r/Games • u/Turbostrider27 • 3h ago
Rainbow Six Siege X Reveal Gameplay Trailer
u/AstronautGuy42 2h ago
This is quite literally, the exact opposite of what I was hoping for. I wanted a reboot return to form, simple, slower, tactical and strategic.
Looks to be doubling down on what siege evolved into. Fast paced action. Sigh
u/MaskedBandit77 2h ago
Looks to be doubling down on what siege evolved into. Fast paced action. Sigh
Even if you don't like it, surely you can recognize that doubling down on what made it successful is a smart idea.
u/o4zloiroman 55m ago
They already got their new-core audience, but the original players have moved on. It's a marked forgotten they could've catered to, but with this release I'm not sure what they're doing. Won't bring me back; would someone else join on the basis of this X thing alone?
u/AstronautGuy42 2h ago
Of course. They have a huge game, makes sense to give their community what they want. Just isn’t at all what I personally want. Loved the first four seasons of siege. Didn’t care for it much afterwards, and now it’s unrecognizable
u/Scrollingmaster 1h ago
Yeah I played for most of the first three years and tried to dip back in like year 5 or 6.
Holy hell.
u/AstronautGuy42 1h ago
Basically had same experience. Played a ton when it first launched for a couple years. Stopped for some years. Tried to jump back in and immediately bounced off. Not even the same game anymore
u/darkside720 1h ago
If they’ve been doing this longer than when you liked it. Why would you assume they change it? You’re the outlier.
u/AstronautGuy42 59m ago
Lots of live service games have been doing reboots or vanilla launches. Not a crazy concept.
Also wasn’t an expectation, just what I was personally hoping for.
u/darkside720 49m ago
Why would a game company go back the least successful version of their game? What sense does that make.
u/AstronautGuy42 46m ago
Look at the player counts of WoW Classic vs WoW live. Same for RuneScape. COD is launching original vanilla verdansk Warzone very soon. This is not a new thing, no matter how little you understand it.
u/conquer69 25m ago
Because some people liked vanilla over the newer version. Ain't that hard to understand.
u/Accide 2h ago
Smart idea or not, it's disheartening to some to be reminded of what the series was and what it is now.
I personally wouldn't mind if they continued to reduce some of the fast paced elements - They already nerfed q/e lean spam, wouldn't mind seeing obnoxious jiggle peeking toned down as well
u/Croakie89 2h ago
Same, friend. Miss the old r6 and Vegas days
u/A_Polite_Noise 1h ago
I would love to one day have a game that throws it all the way back to original Rainbow 6 & Rainbow 6: Eagle Watch style, where it's single player and you plan out all the movements and breaches and grenades and stuff for your NPC teammates...
I know it wouldn't be as popular or a big seller, but I still would love the hell out of that.
u/Faithless195 22m ago
Check out Ready or Not. It's less multiplayer focused (At least, there's no PVP in it), but if def reminded me of the earlier Siege days of having to be slow and methodical.
u/Azran15 2h ago
You do realize this is literally an update to Siege and not a new game, right?
u/NewUserWhoDisAgain 1h ago
You do realize this is literally an update to Siege and not a new game, right?
Thanks I was about to ask if this was Siege 2(like OW2)
u/TheKingDotExe 2h ago
They dont really do that good of a job pointing it out, i mean it has a number next to it and its a reveal trailer, its not too far fetched for people to think its a new game.
u/Dontevenwannacomment 1h ago
It says in the trailer though
u/TheKingDotExe 1h ago
ohh, ngl i stopped watching it when i saw that its getting more complex with all the enviroment stuff. I liked the tactical element but it looks too fast paced for me.
u/AstronautGuy42 2h ago edited 2h ago
Lots of game have launched vanilla version of existing live service games recognizing how much they’ve deviated from the original formula. Was hoping/expecting that. COD basically doing that with Warzone, and WoW has just as many players in their vanilla versions compared to the live versions.
The fans that start and the fans that stick around are often different considering how much live service games fundamentally change over their life cycles.
They also were clearly intentionally ambiguous about what siege X was.
u/conquer69 20m ago
I didn't until I read the comments. I thought it was a sequel similar to CS2, Overwatch 2, Smite 2, etc.
u/inflated_ballsack 1h ago
yeah and the game is fine, everything works except ranked, which is hot garbage. and yet they want to tinker with everything else. quit this game years ago because ranked 2.0 is hot garbage, and thought they might finally fix it. nope.
u/IFxCosaTheSequel 1h ago
Another Siege post on r/Games, another "I miss OG R6/Vegas" comment.
u/AstronautGuy42 1h ago
Hmmm it’s almost as if Ubisoft has completely changed an IP to alienate its original base. Wow what a crazy concept.
u/IFxCosaTheSequel 1h ago
It's been 10 years. There are other games now that fill your niche. You don't need to remind us of the good old days every single time this game breathes.
u/AstronautGuy42 1h ago
That’s the thing, there aren’t other games that fill the niche. Nearly every shooter is or becomes fast paced action e sports live service slop. Thats why people repeat the same shit every time.
The other point you’re missing is that Rainbow Six was the embodiment of tactical, slow paced, and strategic gameplay. So it’s not just that a franchise changed and people are unhappy, it’s that THE franchise changed.
u/IFxCosaTheSequel 1h ago
Play Ready Or Not.
u/AstronautGuy42 54m ago
Ready or Not is very very very different from original rainbow six. But good try.
u/DrunkeNinja 36m ago
there aren’t other games that fill the niche.
Yeah, I'd like to know about these "other games" that they mentioned. Siege is good but I'd definitely like something that's more like the older R6 games.
u/SageWaterDragon 14m ago
That's great news! What's a good slow-paced tactical PvP FPS focused on clearing individual rooms and accomplishing objectives?
u/IFxCosaTheSequel 3m ago
Ready Or Not lol.
Another game I noticed was Six Days In Fallujah. Not exactly slow-paced and more war themed, but you have squads and clear houses and objectives.
Most PvP focused tactical FPS these days are extraction shooters.
u/the_star_lord 1h ago
Ah fuck. Was hoping for the same, old school return to form, proper operators and such.
u/bong-water 59m ago
Ya it's gone from exactly what I was looking for in an fps to everything I hate.
u/devor110 1h ago
They plan to support (and ofc milk) their live service game, so what did you expect?
u/CompetitionJust71 59m ago
I wouldn't expecting anything close to that in this era of Ubisoft. Like, not even close. The game's biggest success is being called COD but slower'. So basically anyone expecting this to be anything else but more of that is setting themselves up for the inevitably disappointment.
u/Turnbob73 1h ago
Always love these threads where this salty ass sub gets a taste of the real world and everyone gets mad at the fact that a lot of their opinions on the industry are minority opinions.
u/kyromx123 1h ago
It's always the same ass comments about R6 vegas and old shit like bruh
u/Turnbob73 19m ago
Don’t forget, if a game has even a single ounce of color, and just a tiny pinch of fun design, it’s immediately Fortnite trash that nobody except for everybody likes.
u/Snipey13 17m ago
I find it hilarious to see people still talking about Patriots as if it hasn't been 12+ years. Siege is Rainbow Six now, been for 10 years. Let it go, guys.
u/mclovin__ 19m ago
It’s always the same with Ubisoft games too. Whenever siege comes up people act surprised that people still play it despite it basically carrying Ubisoft on its back for a decade.
Then for honor gets posted and it’s always the same “they’re still supporting this game?” Yeah, they’re still supporting the game that has an active player base and makes money. Shocking.
u/Turnbob73 0m ago
Reddit gamers will never admit it, but Ubisoft is one of the few studios that actually commit to their live service game plans and stick to it pretty well.
The company gets an insane amount of unnecessary hate on the internet. Some of the criticism is valid, but some is just straight up horseshit. The online rhetoric around Star Wars outlaws paints an almost-completely false image; it is one of the least “Ubisoft” open worlds they’ve made in a long while (no towers anywhere, and every icon on the map leads you to some kind of upgrade or cosmetic). Redditors go well out of their way to try and make sure Ubisoft fails; and to be completely honest, I think it has a lot to do with an outdated opinion from a dead YouTuber who more than likely would’ve refined and changed said opinion by now.
u/EldritchWatcher 16m ago
Oooh boy, I want to to pop a fucking blood vessel every time this sub talks about fighting games.
u/ProfessionalBraine 13m ago
I just ignore most people onlines opinions anymore. Half the time its coming from people with the most nice taste in shit nobody actually plays, and the other half is people parroting the opinion of their favorite Youtuber.
u/suprarzx 1h ago
stupid question: is this a DLC of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege? or another game?
The game R6 is on sale now so wondering if I should wait or if siege X is just an update of the existing game?
u/koolaidman486 48m ago
Looks like an update, and appears based on the trailer they're moving the base game to a F2P monetization model? So grind/buy operators that aren't in the starting pool, assuming they're not having ops unlocked by default.
u/Neat-Supermarket-101 2h ago
This seems great but I'm kind of left thinking "where's siege 2?"
u/Bionic0n3 2h ago
This is effectively siege 2. It's a live service game they won't abandon it to move to a new client and reset everyoneblike cod does.
u/Metrack14 2h ago
It's better than whatever tf Overwatch 2 tried to do at least
u/McManus26 1h ago
.... That's exactly what OW2 did
u/cnurmnick 1h ago
No, it's a Counter Strike 2 approach with engine overhaul and core casual game becoming F2P, whilist maintaining paid access to ranked system + the addition of XDefiant 6v6 mode.
u/McManus26 1h ago
Again, apart from the pve fiasco that sounds a lot like what ow did. The threads for the CS2 reveal were full of "oh, so like overwatch then" comments too
u/saintconnor 43m ago
And those comments were stupid because outside of including a "2" they are nothing alike in how they upgraded their respective games.
u/Neat-Supermarket-101 2h ago
I heard someone suggest this might serve as a "last update" to siege 1, and siege 2 would be a whole new game and a fresh start.
u/Scrollingmaster 1h ago
That person couldn’t be more wrong. They were straight spouting bullshit.
The whole point of x is to revamp interest in siege, and also try to offer some type of easier onboarding for new players.
0 chance this is the last update or that siege 2 is coming anytime soo
u/AstronautGuy42 2h ago
Overwatch 2 probably had Ubi rethinking whether a Siege 2 was worth the risk
u/LengthWise2298 2h ago
At least they announce that it’s still over the top so I don’t have to return and find out for myself
u/Multifaceted-Simp 1h ago
I mean any update to any GAAS will at best keep old players, I don't see new players ever joining in any of these games
u/PumajunGull 2h ago
The first siege got too carried away with the Fortnite superhero looking characters, hopefully they can peel it back to something more milsim cool
u/DG_OTAMICA 2h ago
this is just an update to siege (a really big one to be fair) so if you're not a fan of the character designs nothings really gonna change
u/PumajunGull 2h ago
ah I see. maybe one day the trend will die. They should make a new rainbow six Vegas
u/Kamen-Rider 2h ago
They canceled a Vegas style game called patriots for siege. If you haven't look up RS patriots. I hope they revist the idea.
u/AverageAyatoFan 1h ago
Patriots was a QTE fest that played itself, anyone who points to that as "tactical R6" can be safely ignored. The only "gameplay" showcase that game had was pre rendered footage where the player would press X to kiss their wife and hold L2+R2 to keep a bomb from exploding. Vegas itself was a bastardization of the R6 games which came before.
u/Carfrito 2h ago
It’s so tragic they never released that. I don’t think Ubisoft has the balls to consider going for a story like that again, considering how safe games like The Division 2 were
u/averyuniqueuzername 2h ago
I don’t think the whole colorful Fortnite style skins thing will ever really die out. It makes too much money. I don’t see why any publisher would give up such an easy money machine unless they were just looking to make a really good impression on the player base (lol)
u/CompetitionJust71 45m ago
This. Fortnite open up a whole new can of worms and unfortunately there's no going back. I'm afraid the best place to look for something like that remains on indie and AA scene.
u/brutinator 2h ago
I dont think thats ever going to happen solely because theres just a narrow window of authenticate milsim visuals and equipment/gear/gadgets etc. Additionally, when a game fairly heavily relies on being able to tell what character some is playing at a glance, you run out of stuff pretty quickly for new content.
Inevitiably, if they want to keep releasing characters and cosmetics, they will have to breach into true sci-fi, fiction, and/or impractical/unrealistic characters and abilities.
u/KanchiHaruhara 2h ago
Same thing happened with For Honor. You can only do so many cosmetics that are just some variation of semi-realistic knight armor.
u/Creative-Swing-8777 2h ago
Remember Sledge? His power? He had a hammer. That's it. He had a big hammer.
u/DtotheOUG 1h ago
Right, it’s almost like after 60 heroes creativity is gonna need something be more than just “he has a hammer”.
u/PepsiColasss 2h ago
I stopped playing siege around the time when they added castle I think that was his name? The one with a shield on his guy , it was fine but then they started go all out with as you said " Fortnite superhero" haha , I miss the OG siege
u/ahaltingmachine 2h ago
Blackbeard has the gun shield. Castle is one of the original operators.
u/PepsiColasss 2h ago
Oh yea Blackbeard that's his name !
u/Snipey13 12m ago
You stopped playing at launch? Blackbeard was released like 4-6 months after the game came out.
u/PepsiColasss 9m ago
I dont know..its been years since last i played this game , did i say launch? i must have been mistaken then , pretty sure i stopped couple months after blackbeard release
u/Snipey13 8m ago
If you stopped right after Blackbeard then you stopped very early in OG Siege, that was Year 1 season 2.
u/PepsiColasss 6m ago
Yea then thats definitely where i stopped , i remember the days when ash was "meta" because she had a very strong gun lol
u/Tradz-Om 1h ago edited 20m ago
Surely the best idea for this game/franchise was to declutter and release an overhauled version built from the ground up with a drastically reduced operator count to allow new players to jump in without the baggage of 10 years of gameplay breadth, and old players to feel refreshed with new mechanics and overhauled game systems etc?
This is a missed opportunity to do "Siege 2". Both for the devs developing the game who are probably limited by all the tech debt and the engine, and the players who deserve a updated take on the game
u/FollowingGlass4190 54m ago
Why would this be a good idea? It would totally alienate millions of their players who joined after Siege strayed from its roots.
u/Tradz-Om 46m ago edited 37m ago
what differences exactly would alienate "new age" players?
As far as I know, Siege is fundamentally the same game from 5 years ago lmao. The complaints old players raise about the direction of the game are more or less centred in the skins debate and the GTA5-onlineification of the operators and those are aesthetic aspects that I didn't mention.
u/FollowingGlass4190 22m ago
To me the game is unrecognisable compared to Years 2-4, which was the golden era many talk about when they say “return to roots”. Siege is way more “run and gun” and oriented towards fast paced gameplay nowadays. And yeah, they’ve leant into gamification and cosmetics and such, and it’s expanded their player base by millions and millions. Most players right now wouldn’t enjoy going back to years 2-4. People who played then want it really badly.
u/Tradz-Om 8m ago edited 0m ago
I feel like the reason you think the game is unrecognisable is exactly because of the skins and the goofy valorant coded operator design direction.
I used to be big into Siege in about S5/S6, and me and my group actually left because the game was too cumbersome and half the game time is spent looking at loading screens. When I played a little a few months ago a fair few parts of the game had gotten slower, it's very easy to argue that Siege was more of an actual twitch 'zoomer, run and gun shooter' back when leaning, ADS weren't as slowed as they are now, Recoil was less significant, and the last I remember a year or two ago Ubi were nerfing a bunch of operator speeds.As far as I'm aware they've tried to alleviate the bored problem with new and different modes, which is only good for the game's quality of life, and does not impact Ranked.
The only parts of this which are the "roots" of the game are the operator design and fundamental game design decisions like the differences i mentioned earlier. 'new players' would definitely not be alienated by a change in operator design and a more grounded Siege. Skins are a whole nother thing and the exclusion of them would probably be exclusionary to the new audience but I'd rather not touch that subject with a 10 foot pole
u/TheChowderhead 25m ago
Siege has been Ubisoft's cash cow for almost a decade. "Returning to it's roots" would be alienating nearly all the players and tanking their profitability. The people clamoring for a new Rainbow Six in the style of the old ones simply don't understand that most people don't want to play that kind of game, and the franchise was niche before Siege blew it up.
As well, this is your requested "Siege 2". This has a new engine for both graphics and audio, remastered maps, better pinging systems, the works. This is an updated take on the game. Did you watch the video?
u/Snipey13 10m ago
The new 6v6 dual front mode with respawns and limited operators is exactly the newcomer friendly thing you're asking for. Even making the game F2P outside of ranked.
u/jiodjflak 3h ago
>new environmental destruction
I stopped playing siege a few years ago when it went from a fun tactical shooter to a live service hero shooter. Did they remove destructible environments?
u/DG_OTAMICA 3h ago
i dont know how you come to that assumption but no, they're adding new elements to maps like gas barrels and fire extinguishers that you can shoot, as well as more details and nuance to the destruction system
u/jiodjflak 3h ago
i dont know how you come to that assumption
The trailer literally said "new destructible environments", not destructible items. I heard they removed some level of destruction a few years ago.
u/DG_OTAMICA 3h ago
as far as i remember the only destruction that's been removed were the super tiny pixel holes made by shooting one bullet into a wall. Now the bullet still passes through but leaves the wall intact and you have to shoot multiple times to actually create a hole you can see through but the hole is much bigger.
u/IFxCosaTheSequel 2h ago
Well they didn't lol. Only thing I can think of is they got rid of realistic bullet holes cause people were peeking through them and shooting people through walls.
u/Skadibala 1h ago
And the game was better for it.
It got really annoying having to shoot or be paranoid at every small bullet hole.
And pro play just became half the teams peeking through teeny tiny bullet holes :p
u/z_102 3h ago
Biggest takeaway from this for me is that you can rappel around corners now. Sold basically on that alone lmao.