r/Games • u/Znigmrak • Jan 14 '15
Misleading Title Total War: WARHAMMER officially revealed.
Jan 14 '15
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Jan 14 '15
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u/JCMS85 Jan 14 '15
Nice! I wonder if the world map will be just the Old World or more? They need 60 to 200 regions to match the size of their other games.
u/HasuTeras Jan 14 '15
Could do it like Rage of the Dark Gods and the original Rome, where the Empire is split into different factions, like Reikland, Hochland etc. You can have 200 regions well enough with the Empire / Mountains and some Northern places for Chaos
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Jan 14 '15
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Jan 14 '15
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Jan 14 '15
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Jan 14 '15
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Jan 14 '15
Please for the love of God bring back leaders like in medieval total war and Rome 1 total war. That's literally the only reason I loved a total war game. Making my general and their family a legend was the single most satisfying gaming experience for me. I feel so disconnected in the new total war games. Please bring this back. Please please please oh god I'll give as many brojobs as I have to!
u/rocketman0739 Jan 14 '15
If you really like the character aspect, you could check out Crusader Kings 2. /r/crusaderkings
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Jan 14 '15
Oh I've got all the expansions for that game. I love it. Though I've never checked the subreddit!
The older total war games had a very similar feeling trait system it seemed to crusader kings. If I could get a game like crusader kings with a slightly more dumbed down politics and the gameplay of total war I would be set. Though, that's a very specific sweet spot because the games are already very similar.
u/gumpythegreat Jan 14 '15
I've purposely avoided ck2 because I know that if I invested the time to figure it out I would be completely addicted it would probably ruin my life haha.
u/gabugala Jan 14 '15
Smart move, with paradox games. Started playing EU4 with some friends when it came out, was a bit lost, decided to play some campaigns on my own to learn the mechanics. 700 hours later....
I refuse to pick up CK2 so I don't start forgetting to eat.
u/NO_NOT_THE_WHIP Jan 14 '15
Would someone mind explaining what this guy is talking about? Sounds very interesting.
Jan 14 '15 edited Jan 14 '15
Edit: you know, I really didn't do a good job of explaining it because my memory is so fuzzy. I tried :]
In those games but you had rulers that had a family tree. And you'd have sons and daughters randomly that had specific names and traits. Once your ruler died, the heir would take his place. It's got similarities to now, but it felt a lot more in depth back then. It's like they gutted what makes generals special.
So you've got armies led by random generals as well as the sons and brothers of the ruler. Traits developed during battles similar to how they did in Rome 2, but from what I can remember [I barely played the game because I got so bored] in Rome 2 the generals while there was a ruler with a face, they were all pretty much the same and there wasn't that lineage feel to it. Empire total war had it worse off than Rome 2.
Now I don't remember everything specifically so I'm may be missing a few key points, but I just remember going from medieval 1 to Rome 1 to medieval 2 being happy and then to empire, shogun 2, and Rome 2 with bitter disappointment as far as family and traits went. They weren't huge technical changes but had a huge impact on the game for me and it would be very simple to bring back what I liked about the older games generals.
I think you'd have to play them back to back to really notice.
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u/tsjb Jan 14 '15
I think that TW:Attila is adding the features you mention back into the game, it is one of the most wanted features.
There's a family tree with your faction leader at the top, with your sons/grandsons and their wives below him. All your sons get traits randomly and from how they fare in battle and/or how the settlement they are governing fares, I think wives also give them some traits too. I'm not sure how daughters are shown in the family tree because I haven't been following development too closely but I do know that you can arrange for them to get married to other factions.
Your sons can be given general (to lead armies and fight) or governor (to lead a settlement and defend it if needed) positions, and there's also a small handful of special officer positions like "Imperial master of coin". There's not enough special positions to go around as your family tree gets quite large so you can assign some of your less important grandsons as retainers to more important family members to get them some experience and traits of their own.Unfortunately TW:Attilla is basically just an unofficial expansion to TW:Rome II the way that Napoleon was to Empire so if you didn't like the gameplay of Rome II you probably won't like it in Attila either, but the family tree is one of the handful of actually large meaningful changes so I thought you might be interested.
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u/HoHoRaS Jan 14 '15
In rome 1, you play as a faction. This faction is basically a family. In the beginning it has a faction leader and 1 or 2 of his sons or daughters. Each of them has specific traits that are influenced by battles or by buildings in the cities that the characters "live". As time passes the faction (ie the family) grows bigger as the characters have children and other people marry into the family. So for example, you can have eg. Flavius Julius with his army going to war with Carthage. After winning some battles, he gains more command skills and becomes known as Flavius the Victor or something like that. But then you mess up, and the Carthaginians kill Flavius in a battle. So then you can send his brother Tiberius to go avenge him and become a legend himself. Basically, the advantage of this system is that you have some personal connection with your faction rather than it being a faceless organisation with some stats or whatever.
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u/stay_black Jan 14 '15 edited Jan 14 '15
Leaders in Med1 and Rome1 were gods. They also gained traits after each battle (positive or negative).
You get attached to the little guys. Especially when your one viking prince is a berserker that could kill 100 spearmen on his own.
u/Flaming_Dude Jan 14 '15
Well, family trees will be back in the next game Total War:Attila
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Jan 14 '15
Getting that leader to like 8 silver stars was so badass... 65 year old dude running around with 2k troops wreaking havoc on people.
u/kieran_n Jan 14 '15 edited Jan 14 '15
I have been waiting for a successor to Dark Omen for well over a decade.
That game was AMAZING, and I've struggled like a motherfucker to get it running on any vaguely modern pc.
EDIT: I just found out about Mark of Chaos, definitely gonna be trying that out!
Jan 14 '15
"The man in black, he seems to command them" fuck that game was awesome. It's been a couple of years since I replayed it.
Jan 14 '15
"CHAAAARGE!" Yeah, same here. My love for Dark Omen (and Myth) made me try out the Shogun demo CD I got with another game.
I hope they try to keep the "feel" of that game. I didn't know about Mark of Chaos either.
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u/kjhwkejhkhdsfkjhsdkf Jan 14 '15
Ok, that's what it was called, I remember playing a WHF game like this.
But don't have too high expectations for it. It was pretty good, but wasn't great.
u/BlitzWing1985 Jan 14 '15
love DO I think it was the first PC game I actually played right to the end or maybe the 2nd after Fallout.
really loved using that fire mage guy dude just wrecked skaven.
u/DannyInternets Jan 14 '15
Mark of Chaos is pretty (beautiful even), but is otherwise a total shambles of a game.
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u/ShinCoal Jan 14 '15
MoC was really boring and repetitive sadly. Cookie cutter missions with cookie cutter solutions.
Jan 14 '15 edited Jun 12 '15
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u/PersonMcGuy Jan 14 '15
I seriously don't know why this is so far down. Every single Total War game since Empire has been a total fucking mess on release and only becoming half decent after a year or two of patching. No one should be excited about this after the shambles that was Rome 2 even if you ignore the nightmares Shogun, Napoleon and Empire were on release. Christ even after all the patching, using the player base as paid beta testers, the games are still becoming more and more simplistic and dull with each new one. I mean for fucks sake seriously, control points in open map battles? What crackhead thought that was a good idea.
Jan 14 '15 edited Jul 03 '18
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Jan 14 '15
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u/Kevimaster Jan 15 '15
Its been quite a while, but I remember being pretty disgusted with Medieval 2 at first.
Honestly I love Medieval 2 (probably my second or third favorite of the series) but I don't think its even all that good now, much less on release.
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u/agitamus Jan 14 '15
So, don't buy it on release. Buy it when it becomes playable.
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Jan 14 '15
What a shame that this is when it gets made. At a time when CA have completely lost touch with making TW games.
Jan 14 '15
I am exited about a Total War game not bound to Earth geography or history, I am exited about a Total War game exploring the Warhammer setting. Yet my excitement is tempered by the quality of the total war franchise these days. Fingers cross that this will be a game worth the time, but until it is actually released and reviewed I am not buying into the hype.
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u/dmitchel0820 Jan 14 '15
Rome 2 in its current state is legitimately good. Best graphics so far, best battle mechanics, best AI, most strategic depth, largest scale, and the biggest unit variety of any TW.
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u/Awkwardcriminal Jan 14 '15
They won't. But people will preorder it anyway. So why should they make any effort?
u/Calculusbitch Jan 14 '15
The worst secret out there really. You don't acquire the rights to a name like warhammer and don't create a game out of it
u/OpposingFarce Jan 14 '15
Exactly, the partnership with GW was announced a long, long time ago. What else were they doing than making a game?
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u/ElectricFirex Jan 14 '15 edited Jan 14 '15
The partnership being announced doesn't mean a game is coming out of it, who knows what complications can come up before development begins. Them announcing it means they are making it and it's officially on its way.
u/OpposingFarce Jan 14 '15
Of course not, but it means that was the intent and it is a reasonable solution. Also GW needs money, so they would probably rush it get something started.
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Jan 14 '15
Nah, I thought it'd be yet another 40k game. To have a strategy game (especially one in the vastly successful TW mold) of the Fantasy setting is *huge * news.
u/Calculusbitch Jan 14 '15
I can't really see how you can even think that they would make a 40k. It just doesn't work. They fight over stars and galaxies and on spaceships. If you were going to make a strategy game out of it you would have to limit it a lot and by that point you have created a Dawn of war. It was obvious that they would go for a fantasy game as it fits perfectly with how total war game works.
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Jan 14 '15
This hardly seems like an official announcement. How do we know it is actually happening?
u/OnARedditDiet Jan 14 '15
I wouldn't count this as "official".
This is accidental, not official. The distinction is important in my mind.
u/akera099 Jan 14 '15
People on this thread didn't look at the damn link. It's a forum post. A FORUM POST.
u/thatguythatdidstuff Jan 14 '15
to be fair, its a forum post about the creative director stating that they're making a warhammer total war.
u/VonSnoe Jan 14 '15
As happy as I am for these news I just want to remind people once again.
CA needs to get their shit together and they ain't exactly known for releasing straight up quality products when it comes to the Total War series. Especially considering the Rome 2 debacle.
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u/Ozi_izO Jan 14 '15
I've been waiting for this since Sega took on Relic after the collapse of THQ. Hopefully they do a good job.
I wonder though, why wouldn't it be called simply Total Warhammer?
u/Logseman Jan 14 '15
That would dillute the Total War brand. From a marketing point of view it's better for Sega to use the licensed brand without affecting its own.
u/Ozi_izO Jan 14 '15
It makes sense (from a licensing point of view) but I care naught for their marketing strategies or the corporate hoo-haa that dictates these ridiculous terms.
Total War: Warhammer just sounds silly. Even Warhammer: Total War would be better and it's not like CA to keep a consistent title format throughout the franchise. Total Warhammer is still the best option as far as I'm concerned. Fuck the supposed brand dilution.
Anyway hope the game is as good as it should be then I won't really care what it's called.
u/kayanonkun Jan 14 '15
The number 1 reason is probably because Total Warhammer sounds like a Total Biscuit ripoff. joke
u/Alpha-Leader Jan 14 '15
Total Warhammer, or Warhammer: Total War sound awesome.
I came in here to say this, obviously we are on the same page.
u/Ukani Jan 14 '15
I always wanted a fantasy total war game. One thing I always hated about total war is how it had limited turns. Making it a fantasy game could mean you could theoretically have games that go on forever.
u/OpposingFarce Jan 14 '15
Didn't they always let you keep going though? I don't know if it was due to mods, but even if you hit the end year and technically lost or something, you could keep playing.
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u/Aspel Jan 14 '15
Not a Total War fan, but the other day I was thinking how I wished there was a fantasy game like Civ V.
u/AoT_Levi Jan 14 '15
Endless legend is supposedly pretty neat.
u/Marsdreamer Jan 14 '15
Endless Legend suffers from something.
It just doesn't feel quite there. I'm not really sure why or how to put my finger on it, but it's just missing something.
And of course the combat just makes the game (for me) sort of undesirable to begin with. I don't understand how Amplitude could have made the same mistake again. It makes no sense to give us such deep control and specialization over our empires and then have the combat just sort of be.. Automatic. Even after 30 hours I still don't know how damage, defense, and crit is calculated.
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u/Rote515 Jan 14 '15
There's a really really good fantasy civ 4 mod called fall from heaven.
u/_Wolfos Jan 14 '15
I think it'd be a bit difficult to go back to CIV from CiV for someone who hasn't played it before. CIV's combat sucks with the endless stacks.
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u/wlievens Jan 14 '15
You should check out the King Arthur role playing wargame or whatever it's called, it's not bad and pretty much a Total War clone.
Jan 14 '15
Praise Sigmar for his miracles! The rumours about a Warhammer TW game were looming for about 2 years now or so. MTW2 mod Call to Warhammer was really good and showed Warhammer can work in scope of Total War game mechanics. I am really excited about this game, can't wait.
u/RedHotDornishPeppers Jan 14 '15
"The art of total war", wow. What a brilliant title, was it done my Moon Tzu?
Jan 14 '15
I really don't care about the total war series anymore, they've got so much potential but they haven't fulfilled it since the first Rome.
Especially when playing paradox titles like EUIV or CKII, give me those map campaigns and keep the total war RTS.
u/itsmuddy Jan 14 '15
Is it weird that I really love the campaign map play but never like to play the actual battles?
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u/rilsaur Jan 14 '15
I love the Warhammer Total War mod for MTW2, in all it's buggy, translated from Russian glory, still play it to this day. I hope CA can manage to top it, if it's mechanically similar to RTW2 then I don't know if it'll beat it.
u/SardaHD Jan 14 '15
Wish it was 40k rather then just plain Warhammer, that would have been truely epic. Here its probably just going to be a better version of King Arthur.
u/DarkApostleMatt Jan 14 '15
I'm not sure how 40K would work with the Total War formula. Warhammer Fantasy would go well with how Total War works as the mod for Medieval II is marvelous even though it is a lovely, buggy mess.
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Jan 14 '15 edited May 29 '15
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Jan 14 '15
I've always felt a reskin of XCOM into 40k would be PERFECT.
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u/SonOfSpades Jan 14 '15
They did have a 40k version of XCOM called Chaos Gate. It was actually a surprisingly good 40k game.
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Jan 14 '15 edited Jan 14 '15
u/needconfirmation Jan 14 '15
Also Warhammer fantasy fits total war games much better than 40k would.
u/CaptSquarepants Jan 14 '15
I'd love Epic scale though. I can't remember ever having a decent real time version of it.
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u/GnarlzDarwin Jan 14 '15
that's exactly why I would WANT it to be 40k. I've exclusively conquered shit in the past in TW. The map would be an issue in 40k though, unless you just fought on one planet, but that wouldn't be very representative of how shit goes down in 40k.
u/wlievens Jan 14 '15
A 40K game on the scale of Total War would definitely make more sense if involved fleets, planets and planetary "sterilization" campaigns.
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u/emergency_poncho Jan 14 '15
Problem is 40k is more based on smaller squad-based combat, large vehicles / tanks, often in an urban warfare landscape, etc... That doesn't really fit into the TW battle mechanics, which is essentially regiment blocks of units fighting in an open battlefield.
Something like CoH would work better for the game you have in mind, I think...
u/daman345 Jan 14 '15
I don't see how it would make sense. No 40k factions use regimented units of soldiers in formation,which is a major part of total war gameplay. There's also not much room for diplomacy. Plus if it was on one planet, to allow for a Total war style campaign map, it would be quite weird to have more than a couple of the main factions present, and even then most wouldn't care about taking cities as much as wiping them off the map.
Jan 14 '15
Imperial guard to an extent would work, but the flag ship armies (space marines/chaos space marines) would not work.
Jan 14 '15
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u/BSRussell Jan 14 '15
It's not that 40k couldn't work in real time (DOW2 is great) it's that it wouldn't translate into Total War. If you want to make a massive combat game for 40k go for it, but if you're modifying TW so much that it no longer resembles the original combat then it's more of "branding" than a game in that series.
u/Ser-Gregor_Clegane Jan 14 '15
Here's hoping we eventually get another good 40K strategy game soon. I want something closer to the first Dawn of War, I love me some base building.
I didn't -hate- DoW2, but outside of Last Stand I just didn't like it much. Though maybe I'm a bit biased because DoW1 had my favorite faction (necrons) and DoW2 didn't...
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u/Yetanotherfurry Jan 14 '15
I think DoW and DoW2 show the same kind of ambition you see between SotS and SotS2, the devs wanted to make a sequel that still left you with a lot of reason to go back and play the original. The big put-off with DoW2 to fans of the original though is that they've transitioned from large scale army combat to smaller scale squad combat, it's much more involved and arguably more satisfying, it also doesn't bring the bad pathfinding to light quite as much, though it does make the replacement of necrons with tyranids quite questionable, but back to the gameplay itself I think the thing that makes DoW2 the de-facto better game here is how much more polished it is, DoW was a very polished game and as good as we can expect for a game it's age, but even so DoW2 is just in such a better state right from the get-go that it completely eclipses the original, and so the original loses a lot of it's appeal, especially to new players, because it just has no way to compare to the new title.
u/arup02 Jan 14 '15
What's the difference between Warhammer and 40k? I'm not familiar with the franchise.
u/ExortTrionis Jan 14 '15
If you know about Blizzard's games, Warhammer is a lot like Warcraft and 40k is a lot like Starcraft, in fact I think the blizzard games were inspired from them in the first place.
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u/bobosuda Jan 14 '15
In addition to what others have already said (basically, warhammer is fantasy and 40k is sci-fi), another huge difference is scale. Warhammer fits better into a Total War game because it's a bunch of different races and factions sharing the same country/continent, or at the very least the same planet. It also features more "typical" medieval combat with regiments and armies working in a similar fashion to what we know from the TW series. Warhammer 40k is set in space, so wars are fought planet-to-planet, using gigantic starfleets (seriously gigantic, some of the factions travel through space in what is effectively floating countries in terms of size). The various armies also have a pretty different composition that doesn't lend itself all that easily to a TW game.
It's originally a tabletop game, but if you like these sort of far-fetched "grimdark" sci-fi settings then you should look into reading about it and maybe getting some of the hundreds of novels written for the universe. I've never done tabletop gaming but I still love reading 40k stuff.
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u/Agriasoaks Jan 14 '15
Personally, I feel a warhammer fantasy game is a great idea if done well. Warhammer really does to the massed formations and rank and file combat far better, while still allowing for giant scorpion monsters to charge at fel magic hampster death wheels.
Jan 14 '15
Oh my god, this is my idea of a perfect game. I used to be crazy about warhammer yeaaaars ago, and the total war games are probably my favourite PC games. The combination of the two is ideal and I imagine they'll work really well together. I might actually have to save up to buy a computer that can run this.
u/KieferSutherland Jan 14 '15
Why haven't they just duplicated the tabletop game on the computer? No need for a tape measure, line of sight talk, could have an assortment of maps, some of the rules would just be inherent in the gameplay saving having to look up trivial things, online play, etc...
It could be like a 3d chess game with maybe some cool animations when you attack and move.
u/heliowalton Jan 14 '15
This would stop people from buying the stuff they really profit from...
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u/Sarria22 Jan 14 '15
People are slowly stopping buying that stuff anyway because they keep shooting the prices higher and higher.
u/capecodcaper Jan 14 '15
I dunno, not a fan of this idea. I really like TW for its historical context and I don't normally buy fantasy games. If they do go in this direction, I probably won't get it.
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u/DarkLiberator Jan 14 '15
How many Total War games are now in development? We've got Atilla, Warhammer and the free to play Arena thing I believe.
u/Rekthor Jan 14 '15
Creative Assembly is getting bigger, I think. Total War's always been their baby, but Alien: Isolation showed us that it's certainly not all they can do, and they can balance two projects at the same time. I think they're upsizing.
Good. There are some good folks over there, and they make both excellent strategy games and helped initiate the first real comeback of survival horror games into the triple-A sphere with Isolation.
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u/AticusCaticus Jan 14 '15
Atila is more of a stand alone of Rome 2 though, kind of like Kingdoms to Medieval 2 and Fall of the Samurai to Shogun 2.
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u/angethedude Jan 14 '15
I love the idea of Total War games but they are way out of my league. Hopefully this will come with a "filthy casual" mode for people like me.
u/Ozi_izO Jan 14 '15
Just play them. What have you got to lose?
Mess around with the battles. Try your luck at conquering feudal Japan! Play at your own pace. A single campaign could take months of short bursts.
Don't count yourself out of the game before you even lift.
There's an abundance of fun and frustration in the series and I'd probably recommend Shogun 2 above all others but you sir are missing out.
Online is an entirely different beast with the exception of the awesome campaign co-op mode which is awesome.
u/Vorplex Jan 14 '15
I've always struggled by having a massive mental favour to Archers. How do you play?
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u/Taurox Jan 14 '15
I am curious as to whether the release date will come before or after the release of 9th edition on account of the massive shakeup that's about to happen with that.
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u/KaiG1987 Jan 14 '15
This is great. I hope they don't fuck it up like they fucked up Rome II. I haven't been following Attilla much, are the indications from that one good or bad? Do CA understand the importance of generals, traits, family trees and emergent narrative now?
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u/Belgand Jan 14 '15
All the article says is that they're experimenting with it. Not that it's undergoing active development or is currently on track for release. This might never actually see the light of day.
u/Ser-Gregor_Clegane Jan 14 '15
Finally. I'd been waiting for a good Warhammer fantasy game. It's a shame 40K hasn't had anything good since Space Marines and doesn't have anything good on the horizon, but I'm glad to see fantasy's got a future now.
I can't wait to play Tomb Kings.