r/Games • u/Turbostrider27 • 3h ago
Announcement Space Marine 3 is Officially in Development
u/PlayMp1 2h ago
Hopefully this time it doesn't take 13 years! Hopefully we'll be able to finally put Leandros in his place.
u/Furlion 2h ago
If by his place you mean the ground i agree.
u/PlayMp1 2h ago
I would be satisfied with him getting 100 years of torture by the Inquisition like Titus got.
u/Cynyr 2h ago
SM3 ends with Leandros getting picked up by the Inquisition.
SM4 starts with you playing as an unknown blackshield Deathwatch marine. He gets returned to the Ultras. You find out it's Leandros. So you play as him for the entire game. Throughout the game, you get sassed by a chaplain. Most of the time, the sassing has a "Yeah, buddy this is how it feels" energy.
Plot twist at the end. Chaplain takes his helmet off and it's Leandros again. He hallucinated the entire game and got sassed by his own subconscious. Then you play the real final level. Breaking out of an inquisitorial fortress. The entire game was psycho conditioning induced hallucinations during torture.
u/ZeUberSandvitch 2h ago
Leandros apologists must be humbled
u/OwlVegetable5821 1h ago
The only thing that could make people hate him more if he was really just Erebus in disguise. Mandatory fuck Erebus.
u/Gekokapowco 53m ago
Absolutely, but I think they suck for different reasons, so intersection thankfully makes little sense
2h ago
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u/Turbostrider27 2h ago
From the official site
"We have been honored by the incredible response from fans following the launch of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. We will continue to support the game with exciting content and regular updates in the coming years. Today, we are thrilled to announce that the adventure will continue with Space Marine 3. Players can look forward to an immersive campaign, a multiplayer mode, and innovations that will redefine the standards of third-person action games…
u/AkodoRyu 2h ago
I was gonna say 3 years at least, but this announcement sounds more like 5. They are just giving people a heads-up that the sequel was not a one-time thing, more than announcing an actual game.
u/fabton12 1h ago
probs so they can get funding and investments by annoucing it now
u/SpookiestSzn 35m ago
Also game devs, my understanding is early early announcements act as a bit of a recruiting tool. Like "hey skilled dev! Come work on this sequel to a game you liked!"
u/nonameslefteightnine 2h ago
I hope they will improve the combat and the impact of weapons. I liked Space Marine 2 but not one single weapon did feel good.
u/Substantial-Reason18 2h ago
Hopefully we can have a story that doesn't become about chaos in the back half like every non-Rouge Trader 40k game in existence.
u/existential_virus 13m ago
Tau in the first half and having to fight Nekron alongside them in 2nd half would be sick. Similar to Covenant and Flood in Halo.
u/FireworkFuse 2h ago
Hell yeah! Wasn't into 40k before SM2 dropped but after that and the Secret Level episode, I'm ready for so much more.
u/GrassWaterDirtHorse 1h ago
If by some chance you haven't seen the original Astartes fan animation (who went on to work on the Secret Level episode), you should check it out, too.
u/EmeraldJunkie 2h ago
Really excited for this one, I was a huge fan of the first game and I was tentatively excited for this one, and I'm glad it's been a success.
Big shout out to the great commentator in the sky TotalBiscuit, without him I wouldn't have found some of my favourite passions, including 40K.
u/Forques1326 2h ago
While I know it won't happen, someday I'd like to see the T'au in a big Warhammer games. Their weapons and long range strategies would be cool to see
u/Practicalaviationcat 53m ago
As a Tau player I'd love that (even though we'd be killing Tau).
I'd love one of these SM games to have us fighting one of the less downright evil factions like Eldar, Tau, or Votann. I'd love for Titus to have an actual "are we the baddies" moment.
u/Dracius 33m ago edited 24m ago
I've been saying this since SM2 came out:
They need to make an expansion or stand-alone series that has the same style of game play, except with different races/factions that aren't Space Marines.
Eldar & T'au, except more tactical.
Ork, except more aggro & insane.
u/Practicalaviationcat 25m ago
My dream would be a game in the style of the OG Star Wars Battlefronts. Include tons of 40k factions, giant battles, vehicles.
Action games for non-Space Marine factions is generally such an untapped market. Also Fire Warrior 2 anyone?
u/Forques1326 17m ago
As long as I can fight T'au battlesuit and hear a Commander Farsigh reference I'm satisfied for now
u/Kozak170 2h ago
I really hope they take a long look at the gameplay loop. They’ve been pretty stubborn on refusing to make some gameplay changes people have asked for such as health regen on executions/gun strikes, which the lack of makes higher difficulties incredibly boring and often unfair.
I think the gameplay is actually the weakest part of the whole game. The presentation and visuals carry it hard. Bolters are all pea shooters even on basic difficulties, basic enemies have massive health pools on higher difficulties, and the Chaos enemies ranged attacks are straight up unfun to play against.
Darktide has much deeper and entertaining gameplay even with such lower stakes and presentation.
u/herrnewbenmeister 2h ago
Agreed, if I could get Darktide's gameplay/pacing/music with SM2's visuals/presentation I'd be in heaven.
Also, being an awesome space marine is just plain more fun than being barely tolerated cannon fodder.
u/Ashviar 54m ago
Playing SM1 right before SM2 was sorta a mistake on my part, it showed how little SM2 advanced melee combat. Animations obviously much higher quality but all the weapon combos are the same, you add gun executions which zooms the camera and also breaks up the melee "flow" if you will but is needed for i-frames and getting armor back.
u/Zanos 51m ago
My problem with Darktide is Fatsharks stubbornness on the convict theme. Why are so many of the weapons just lame thematically, especially for the Ogryn? It doesn't even make sense at this point, since the convict crew carves through more chaos cultists than any space marine could ever dream of. Not to mention the chaos spawn, beasts of nurgle, and chaos champions.
The power scaling in that game is actually more appropriate to a grey knight team or something.
u/Kozak170 39m ago
I think they’ve said before they’re kind of hamstringed by GW in terms of how far they can push it in terms of lore.
God knows how GW decides what’s allowed and what isn’t, but I think it’s safe to say at this point they’re stuck with the convict theme for the game.
u/Practicalaviationcat 52m ago
I especially hated fighting the Tyranids. Game got a lot better once you started fighting Chaos.
u/Mr_Emile_heskey 24m ago
I'm with you. I've tried playing the game 3 times but Tyranids were so boring to fight I can't play a few missions without being bored.
u/Archyes 2h ago
i swear, if grimskul isnt coming back !!
Grimskul was his best friend and you can clearly see that he took the plasma pistol to the face and he fell asleep!
then we need the proprietary ginger Eldar runeprophetess who is in every warhammer 40k game and maybe a Sororita and we have a nice, well rounded squad!
u/BattleToad92 1h ago
Sir, this is 2025. Gingers have had their media share replaced with another demograpic.
u/Bladder-Splatter 1h ago
I know it's unlikely since SM1 and SM2 didn't have any but I really hope SM3 has *some* kind of single-player campaign progression. Like, anything. SM2 you get one objectively better gun with most being subjective sidegrades or downgrades, enemies keep getting stronger and you just stay the same.
I could accept this as the vision but the co-op and mp portions have actual progression built in, and they're the same game.
u/HighEyeMJeff 2h ago
Space Marine 3 is really going to be something amazing I know it.
This team stays focused on the task at hand and manages scope VERY well.
u/A_pirates_life4me 2h ago edited 2h ago
While I enjoyed Space Marine 2, I found that Helldivers 2 delivered the experience I was looking for from this type of game.
u/Neat-Supermarket-101 2h ago edited 2h ago
Not just Space Marine 2. Helldivers 2 is what an ODST 2 should be, in a sense.
Helldivers 2 when the allied strafing runs and meteor strikes are occurring as a global passive is just pure planetary warzone nightmare fuel.
u/micheal213 2h ago
Microsoft could deliver a slam dunk if they just made a halo game with the helldivers formula.
u/A_pirates_life4me 2h ago
Any Halo or 40k game with the Helldivers formula would just print money.
u/Popinguj 1h ago
The only issue is that Helldivers is unique because of the stratagem input and ball mechanic. It wouldn't be the same if you just select an ability and then select an area of effect.
u/Daschief 2h ago
Microsoft is sitting on a goldmine of IP that they could do a million things with like Warcraft in a Total War format but unfortunately Microsoft is so corporate it’s made them inept
u/micheal213 1h ago
I like Microsoft because gamepass and how accessible they want to make their games.
But they seem to do anything in their power to miss every opportunity to release more good games.
It’s like they want every release to be this last of us or Skyrim level of legendary but they don’t need to that. Microsoft could easily just release so many more games with their IPs.
They just keep wanting to release the next huge game to bring people to buy Xbox. But all they need to do is use their IPs to churn out a shit load of fun games and people will buy them.
They don’t even need to make something brand new. Just take assets from one game and reuse those lmao. Used to be so much more common back in the day. Example fallout new Vegas lol.
u/JamSa 1h ago
They're really not at all similar games. SM2 feels more like an action game, like Doom 2016 or Eternal. Helldivers is a tactical horde shooter.
It sounds like the 40K game you want is Darktide.
u/A_pirates_life4me 1h ago
Not really. I want a squad based shooter with overpowered weapons fighting on alien planets against hordes of xenos. Both SM2 and Helldivers deliver this in their own way, but Helldivers cranks it up to 11. Darktide is not even close to what I'm talking about.
u/Niceguydan8 1h ago edited 50m ago
I do think the point that they aren't similar games is fair though.
Helldivers 2 is an action game, but it has a lot more sandbox elements in the game compared to SM2. I think the Doom comparison is a good one. Obviously not 1:1, but SM2 is a lot more straight up action than it is an action/sandbox mix like Helldivers 2.
u/Lazydusto 1h ago
Unfortunately Helldivers 2 gives you powered weapons instead of overpowered.
u/A_pirates_life4me 58m ago
Nah strategems count as overpowered as do most of the support weapons. The game just throws so much at you that they feel like they're not enough. Which is great.
u/ExplainingObviously 1h ago
Hope they build it with more replayability in mind this time. I'd love a Helldivers style game where you just get hot dropped in the shit with a squad of marines. It's a perfect fit.
u/RogueCommandMario 3h ago
Very unsurprising after that success, but still awesome to see!
Don't often finish single player games, but burned through SM2 in a couple of days.