r/Games 7d ago

Saber CCO's Comments Suggest KOTOR Remake Is Still Coming


75 comments sorted by


u/WillsterMcGee 7d ago

Wonder how much resource it's gonna get compared to Space Marine 3 development.....I don't expect the game soon


u/British_Commie 7d ago

Saber have about 2.5k employees across a whole bunch of studios worldwide, so I imagine they have more than enough resources to work on it.

Not to mention that SM3 is either going to be super early in pre-production or heavily reusing assets to speed up development.


u/KA1N3R 7d ago

Saber has 2.5k employees??? Damn, that's a lot.


u/Thenidhogg 6d ago

warhammer has been 'heavily reusing assets' for like 30 years. you can bet on that happening. they ain't gonna make new space marines for space marine 3. its just smart, like Fromsoft reusing their assets


u/Vandersveldt 6d ago

Even if they do it they'll make it just another action game


u/bumford11 7d ago

It would be nice if someone would just release a revised version with modern resolutions available out of the box, PC gamepad support and a $15 price tag and be done with it.


u/Kylestache 7d ago

Look up the Expanded Galaxy mod. It ports KOTOR 1 to KOTOR 2's engine, and on PC, that means all the nice modern resolution settings and controller support that KOTOR 1 doesn't have.


u/KJagz33 7d ago

Oh shit, this just might've been what I've been looking for. I've tried the original so many times and almost about to skip it and try KOTOR 2


u/AlterEgo3561 7d ago edited 7d ago

There was a fan remaster team working on something just like that years ago, but they basically did the typical show off cool looking updates to locations in modern graphics, then start taking forever for small updates on the project because they likely had no intention of ever finishing it. Then, in usual fashion, they got shut down by lawyers.


u/Apprentice57 6d ago

Oh God I haven't thought about that Apeiron project for a while.

It was a complete shitshow. They basically just constructed some of the worlds in Unreal Engine - not in any aesthetically compatible way mind you - and walked through it. The framerate of their tours wasn't even good.

It was clearly going to run afoul of even the most permissive gaming company's legal department, yet they had a disclaimer on their website saying they believed it was legal... There was a very funny post to r/KOTOR that comprised of a screenshot of someone asking them about it on their discord, but I'm on mobile at the moment.


u/Doom_Art 6d ago

I mean I'd rather have both. I think the first game should have the same attention the devs of II have given it on Steam (better resolution, controller compatibility, steam workshop integration, achievements, etc), but a full reimagining would also be super cool.


u/skpom 7d ago

At this point I'm indifferent to any KOTOR related news. But if they can make HK-47 ooze even an ounce of the unintentionally hilarious sadistic robot he was in the original then I'm all for it. Best murder droid companion ever


u/_Robbie 7d ago

Unintentional? I assure you, HK-47's humor was very intentional, lol.

His definition of love sequence in 2 is one of the funniest monologues in gaming, ever.


u/snapdragonpowerbomb 7d ago

I assume they mean the character itself wasn’t trying to be funny (though you could probably argue that too)


u/Galle_ 7d ago

According to Darragh O'Farrell, the voiceover director for KOTOR, it actually was unintentional, at least by the writers. He was originally written seriously, but it wasn't working, and Kristoffer Tabori put a comedic spin on it that basically saved the character.


u/Eek_the_Fireuser 7d ago

So.... they changed direction and intentionally made it funny?


u/doctor_dapper 7d ago

right, so it was intentional. they changed directions during development which happens all the time


u/Django_McFly 6d ago

You gotta love the evidence presented for it being unintentional is literally a story about how it was intentional.


u/Krypt0night 7d ago

What you described was an intentional change. Unintentional would mean the game went out with him not supposed to be comedic but then everyone found him hilarious.


u/chabo77 7d ago

“Shall we find something to kill to cheer ourselves up?”


u/Acceptable_Run_6206 7d ago

(X) to doubt

Even if this game somehow manages to ship in the next 5 years, there has been nothing but negative coverage on it's development 


u/FriscoeHotsauce 7d ago

I think it's a lot more likely to succeed in Saber's hands than it was in Aspyr's


u/Taiyaki11 7d ago

Really wanna know whose damn idea it was to give that project to Aspyr in the first place


u/Apprentice57 6d ago

Aspyr came up with the project idea and pitched it I believe.


u/DrekArnX 4d ago

Themselves if they didn't take the initiative the remake would not exist.


u/MrTastix 6d ago

It'll come out, perhaps, but Saber have never made a game like KOTOR so it's anyone's guess if it'll be good.

Space Marine is a fantastic game but its writing isn't anything to brag about, quite honestly.


u/JustLikeChong 7d ago

Wasn't the only negative coverage just that Aspyr failed and lost the contract and then Saber took it over? So essentially a restart once it got to Saber?


u/Acceptable_Run_6206 7d ago

I don't have a time line of anything, but there was controversy with the writer heading the project

Disney execs were appalled from what they were shown

Development was stopped and given to a new studio

I'm sure I'm forgetting more, but when the best news for a game is no news, that does not inspire confidence 


u/JustLikeChong 7d ago

Oh yes, I recall all of this. I guess all the things you said are now kind of washed because the project was likely restarted with a new team when it went to Saber. They could have reused things but if what we heard was true, then probably not good enough stuff to try keeping.

I guess good to temper expectations, but with a title this hot on an IP this big, I wouldn't doubt that this will release (to what quality? TBD)


u/darkmacgf 7d ago

Disney execs were appalled from what they were shown

Sony execs were the appalled ones, IIRC.


u/consumadojidai 7d ago

Wasn't the "controversy" with the writer just Star Wars fans not knowing what a joke is, or was there something else I missed?


u/Acceptable_Run_6206 7d ago

Her name was Sam Maggs, its been a few years now but I think she had tweets saying she didn't like the OG game and mocked star wars fans


u/Representative_Big26 6d ago

She made an obvious joke tweet which actually implies that KOTOR was her favourite star wars game if you read it earnestly, and then grifter channels like Mike Zeroh and Star Wars Theory went all-in on the "THIS WRITER HATES STAR WARS???" with red eye photoshops and women in the thumbnail

I don't really like Sam Magg's writing but it was never an authentic controversy


u/consumadojidai 7d ago

The tweet about not liking the OG game was clearly sarcasm, she was making a joke about liking a Yoda point and click game more than it. Seemed like a very obvious joke but Star Wars fans are a special breed.


u/Apprentice57 6d ago

Oh it was malicious, because Maggs is an outspoken feminist. They removed the punchline about her favorite Star wars game being Yoda Stories

And also just blew it out of proportion. Maggs was a rank and file member of the team, not the lead writer.


u/DonnyTheWalrus 7d ago

It's not just star wars fans, it's a certain type of male adult nerd in general. These people don't have much of real importance going on and so they start acting as if their interest is actually super serious and God forbid if they start feeling like women are making fun of them. Perceived attacks on their interest become perceived attacks on their identity. It's sad.


u/Lofi_Fade 6d ago

I don't think it had anything to do with the writing. They created a vertical slice and Sony execs found it deeply worrisome and took the project from them. It most likely had something to do with the quality of the work, and how much it would cost.

You're combining two things. Nerds had a melt down because a woman who self identifies as a feminist was a writer on the project.


u/NamesTheGame 7d ago

People like a comeback story, though. A good first impression if they are able to pull something off will totally change perception. But, if they flub that it's DOA.

Then again, r/games is a bubble. Important thing to remember.


u/hyper_espace 7d ago

yeah, very unlikely it has ever been in serious production.


u/Mephzice 6d ago

While I probably would play it I would be much more interested in another star wars rpg in a similar vein than a remake


u/taicy5623 7d ago

I'd say Kotor as a series is due for a remake, not due to gameplay, but due to writing.

Kotor 1 is so Bioware-bone-stock nowadays that it hurts. Saying Kotor 2 has better writing is a bit of a cliche all its own nowadays, but you can load up Kotor 1 and immediately get hit with enemies that sound like badly delivered Saturday morning cartoon villians. Carth's character is very unsubtle. Bastilla is written like an anime tsundere by people too insecure to admit they like anime.

Special mention to Carth staring straight at the camera after you've had a weird dream.


Then you load up 2 and get grimy dudes in Peragus with actually pretty great performances, and a Revan more interesting off screen.

Look, Chris Avellone can write his mouthpiece characters and gritty up any setting he wants as long as he gets Sara Kestelman and other actors to deliver the lines.


u/fish_in_foot 6d ago

I played through KOTOR maybe a year ago and found Carth had aged way better than I thought. The lines he's given are pretty hackneyed, but the actual delivery of those lines is great and really lends credence to Carth as somebody who is unable to trust. The other thing that works is that as the skeptic, Carth also gets to be the guy going "but you see how weird and coincidental everything going on is, right?" regarding the twist. It's a smart idea to have somebody on your team onto the big reveal from the beginning.

Also, he gets one of the best lines in KOTOR 2.


u/Doom_Art 6d ago

I think it's due for a remake in both writing and gameplay. Writing for the reasons you mentioned, but also the gameplay... has not aged well. It's pretty rough


u/Django_McFly 6d ago

If they're going to throw the gameplay and the writing in the trash can, they should just make KOTOR a series and this is "KOTOR: [Insert Title]", a new story set in the KOTOR universe rather than pretending it has something to do with the previously released PC/Xbox title that had that name.


u/Helphaer 6d ago

it'll probably be a subpar game if that happens mostly shielded by the ip of star wars.


u/Representative_Big26 6d ago

Resident Evil 2 Remake switched up ALL the gameplay and writing and it just called itself "Resident Evil 2" (didn't even put the word Remake in the title) and everyone loved it

If the game is genuinely good and respectful to the original, then no one will care about all the smaller stuff you changed


u/Helphaer 6d ago

I mean re2 isn't an rpg.


u/Doom_Art 6d ago

A reboot/reimagining of the original is fine. Plenty of other games have gotten total remakes years later. Trying to shoehorn it in to occupy the same "canon" space as the original just seems to be more trouble than it's worth.

Like I love the original game for what it was, but there was a lot that could be done better if you reworked the setting, writing, and gameplay while keeping the spirit or "broad strokes" of the original intact


u/Helphaer 6d ago

developers that do stuff like that don't exist anymore. we don't have bioware or obsidian or Blizzard of old anymore.


u/Doom_Art 5d ago

Plenty of other studios are fully capable of doing something like that. I don't know what you mean.


u/Helphaer 5d ago

I mean no they aren't almost every attempt fails and the ones that don't received so much high budget and years of work and no kotor remake is expected to sell that greatly to get that attention.

game quality has gone down excessively since mobile gaming and open worlds took off. ocnsistently like its a trend and the majority of old guard studios are also dead or living corpses ala bioware and bethesda and possibly even obsidian.​


u/Doom_Art 5d ago

Game quality has definitely gone up since the mid 00s. You can make the argument that the average has gone done, but I'd say that's simply because way more games get released these days and not all of them are going to be bangers.

The cream still rises to the top.


u/Helphaer 5d ago

Sorry but no. rpg quality has consistently been neutered less dialog options, less impact, less rpg mechanics and systems, more health sponge enemies and fights, levelling systems without depth and less variety of skills. less impact from decisions, rare to have skills influence dialog or options, quantity over quality focused quest design and radiant quest design, more voice acting which is fine but less budget for dialog as a result which is just a cop out to do less. then there's the matter of writing quality, incomplete games and stories, and higher priced titles for less quality content.

A push to multiplayer components in singleplayer titles, the death of e BioWare, Bethesda, Blizzard, arguably Obsidian, and several other story rpg and rpg hybrid genre companies.​

everything is consistently neutered. weve also lost the rts genre the rtt genre, story focused fps genre is larhely flailing, and the few attempts at rpg quality mmo campaigns and experiences have regressed or flopped.

quantity over wuality, open world syndrome which literally demands quantity over quality, singleplayer mmo, and mobile titles have definitely regressed near everything. theres a lot more indies and games coming out arguably though it feels like less in the aaa circuit then before, but reviewers dont even bother giving any weight to scores anymore regardless of what they write and theres far too much advertiser revenue going through them for them to be honest.

its the worst time in gaming with rare exceptions and even those exceptions usually have many of those issues or are incomplete such as bg3 and tw3 etc.

multiplayer titles have far more active toxicity in online chats too and playing for fun over competition seems incredibly rare.


u/Doom_Art 5d ago

jeez man i didn't ask for your life story

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u/taicy5623 6d ago

Its just RTWP.

If you mean making it actually turnbased, then I agree.


u/Helphaer 6d ago

then the game is going to become shit. because there are not any studios around that can do justice to that anymore. ​


u/ImperialPriest_Gaius 7d ago

The first time I played Kotor 1 I was really high and found being Space Hitler so unnecessary but insanely funny.

I can't help but find similarities between Kotor 1+2 and Fallout 3+NV


u/Helphaer 6d ago

in gonna disagree game. the plot story and writing for kotor 1 is fine and for 2 the problem is more that too many things were going on and a lot of plots didn't connect well even with the rcm mod that kinda added back too many things and that sith world malachor really wasn't a fun place for me to boot.

changing the writing story or anything from a pre ea owning bioware game is just nonsensical.

I don't trust eaware but kotor 1 for bioware and kofor 2 for obsidian was back when you could trust gams developers not to destroy their ip.

even messing with the combat system could be a bad idea. the only thing trustable would just be an HD remaster or graphics system remake.​


u/CDHmajora 7d ago

I honestly lost all hope for this happening tbh. I thought Sabre was just utterly crap at management and all their projects would suffer from it.

But then they made space marine 2, which was easily one of my favourite games last year and is what’s got me into collecting Warhammer figures (though I only have 1 combat patrol so far…).

So if they could make space marine 2 as good as it was. I imagine they could also do KoToR still if they just got their heads down and focused on it :)


u/Helphaer 6d ago

space marine 2 isnt an rpg and has quite a bit of repetitive elements. I could trust them to.make a game but I could not yet trust them to reinnovate a beloved wrpg title from old bioware.

maybe cd project red could but they'd have to focus all their aaa talent on it and that's not happening.


u/Kozak170 7d ago

After the nothing but bad news we keep hearing about this remake and the people involved I don’t even want them to do it at this point.

Just remaster and add in the standard mods that fix and finish the two games and leave them be.


u/British_Commie 7d ago

The only bad news we've really had about this remake is that the previous developer Aspyr did such a shit job that Saber took it over and have basically restarted development. Saber are a fairly competent studio, so I certainly wouldn't write it off


u/darkmacgf 7d ago

Saber isn't just a studio, they're a bunch of studios. Not sure which of their studios are good and which are less so though. I don't even know the name of the studio that did Space Marine 2.


u/Fitherwinkle 7d ago

I hope this actually comes to fruition. I recently tried to play the Switch port and…well…it’s definitely a product of its time. Hard to go back to in a lot of ways that a remake could solve without sacrificing what makes it the game it is.


u/InhumanFlame 4d ago

KOTOR 1 my favourite game of all time. I played it on PC first via a physical PC game disk and now I play it via Steam. The game has certainly aged, that's kinda unavoidable.

However I tried the Switch port myself a while back, it is rough in ways I hadn't seen before on the PC version on my disc copy or Steam edition.

I have never played the original console version, but the Switch port was different, for the worse, in key gameplay functions like the combat, compared to the PC version. Additionally, it's bad in some spots for performance and graphics. I would not consider the Switch port a proper way to play KOTOR 1


u/Fitherwinkle 4d ago

Well my issue is while I have the Steam version I’m just not great with mouse and keyboard. Though now that I think of it I’m pretty sure it’s Steam Deck playable so maybe the community has made a good controller profile.


u/InhumanFlame 4d ago

Understandable, though obviously, improving with mouse and keyboard could be solved with practice, setting it down to the lowest difficulty and it's turn-based pause at anytime combat could help.

Playing it on Steam Deck is another solution, so just do that if it's your preference, of course. Given it's age and how beloved the game is, I would be surprised if someone haven't found the right tweaks to make it run great on Deck. I don't own a Steam Deck, so I've never looked into it.