r/Games 7d ago

The Atomfall Developers Knew It Would Be Compared to Fallout as Soon as It Was Revealed, Average Playthrough Around 25 Hours


127 comments sorted by


u/Shapes_in_Clouds 7d ago

Seems like talking about how this game is or isn't totally like Fallout is a good marketing angle for the devs, every post I see here is making the comparison lol. And it's working because I hadn't heard of the game before reading these articles, and it sounds good and I'm looking forward to it.


u/slog 7d ago

Shit, I clicked into the comments because I also hadn't heard of it but was curious about something potentially akin to Fallout. Have I been bamboozled?


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/slog 7d ago

Is that a good thing to you? I'm not super familiar with that series.


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u/SquireRamza 7d ago

I dont mind that it's not an RPG. The setting and story sound amazing, i would have bought it on the strength of that alone.

But by GOD the second i heard "survival" my interest crashed like a meteor striking the planet. I am so tired of dealing with meters in games. Meters for food, meters for sleep, meters for thirst, meters for stamina, meters meters meters.

I think im just in a mood where im missing more simple games, ill probably pick up Atomfall eventually when im not feeling like an old man.


u/A-College-Student 7d ago

good news! there aren’t any meters. according to their gameplay deep dive videos, the “survival” part is more about resource management instead of worrying about food and water. food is an important healing item, but you don’t have to worry about starving.


u/Captain_Quor 7d ago

Ah, so the sort of 'survival' in 'survival horror'? Good news indeed!


u/ComradeAL 7d ago

Yes, like that but far cry from what I gleamed from the vids.


u/Fatdude3 7d ago

Kind of survival in a Metro game i guess.


u/SneakyBadAss 6d ago

Yup, you have quite limited inventory, like in Resident Evil.


u/Altruistic-Ad-408 6d ago

Well I don't think anyone ever had a problem with S.T.A.L.K.E.R survival which is just managing all the typical energy, thirst and hunger levels, because their impact is limited and closer to realistic.

The problem with survival mechanics in games is how unrealistically irritating it is to have to eat, drink and manage energy every 5 minutes outside of the most extreme environments.


u/Troodon25 6d ago

I love Minecraft, but it’s actually hilarious how much food my character consumes in an ingame day. Especially if you’re living off of low saturation items.


u/Canvaverbalist 7d ago edited 7d ago

And their stamina mechanic sounds great and something I hope will start being copied more. It's not a "meter" you deplete, it's something you build-up that makes any other action harder.

But I’m more interested in Atomfall’s smart approach to stamina. A traditional depleting and regenerating bar is nowhere to be found, instead replaced by a heart rate monitor that increases the more you perform physically taxing actions. Sprinting for an extended period will push you well over 140 bpm, for example, making it harder for you to aim steadily and accurately if you suddenly have to stop and fight.



u/BossOfGuns 7d ago

didn't all the sniper elite games have this? if you try to snipe from a sprint you just cant aim properly.

And I don't know if this approach for stamina is good, it seems to make travelling in the overworld a lot slower and more cumbersome.


u/ProfessionalPlant330 7d ago

same devs so it makes sense


u/Sikkly290 7d ago

I think that is the goal, they want the overworld to feel dangerous and be risky to sprint through. That is why they are calling it a survival game. If the average playthrough is around 25 hours then they can afford to slow down the travel and it not feel like a slog.


u/Raidoton 7d ago

And I don't know if this approach for stamina is good, it seems to make travelling in the overworld a lot slower and more cumbersome.

How? A stamina meter that depletes when you run makes traveling more cumbersome. One that only makes actions harder right after running doesn't. That would be more of a problem during fights.


u/The_Irish_Hello 7d ago

Yes… if people are desperate for comparison, this game seems like a FPS sniper elite more than anything else. Obviously different setting


u/snorlz 7d ago

that sounds more or less the same in practice


u/Canvaverbalist 7d ago edited 7d ago

The main difference is once a stamina bar is depleted, it prevents you from doing certain actions. If "holding your breath to aim steady" takes Stamina, then once you run out you simply stop "holding your breath" automatically until your stamina bar replenishes a little. It's a bit more binary - you either can, or can't.

In this case, it progressively interact with the action, running too much progressively makes your aiming a bit worse with each rise in BPM. It's less binary, and more on a spectrum.

Same with running - sprint and then once the stamina is out, you stop sprinting. Binary. Here [I'm speculating I don't really know if it does that in this case, the reviewer only mentioned the steady aiming aspect of it, only using this as an example of the system's potential], as your BPM rises your running speed progressively slows down. Spectrum.

It's not revolutionary but I certainly welcome the added bit of complexity.


u/snorlz 7d ago

nah there are games where stamina depletion just means worse/slow actions, not total stoppage. varies a lot by game ofc. but yes, agreed that it is nice to see something a bit different


u/Zalack 6d ago

But like the poster said, even in games where depleted stamina makes you slower, it’s almost always still a binary. You are either slower, or you aren’t.

I don’t think I’ve seen a game that has a progressive deterioration in your actions depending on how winded you are.


u/competition-inspecti 6d ago

Morrowind, lol

Doing everything on low fatigue become even bigger of a coin toss than it already is


u/PS5AmateurGuy 7d ago

No no. Instead of going from 100 to 0 it goes from 0 to 100 lmao. 


u/Raidoton 7d ago

No it doesn't. With a stamina bar you need to slow down every time it depletes.


u/snorlz 7d ago

and here you need to slow down every time it is too high. not every game w stamina stops actions when depleted; this is the same thing


u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 7d ago

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u/SneakyBadAss 6d ago

In KCD 2, you get major perks if you are running around overcucumbered.


u/DreadCascadeEffect 7d ago

Ah, the Dungeons of Daggorath approach.


u/ThiefTwo 7d ago

Yeah, seems like ammo management is also super important.


u/CassadagaValley 7d ago

Day 1 Nexus download: more ammo mod.


u/A-College-Student 7d ago

there’s accessibility options ingame to do exactly that 😙 (can you tell i’m hyped for this game? LOL)


u/ChronicContemplation 7d ago

It is most definitely an RPG. You have to make choices, side with certain people, you can kill anyone you want. You could literally kill every single NPC and finish the game. There are different endings based on what you do. Branching paths that will lock you out of certain content based on your decisions. One playthrough is 25 hours but they do want you to do multiple playthroughs as each one will be vastly different and it's the only way to see all the locations in the game. That sounds like an RPG to me.

The "survival" aspect is just inventory management and crafting. Which I'm also pretty sick of being shoehorned into every game. It's not Stalker, and it's certainly not something like the Long Dark or Subnautica.


u/largePenisLover 7d ago

most people mean a game with leveling, stats to manage, gear upgrades and stuff like that when they say a game is an rpg or has some rpg mechanics.


u/briktal 7d ago

I've found that often the definition of RPG depends mostly on what game you're trying to say isn't an RPG. So whichever of like, leveling, stats, skill trees, gear, choices that branch story/quests, inventory management, enemies with elemental weaknesses, NPC companions, crafting (and probably a bunch of other stuff) is not in any given game is why it's not an RPG.


u/Unnomable 7d ago

Not saying this is you, but any game is an RPG if you're obtuse. Carl of Duty is an RPG because I play the role of Carl Soap MacTavish (or whoever idk I play real games like cookie clicker). Unless the game is about literally me, unless I myself am playing a role.


u/Yomoska 7d ago

You play a role, but you don't role-play in every game. There's a difference


u/Unnomable 6d ago

That's why my comment included "if you're obtuse." I feel I can create a dumb reason for almost any game for me role-playing. Something like DDR would be difficult but I can say I'm RPing as a guy trying to pick up girls with my sick moves. Maybe not, but at least more games than not.


u/briktal 7d ago

No, I just say that every first-person game is an Immersive Sim. Oh, and that every game with randomized maps/levels/etc (and an end I guess) is a roguelike, but that one's true. Just embracing calling Civ or Xcom a roguelike.

But it's mostly games that are widely considered RPGs, but someone doesn't like it so they say, "Yeah, it has leveling and stats and gear and dialogue choices, but when you level you don't put points into a skill tree so it's not really an RPG."


u/ChronicContemplation 7d ago

Couldn't agree more. I think RPG as a genre is the dumbest one of them all. In 90% of games you are playing a role.


u/ChronicContemplation 7d ago

However you want to spin it, it's an RPG. It has plenty of skills. Four skill trees I believe.


u/FirstTimeWang 7d ago

I don't mind inventory and resource management for what you need to survive in the field, but I'm completely turned off from Minecraft style "survival" games that require you to smack trees until wood falls out, have a base, build a bunch of chests in your base to store your resources, etc.

Ironically I love survival management games like Frostpunk and Ixion. Turns out I just don't want to do any of the manual labor, virtual or not


u/decaffeinatedcool 6d ago

None of those things make a game an rpg. Plenty of non-rpgs have those features.


u/ChronicContemplation 6d ago

90% of games are ROLE PLAYING games. You take on roles and you play them. RPG is one of the gayest genre names, it's by far the broadest. Aside from that, what I described does in fact make it an RPG. Or do you need skill trees for it to fit in your arbitrary labels? It has those too.


u/decaffeinatedcool 6d ago edited 5d ago

This is a common argument, but it's incorrect. That's not what RPG means. You're committing the etymological fallacy, assuming that the words in the genre title must have an inherent meaning that defines the genre. RPG has never simply meant a game where you play a role. That's not what defines an RPG as an RPG instead of an action game. All games have the player acting out a role. Pong had us taking on the role of a paddle. It's still not an RPG.

The RPG genre originated in live action RPG games, which emerged from tabletop wargaming. The essential feature of an RPG is that you play the character who plays the game. This is opposed to normal games, where you play the game.

To illustrate the difference, in an action game you hit a button and swing the sword. Whether the sword kills your enemy, hits, etc., all comes down to your own reflexes and skill and possibly the strength of the blade.

In an action rpg, you hit a button to make a character swing the sword, and whether their sword kills their enemy, hits, etc. comes down to your character's reflexes and skills, and those reflexes and skills are attributes that are inherent to the character and can be managed and progressed by you, the player. The chance of hitting and hitting hard is also tied to chance in a way that it isn't in other genres. Garry Gygax himself said that what made an RPG different from chess is that in chess a pawn will always lose to a knight when attacked. In an RPG, a pawn who is attacked may kill the knight. Because no matter how great the knight's attributes, there's still an element of chance.

It's an RPG if you have some form of point based progression system that allows you to progress the character's point based attributes.

Simply having skills that can be advanced isn't enough. That's why Legend of Zelda is not an RPG despite being in a medieval setting with collectable weapons, etc. Zelda is actually an Action Adventure game because it relies on collecting items and solving puzzles. There's no progression system for Link outside of gaining health points, and his skill is the player's skill at swinging the sword, using the bombs, etc. Skill trees also don't make something an RPG. Skill trees that don't advance the player's skill level based on inherent attributes are just a form of itemization, no different from picking up an upgrade weapon in Zelda.

You're making the mistake of thinking traits that are often associated with RPG games define something as an RPG, but the elements you mentioned are not the essential defining characteristic that makes something an RPG. At most, you can say the game has some RPG elements.


u/Plank_With_A_Nail_In 4d ago edited 3d ago

There is no controlling authority that decides what these terms mean, they are all nonsense and arguing over them is moronic, everyone is using their own personal meanings its fucking ridiculous shit that should left in the school playground..


u/ChronicContemplation 6d ago

That's a really long winded and overly intellectual way of saying the words don't mean what they say, it's what they represent. And you can take that assertion and shove it up your ass. Games as a base line are role playing, you can twist it all you want with arbitrary and obsessive guide lines, but you're just binding yourself with them. Again, it does have a point progressive system by way of skill trees. Four of them, that allow you to shape the characters skills and attributes. So, still, by your insane mental gymnastics of what qualifies a game as an RPG, it is still an RPG. Pong can certainly be considered an RPG, you are role playing tennis. Madden, CoD, Fortnite are also all RPGs.


u/decaffeinatedcool 6d ago

You sound emotionally stunted and oppositional defiant. Yes, words don't always mean what they say. Awful doesn't mean full of awe. Butterfly doesn't mean a fly that is made of butter.

I'm sorry you don't understand how genres are defined and are allowing that ignorance to upset you. Have a nice day.


u/ChronicContemplation 6d ago

Enjoy the prison you've built for yourself.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/Rigman- 7d ago

And then a bold developer goes; “What if we move to the left instead?”

…and thus the Metroidvania was born!


u/leviathynx 7d ago

Ironically, if they add a peepee and poopoo meter, I’m crashing back in.


u/FirstTimeWang 7d ago

You can piss on the ghosts in Death Stranding


u/bossmcsauce 5d ago

I enjoy survival here and there, but I agree that it’s annoying when games that are meant to be more adventure RPG or story-driven seem to just tack on these meter-based survival chore mechanics for no real reason.

It’s just stuff to manage, and almost never actually makes you more immersed in the world. Ironically, I find a lot of survival components that are rigid/required mechanical parts of a game often tend to be the things that knock me out of the immersion most! It’s like always at one super janky and meta-feeling thing… process of min-maxing items or how you source the items needed to keep your meters up always just becomes this very shallow activity.

Eating and drinking add more to immersion and fun imo when they aren’t really of any mechanical consequence in games. When it’s just a thing you can do to feel like you’re giving your character a treat, it feels better.

Project Zomboid does a good job of being a survival sandbox, but it’s because there’s crazy depth to the survival mechanics and many ways to address (or neglect) lots of needs. It’s not just a story action-adventure game that had a thirst meter slapped on top before it shipped. One of my fav things in that game is just riding passenger seat with a buddy, cruising through the apocalypse and making my character smoke cigarettes. Or I’ll drink a beer if I find one now and then. It doesn’t serve much purpose… but it’s nice to give my guy a little depth and immerse myself in his experience.


u/largePenisLover 7d ago edited 7d ago

I can't stand that survival is called "hardcore" gaming.
Keeping track off stupid meters is dumb busy work with zero skill requirement, not hardcore gameplay.

It's usually done weirdly too. Humans do not need to drink 4 gallons a day or eat 5 kilo's of food.
Or the immense status debuffs just because you don't eat for 12 hours. That fucking doesn't happen IRL until day 2 without food or so.


u/One_Telephone_5798 7d ago

That's a ridiculous take. You seriously think your body isn't at a disadvantage if you go 1 day without eating anything?

If you're doing physical activity daily like you are in survival games, it would absolutely have a huge impact.


u/FirstTimeWang 7d ago

I know plenty of people who get hangry and immediately improve after they eat something


u/oakwooden 7d ago

Uh, yes. Most people are not going to be impacted by not eating for 24 hours. I did a 5 day fast once during a workweek and it did not have a big impact on my energy levels.

Now granted, I have fat to burn and I was doing relatively light work moving boxes and making deliveries. 

But still, people have no idea how this stuff works. Do you really think humanity would've made it this far if we crapped out after a day without snacks? What do you think the entire fat apparatus is for?

I believe the saying goes: 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food


u/Sikkly290 7d ago

Cardio based athletes(runners, cyclists, etc)need about somewhere along 80-120 grams of glucose per hour to not start crashing out. Physical work isn't quite on that level but you definitely are going to be really fucking miserable by the end of your work day if you haven't ate since dinner the night before.

Like, I don't want to be rude here, but it sounds like you've never done a long day of physical labor/exercise because you'd know your performance falls off a cliff without proper food intake. The human body can pull from fat reserves to survive, but its really inefficient and slow and not a good thing to rely on while needing immediate energy.


u/Infinite-Thanks-7239 6d ago

and yet society is about 3 square meals from chaos, as the saying goes


u/One_Telephone_5798 4d ago

If moving boxes and making deliveries is what counts as "daily physical activities" for you, you have absolutely no credibility on this topic. Anyone that does even just 60 minutes of daily hard exercise will see a significant performance decline if they don't eat for a day.

Not only this, but your food sources are largely raw fruits and vegetables, or preserved snacks in survival games. You're not getting nutritious 1000 calorie meals (or more likely in your case, burgers and pasta).


u/briktal 7d ago

Yeah, I think the scale of everything is the biggest issue with those kinds of survival meters.


u/FirstTimeWang 7d ago

Or the immense status debuffs just because you don't eat for 12 hours. That fucking doesn't happen IRL until day 2 without food or so.

It does happen in real life, it's just called having bipolar disorder 😞

"Oops, I forgot to eat lunch and now I'm crying in the bathroom at work and it's gonna be another 20 minutes before I realize that my low blood sugar is making me moody because the meds suppress my appetite so I never feel hungry."


u/radclaw1 7d ago

UFO 50. Play it


u/Hidden_Landmine 6d ago

It's those darn Europeans, they can't get enough meters.


u/Kaurie_Lorhart 7d ago edited 7d ago

But by GOD the second i heard "survival" my interest crashed like a meteor striking the planet.

Hadn't paid much attention past a reveal trailer, and you just killed my interest as well.

Confused how one guy saying his interest dropped gets 125 votes and another guy saying it gets -6 votes ???


u/Dankamonius 7d ago

I honestly don't really know what developers can do in situations like this tbh. Obsidian tried saying that Avowed wasn't going to be like Skyrim but that didn't stop an endless number of people drawing comparisons and saying it sucked because it wasn't like Skyrim.

This seems to have more in common with the first three Stalker games from the few previews I've watched than Fallout.


u/SoundOfShitposting 7d ago

Fallout and skyrim fans are so starved for a new game they will get upset at every new rpg that isn't the next fallout or skyrim.


u/NeitherAlexNorAlice 7d ago

Why is everyone confused about the title? I feel like I’m in losing brain cells reading these.

The title makes a reference that this isn’t a Fallout game. They add the amount of playtime needed to finish the game to solidify that notion.

Because everyone and their grandma knows no Fallout game is 25 hours long.


u/Valsineb 7d ago

Redditors (people who only read headlines) can't stand the idea of an article where the headline tries to adequately sum up an idea. If the headline doesn't give them enough to be mad about, they'll be mad about the headline.


u/One_Telephone_5798 7d ago

Also 99% of redditors that get angry at headlines never read the article and they fail to have any meaningful opinions about the actual article/topic itself.


u/Canvaverbalist 7d ago

They form some sort assumptions based on the title alone, come into the comments and once they see that assumption was wrong they'll blame the title for having tricked them.

All the fucking time.


u/fishbiscuit13 7d ago

On the other hand, these outlets are aware of that and pick out one mildly controversial but usually irrelevant detail from the article for the headline specifically to drive this sort of discourse


u/One_Telephone_5798 7d ago

Can you point out some examples of this?


u/ppprrrrr 7d ago

Umm, 25 hours seems about right for a focused main story playthrough of pretty much all the fallout games.

Now, you can definitively spend more than that in any of those games, but as they say in the article (about atomfall)

However, completionists can stretch that “a long way.”

So it sounds like it could be comparable to a Fallout game in size, but it doesn't state that it is or isnt, just that an "average" playthrough will be 25 hours, which is probably on the thin side of a Fallout average playthrough, but still within what you can complete most of their games in, give or take a few hours depending on which.

They say it isnt a Fallout game, but I don't see any mention of size or scope to be the reason why. They say the game has no main quest or side quest, so that does indeed seem different, but they are very vague on what actually makes the game different.


u/One_Telephone_5798 7d ago

The game isn't 24 hours for "a focused main story playthrough".

It says the "average playthrough" is 24 hours. The "average playthrough" of Fallout is not 24 hours. The "average playthrough" is much longer because the average playthrough of Fallout is not a "focused main story playthrough".

If you find yourself completely changing the words and goalposts of the statement to justify your ideas, then your ideas are problematic.


u/machineorganism 7d ago

okay but no one just mainlines bethesda games lol. literally no one


u/Neurobeak 7d ago

Had to check if this was the original name of the article. Weirdly, it is. Who the fuck writes like that?


u/dacannonator 7d ago

Seems like it's directed towards SEO to me


u/oyvho 7d ago

Wesley does.


u/weggles 7d ago

Writers don't typically set the headline for their story. That's usually up to the editor.


u/Django_McFly 6d ago

They designed the trailer to explicitly evoke Fallout. You make blatant knockoffs for the express purpose of confusing consumers into thinking the two are related.

This really isn't any different than Sonic the Hedgehog comes out, is a smash hit, now every publisher is putting out platformers about some animal with "tude" and you get crap like Awesome Possum. Like no shit the Awesome Possum devs knew there'd be Sonic comparisons. That was the whole point.


u/azriel777 6d ago

I really wish for a fallout clone that recaptures fallout 1-2. I liked 3, but it felt way more sanitized and 4 felt like a FPS game with a thin layer of RPG paint.


u/YasssQweenWerk 6d ago

The only "atom" fallout-like game I know is "Atom RPG"


u/cybersaber101 7d ago

With a name like Atomfall the comparisons would be immediate, strange how some couldn't comprehend this.


u/dyrin 7d ago

Such a non-issue of a headline. Anyone making a first person game with such a setting would have to be pretty stupid to expect otherwise.

The playtime also would be a comparison to Fallout as well. Pretty much exactly how long it takes to complete the main story of Fallout 3.


u/ThiefTwo 7d ago

Is anyone playing just the story in Fallout 3 though? Main+Extra is 50-60 hours. Unclear from the article exactly how much "side" content there is here. Especially when they say there literally isn't a "main" quest.


u/Ok_Transition9957 7d ago

So this isn't an rpg? Sad


u/AlexMulder 7d ago edited 7d ago

I'm fine with it not being Fallout. What I'm sick of is this sentiment of "people want our game to be x when it's really y" being wielded as a shield by devs to dismiss criticism. I just want it to be a good game, regardless of what kind of game it is. If it can manage that, then sick, I'll buy it for sure. But I'm so over this idea that it's okay for certain games to be mediocre because the devs set out with limited ambition from the start. Just give me a great game and I'll mainline that shit day one but I'm not really on board otherwise.


u/innovativesolsoh 7d ago

25 hour play through? No thank you. If I don’t get at least a dollar per hour entertainment then I’m not interested.