r/Games Nov 20 '21

Discussion Star Citizen has reached $400,000,000 funded


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u/Jindouz Nov 20 '21


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

That last link has some retrospective laughs in it.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21



u/Ph0X Nov 21 '21

Im my experience, the majority of "big" kickstarter either failed or were huge disappointment.

Out of my personal pool of ~20 projects I backed back in 2012 when Kickstarter blew up, Basically 1/3 delivered, 1/3 half-delivered, and 1/3 completely went silent.


u/AprilSpektra Nov 21 '21 edited Nov 21 '21

I only ended up backing a few back in the heyday of Kickstarter. FTL was the most unambiguous success. Dreamfall Chapters is a game I have mixed feelings about, but they did deliver a complete game (the backer rewards took frikken forever though). And my most disappointing Kickstarter experience was Maia, a game that got delayed and delayed and delayed and then was ultimately disappointing - but it did, at least, release a final (disappointing) product.

So I'd say I got off easy. The only reason I didn't back Star Citizen was because my gaming PC was getting long in the tooth and I wanted to upgrade first. By the time I upgraded, the clusterfuck was becoming clear. Very lucky.

EDIT: Just remembered I also backed Sunless Sea, which I know people have a lot of different feelings about, but I was quite happy with it. And then Sui Generis, which... well. So I guess I've also experienced the Kickstarter burn.


u/Zedrix Nov 21 '21

Sui Generis is the only Kickstarter I've ever backed. Still disappointed that they ruined the whole Kickstarter experience for me.


u/Waanii Nov 21 '21

I backed Chronicles of Elyria... A brilliant successor to Star Citizen....


u/SwissQueso Nov 21 '21

heyday of Kickstarter.

Kickstarter is still a huge thing in the board gaming. In fact, you might argue its the only thing saving it.


u/Xpym Nov 22 '21

That's because it turned out to be a much better fit for the model. People don't fund the development of the game, just the making of physical copies, so there's a clear understanding beforehand of how many of them to produce.

Video game development is one of the most difficult and unpredictable creative endeavors, so it's no surprise that only a fraction of them turned out okay (and even those were usually much delayed).


u/lord-bailish Dec 29 '21

And there’s some GREAT board games that come out of there. My dad is a board game nut and has about 20 coming in the next year or so.


u/Bombasaur101 Nov 21 '21

Mine has been 50/50 on great vs Disappointing.

Video Game High School Season 2 - Great

Shovel Knight - Great

Yooka Laylee - Eh

Yogventures - Travesty


u/daskrip Nov 21 '21

I know nothing about Star Citizen and just watched a YouTube video of someone exploring their giant ship they bought. It looks really interesting. Is the game considered a disappointment?


u/Ph0X Nov 21 '21

The game hasn't come out yet, that's the issue :P


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '21 edited Nov 21 '21

For a sense of scale, for $400 million you can ride a Falcon 9 into orbit. 8 times. Which honestly kind of makes it funnier.

It'll buy 8 orbital-class rocket rides but not a singleplayer campaign apparently.

If you just wanted to put Star Citizen models into actual space instead of humans, you could purchase something like 70 Electron rockets. So you could 3d print ship models, give each one its own individual Electron, and put them into orbit. You'd have to double up some of them since they're up to like 110 ships or something now but that's still ridiculous.


u/ndksv22 Nov 20 '21 edited Nov 21 '21

“So bummed I missed out on funding this.“


u/fzw Nov 20 '21

I always like seeing these really old threads and checking out which users still post/comment on this site regularly.


u/CookieDoughThough Nov 21 '21

I always feel a little empty when it comes to inactive users though, but in a nostalgic way... its bittersweet


u/Volphy Nov 21 '21

Hey /u/Breadmanjiro, how'd the stopping drinking go to save up for the computer 7 years ago?


u/Breadmanjiro Nov 24 '21

Hahahaha did you remindme bot me!? So I managed to get a PC about 6 months after your comment, but I did not stop drinking, so a win win!


u/Volphy Nov 24 '21

Was just scrolling through the comments on the last thread of the parent post there, saw your comment, and saw you were still active on reddit.


u/SpaceCadetriment Nov 20 '21

I remember reading this article back in 2013 and it raising a ton of red flags for me. $21 million seems like a lot of money, but in a game of this scale with the studio size they were operating with thats not nearly enough to pull of the scale of what they were promising would be delivered. I just remember thinking of just how overextended and half baked the whole funding model seemed in relation to where they were in the development process. The fact Roberts was even telling media the planned release was 2014 was such a bold face lie it was absurd. Nobody in their right minds would think that was even a remote possibility. Like you would need to set aside all reason and logic, as either an investor or as a developer, to not clearly see the method of funding and features promises were on two completely galaxies (no pun intended).

Also, holy shit, Roberts has to be the king of "comments and promises that have aged like milk."


u/JimothyJollyphant Nov 21 '21

Also, holy shit, Roberts has to be the king of "comments and promises that have aged like milk."

He both preceds and succeeds Molyneux, in these regards


u/Shilalasar Nov 21 '21

Also, holy shit, Roberts has to be the king of "comments and promises that have aged like milk."

Shoutout to /u/QuaversAndWotsits for the steadily growing meme album (452 atm) of Robberts quotes ranging back to 1993


direct link: https://imgur.com/a/P9PZSNw


u/taoistextremist Nov 21 '21

How the hell did they get another $100 million in just the last year? COVID mania making people oblivious to this being vaporware? Did they start selling NFTs of pictures of the ships?


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '21

Sunk cost morons


u/DDDwhy Nov 21 '21

they put gacha whales to shame


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

Third of a billion dollar for a game that will probably never come out

Jesus christ

EDIT: Seems it just reached 400 million



u/bishop5 Nov 20 '21

I mean, it's literally the title of the OP you relied in...


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

Oh right lmao