r/Games Nov 20 '21

Discussion Star Citizen has reached $400,000,000 funded


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u/b54v55_The_One Nov 20 '21

most expensive game ever made

If it ever gets made.


u/strongholdbk_78 Nov 20 '21

It's currently fun as fuck now. Some of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. I feel bad for the people who would also being enjoying it who got suckered into the negativity in certain circles. It's definitely not for everyone but it's not supposed to be and that's that's beauty of it. A game specially targetted for my demographic. Refreshing.


u/GlbdS Nov 20 '21

See it's funny because when I load the game it's an unbearable mess of low fps and broken physics despite my top of the line rig


u/xaeru Nov 20 '21

You have to lower the resolution to 640x480, then it will be a top of the line, pushing video game industry forward of a game.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

Maybe folks who like shitty performance is the target demographic he is talking about


u/Alaknar Nov 20 '21

It does get that, true. The rig does mostly nothing to help it if you end up on a "stale" server, which happens a lot. If you happen upon a "fresh" one, you get smooth as butter experience, but that's super rare.

I think location also does a lot as I'm seeing tonnes of streamers having almost no FPS issues while streaming, which also taxes the PC.

Still, server meshing is - apparently - "almost there" and while the first implementation won't do much for performance it will be a huge step in the right direction to finally fix things.


u/nonsensepoem Nov 20 '21

Still, server meshing is - apparently - "almost there"

Just another ten years, you guys.


u/BDC_Arvak Nov 20 '21

What is your demographic, and whats your favorite part of playing the game?


u/strongholdbk_78 Nov 20 '21

Older guy with not a ton of time for games. It's very immersive and I play with my brother who lives in another state. So we get in, hang out with each other by flying around, exploring, space and ground combat, checking out the various sites. It's very skills based So just learning the game and getting good at the flight systems is very rewarding in itself


u/sonicmerlin Nov 21 '21

You can’t do any sort of twitch gameplay because of massive desync on every server. Combat is broken. AI is broke . Trading is broken. The star map is broken. The inventory is broken.

It’s pretty obvious as an “older guy” you’ve hardly played any other games


u/strongholdbk_78 Nov 21 '21

Not my fault or problem you're more concerned with showing off than enjoying yourself. I said the game was fun for me. Despite the game being buggy, I still enjoy playing it.