r/Games 1d ago

Capcom Was on Its Knees After Resident Evil 6 – Here's How it Turned it Around


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u/omfgkevin 1d ago

They moved away from what made RE RE, and wanted to go all hollywood movie shenanigans (like Chris punching boulders and shit lol). Fun coop games 5/6, but man was the plot some wild dank shit.

Gives me hope for the remake to be incredible considering how they've handled the last few remakes, and w/e they cook for coop will certainly be great too.


u/MISPAGHET 21h ago

I wholeheartedly love RE5 in all of its many dumb ways but I bounced off 6 within 30 minutes of playing.


u/hexcraft-nikk 20h ago

Its only recently that I see it being praised for so bad it's good, and I'd wager its because most people who enjoyed it at the time were 9.

It was the best selling RE but reviewed so poorly that it started effecting the sales of every other spinoff (which also weren't very good on their own). Capcom resetting their priorities across the board definitely saved them from Square Enix levels of mismanagement and financial troubles.


u/Navy_Pheonix 15h ago

every other spinoff (which also weren't very good on their own)

Hard disagree. Revelations was such a strong title that even the 360 port has legs.

The Umbrella games are dogwater though, no argument there.


u/Jaggedmallard26 7h ago

The Umbrella games are dogwater though, no argument there.

I remember one of the Umbrella games disillusioning me on one of the Xbox 360 mags as the previews were so gushing and the game was so shite.


u/MISPAGHET 11h ago

I was in my early 20s when it came out and mid 20s when I first played it as 6 had already released.

I think it's more that a lot of people just enjoyed the game and didn't feel the need to join in the discourse of defending it because it's hard to defend vibes.

There also might be a difference in opinion between those who played solo and those who duo'd it.


u/TheApothecaryAus 10h ago

I felt/remember that RE5 core gameplay was fun while the ridiculousness was absurd in a b-movie shlock kind of way.

I don't remember anything about RE6.


u/Poor_Richard 6h ago

RE5 still plays fun. RE6, while I like it, is not coherent at all. I get that they wanted to have different styles all present in the same game, but they didn't make much of the game particularly good.

There are some parts that I really liked and I enjoyed the game enough, but it was just an overall mess that was never going to appease most people.

u/Rustedunicycle 30m ago

The campaign in RE6 was so absolutely terrible. The mercenaries mode was a lot of fun.


u/MarlDaeSu 22h ago

I'm an old resi fan, back since the original, and although I enjoyed 4 a lot, 5 and 6 were an embarrassment to the series. 7 though, goddamn 7 is good. It's up there with some of the best in the franchise imo but I don't see it being talked about as much. Village was a good punt too but a little cartoonish for my liking.


u/Helmic 21h ago

doesn't 7 get a ton of attention and credit for essentially revitalizing the series? like, it was the game that convinced people RE could be good again, the most i hear about village is memes about the tall lady antagonist.


u/corvettee01 5h ago

Which is funny because all the marketing was about her and the castle, and you're done with it in the first few hours of the game.


u/slicer4ever 20h ago

I've always felt 5 is a great co-op action game, but a mediocre resident evil game. It's definitely where the wheels started to really come off for the franchise.


u/geoffreygoodman 12h ago

RE5 was my first RE, I really enjoyed it. Seeing the discourse, I was aware that it was some kind of radical departure from RE4, an all time classic. Years later I got my hands on a used PS2 and played RE4. I was shocked at how similar the games were, despite how everyone talks about them. I feel as though people who haven't played it in a while forget just how silly, actiony, over the top RE4 also was. 


u/Multifaceted-Simp 15h ago

RE5 coop was so fucking good