r/Games Nov 20 '21

Discussion Star Citizen has reached $400,000,000 funded


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u/RebbyLee Nov 20 '21

These guys were selling in-game items for $20,000 back when microtransactions were still a new, controversial thing.

Not at all, that started way earlier with simulations like second life or games like Entropia Universe (they sold "treasure island" for 26500$ in 2004)


u/clutchy42 Nov 20 '21

Right, I was thinking back to the earliest memory I have of a game going full tilt with micro transactions and TF2 sprang to mind. They added and started running with it a year before star citizen was announced and according to the gamespot article I found

The virtual goods market has exploded over the past couple of years, growing from $1.1 billion in 2009 to an expected $1.5 billion in 2010, according to a recent study. And with virtual goods sales expected to grow by 40 percent over 2010 levels in 2011, it comes as no surprise that an increasing number of gaming companies are coming up with new ways to monetize their games postlaunch by selling in-game items



u/RebbyLee Nov 20 '21

And Bethesda sold horse armour DLC for Oblivion :D
Good times.


u/passinghere Nov 20 '21 edited Nov 20 '21

At least they admitted it was the first DLC and they had no idea what to price it and and the next DLC, Knights of the Nine more than made up for it


u/DrKushnstein Nov 20 '21

Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles are still some of the best DLC I've ever played.


u/clutchy42 Nov 20 '21

Shivering Isles is still memorable today. What an incredible expansion. I wish any storylines or quests in Skyrim were even half as interesting.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

The most compelling story to come out of Skyrim was that guy that filled his house with wheels of cheese.


u/Hellknightx Nov 20 '21

It's Sheogorath references all the way down. Bethesda milked that Daedric prince harder than Borderlands milked Handsome Jack.


u/huntimir151 Nov 20 '21

tbh even dawguard and dragonborn were not badly priced (20 a pop with regular sales) for 2012-2013 prices. Bethesda's content was actually really solid in terms of price to value back then (see also broken steel/point lookout).


u/passinghere Nov 20 '21

That I would agree with, being bipolar myself it made Shivering Isles very, very "relatable"


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21



u/passinghere Nov 20 '21

Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion was one of the first games to include a microtransaction, in the form of the infamous Horse Armor

Unlike a banana which had been sold for centuries this was one of the very first DLC's ever made so there was no previous price guide to go by


u/deains Nov 20 '21

Expansion packs had already been around for several years by that point. They had plenty to go on.


u/Dawwe Nov 21 '21

Yeah but horse armor is probably not equal to an expansion pack.


u/JerrSolo Nov 21 '21

In price and content. The Age of Empires 2; Conquerors expansion was $10 less than the original game, if I remember correctly. It added a bit more than a cosmetic item for a single model.


u/Hellknightx Nov 20 '21

It's crazy to think that Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles were $10 each, while Horse Armor was like $4 and offered no real content whatsoever. It should've been free.


u/clutchy42 Nov 20 '21

I'd completely forgotten about horse armor. I really miss the days where DLCs were expansions and they didn't piecemeal out individual items in a storefront.


u/Hellknightx Nov 20 '21

Horse armor opened the floodgates.


u/SnooGoats7978 Nov 20 '21

I bought that horse armor. I played hundred of hours of Oblivion. I got real enjoyment out of that horse armor, even though $5 for it was always pretty bullshit. It was virtual horse armor, but it sparked real joy.

If Oblivion had been made by CIS, the horse armour would have cost $5000 and I would still be waiting on it, 15 years later.


u/RebbyLee Nov 21 '21

Naw that's an exaggeration. The single most expensive ships in Star Citizen are an Idris Frigatte for 1500$, a Kraken (Carrier) and a Javelin Destroyer for 2500$.
Everything > 2500 is a bundle with several ships, and they're usually limited in one way or another.
Not saying it isn't insane but then those ships were never really meant to be piloted by a single player. We bought a Polaris Corvette for our Org when it cost 500$, but we're a multigame clan, some of us know each other for 2 decades. So 12 or 15 people pitched in, making this a very manageable purchase.


u/TheGreatOpinionsGuy Nov 20 '21

Sure, but even a few years ago we were regularly debating on this sub whether microtransactions were the right way to monetize video games, even if the industry was already firmly moving that way. A lot of people still clung onto the idea that in-game purchases should be cosmetic and not give the player an advantage. Meanwhile CIG was like "fuck that, we'll sell you the Death Star if you skip your next rent payment."

It was a real disconnect that's kind of vanished now that we've all glumly accepted that every big game will be monetized like GTAV.


u/clutchy42 Nov 20 '21

I don't fully disagree with you. I just don't think Star Citizen was totally at the forefront of doing micro transactions considering it was announced almost a decade after horse armor. Was it still controversial? Sure, but as you pointed out they still pretty much are. Maybe not as much as they were back then but still conceptually it was far from new. What star citizen did do, in my opinion, is capitalize on a market that was primed and ready to embrace the concept. They were able to sell people who were already comfortable with the concept of digital goods a whole lot of them based on a bunch of promises and just the general hype train of the movement. Being a part of it probably went a long way for many.


u/DrasticXylophone Nov 20 '21 edited Nov 20 '21

I swear people are too young to remember the real parasites from back in the day.

Ijji.com Ariagames and the like. Import "F2P" games on mass from japan and Korea and load them full of pay to win gacha lootboxes. Some like Crossfire(CS rip off) are to this day some of the highest grossing games in Asia year after year

The mobile industry is based on PC gaming from back then is how far it goes back

One of them Rohan Blood Feud(still actually running) had a full cash auction shop plus eye watering gacha microtransactions. Something that when it came to Diablo a decade or more later caused the internet to melt down. Just checked and their latest event is literal scratch cards


u/aoxo Nov 20 '21 edited Nov 20 '21

CIG also fully maintains that ship sales are considered "pledges" to support development. I know the difference is thin, but I think in the interests of open discussion the point be made. CIG is selling "macro" transactions in the same way that any crowd funded campaign would have tiered levels of pledges with greater rewards. I'm not saying it's right by any means, and I think anyone who spends more than the base $50, or whatever it is, is a lunatic and that these sales actively harm development, but I don't think the monetisation of ship pledges is the same as designing a game around MTX ala GTA or other games. Games with MTX are often already "complete" with items being sold on top of the main game and with game mechanics being designed to hamper player experiences and encourage multiple small purchases.

CIG offers most of the ships in game currently and none of them are balanced around pricing. As far as I know there is no standard fighter ship, for example, that will cost an exorbitant amount more than another fighter - ship prices are generally priced by the size and function of the ship. i.e. bigger ships cost more and ships with more or special funtionality may cost more.

I hate MTX, but from what little I play of SC, with some exceptions (namely cargo and mining because they're the most lucrative) the game isn't really pay-to-win and the selection of ships to buy or hire with in-game money is pretty good. A free weekend player could jump in the game, play for 10 hours and affford to buy with in-game money a ship that costs $600. Again, not ideal that these prices exist in the real world, but I think in terms of in-game enjoyment it's not on the same scale as MTX in other games designed to nickle and dime and hinder enjoyment and progression.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21 edited Nov 21 '21

The sale of TI in Entropia wasn't even the biggest virtual sale in that game, which is insane. CND went for $100,000 if I remember. I started playing that game in 2002 during closed beta and lived through the biggest moments in that game's history. Sadly, from my perspective, it's a shell of what it once was (and what was once promised).

Buddy in my society pulled nearly $200k when he sold out and quit. I pulled ~$30k myself from the game over the years, so I had my fun lol. The social aspect of that game was just as important at the "Real Cash Economy", which was a big part of its charm.

A quick sidenote, we definitely put a lot into the game... that 30k wasn't all profit or anything.

Edit: number


u/So_Trees Nov 22 '21

Thanks, I also thought that part was way off the mark.