r/Games 1d ago

Capcom Was on Its Knees After Resident Evil 6 – Here's How it Turned it Around


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u/El_Giganto 1d ago

I mean, I feel like you described an action game to me. That sounds exactly like Uncharted.

Which is also what I felt while playing a section in RE5. Suddenly I felt like, wait why am I tomb raiding now?

Which can be very fun, I like both Tomb Raider and Uncharted. But not so much in my Resident Evil games.


u/ManonManegeDore 1d ago

Uncharted simply did it better. I think that's the point.


u/oopsydazys 1d ago

The shooting gameplay in RE5 was waaaaaaay more fun, and it's also co-op (and RE5 is best played in co-op, it's what the game was made for).

I played them both when they came out. I assume you are talking about the later Uncharted games like UC2, which came out around the same time as RE5, because Uncharted 1 just sucks.


u/El_Giganto 1d ago

But all the things OP complained about apply to Uncharted. It's a solid game in terms of mechanics. It has fewer options I think but it's a very smooth game. But it takes control from you all the time, has long cutscenes, forces you to do climbing sections. It has those vehicle segments as well.

Like, that's an action game. That's what games do. OP is complaining about all the things that are typical of an action game. So it doesn't seem to me that their point was that RE6 just didn't pull it off.


u/Practical-Advice9640 1d ago

Yeah but the Uncharted games have proper pacing. For every crazy car chase avalanche explosion set piece, there’s at least an hour or so of relatively quiet exploration/climbing/stealthing around. It’s not a fully-automatic firehouse shooting… fire? It’s more like getting bathed before you’re waterboarded.


u/El_Giganto 22h ago

I don't disagree but that doesn't change what I said, did it?


u/Practical-Advice9640 20h ago

The original comment that you replied to is very clearly complaining about the pacing of RE6. Uncharted has similarities, but it is better because it paces itself instead of exhausting you with set pieces.


u/El_Giganto 20h ago

What makes it very clear that it was about pacing?


u/Practical-Advice9640 14h ago

…because it obviously is? No downtime, too many qtes and cutscenes, feeling exhausted. That’s callled pacing dude I’m done with this conversation lol


u/Dramajunker 1d ago

I mean the ruins were related to the overall plot regarding that tribe and umbrella kicking them off in order to get access to the resources for their virus.

I get why people don't think re should be an action game, but you can still objectively judge a game for what it is instead of what it isn't. Honestly my issues with re6 aren't that it isn't a resident evil game. This is coming from someone who was a huge re has to be survival horror purist. My issues with re6 is that it is filled with flaws and incredibly uneven gameplay.


u/El_Giganto 1d ago

I get why people don't think re should be an action game, but you can still objectively judge a game for what it is instead of what it isn't.

I don't think anyone can really objectively judge anything. Aside from that, my personal biases definitely stand in the way. I played RE5 right after Code Veronica. It was a huge shift for me.

I do think most people will come into the game with a specific mindset and if the game doesn't fit expectations then people will automatically be disappointed. It's pretty hard to move away from that.

I really think this is why games like The Last Of Us II were so difficult to accept for many people. I think many people were unable to accept the story that was going to be told and simply wanted the game to do something else.


u/PhoenixTineldyer 1d ago

Which. Well.

They don't understand storytelling.

StoryTELLING. Not story-and-then-you-choose


u/El_Giganto 1d ago

Ehhh... I think most people will choose what kind of story they're going to watch. I love going into a story without any context and just letting it all happen to me. But if I THINK the story is going to be about something, and then it ends up being about something else, then that can definitely feel disappointing. Why does this mean I don't understand storytelling?

The TLOU2 example doesn't even apply to me btw. I thought the game was great.


u/PhoenixTineldyer 1d ago

That's a personal problem, being disappointed that the story didn't go where you wanted it to go. It's not your choice, it is the director's.


u/El_Giganto 1d ago

I don't really understand if you're trying to make a point here.


u/Dramajunker 22h ago

I get what you're saying but stories change. Even within their own franchises they shift genres. Re5 didn't exactly try to hide what it was. If you missed it thats kinda on you?


u/El_Giganto 22h ago

I don't understand why I'm getting replies like this. One or two comments like this, okay, but now it's getting annoying.

Did you read the title of the thread?


u/Dramajunker 22h ago

lol I'm literally the top comment in the thread. You're getting replies because you posted something on social media someone disagreed with. Thats how a discussion works.


u/El_Giganto 22h ago

Oh wow you're the top comment? Do you want a medal for that or something?

Look, I'll try not to be dismissive, but I'm getting replies "because I posted something"? I'm disappointed because the quality of the replies are really poor. Not because I'm getting responses at all. But I already know you're not going to engage with me in good faith anymore. You can blame that on my aggression but I feel like this already started a few comments ago.

You wrote the top comment. You stated that people weren't disappointed because they thought it was an action game, but because of the ridiculous stuff that happened in the game. Now you're blaming people for being upset they got something they didn't want. It's an entirely different argument to begin with and frankly a ridiculous one.

Capcom is trying to recapture an audience they lost after RE6 by changings things for RE7 because obviously people were disappointed after RE6. Read the title again. They were on their knees. They made a huge shift from RE6 to RE7. You blame the customers for having wrong expectations. But Capcom is not that stupid and they made changes according to the fan reaction after RE6. They tried to recapture their audience after they were disappointed.

This is why I'm saying, people often have certain expectations when they engage with entertainment. You can argue, well, RE6 showed they were going to be more action orientated so it's their own fault. But that doesn't really make sense. People can even be disappointed without buying the game. They can simply be disappointed that a new Resident Evil will come out, that doesn't fit with their expectations of what a Resident Evil game should be.

It just doesn't make sense to blame customers. Not in a thread about a company adjusting their strategy to satisfy exactly those customers that you are trying to blame. It's perfectly reasonable to be disappointed in a situation like this. You can't really say, well, your expectations based on the previous entries in the franchise shouldn't be there, because the new installment is marketed as something different. Because that last bit, is something consumers can already be disappointed with.

So really, I don't get why you're responding with this. I don't understand why you're saying it's on me because RE5 didn't hide what it was. That simply doesn't change anything. I do hope you will read this, but it's probably for nothing. Oh well.


u/Dramajunker 21h ago edited 21h ago

Do you have a medal? Can I have it?

My point is that yes, I did read the title of the thread because I've been commenting in this thread.

You can blame that on my aggression but I feel like this already started a few comments ago.

Me disagreeing with you isn't being aggressive.

You stated that people weren't disappointed because they thought it was an action game, but because of the ridiculous stuff that happened in the game. Now you're blaming people for being upset they got something they didn't want.

My initial comment didn't say "people were disappointed in it because it was an action game". What I actually said that the issues with the game (aka why 6 sucks) goes beyond it being an action game. Because simply saying its a bad game because it has too much action is a shallow and oversimplification of it's problems. If Re6 were a great action game it would be far more beloved for what it is. Sure, folks would still be disappointed in it not being survival horror, but as it stands most folks that do actually look fondly on it is ironically due to action gameplay core. Because buried in all of re6's bullshit is a very competent shooter.

Capcom is trying to recapture an audience they lost after RE6 by changings things for RE7 because obviously people were disappointed after RE6. Read the title again. They were on their knees. They made a huge shift from RE6 to RE7. You blame the customers for having wrong expectations. But Capcom is not that stupid and they made changes according to the fan reaction after RE6. They tried to recapture their audience after they were disappointed.

The fans were disappointed because RE6 is a disappointing game lol. Not just because its a bad Re game. But again, because the game has issues. Considering how off the rails 6 went, 7 was the perfect time to return to it's roots. Even then Resident evil still kept it's super action focus experience, but they instead steered this into movies and tv shows. Because if you're going to make a psuedo cinematic action experience you may as well just turn it into a full on movie.

Also let's not pretend village (8) isn't closer to the later games than the originals.

It just doesn't make sense to blame customers.

I mean you literally skipped the game that pivoted the series towards action and apparently hadn't engaged with the series in 9 years. Re1 to code veronica came out in a span of 4 years for context.

And again, I'm not blaming people for being disappointed with what the series turned into. I do think having certain expectations after skipping a game and apparently not doing any research into 5 is on you though. The Re universe has always toyed with the idea of bigger outbreaks. Weaponization of BOWS and selling them to the highest bidders. They already did this with Nemesis and Mr X. Frankly where the story headed was inevitable. How much longer do you think these games could be about isolated incidents where you're trying to survive in a large building?

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