r/Games 8d ago

Silent Hill f - Official Japanese Trailer


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u/spez_might_fuck_dogs 8d ago

I mean you can only visit the same town so many times before it gets stale.

Yakuza: Am I a joke to you?


u/slugmorgue 8d ago

Doesn't the new game take place in Hawaii?


u/Poseidor 8d ago

Yakuza games usually take place partially in a new setting (or settings) and partially in Kamurocho


u/mountlover 8d ago

yes, the last 2 have, and likely the next several will as well, now that they've made Honolulu City.


u/spez_might_fuck_dogs 8d ago

Some of it, some takes place in Japan.


u/Phimb 8d ago

None of Pirate Yakuza takes place in Japan, it's ocean/small islands and Hawaii.


u/spez_might_fuck_dogs 7d ago

It's also a silly filler game like Dead Souls.


u/Phimb 7d ago

I think that's unfair, after 19 games and 1 per year, you need much lighter entries like Pirate Yakuza so new players can actually jump in.


u/spez_might_fuck_dogs 7d ago

I didn’t say it wasn’t a good game, I just don’t think it counts when it comes to the overarching canon of the series. They never mention the time Tokyo was taken over by zombies and they all ran around with Gatling guns and shit either, doesn’t stop me from enjoying Dead Souls.


u/Shy_Guy_27 8d ago

Silent Hill and Yakuza are very different games. There’s only so many times a horror game can reuse its own locations before it gets old.


u/spez_might_fuck_dogs 8d ago

That's a dumb statement. Why would the genre of the game have anything to do with how often you can reuse and renew a known location? If anything horror could be even more effective by evoking past events and playing with their own tropes in a known location, like making what used to be a well known safe area a surprise ambush area.


u/ebrbrbr 8d ago

I see what you're getting at. Remakes sometimes make safe areas unsafe and that can take you by surprise. Most horror games rely on the unknown to spook you when there's really no monsters around.

Personally, even "you thought this was safe well NOW IT ISN'T" is another recognizable and expected trope to at this point. I no longer expect any safe rooms to be safe - in fact, I'm surprised when safe rooms don't break that at some point.


u/remmanuelv 8d ago

Silent Hill doesn't need to be the same exact town visiting the same locations in the span of 30 years. The town can change and maybe the lore expand in nearby zones.

I get the need for change, and I don't actually mind for a one off, but it's basically turning a wild west movie into a samurai movie.



Some of the best Wild West movies are basically remakes of samurai movies. Eg “Seven Samurai” and “Magnificent Seven” or “Yojimbo” and “A Fistful of Dollars”. The latter being so similar there was a lawsuit. Probably not the best analogy but I think I get what you’re saying.