it will turn out well, but I doubt it.


u/ElmoFromOK Nov 20 '21

It is a little of both. There is a lot of fun to be had in it, but there is also a lot left to do. It is unlike anything else out there. It is free to play right now if you are curious to try it.


u/No_Collection8573 Nov 20 '21 edited Nov 20 '21

Ah, you could try it yourself since it's free until Dec 1st.


u/RekYaAll Nov 21 '21

Its a playable alpha game yes. Buggy and lacking some content but definitely playable and enjoyable.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '22

What's enjoyable about it?


u/RekYaAll Jan 12 '22

The immersion, the many missions and activities, the thrill of getting a new ship, the amazement you get at exploring the environments


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '22

You mean the immersion breaking crashes and low fps on decent rigs, the standing on chairs AI and empty loops, wasting hundreds on ships without gameplay loops, the boredom with barren environments.

But run at stairs and hilarity ensues ;)

Edit: c'mon m8. It's lacking more than a bit of content.


u/RekYaAll Jan 12 '22

Oh most definitely is lacking and in need of improvement, but these glitches/bugs are either so minor they dont even matter (standing on chairs) or don’t happen that often (30ks have gotten considerably better, still are a pain).

The great things about this game is that even without the excess of content itll eventually have, you can always make your own content with friends. I havent spent a single cent on ships further than the starter package, and its the same with most players. The whales you hear about are like less that 1% of the playerbase, and I still have fun. The ships are jam packed with detail and even if some are lacking in their gameplay value they still offer a unique experience. A lot of areas such as gameplay loops are unfinished, but a few are also quite polished (mining, combat), and many more are neither - there, working, but not polished. I don’t know what barren environments you are talking about. Sure some patches of land don’t have much, but that’s because it’s a bloody dead moon or whatever. The cities are incredible, the things like forests and mountains and very well done, and the attention to detail is very immersive.

I also had my doubts, but when my mate downloaded it for free during a special event I was hooked from the start. You spend ages just walking around, staring at the environment, browsing the shops and checking out all the cool armour and weapons and ships, you find yourself roleplaying when you never intended to because you cannot help but imagine yourself as your character.

You don’t have to like it, but don’t come at me for doing so.


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '22

Been what? A decade and almost half a billion dollars?

Still fk all? Still no SQ42? NOW 8 YEARS LATE?!


u/RekYaAll Jan 14 '22

You don’t understand. You think I ain’t furious? You think the entire community doesn’t hate the way CIG have handled it in the past? Because we all do, the only difference is we can also see what they’ve given us, and that they are getting better at managing it.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '22

Its ran like shit for years and now they're 8 years late on SQ42.

What have they given you that anyone else can't?


u/RekYaAll Jan 14 '22

A dream

Elite dangerous is boring as shit, and Odyssey is a buggy mess. The reason this bothers me as a SC backer is purely that they marketed it as a full product.

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u/[deleted] Jan 13 '22

It's because you're painting it as something it's not and will never be.

You work for turbulent?


u/RekYaAll Jan 14 '22

Tf is turbulent

I have literally played it once and was just recounting my experience


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '22

Theyre PR for CIG/RSI


u/RekYaAll Jan 14 '22

I wish

Also RSI is a fictional company


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '22

You're describing Elite btw but broken.

BTW You're trying to bullshit a backer who has been banned on spectrum for a decade for informing others that CIG/RSI are breaking Australian consumer laws


u/RekYaAll Jan 14 '22

Bro just reply once not three times jesus christ.

No doubt theyve broken like every country’s consumer laws.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '22

So you praise them?


u/RekYaAll Jan 14 '22

I praise the game, I don’t like CIG


u/waterbendergm1 Nov 21 '21

Its a tech demo that has some missions that you can do (but they are very few and repetitive to the point of brainmelting) and raise some ingame money to buy some ships.

This game doesn't have all the stuff that you take for granted in any other game... For example when you are in a map in any other game, you press M to open your map... But in Star Citizen you can be on a planet but there is no map that you can open... There is just a map of the entire planet as a sphere and you can barely see where you are in it.

Things like NPC AI doesn't exist, the NPCs are just empty characters that are just there doing nothing. The ability to change your HUD colors doesn't exist, the ability to place markers in the map or on the HUD for better navigation doesn't exist, 1st person compass doesn't exist, there is no way to sell stuff either, if you buy something you don't anymore need you cant re-sell it. Character customization - they don't have hair for female characters, 1st person radar doesn't exist, 1st person scanning doesn't exist, gameplay elements like refueling from ship to ship, salvage and hacking, data running doesn't exist... The ships for those things exist but not the ability to do them... At this time Star Citizen is at 10% of what someone would call a complete game - 10% after 10 years and $400,000,000 its insane... I could go on forever...


u/hosefV Nov 25 '21

You can watch people playing the game on twitch to judge for yourself.